Claiming Her Geeks (2 page)

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Authors: Eve Langlais

BOOK: Claiming Her Geeks
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“Don’t make me chase you. You won’t escape,” she called, her rich voice rolling over him and leaving goosebumps behind.

With a heavy sigh, he turned to face her. Simon knew she spoke the truth. Besides, mayhap he panicked for nothing.
Maybe she just wants to talk. And maybe I turn into a rabbit on the full moon,
his mind snickered in reply. As she came striding down that hall, her long, jean-clad legs eating up the distance, he swallowed hard, suddenly feeling a close affinity to all the prey in the world.

Coming to a stop before him, she sniffed him. Not a small snort, oh no, she inhaled deep up and down the length of him before stepping back with a frown.

“Would-would you mind not doing that?” he managed to say even as his heart raced faster at her closeness.

“No. Although feel free to stop me if you think you can.”

Her smirk and her words roused a spark of anger. Straightening, he looked her in the eye. “That’s just rude. Alpha or not.”

To his surprise, she inclined her head. “You’re right. I’d say I’m sorry but that would be a lie. There’s something about you that’s making my wolf spin. I’m just trying to figure out what it is.”

The honesty in her words, and the troubled look on her face, shocked him, especially since he understood what she felt. His wolf just about chased its own tail in his mind, her proximity seemingly the trigger. “Me too.” It occurred to him for an insane moment, to wonder if perhaps they found themselves struck by the mating fever. According to some mated couples, when a person met their destined one, an uncontrollable urge to claim them—mark and fuck them to be blunt—overcame them.

Simon took stock of the situation; hard cock, canines trying to drop, wolf freaking out, and an urge to lick her from head to toe. Sounded like the mating fever, except for the fact she didn’t seem to like what she saw and if he attempted something she didn’t want, could probably tear his head off without breaking a sweat. There was a reason Simon usually stuck to dating human girls. They didn’t have a tendency to bite during sex.

“Who are you?” she asked again, a frown knitting her brow.

Pushing his glasses up on his nose, another symbol of his physical weakness, he replied. “Simon. I’m the historian for the Edmonton pack, here with my pack leader to celebrate the eclipse.” More like forced. Just his luck his brother ended up the one in charge, and his older sibling had determined Simon needed to get out and meet others of their kind—AKA, find a nice she-wolf to settle down with.

“A scholar?” her scoffing tone said what she thought of his profession.

It irritated him. “Yes, a scholar, with a few degrees under his belt. And you are?”

“Deena, Toronto alpha.”

Oh fucking hell.
The urge to run came back. Simon had heard about her, also known as “that crazy bitch, ball buster,” and “the emasculator.” His initial fear came back. If rumor held even a grain of truth, she ate men bigger than him for breakfast.

Her grin widened, showing white teeth that should have terrified him but instead created an image of her nibbling her way down his body. He shivered.

She thankfully mistook it for trepidation. “I see you’ve heard of me. So, Simon the scholar, are you staying at the lodge, the cabins or camping in the woods? Not that it matters. You’ll be spending the night with me.”

“I will?” Surely that questioning squeak didn’t come from him?

“I don’t know why you smell so good, but it’s making me wet, and you can’t deny you feel it too,” she boldly stated, stepping forward.

A shocked thrill went through him when she cupped his cock through his pants. He gasped, and his eyes closed as his whole body trembled at her touch.

Squeezing him, she continued to talk, her voice a low, husky murmur. “We are going back to my room, where I am going to ride you, my geeky wolf, and wring you dry.”

Simon couldn’t reply, not with his tongue stuck and his mind a befuddled mess. He didn’t protest or drag his feet when she took him by the hand and led him to a bank of elevators. What little intelligence—and sanity—he retained fled at her erotic touch and words. Besides, only an idiot would say no to her, and he’d scored high on his Mensa test.

They weren’t the only ones in the elevator, but that didn’t stop her from devouring him hungrily with her eyes, her lust evident despite their difference in stature both socially and physically.

A part of him knew he should protest. How dare she treat him no better than a toy? A sex toy she wanted to ride to climax. The novelty of it, and yes, the flattery, kept him from saying a thing. It wasn’t every day a man got an offer to bed a goddess.

For once, he wouldn’t dissect the situation, he’d just enjoy, and when the chance arose, he’d disappear before she could kill him—if that didn’t happen during the act—making sure afterward to keep his distance from the convention until he returned home with his pack.

With the memories of what promises to be the sexual experience of a lifetime.
Because despite what his wolf clamored and what his body seemed to think, there wouldn’t be a repeat performance.
A woman like her might use me for a night, but she’d never stoop to mating with me for a lifetime.


Chapter Two

Deena didn’t understand her urgent need for the geek by her side. He didn’t have the height or muscles she usually preferred in her bed partners. Half the time he appeared terrified of her, but she could tell, as they made her way to her room, that he wanted her, possibly just as badly as she wanted him.

If she didn’t know better, she’d think she caught the mating fever. Utterly ridiculous of course. Fate wouldn’t pair her with a puny male who could probably barely hold his own against a human. Despite the logic of her mental argument, she couldn’t deny though that she wanted to mark his pale flesh. To leave a ring of dentition that would warn all other females away from her male.

She almost shook her head at the possessive train of her thoughts. It occurred to her for a brief instant that perhaps taking him to her rooms wasn’t the wisest choice. But she couldn’t deny her hunger for him, the need of her body to touch his. Perhaps lust assuaged, this strange urge to claim him would disappear. After all, the last time she’d indulged in some hot, sweaty sex numbered in months not days. A woman, even one tough as her, still had needs.

Arriving at her suite, she shoved him through the door when he would have hesitated. She closed the portal and locked it before turning to face him. As she stalked toward him, pulling off her shirt to reveal her breasts, clad in a black lace bra, he backed away. However, she didn’t sense fear from him. Actually, if his expression were any indication, awe interspersed with desire filled him. It strangely warmed her.

But it didn’t lessen her impatience. “Get undressed,” she growled.


“Now!” she barked. “Or I’ll tear your clothes from you.” And she would too. Desire pulsed in every inch of her body, but most especially between her legs, the dampness of her arousal soaking her underwear.

Simon’s lips tightened and anger flashed in his eyes at her presumptuous command, but his hands went to the buttons of his shirt and he quickly undid them before pulling it off. The chest he revealed had none of the slabs of muscle she’d come to expect from her men, however, she found it pleasing nonetheless. Slim of build, he had lightly defined pecs and abs, with an interesting V of hair disappearing into his pants. Holding his gaze, her hands went to the clasp of her jeans, and she quickly dispensed of them until she stood only in her bra and drenched panties.

“Your turn.”

Shaking his head, as if in disbelief, he shed his khakis, revealing a pair of tight black briefs, stretched by the cock she’d groped earlier, A cock much bigger than she would have expected from her geek, an unexpected bonus.

“I’d take the glasses off too, if you want them to survive,” she warned, padding toward him.

With a startled look, he yanked them off his face and placed them on the nightstand. When he straightened back up, she stood in front of him.

“And now, my little wolf,” she whispered, placing her hands on his waist and drawing him against her, skin to skin. “Time to see if you taste as good as you smell.”

As a matter of fact, he tasted better. She claimed his mouth, the touch making all the nerve endings in her body come to life. Shocked at the intense reaction, she moaned softly, although it sounded more like a growl. He tensed at the sound, but relaxed again when she sucked on his lower lip. Cautiously, as if worried she might snap—which had actually happened in the past—he brought his arms around her, his hands stroking the skin of her back, their gentle touch leaving a trail of awareness behind. She couldn’t wait to see how it felt when he placed his smooth fingers on her more interesting body parts.

Suddenly impatient, she broke off the kiss and pushed him until the back of his knees hit the bed. He didn’t seem to mind her aggressive gesture, not if the dazed look on his face were an indication. She toppled him onto the mattress before straddling him, the hard bulge of his cock pulsing against the V of her thighs. She kissed him again, forcing his lips apart so she could insinuate her tongue, grunting in satisfaction when he met her oral thrusts with just as much fierceness. Shifting her hips, she ground her covered sex against his rod, his gasp of pleasure causing a ripple to go through her pussy.

Sitting up on him, she grinned down at his glazed look. Reaching behind, she unclasped her bra, inordinately pleased at the way his eyes widened with appreciation when he beheld her unfettered breasts.

“Beautiful,” he breathed, his tone reverent.

Visual worship was nice, but she wanted some hands on—make that mouth on—pleasing. “Suck them,” she ordered, always having had a tendency to tell her lovers what she wanted. Not all men approved of her take-charge attitude, but Simon didn’t seem to mind. His lips curled in a smile that did strange things to her insides. She leant over to present her beauties to his mouth, dangling them just above.

He needed no further encouragement, his lips latching onto a nipple and tugging hard. Deena moaned, then moaned again as his hands gripped her tits, squeezing them together so he could run his tongue over both her nipples. Back and forth, he teased her, laving, sucking and even naughtily biting her tender nubs, while she gyrated against him, her cleft throbbing with need.

Pulling back from his exquisite torture, she made her way down his body, nipping his skin—restraining an urge to sink her teeth in—enjoying his gasps as she reached her objective. She shredded his underwear, forgoing the time it would take to strip them from his body. His surprisingly thick and long cock sprang forth and she practically drooled at the sight. She wrapped a hand around him, stroking up and down before leaning in to swipe her tongue over the swollen tip. His hips arched up, and she took advantage of his inadvertent thrust, opening her mouth wide and taking his length, enjoying his yell of surprise as she suctioned him hard.

“Damn, I’m gonna—

Poor Simon didn’t get a chance to finish his sentence, although, he did complete something else. He came with a hot spurt into her mouth. Deena swallowed, and kept sucking even as he moaned and tried to move away from her, the intensity of it too much for him to handle. She pinned him down and kept working his cock, which never got a chance to soften, remaining hard in her mouth until instead of panting, “No”, he was hissing, “Yes”.

She worked him up to a fever pitch again, her fingers kneading his balls as her mouth worked his prick. When she judged him ready, she reached over to the nightstand and grabbed a condom, ripping the foil and rolling the rubber down the length of him.

Straddling him, she looked down upon his flushed face and feverish eyes. When she knew she’d gotten his attention, she tore her panties off, the ripping sound loud over his frantic breathing.

“Ready for the ride of your life, my little geek?”

His saucy answer was to reach forward and tweak her clit. Deena laughed and gasped in pleasure at his temerity, before seating herself down in a fluid movement that had them both yelling.

For a puny wolf, he sure felt darned good inside her, his long cock filling her channel and almost triggering her climax. When he would have touched her nub again, she grabbed his hands, and pulled them over his head.

“I want to take my time and enjoy this,” she growled.

His response? A slow smile that made her heart tighten and her tummy do somersaults. How odd.

Slowly, she rocked on him, grinding her pelvis on him, driving his cock deep inside while applying pressure on her clit. Fucking awesome didn’t even come close to describing it.

Several times, she lost her rhythm, too caught up in the pleasure to keep her body moving right. As if sensing this, he took control, freeing his hands to clasp her hips. He took over sliding her back and forth while his hips thrust up. And up again.

Then, her geeky wolf did something so utterly surprising and out of character, it triggered her climax.

He talked dirty to her. “That’s it, fuck me, Deena. Feel my cock inside of you. Nice and thick, pummeling that juicy pussy of yours. Come for me. I want to feel you squeezing me so fucking tight.”

And for once in her life, Deena obeyed, her orgasm sweeping over her in a wave that made her yell and clutch at him, her groin grinding against his and triggering his bliss.

It took her several shuddering moments to calm down after the explosion, and when she opened her eyes, she knew she held onto her control by only the thinnest thread. Her wolf sat at the surface, hungry for a bite. Eager to claim. But Deena wasn’t ready for that. Not with a male that while spectacular in bed, couldn’t beat her in a match of strength.

“Leave now,” she growled in a guttural voice more animal than human. “Leave before I do something we’ll both regret.”

To her relief—and chagrin—he rolled off the bed, pausing only a second to grab his clothes and glasses, before he fled her room, her last glimpse of him, a bare white ass—
that would look so good with teeth marks on it

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