Claimed by the Mate, Volume 1 (6 page)

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Within a couple of minutes, the buffet was loaded and even the three from L.A. managed to find a spot in line. Once the women had served themselves, the four men loaded their plates.

Brad sat next to Cherry.

“Where's Cain this morning?”

“Checking on mama wolf. He'll be here any minute.”

“Mama wolf?” Steph leaned around Christa. “There's a new litter?”

“Yep.” Brad slathered butter on a piece of toast. “Cain helped the female last night. She was having a tough delivery and he pulled the first pup.”

“And then he did chest compressions on the pup and said he gave it ‘mouth-to-snout' resuscitation.” Cherry couldn't stop smiling. “Now that's something I'd like to have seen.”

Conversation flowed as the food disappeared. Cherry enjoyed her meal and realized she'd actually eaten breakfast without feeling self-conscious about putting food in her mouth. Of course, the amount she ate didn't come close to what the men put away, but they were so busy talking and planning the day that she hadn't had a chance to feel as if anyone noticed or cared what was on her plate.

She'd have to think about that. She was so used to looking for problems, for perceived insults. Was she creating an issue where none existed?

“So it's agreed?” Brad glanced about the group.

Agreed? “On what?” She hadn't been paying attention.

“Ronan and Wils are going to lead a hike up to Blackbird Lake,” he said. “It's only a couple of miles from here, but there's a bit of a climb, so you'll need hiking boots, and long pants would be best. We'll have daypacks ready for you with water and a bag lunch. If you've got cameras, take them. You're sure to see wildlife along the way, possibly a wolf or two.”

“I'm going.” Cherry didn't even have to think about it. “What about you guys?”

Steph shrugged. “That's why we're here. To get some exercise and see new country. Christa?”

“I'm in. What time are you leaving?”

Wils glanced at Ronan. “Can you ladies be ready in half an hour?”

“I think I'm going to stay here.” Fred yawned. “I had a really rough week, and that swimming pool looks awfully appealing. Darnell? Suni? What are you guys up to?”

“I'm with you.” Suni gathered up her plate and utensils.

“Leave it, Suni. We'll take care of that.” Brad glanced at Darnell. “What about you, Darnell? Are you up for some hiking?”

“I am.” She glanced uncertainly at her friends. “Fred? You're really not going?”

“I'm sorry, hon. I'm beat. Too much time on my feet last week.”

Suni shook her head. “Same here. I just want peace and quiet and a long nap.”

“Darnell, come with us. It'll be fun.” Cherry stood and stretched. “Trak, that was absolutely delicious. Thank you.” She checked her watch. “Half an hour? I'll be here.”

*   *   *

It was almost four when they finally returned to the lodge. Darnell broke off from the group first when they paused near her cabin. She claimed she was exhausted, but she couldn't stop laughing.

“I have never worked so frickin' hard in my life, or had that much fun. If that's what you call a moderate hike, Ronan, I don't even want to imagine your idea of a tough one. And believe me, if anyone had told me a few days ago that today I'd be skinny-dipping in an ice-cold mountain lake with three white girls and two dudes I'd known all of a couple hours, I would have said, you are shittin' me! No way!”

She and Steph did a fancy knuckle-bump that included bumping hips at the same time.

“She's right, you know.” Christa waved to Darnell as she turned off toward her cabin. “Today wasn't like anything I've ever done in my life.”

“Me, either.” Cherry'd gotten naked in front of everyone; she'd stripped out of her dusty clothes on the edge of the crystal-clear lake and gone into that icy water, gasping and screaming with the rest of them. Not only hadn't she even thought about her weight; she'd also been well aware that both Ronan and Wils were giving her what could only be described as admiring looks.

Definitely an amazing day, though she'd laughed hysterically when Christa complained about “freezing my ass off.” If only!

“Certainly not me,” Steph said. “I've never been skinny-dipping with anyone. Ever.” Then she poked Wils with her elbow. “I think it was all your fault.”

Wils laughed and wrapped an arm around her waist. Cherry'd noticed that the two of them had definitely hit it off. “C'mon, darlin'. Your cabin's just through here.”

“It is? Mine's next to Darnell's?”

“Yep. And Christa's on the other side. I'll see you to your door, poor thing. I mean, since you're obviously so exhausted and all. Besides, then you can complain about me all you want since I'll be your only audience.”

The two of them peeled off to the left and disappeared in the thick forest, though Cherry could hear them talking. Then she heard the sound of them walking up the steps to Steph's cabin. The door opened and closed. There wasn't any sound of Wils's returning footsteps.

Ronan was watching the trail. A moment later he grinned. “It appears Wils decided to escort Steph inside.” He started walking again.

“I thought we were more isolated, a lot farther from each other.” Cherry turned to Ronan.

“You're really quite close to one another,” he said. “You can thank Brad for the sense of privacy. The design is all his baby. He's an architect who plans his structures to blend with the landscaping. He's pretty well-known, actually, but he has a personal interest in this place. Brad wanted guests to be more aware of the forest around them than of the other cabins, so the six cabins form a half circle behind the lodge, but each is hidden from the others, and the lodge.”

They'd only walked a few more steps before Ronan stopped and pointed to a small trail leading into the woods. “Cherry, I'm going to walk your sister to her cabin. I'll be right back.”

Except Cherry had a feeling Ronan would much prefer to linger, and just as strong a sense that Christa hoped he would. “Take your time,” she said. “The trail's easy to follow and I think I know where I am. Thank you, Ronan. Today couldn't have been more fun.”

He really did have a beautiful smile. “You're welcome,” he said. “You're sure you'll be okay on you own?”

“Not a problem. Now if it was Christa…” She grinned at her sister.

Christa groaned. “She's referring to my nonexistent sense of direction. I can get lost in the parking lot at Walmart.”

Ronan merely shook his head. “Then I'm definitely walking you to your door. Thanks, Cherry.”

Cherry gave Christa a hug and whispered, “Enjoy yourself.”

Ronan grabbed Christa's hand; she waved and followed him down the trail. Cherry took the wider trail that would take her directly to the lodge. Giving Christa time with Ronan was the least she could do for a sister who cared enough to trick her into coming along on this most amazing adventure.

Chapter 6

Cherry'd only taken a few steps before she saw the back side of the lodge through the trees. She decided to go that way first—just in case Brad or Cain was there. Brad was behind the bar making margaritas for Fred and Suni, but there was no sign of Cain.

“Hey, Cherry. You're back!”

“Hi, Brad. The margaritas look so good.” She slowly parked her butt on one of the stools at the bar. Her legs were really sore from all the hiking.

“Trust me, they are,” Suni said. “Did you have fun on the hike?”

“It was terrific, though my muscles might disagree. You'll have to ask Darnell about the day's activities. Ronan and Wils are better than any cruise directors for making things fun.”

Brad set the drinks on the counter for Suni and Fred. After they each took theirs and left, Brad smiled at Cherry. “Would you like one?”

Regretfully, Cherry shook her head. “I'd love one, but I need to go and get a shower. I stopped by on the way to my cabin because I wondered if Cain had checked on the pups today, if they were doing okay.”

“He's there now. I'm sure we'll get an update later this evening.”

“Thanks. I'll see you at dinner, then.”

Before she could step down from the stool, Brad said, “Hang on a minute,” and turned back to the blender. In mere seconds he was pouring a fresh margarita into a broad glass with salt coating the rim. “It's plastic,” he said, tapping the side of the glass. “Shower proof. Can you think of anything more decadent than a cold margarita and a hot shower?”

She laughed as she took the drink, then took a sip and stared at him over the salted rim of the glass. “Delicious. And yes, Brad, I can. It would be a lot more decadent if you were sharing the shower and the margarita with me.” The second the words left her mouth, she knew she had to be fire-engine red. She never talked like that, flirted that openly.

But Brad didn't seem to mind at all. His eyes lit up and the look he gave Cherry curled her toes. “I have to agree with you on that one,” he said. Then he leaned close, tipped her chin up with his fingertips, and gave her a kiss that included the sweep of his tongue against hers.

“Go, Cherry. Leave the door unlocked. If I can get away, I'll come join you.”

*   *   *

She left the door unlocked, but she didn't really expect him. It didn't matter. Not really. She had her fantasies and her margarita, but she'd set the drink aside and was rinsing conditioner out of her hair when she heard the shower door click.

“Don't be frightened. It's just me.” Warm hands caressed her shoulders, warmer lips found the side of her neck, and she shivered, though she couldn't blame it on the air temperature—that had to be rising from the heat coming off Brad's body.

She kept her eyes closed as Brad caressed her and the water beat against her neck and back. He cupped her full breasts and she moaned when he teased the tips of each one with his tongue and teeth. Then he pulled her close and hugged her, resting his cheek against her wet hair.

She sucked in a quick breath at the heat of his erection pressing against her belly. He was huge and so hot it felt as if he branded her.

“I'll wait for you in the other room”

She hadn't opened her eyes, hadn't said a word, but he was gone.

She finished rinsing herself and then turned off the water with shaking hands. She hadn't brought her nightgown into the bathroom, so she wrapped a big towel around herself and walked out into the main room.

Brad lay on her bed, all sprawled out and relaxed, with a big smile on his face and very little else. The workout shorts he wore didn't hide much at all. His chest was all hard planes and ridges, and she wanted nothing more than to run her hand across his flat stomach. But it was the blatant arousal tenting his shorts that took Cherry's breath. She sucked in a sharp gasp.

“Sorry,” he said. “I hope I didn't frighten you.”

When Cherry didn't say anything—catching her breath took all her concentration—he curled easily into a sitting position and patted the bed beside him. “Sit down, Cherry. Talk to me. I'm not going to do anything you don't want or aren't comfortable with. I will never do anything without your full consent. Are we clear on that?”

She nodded and took a big swallow of her margarita. The ice was mostly melted, the salt all gone, but thank goodness there was still enough tequila in the glass to burn all the way down.

It reminded her she was way too sober for this. Whatever this was.

But she liked Brad. A lot. He wasn't just a really nice guy—he was totally hot, his muscles rippling under satiny skin, the shadow of his beard this late in the day so sexy she wanted to stroke his cheek and nibble along his jawline. Instead, she sat.

On the edge of the mattress, as far from him as she could get.

He reached over and took her empty glass out of her hand and set it on the table beside the bed. Then he patted the covers beside him. “Move closer?”

She really couldn't find her voice, but she nodded. Closer was okay. She could do closer.

She scooted over, careful to keep the towel wrapped tightly around her breasts, covering her belly and her hips and thighs. Thank goodness it was a big towel.

“You did invite me here, remember?”

She nodded. Felt her skin flush, knew she was beet red. She didn't trust herself to talk.

“Do you have any idea how much I've been thinking of you since you crawled out of that car yesterday, all sweet and sexy and rumpled from your long trip?”

This time she shook her head. How could anyone think she looked sexy when they'd gotten here? She'd been dirty and sweaty, her hair in tangles from driving with the window open, her clothes all wrinkled.

He laughed. “I know what you're thinking, that you were travel worn and I must have a screw loose, but you were—you are—the sexiest woman I've seen in so long. That's mainly why I'm here, so I could tell you that. Well, plus I wanted to see that luscious body of yours. I can't stay long—I have to go get some things ready for dinner to feed all of you starving women and your voracious appetites.”

She smiled at that, at the thought that there were only men seeing to their every need. Brad merely traced the line of her jaw with one finger.

“I hope you realize I'm living proof that, yes, men can cook.”

She bit her lips to keep from laughing. He made her feel so good, all warm and tingly, and it wasn't all about sex. It was about being happy as much as anything.

She hadn't really thought of that. Brad made her happy, mainly because
was. She turned to him and ran her fingers through his thick hair. “I think you're living proof that men can do a lot of things.”

He shot her a sexy grin. “That's good to know. Does that mean you'll let me kiss you?”

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