Claiming Magique: 1 (21 page)

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Authors: Tina Donahue

BOOK: Claiming Magique: 1
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Several of the guys whistled.
gave them
all the

Hunt wrapped his hand around hers
and brought it to his mouth, licking her digit. “You okay?”

She curled her fingers over his. “I
think you broke one of my ribs.”

“Wow. I’m a real bastard, aren’t I?”

“You’re a prick,” she corrected.

“I like you too.” Before she could
comment on his declaration or deny her feelings, he nuzzled his cheek against
hers. “Take me inside.”

He didn’t have to order her twice.
Once Hunt had scooted them back so he could prop himself against the headboard,
guided his shaft into her opening, her cunt
swallowing his cock little by little. Air whooshed from her when their bodies

“That’s it,” he whispered.
“Get as close as you can.”

She ground her ass into his groin to
make certain of it, then tightened her inner muscles, holding him tight.

Hunt growled in appreciation. He
caressed her breasts, his thumbs circling her nipples. Velvety heat coursed
. On a rough moan, she pushed herself
up, releasing his cock just a bit prior to sliding back down.

The sounds Hunt made said he liked
that. He kept his hold on her, fondling her breasts, heightening their sensitivity.

“Yes,” she murmured, shivering when
he flicked her nipples.

He pinched them next, a light,
teasing touch. And then he dropped one hand to her mound, his fingers grazing
her clit.

halted halfway down his shaft, forgetting to take all of
him inside her again. At the powerful sensations whisking through her, she
clamped her jaw to keep from crying out.

Hunt rubbed her nub a bit harder,
not content with her silence.
Yielding to his will, she lost all of her breath on a noisy groan that rose
above the music and the sounds of the guys shifting positions.

Obedient to Hunt’s earlier command,
the men offered no comments.
was too aroused to
speak, even when Hunt stopped rubbing her clit. She grabbed his hand and pushed
it lower. Being much stronger, he resisted easily.


And then
knew. She was neglecting him. With her inner muscles tightened, she went down
him again, taking his shaft deep within. His belly bumped her back with his
sharp intake of air. He returned his hand to her cleft.

While she rode him, Hunt stroked her
nub. They both came within seconds,
was far too
fast, yet delaying their climaxes was as impossible as stopping the sun from rising.
Spent, she fell over his leg and rolled to her back, still gasping for air.

Hunt crept the short distance to her
side, slid his leg over both of hers and collapsed.

Approximately ten minutes had passed
since that moment.

decided to let him snooze for five more before crawling all
over him again. Finishing her yawn, she ticked off the seconds. Or rather, she
tried, but kept losing count.

Come on, you
can do this. You’ve got a freaking economics degree from…from…

She was so tired she couldn’t remember
the name of the school. Crap.
Didn’t matter.
She had
the stupid degree and could stay awake. She pinched her arms, wincing at the
pain until a new yawn cut off the sound.

Sighing deeply,
fought her weariness and thoughts, refusing to think about the connection that
kept pulling her closer to Hunt. She wasn’t going to agonize about that
forbidden territory known as the future. The only thing that mattered was the
present, him providing her with moments she’d never forget, just as he had at
the restaurant when he’d finally spotted her.

She’d seen his pleased surprise,
sensed his desire. His expression had told her more in that instant than any
words or gesture ever could. He wanted her, oh god did he ever, proving it with
their little tryst in the ladies’ lounge.

imagined them doing the same in the District’s finest
restaurants, with heads of state and lawmakers no more than a few yards away
How wicked and satisfying that would be. Having him mount her in his office
would be nice too, especially if Tim and David were just outside the door,
ready to open it, threatening them with exposure, forcing them to go elsewhere.

She wondered what Hunt’s apartment
looked like. His dossier hadn’t gone into that much detail. Did it have a
kitchen table big enough for two? If not, they’d have to use the floor for
their erotic games. Maybe he’d use one of his ties to secure her wrists to the
table’s leg. Once she was his captive again, he’d dribble chocolate sauce over
her breasts, licking them clean, suckling her nipples, heading for her—

The images evaporated just as
quickly as they’d come.
awoke with a start, not
realizing until now she’d fallen asleep. Shit.

She stared at the faint light. Not
from the candles this time. They’d long since burned out, their wax pooling in
formless globs. The sun’s golden glow surrounded the canvas, its beams pouring
through a separation in the flaps. It was dawn, the tent empty, the guys gone
back to the city.

Only she and Hunt remained.

His leg was still over both of hers,
his hairy calf seeming
protective as he slept. Once
he awakened though… A surge of panic raced through
She tightened her fists, trying to fight it.

Hunt must have felt her body
stiffen. He smacked his lips as though his mouth was dry and scooted closer,
rubbing his face against her neck and hair.

He felt so freaking good, she
couldn’t stop smiling. Turning her face to his, she cradled his cheek.

He kissed her with great tenderness,
his lips lingering on hers. Never had she felt anything as wonderful. This was
what being with a man should be about.
The quiet moments upon
awakening, the two of them holding the world and all of its sorrows at bay.

A wonderful
had to indulge in for a little while longer. She opened her mouth to his,
inviting him to fill her with his tongue. Attuned to her needs, Hunt deepened
their kiss, necking with her as he had before, taking his time, his hands
exploring her body while she did the same with his. Like the blind, they
touched and investigated every plane and curve.

When it proved insufficient, Hunt
onto her back and eased his rod into her
cunt, his actions fluid yet unhurried, arousing her in degrees. Heat built in
her groin, belly, chest, flowing to her limbs and the top of her head. She
pressed the pads of her fingers into his shoulders, not wanting to mark him
further. In addition to the scratches she’d left, there was also a vivid hickey
on his throat.

couldn’t recall having given it to him. Never had she done
anything like that, not even with the guys she’d slept with at her many
schools. Without thinking, she grinned.

Hunt returned her smile and pumped.

The sensations building within her
were unequalled, so precious,
fought to hang
onto them.

“Hey, it’s okay,” Hunt murmured.

She stared at him, her eyes stinging
from tears that came from nowhere.
You’re behaving like a fool.
This had
to stop.

“It’s okay,” he repeated as he
continued to pump, never pulling his attention away, his expression filled with
love and respect.

Everything she’d wanted all of her
life from a man, but never received. Now that Hunt seemed to be offering it,
couldn’t shake her dread. Desiring love and actually
trusting it were far different things, at least for her. If she gave him her
all and he became indifferent, it would destroy what little dignity she’d built
and tried so hard to maintain.

She wasn’t courageous enough to
spend another decade putting
back together. If
she allowed herself to want this—and by god, she did—it might not last. What
did these days? With him leaving her, she’d be facing the future alone just as
she had before meeting Ronnie. Just as she would once her friend was gone.
Years and years and years from now, of course.
Ronnie just
had to stay well.


Hunt’s gentle tone sent more warning
bells off and continued to defeat her resistance. She sank her teeth into her
bottom lip and regarded him. His features were tight with his approaching
orgasm, but he still didn’t rush, pushing into her slowly.

“Everything okay?” he panted.

She lied with a nod,
forced herself to speak. “I’m ready.

His shoulders shook with his quiet
laughter. “Yeah, you might say that.”

“Then come, please.”

“Not until I see to you first.” He
propped himself on one elbow so he could stroke her clit.

desire was so acute she came within seconds, digging her
nails into him, clenching her jaw so her moans weren’t too loud.

Hunt wasn’t as reserved. He gasped,
bellowed, repeatedly emptying his lungs. At last, he
lowered himself to her, rolling them both over until she was on top. Still
panting, he stroked her tangled hair.

She suckled his shoulder harder than
she should, no doubt
him another hickey, not
caring that she did. Within days, the bruising would fade. The memories of
their time together would dim too. That might take a little longer than the
mark, but it would happen.

As though the sun concurred with her
thoughts, it rose above the trees, the rays pouring through the flaps, further
brightening the inside of the tent.
Time to go.

squeezed her eyes tight, battling the sorrow that
overwhelmed her.

“Whoa, what are you doing?” Hunt
asked as she slid off him.

“I’m too heavy.”

“Well, yeah, but I don’t mind.”

Despite her sorrow, she giggled.
“Lucky for you I don’t want to break anything.”

“Yeah, lucky
He pulled in a deep breath,
releasing it on a sigh. “I can’t keep doing this.”

He sounded so bummed,
forgot about leaving. She brushed her lips over his
cheek, bristly now from his coming beard, and joked, “
okay. All guys have to rest after they come. Some only need a few seconds, but
hey, they’re remarkable. Legends even. Women talk about them in hushed
whispers. Clubs have been formed around their sexual prowess. I’ve heard a
national holiday is in the works. Maybe you’ll be hired to lobby the idea to

He laughed. It sounded joyful, then

She brushed his hair from his
forehead, trying to tame the wavy locks.


I won’t mess up your do.”

“Screw that. Look at me.”

The entreaty in his request brought
her panic back. A few weeks ago, she would have continued to joke while leaving
the bed, grabbing her heels and cape, getting dressed. Before he could have
managed another word, she would have fled.

Battling her urge to escape, she
regarded him, again seeing love in his expression.

“I can’t keep doing this,” he
repeated. “I have to work, do everyday stuff, but I don’t want to leave you. I
need to see you all the time. I want us to date, get to know each other. Do
normal junk like shop for groceries.
I’ll admit, I suck at
I never make a list. Who the hell can? How can anyone know at the
beginning of the week what they’ll want to eat at the end of it? I keep
throwing away food and ordering takeout. It’s stupid, I know. I never said I
was perfect, but believe me, I’m not that bad.”

Oh god. She wanted to gather him
into her arms, while still needing to run. “Shut up, I mean it,” she said, so
confused she could barely get the words out. “You’re—you’re—”


She mumbled, “Your mom’s lucky to
have you.”

Hunt’s eyes widened.
“My mom?”
He frowned. “You know about her?”

More than he surely wanted. She
hedged. “I know you bought her a house in Falls Church and that you support
her. Crappy men don’t do that, all right?”

“No, it’s not.” He ran his hands up
her arms and cupped her face. “I don’t want to talk about my mom. I want to
talk about you and me.”

Instinctively, she shrank back.

Hunt didn’t lower his hands. He
spoke on a sigh, “Just give me a moment to make my case, please.”

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