Claimed (The Billionaire's Command #2) (3 page)

BOOK: Claimed (The Billionaire's Command #2)
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“How many flights have you taken before?”

“Um, well, the trip to Hawaii was my first time ever on a plane.”

“Oh! Well, then yeah, that’s completely understandable. Don’t worry, you’ll eventually get used to it.”

“Thanks. Once the plane levels out a bit I’m usually better. It feels more normal, you know?”

“Yeah, I do, definitely.

Just then the stewardess came by to take an order for breakfast.
To my surprise, she was able to order whatever I wanted. This definitely wasn’t like the flight to Hawaii! I ordered some fruit and pancakes, while Mark wanted some eggs, toast and coffee. We munched away, Mark trying not to drop crumbs into the keys of his laptop while he worked.

The closer we got to New York, the more nervous I found myself getting.
I wasn’t sure what to expect with Mark’s family. Hell, he hadn’t even told me their names.

We arrived in the middle of the afternoon. I’d never been to New York City before, and I marvelled as I looked out the window of the car driving us downtown.

“One day I’ll take you here for a holiday or something, so you can really get to know the city. I would have loved to do it now, but coming into the holidays and the end of the year I’m afraid I can’t spare the time away from the office.”

“That’s alright,” I smiled. It was true that Mark had been spending a lot longer than he us
ually did at the office lately. It was still nice to be able to spend a whole day with him, even if we’d lost three hours due to time zone changes and were going to one of those fancy rich people dinners.

When we got to the hotel, we pretty much had to start getting ready straight
away, otherwise we were going to be late. I slipped into my dress, a floor length, navy blue curve hugger that shimmered every time I moved. I absolutely fell in love with it as soon as I saw it. I paired it with silver heels and a pair of diamond earrings Mark had given me for my birthday in September. When I came back out into the living room, Mark let out a low whistle.

“Damn, you look good,” he murmured,
leaning in and kissing my earlobe gently. I could feel my body reacting to his touch, but forced the thoughts away. We were going out, there was no time for anything like that.

“Hey, before we go, I decided I want to give you a taste of what it would be like to be my submissive.”

I didn’t know what to expect as Mark moved over to the table where there lay a little box. He brought it over to me and I opened it. Lying in the bottom of the box was a small egg-like silver vibrator. I looked up at Mark, my eyes filled with both confusion and a little bit of worry. We didn’t have time to play with this, we had to get going. He smiled and took the vibrator out of the box. Slowly, tantalizingly, he slid my dress up my leg and reached in between my thighs.

A small gasp escaped my lips as I felt his fingers finding the thin fabric of my panties and slipping through to the other side of them, to the folds of my sex.

He pressed the egg inside of me slowly, carefully, and I grabbed at his shoulders.

“What are you doing, we have to get going!” I exclaimed, worried, but excited at the same time.

Mark pulled his fingers out from inside of me. Suddenly, the vibrator began to work inside of me, buzzing to life and immediately making my legs feel like jelly. I gasped and looked up at him, and he grinned, turning off the vibrator and pulling a small remote from his pocket; it looked like a garage door opener.

“What...” I started, but my voice trailed away. I didn’t even know what to ask.

“For tonight, you’re mine. You’ll never know when I turn this on, and when I do, you’re going to have to work hard to stop people from noticing.”

Suddenly it clicked. I realized exactly what was going to happen, and my eyes widened. A part of me wanted to tear the vibrator out of me, throw it away,
go to the party normally. But still, something inside of me resisted. Something inside of me made me stop, made me do as Mark wanted. I didn’t really know why, but I obeyed.

He took my arm and
led me back to the waiting car. My mind was swirling with thoughts. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know how to react. I mean, what was I supposed to do? I had to wait with this thing inside of me, wait until Mark decided he was going to turn it on. He had complete and total control over it, complete and total control over me tonight, and just the thought of it was turning me on. I couldn’t believe it. This wasn’t how I was supposed to act. This wasn’t me at all, and yet it was happening.

On the way to the hotel, Mark described his family to me.

“My mother is the ultimate family matriarch. She’s what you think of when you think cranky, old, rich white woman. Don’t be surprised if she randomly sprouts off some terrible racist opinion, there’s a good chance that will happen in your presence at some point. She’ll look down on you, she’ll make disparaging comments about your appearance, but she’ll do it subtly enough that you’ll feel rude if you reply back.”

“She sounds lovely.”

“Yeah. She was actually a decent human being when I was young, believe it or not. I think arthritis has made her cranky.”

worry, I do actually get along with most people.”

Mark smiled wryly. “Don’t say that until you’ve actually met my family. My father will probably actually like you. He’ll be incredibly polite, he’ll be charming, but under that facade is a man that you don’t want to know.”

That was all Mark said on the subject. He was silent for a minute, living his own memories, then continued.

“My sister will be there as well. She’s lovely.
She’s older than me by a couple years, thirty five now. She runs the east coast side of things, as you know. She’s easy to have a conversation with, I think the two of you will get along fine.”

As the car pulled up to the upscale luxury hotel where the charity dinner was taking place, I could feel my nerves starting to take over.
What if I screwed this up? What if I completely embarrassed Mark? There was a very real possibility of that happening given the ticking time bomb inside of me. It could go off at any minute, and then what? Would I be able to hide it from everyone? Would they hear? Oh God, what if someone heard? What if someone figured it out? What would I do? It would be humiliating.

Every terrible scenario I could possibly think of ran through my head.
Thoughts swirled around, each one worse than the last. Butterflies ran through my stomach as Mark took my arm as we left the car. He led me through the hotel’s lobby to the first floor. A man in a tuxedo at the door checked our names off a list and we were led into the Selzer Family Charity Dinner.

As soon as I walked in I found myself even more overwhelmed than I felt in the car. There were at least a hundred people in the enormous room,
each one dressed in more expensive and elegant clothes and jewels than the last. I felt like a fraud. I didn’t belong here. What was going to happen when I didn’t know what fork to use with my salad? I was going to embarrass myself, and Mark.

My fear was so strong I almost forgot about the little egg inside of me.
Oh God, I was never going to survive this night.

Before I had a chance to dwell on just how terrible I was going to be at this, an older woman came up to us. Dressed in black from head to toe, but with expensive gold jewellery lining her arms, ears and fingers, she had a shrewd face. Her body was frail, but it was obvious her eyes were still very full of life,
gleaming blue, the exact same shade of blue as Mark’s. That’s why I wasn’t surprised when he introduced her:

“Caroline, I’d like you to meet my mother.
Mother, this is Caroline, my girlfriend.”

“How do you do Mrs.
Selzer, it’s lovely to meet you,” I told her, extending a hand out. She looked at my hand coldly for a minute, as though deciding whether or not it was clean enough to touch before briefly shaking it with her own hand. Her handshake was frail, but I had a feeling she made sure it seemed that way.

“Caroline. I suppose you’re not from a good family, are you? You don’t have money of your own?”

I was taken aback by the sudden brusque questioning, but I put on my sweetest smile.

“No, my family has no money. I’m afraid I may not live up to the standards you desire for your son.”

She made a noise that sounded a little bit like a “hrumph” as she looked me up and down.

“Alright, well, Mark
’s a big boy, I’m sure he can make his own decisions.”

fter couple of minutes of very unpleasant conversation later she was gone, slinking off like a snake to find another unsuspecting victim.

“You were definitely right about your mom, she’s a treat.”

“Yeah, when people complain to me about having to bring girls home for dinner, they have no idea how easy they have it. My dad will be nicer to you though. Oh, here he comes now.”

When I saw the man coming towards us, I almost did a double take. It was like looking at Mark thirty years in the future. Mark’s father’s hairline was a few inches further back, there were more lines on his face and his nose was just a little
bit  bigger, but apart from that he was the splitting image of his son. He greeted me with the same warm smile I’d become so accustomed to from his son.

“You must be Caroline, welcome, welcome!”

“It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Selzer,” I replied as I shook his hand. His handshake was strong, confident, everything I would have imagined the family patriarch’s personality to be.

“Oh please, call me
Anthony. Everybody else does, and you’re practically family now, from what Mark’s told me.”

If I didn’t know better, I would have thought Mark blushed next to me.

“You’re too kind, although I am honored that Mark thought to bring me here tonight.”

“Yes, we were starting to think he might swing the other way,
he brought so few of his girlfriends to these things to meet his family,” Anthony joked, and I laughed along lightly with him. I could tell Mark wasn’t comfortable, although he was doing his best to hide it. Eventually, after a few more minutes of chit-chat, his father excused himself to go speak with someone else.

“Well, there you go. I told you, my father’s charming.”

“Yes. You’re absolutely right there. But I know people can be far different in private.”

Mark pressed his lips together and nodded, and I didn’t press. Instead, I took his hand and led him towards one of the waiters. I could use a glass of champagne after having met both my boyfriend’s parents in quick succession tonight.

“I’ll be right back, Caroline, if you don’t mind. I just need to go to the bathroom quickly,” Mark said, excusing himself. I moved over to the wall, where I could observe what was going on in the room without being noticed.

Suddenly, out of nowhere,
the egg I had practically forgotten about buzzed to life inside of me. I gasped and just about dropped the flute of champagne I was holding as my legs almost immediately turned to jelly. The vibrations were low, slow, but enough that my body immediately reacted. I could feel the juices inside of me building up and a small moan escaped my lips that I managed to kill almost immediately.

I knew I couldn’t let anyone notice what was happening to me. I looked around, half looking for Mark, to see where he was that he was doing this, half checking to see if anyone else around could hear. The buzzing felt so loud inside of me, I was sure everyone in this room knew what was happening to me.

But as I glanced around, I saw no wayward eyes, no one seemed to notice what was going on inside of me.

I, on the other hand, was very acutely aware of every little vibration of the egg inside of me. Fire radiated through my body, coursing through
me from my most sensitive areas. The vibrations were strong enough that I wanted more, that I needed more, but not so strong that I was going to get that release I wanted, the release that with every passing second I needed.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, I felt
Mark’s hand on my back. I jumped at his touch, the sensation of his fingers against me driving me completely wild. Still the egg buzzed inside of me.

yourself?” he asked with a sly, knowing smile.

I could only stare at him.

“I can’t believe this is happening,” I finally whispered, not trusting my voice to go any louder. “Oh my God!”

’s smile widened.

“I thought I’d make sure you enjoyed yourself.”

Suddenly, the egg stopped. A small, almost involuntary moan escaped my lips as the vibrations suddenly stopped. As much as it was incredibly embarrassing, as much as I couldn’t imagine going on with it, my body wanted more. It wanted to finish the job.

Mark handed me a glass of champagne from a tray being carried around by a waiter and handed it to me, it took all my willpower not to down it all in one go.

“Come on, I want you to meet my sister, she’s the only decent member of this family.”

Mark took my arm and led me over to a tall woman with the same dark complexion as he did, with almond eyes and a beautiful smile. The
Selzer family certainly were blessed, genetically.

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