Read Claiming Crusher: Savage Brothers MC Online

Authors: Jordan Marie

Tags: #romance, #MC, #Fiction

Claiming Crusher: Savage Brothers MC (35 page)

BOOK: Claiming Crusher: Savage Brothers MC
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“I’m sorry baby, but I just can’t wait.”

“Thank, God. Hurry Zander, fuck me. Please,” she growls in my ear.

I hold the head of my cock against her opening and look her in the eyes.

“No more doubts, Dani. You’re mine. You’ve always been mine.”

“No more doubts, Zander. I’m yours.”

With her words ringing in my ears, I slide inside—sinking all the way in. Once there I don’t move while I catch my breath.

“Every time you’re inside of me, it just gets better,” she says, her words echoing my thoughts.

I kiss her, because there are no words that I can give to say what I want to. Then I release her wrists and pull back so just my tip is inside her. I’m on my knees now, and I lift her ass and pull her down on my cock, watching as I disappear out of sight. Fucking phenomenal. I repeat that several times, enjoying the feel, the angle, and the way my dick scrapes against the walls of her pussy. It slowly drives Dani crazy as she starts lifting her body up higher, bracing herself on her elbows. She’s doing her best to thrust herself back and forth, but I have my hands on her ass and I’m doing the work here. I’m the one allowing her to have, what I choose to give her.

“Zander!” She growls and I can’t help but smile.

“What’s wrong, baby?” I ask, slowing my thrusts and tilting my hips to the side so that it hits her differently with each slow glide.

“I need you to stop torturing me and give me your dick, please…” she says, and she does in fact sound desperate.

I support her with only one hand and take my free one to move my finger against the swollen lips of her pussy. My thumb searches and finds the hard distended nub of her clit. It pulsates and I smile as I push hard against it and then let up, petting the pretty button in reward. Her hips jerk up, elongating the reach of my cock inside of her. I take over controlling everything and enjoy the show, never speeding up my movements as my fingers dig into her thighs. It makes me feel every inch the conqueror and possessor of her and her body.

Her head is thrashing back and forth and her whimpers have become unintelligible.

“Do you get it yet, Dani? Do you get that you’re mine? That I’m never fucking letting you go?”

She doesn’t respond, well other than a moan when my cock thrusts back inside. This time however, I don’t withdraw. I stay lodged completely inside of her and adjust her legs so they wrap around my back and then I stretch back over her body, my eyes seeking hers. Her hands come up to my face, touching me softly. So fucking softly they almost feel as if she’s praising me. I can’t remember another woman ever touching me with such gentleness. Her dark eyes shining with emotion and it’s all directed at me.

“I love you, Zander. As long as you are with me, I am where I belong.”

Her words touch places in me that I didn’t even realize were raw, and they heal. I should give her sweet words now, but they’re all jumbled up in my brain. All I can think is…mine.

My voice is hoarse with emotion and love, so much fucking love for this woman I know that she’s sunk so deep inside that she’s more than a piece of me. She’s all of me. She owns every inch of me and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

“Hold on, Hellcat. Hold on tight and never let go,” I order and with every lunge inside of her it pushes her up on the mattress. Her heels lock against my ass, as she takes my body into hers over and over. Her nails bite into my back and I hiss at the sweet sting of pain.

“Give it to me, Zander. I’ll hold on, I’ll always hold on to you, Cowboy. Always.”

I take her promise and we finish our ride together—just as it should be.



Two weeks later

ellcat! Where are
you?” I hear Zander yell, as the screen door to the house we’ve been staying in slams. We’ve been living in the house that the Savage Brothers’ owned on the lake. It’s been a good place. It has felt like home, but today we’re moving out. I’m nervous, but I know that with Zander, any place will be great. We bought a home on Cherokee Lake and it’s beautiful. It’s everything I have ever wanted. It’s on the water with a large deck for club gatherings or just me and Zander relaxing in the evening. It’s homey, and it feels…peaceful.

Zander decided to stay on as Diesel’s Vice President. I’m not sure what made him decide to leave Dragon and his crew, but when he asked what I thought, I left the decision completely up to him. All I could give him was the truth—I’d be okay no matter where we ended up as long as we were together.

Diesel has been having personal problems. He had an old lady who died a few months ago and left him with a little boy. The sweetest little boy I’ve ever met in my life. From all accounts, his mother sucked, but it makes me sad that the little guy will never get the chance to know his mother’s love. Diesel asked Zander to come in and help watch over the club, while he devoted more time to his son, Ryan. I think it’s good. Zander likes the men and I’m even fitting in with the other old ladies, especially Brenda, Copper’s old lady. She’s not Nic, but we have bonded. Life here is just…good. Really good.

“In here, Cowboy,” I yell back packing up the last of our clothes in the suitcases. I smile as arms come around me, I straighten up and feel Zander push up against me. He burrows into the side of my neck and I tilt to the side to give him more room, my hands resting on his.

“I missed you,” he whispers, biting on my neck and I know he’s leaving another mark. He says he feels the need to mark me every day so I never forget who I belong to.

That will never happen, but I like looking in the mirror and seeing the small bruises from his loving. I wear them proudly.

“You’ve only been gone an hour, Zander,” I tell him on a sigh, as he sucks the lobe of my ear into his mouth, his warm breath sends delicious chill bumps over my skin.

“Hellcat, I miss you the minute you leave my arms,” he grumbles and I can’t argue, because I feel the same. “Are you ready to roll?” He asks.

“Ready as I’ll ever be. Are you sure this is what you want, Cowboy?”

“I’ve never been surer of anything in my life. This is it, Hellcat. This is where we’re supposed to be.”

“Did you talk to Dragon?” I ask him, because that’s the only misgiving I have. Dragon, Dancer and Bull are Zander’s family, the only ones he’s ever claimed as family. He loves them. So, having him decide to just leave them makes me nervous.

“Yeah, sweetheart. Quit worrying everything is good. We’re meeting them in Vegas in two weeks for the wedding.”

“Nicole still has no idea?” I ask, turning around to hug him close.

“Nope, so don’t be giving it away next time you and her have those two-hour long conversations.”

“Hey, I don’t get to see her so we have to have our weekly catch up chats.”

His rough fingers brush the side of my face, his thumb brushing back and forth at the top of my cheekbone. “Sweetheart? Are you going to be okay with this? I don’t want to take you away from Nic. If you want to stay in Kentucky…”

I stop him with the touch of my fingers against his lips. I laugh as he instantly sucks them into his mouth. I frown for just a second as I catch a glimpse at the missing pinky. Most days I don’t notice it and it doesn’t bother me. Zander has made it clear it doesn’t bother him. I shake it off. It’s just one more shadow of the past that I fight from time to time. Zander is my tomorrow—my future. I don’t know what the future holds, but I know that we’re together in it and as long as I have that…I have everything…


I shake off my thoughts and smile up at him.

“I love you, Alexander Dawson.”

“Ugh, that name,” he jokes. He’s happy. You can see it all over him. I make him

“It’s beautiful,” I argue shaking my head at him. “The point is, you are my future. I have Nic, I’ll always have her. You though aren’t my family, you’re everything to me. You are the one person in this life I couldn’t survive without. I’m good as long as you’re with me.”

“Then let’s get to our new home. We have a lot of work to do.”

“Work? Zander the house was completely done and our furniture was moved in two days ago! We can’t work, the club is coming over tomorrow. I need a day to relax.”

“Sorry Hellcat, but you don’t get that today. I’m on a mission.”

“A mission? Already? Are you going out of town?”

“Nope. I’m going to fuck my woman in every room of our new home. Then I’m going to eat her sweet little snatch outside under the stars by the water until she begs me to stop.”

Heat and electricity run through my body at his words.

“Well what are you waiting for, Cowboy? I ask him grabbing a suitcase, which he takes out of my hand, while grabbing the other one. I let him get away with it. I’ve learned with Zander to just let the he-man tendencies take over—they usually lead to really good places.

“You just want me for my dick,” he grumbles walking out of our old bedroom.

“Well that and your tongue…” I joke.

“I’ll show you my tongue, damn it.”

“I’m counting on it Cowboy, I’m counting on it.”

The End

Hope you enjoyed the new installment of the Savage Brothers MC. Turn the page for a sneak peek of the next installment due out at the end of the year, Trusting Bull. As well as a sample of some of my favorite authors!

Trusting Bull

By: Jordan Marie

Chapter 1


look at
the man on my exam table. I shouldn’t be attracted to him. I mean he’s good looking, so he would catch any woman’s eye. He’s tall and has arm porn that would make any woman weak in the knees. He’s got an aura of danger about him and a bad boy vibe that goes on for miles. That’s not why I shouldn’t be interested in him though. No, that reason is pretty much summed up in one sentence.

“You have gonorrhea, Mr. Kane.”

“That’s not fucking possible.”

“I’m afraid it is, the good news, is that despite your lapse in judgment, it is curable. However, I would suggest we test you for other sexually transmitted diseases including HIV.”

“I don’t fucking have AIDS lady.”

I frown at his reply. It’s not the first time I’ve dealt with a belligerent patient, but after working for thirty-six hours straight, I’m just not in the mood.

“Mr. Kane, have you or have you not been having sex?”

, but I always wrap my shit up. So I’m telling you, your goddamn diagnosis is wrong. Now how about you get your ass out there and find me someone who knows what the fuck they are doing around here.”

I hold my head down and let out a big breath. I rub the tension headache behind starting at my temple. I really should have tried to do my residency in New York. I stupidly thought the small town atmosphere of London, Kentucky was what I wanted.

I’d like to say my next actions are because I am tired, or the fact that I’m on my period. I’d also like to think it is because of this patient’s crappy attitude. Still, I know the truth. The truth is Mr. Kane hit a sore spot. I’m vain enough to admit it. His words too closely relate to the chewing out the chief resident gave me this morning. The reason I was hauled onto the carpet wasn’t my fault, but a mistake by a nurse. Yet, since the resident in question is busy banging said nurse, I got the fall out. So, with Mr. Kane’s words, I can’t hold back. I don’t even try.
I snap

“I do know what I’m doing. I absolutely know, Mr. Kane. The fact that you’ve had sex with someone who has gonorrhea, upped your chances of getting the disease. Now if you did in fact
wrap it up,
then possibly you didn’t when you gave or received oral sex. Perhaps you had one night of drunken sex and forgot to
wrap your shit up
, as you so colorfully stated. I do not know how or with whom you transmitted the disease. What I do know is you have in fact got gonorrhea, or more commonly referred to as the clap, if that helps. So what’s going to happen, Mr. Kane, is simple. You can keep a civil tongue in that pretty boy head of yours when speaking to me and be thankful that you do just have gonorrhea, or you can leave. Now, I will warn you, if you choose to leave that foul discharge that you’ve kept hidden that keeps leaking out of your penis, will only get worse. That burning sensation you have when you urinate, will only increase. Those swollen glands along your neck, will only get worse. What I suggest you do instead Mr. Kane, is step up.”

He looks at me strangely. I can’t say as I blame him. In fact, had my chief resident walked in during my speech, I would be in major hot water. However, he didn’t and I’m tired, plus Mr. Kane is the last patient that stands before me and a much needed three days off. So instead of practicing caution, I forge ahead.

“Pretty boy?” He asks. “Did you just call me a pretty boy?”

“I told you to step up. Take your medicine like a grown man, without belittling those of us who are trying to ensure you receive quality medical care. Take tests to confirm you don’t have something worse and finally, make a list of your sexual partners and find out where you contracted the disease and make sure they get treated so that the cycle ends.”

“You just called me pretty boy,” he repeats and I try not to blush.

That was probably going a step too far. Well, in actuality, the entire speech was going too far. If he files a complaint, I am most likely through here. I’m not sure I care at this point.

“Mr. Kane, honestly it’s late. I’ll have the nurse come in and give you a shot and I’ll need you to follow up with your family physician…”

“Your eyes sparkle when you’re mad.”

“I really…what did you say?”

“I said, your eyes sparkle, when you’re mad,” he repeats.

“Are you seriously…you’re
on me?”

“Is that so hard to believe?” He asks leaning back in the chair and I think maybe I’ve lost it. It’s definitely past time for me to go home.

“Considering I just told you that you have a venereal disease and the fact that I am your doctor, oddly enough Mr. Kane I do find it hard to believe.”

“I don’t happen to believe you, but even if what you say is true, I take the meds you give then I’m good right?”

BOOK: Claiming Crusher: Savage Brothers MC
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