Claimed by the Billionaire: Rescue #3 (4 page)

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Authors: Danielle Jamesen

Tags: #Romance, #Short Stories, #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Contemporary Fiction, #Contemporary, #Women's Fiction, #United States

BOOK: Claimed by the Billionaire: Rescue #3
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Chapter 7


We decided that we
should be 100 percent on the fact I was pregnant so I made a doctor’s
appointment. I wasn’t looking forward to it. I was worried that someone I knew
would see me and guess what I was doing, even if I lied and said it was for my
annual exam. In the waiting room, I left my sunglasses on, which may have
attracted more attention than not. I had a beanie on my head. The weather was
chillier than usual this morning with fall slowly leaving and I had bundled up
in hopes to keep warm and disguise myself.

My doctor was Dr.
Wright and I had been seeing her for years. I couldn’t ever be comfortable with
a male doctor. It felt weird that they would go through medical school and end
up preferring to study vaginas. Maybe it made me old fashioned but I always
felt the most comfortable seeing a female doctor.

She came in after I had
taken the test and had been waiting for the confirmation that I knew as coming.

“Well, Serena, you are
pregnant,” She told me, “Congrats.”

“Thank you.” I said.

Dr. Wright flipped
through some papers, “My guess is you’re about six weeks along.”

Six weeks…that put this
pregnancy right at the start of fooling around with Bradley. I had taken my
pills late more back then because I didn’t think I would be having sex at all.

She looked at me, “How
have you been feeling?”

“The morning sickness
is a lot worse this time around,” I admitted, “I honestly don’t feel that great
most of the time.”

“Well, you quit your
job right? You should be able to get lots of rest now.” She smiled.

I felt uncomfortable.
That meant she knew exactly what was going on and had been following the story
in the press. Didn’t exactly fill me with warm feelings, mostly just worry that
she would tell someone. And something in her tone bothered me too…

“Is that what you would
suggest?” I ask.

“Well, as of right now,
you’re fine and good to go. If the morning sickness gets worse or you start
getting sick, give me a call.”

I nodded, “Sure, okay.”

“I suppose you will be
taking it easy though.”

There it was again —
another sly comment. Her tone was mild but it felt as if she was suggesting
something. You won’t have to do anything now that you got a billionaire hooked
was what it sounded like. I didn’t like it. It made me uncomfortable.

“I don’t know what you
mean.” I replied, pressing something I should probably drop.

“Well you won’t be
hurting for cash, right?” She laughed, “At least not like you were two months
ago. This will be an easy pregnancy.”

I felt a blast of
anger. It was pretty clear what she meant by that — that I had hooked Bradley
in so I could keep living rich. I had to get out of that room now before I said
something bad.

“Anyway,” She was
saying, “I’m sure you’ll be okay. Give me a call if anything changes. Otherwise
we’ll schedule you for a check-up soon to make sure everything is okay and in

I nodded, sliding off
the table, grabbing my purse.

“Have you told your son

“No.” I said stiffly.

“I wonder how he’ll
take it,” She mused, “So soon after his father died.”

I snapped, “What are
you trying to say?”

Dr. Wright blinked,
“What do you mean?”

“I mean, it sounds like
you have something you want to say and instead you are just jabbing at me

Her faced paled, “No,

I didn’t wait to hear
her answer. I wasn’t interested in it. I stormed out of the room, feeling
angry. I tried to shove my anger down as I went to pay for my appointment. I
told myself that I should get used to this — that this is what it was going to
be like going forward. People were going to judge me for what I did with
Bradley and the fact I was pregnant so soon. I couldn’t go off and explode at
every person who said or did something. I would spend all my time angry and it
wouldn’t benefit the baby at all.

I made it back to
Bradley’s apartment without anyone from the press seeing me. The sun was high
in the air and the sky looked crisp and blue, as if we were all trapped in a
giant marble. I pressed my hands against my stomach and closed my eyes, focusing
on my breathing. I had two hours until Greg had to be picked up from school. He
said the kids had been talking and been making rude remarks to him but he had
managed not to act out. I didn’t know for how long. I debated having him
homeschooled but then he would be isolated. I felt confused, unable to make a
choice or follow one through.


I turned around to see
Bradley coming into the living room, a small smile on his face. I smiled back.

“Hey.” I said as he
walked over.

“How did the doctors

I smiled, “I am
officially pregnant.”

Bradley broke out into
that smile I loved and then peered closer at me, “What’s wrong?”

It came rushing out of
me all then, my concerns about the baby, about what people would think as well
as the sly remarks the doctor had made. Bradley listened, having me sit on his
plush couch and held my hand. As I finished, I felt more relaxed, as if a dam
had broken and I had spilled out everything.

When I finished, he
squeezed my hand, “I’m sorry,” He said to me, “I didn’t even think of all of
those things.”

I shook my head, “It is
okay. I’m just feeling overwhelmed, I guess.”

Bradley leaned forward
and kissed me. Gently at first, in the reassuring way he could do so well and
then harder, his tongue sliding in my mouth. I kissed back, letting the warmth
flow through me, feeling okay when he kissed me like that. His hands trailed
through my hair, sending shivers up and down my back. He kissed down my neck
and I sighed, contented.

Bradley slid down to
his knees in front of me on the couch, sliding open my legs. He ran a finger up
my thigh until he reached the front of my panties and trailed a finger down the
front. I let out a small whimper, shutting my eyes again as he ran another
finger down. 

“Lift your hips.” He
said to me, his voice husky.

I obeyed, lifting my
hips up as he slid my underwear off of me. Then I felt his tongue darting in
between my legs. I let out another sigh as he began to go down on me, his hands
gripping my thighs as he worked his tongue around me, in me, touching me, his
fingers squeezing my thighs. The pleasure ran over me in waves as I shut my
eyes tighter, gripping the couch, my hands making fists as I rocked my hips in
time with his tongue thrusting in me. I could hear him murmuring my name as he
worked on me down there.

Soon he slid a finger
in me as he sucked on my clit. He began pumping the finger in slower as I
moaned louder. I was happy we were alone, safe in his apartment, with no one
around and no one able to burst in. I let myself go, moaning, my face flushed
and sweat beading my brow. His finger pumped harder and he slid another one in
as his tongue darted along my clit, sucking on it once and a while.

I felt the pressure
mounting as he worked on me. I moaned his name — once, twice, one more time as
if for good luck. Then I arched my hips and came. It came in waves along my
body, the pleasure wracking me, making me warm all over as it built and built
inside me.

As I came down from my
orgasm, I lay against the couch, trying to catch my breath. I wiped the sweat
from my brow as Bradley pulled up my panties and then leaned over and kissed
me. I could taste myself on his mouth.

“Thank you.” I

Bradley just smiled.


Chapter 8


It was later in the
night and I was helping Greg with his homework at the long oak table. He was
trying to solve a math problem that seemed out of my own element as well and I
felt a bit foolish. This wasn’t complicated math but I felt like a dunce,
staring at the page.

“I swear this wasn’t
how they taught me when I was your age.” I mumbled for probably the millionth
time that night.

“Mom,” Greg whined,
“This is how we’re being taught.”

I stared again at the
problem. That was when I heard Bradley call my name from the living room. I
walked into the living room and he was looking at something on his phone and
beckoned me to follow him into the hallway. Perturbed, I followed.

“What is it?” I asked.

Bradley shoved his
phone towards me. His grim expression told me that whatever I was looking at I
wasn’t going to enjoy one bit. I looked down to see TMZ and my heart stopped.
plastered on the front page and was their top story. My mouth dropped. How
could they have known? I had been planning on keeping it a story as long as
possible and instead it was all over TMZ. I thought of how everyone was going
to find out this way now and I felt sick. I read the story, my eyes darting
down it quickly.

“Serena…pregnant with
Bradley Gable’s child…confirmed at the doctors…source leaked her medical
records…confirming pregnancy…Winter, Bradley’s wife, is rumored to make a
statement soon…”

Leaked my medical
records? Could it have been…? I thought of Dr. Wright and her rude remarks and
her pale, angry face when I said something. Did she truly leak my medical
records? TMZ paid for tips, didn’t it? I wonder how much she got for leaking my
pregnancy so early.

“This is my fault,” I
heard myself say, “I shouldn’t have snapped at my doctor. She had to have been
the ones to leak this. No one else knew.”

“Someone might have
recognized you,” Bradley replied, although he sounded doubtful, “And took your

“I guess it doesn’t
matter. It is out there now. It says Winter is going to be making a statement

“She has to fight back
somehow. The tide went against her after we leaked the clip of her bribing you
to spy on me.”

It was true. After we
leaked the video clip, it was hard for her to refute what she had done. She
tried to say it was because she knew Bradley was cheating and wanted confirmation.
Winter still had some sympathy with woman who had been cheated on before but
the clip made her look a bit crazy.

But now she had the
best ammo of all — her husband’s mistress was pregnant. She could justify her
wanting to spy on him now by twisting this to her advantage. We had thought the
divorce would be cut and dry when we first caught her bribing me on tape. But
with Winter catching us, leaking it to the press and having public sympathy,
she was back to dragging out the divorce, wanting more money.

“What are we going to
do?” I asked him.

“I just need to pay
what Winter wants and get this divorce over with.” Bradley replied.

I bit my bottom lip,
“But doesn’t she want an awful lot?”

“About half of my

“She doesn’t deserve
it.” I snapped, feeling furious at her getting a cent.

Bradley ran his fingers
through his hair and opened his mouth to say something when Greg chimed up.

“Mom!” He called, “Your
phone won’t stop ringing.”

I groaned and shut my
eyes briefly before walking back to the dining room. It was ringing as I walked
in and I saw it was Cathy.

I picked it up,

“You answered!” She
exclaimed on the other line, “Bitch, I’ve been trying to get in touch with you
for a week!”

“I know, I’m sorry.
Just a lot has been going on.”

“No shit! I’ve read
TMZ. How much of it is true?”

I walked into the
dining room, clutching my phone to my ear, “How much did you read?”

“Oh, well, I knew about
you sleeping with your boss part, I think we covered that one already,” She
joked, “I meant more of you being pregnant.”

I glanced back at Greg
who wasn’t paying attention, “That’s true.” I replied in a low tone.

“Are you serious?” She
exclaimed, “That is amazing, Serena! Congrats!” She paused, “Congrats, right?
This is good, right?”

In low tones, I explained
my concerns, about the news being leaked and about Winter wanting half of
Bradley’s money for a divorce. Cathy listened and didn’t say anything
judgmental, for which I was grateful. I couldn’t bear it if my best friend lost
it on me or said something terrible.

“What are you going to
do?” She asked when I finished.

“I’m going to have to
tell Greg tonight. I don’t want him to find out at school and I know he will.
TMZ said Winter was going to make a statement. I’m dreading that.”

“If Bradley pays Winter
off, won’t she just go away? He is a billionaire, after all, Serena. Won’t he
make that money back in a year?”

I hadn’t thought of it
like that, for some ridiculous reason. Cathy kept going.

“And, seriously, girl,
no offense, but even if he does pay her off, will that even make a dent in how
much he has? At this point, wouldn’t it be easiest just to pay her off?”

“But then she gets what
she wants.” I countered.

“So?  So do you.
You get Bradley. And a new lease on life with a new family and you won’t look so
damned sad all the time,” Cathy shot back, knowing she was making sense,
“Bradley will still have more money than you ever did, Serena, even after the

“I just hate that
Winter gets a penny.”

“Life isn’t a story,
Serena. If you’re waiting for Winter to get her comeuppance, well, she won’t
get it. And you’ll just stress yourself and the baby out if you try to get
revenge on her or drag the divorce out any longer. Listen, I obviously can’t
tell you what to do. But you’ve gone through a lot these last few years. I
think some happiness is in order. If Bradley wants to pay her the money and
divorce her, I say let him. She’ll be out of the picture for good. Besides,”
Cathy added lightly, “You said she always wanted a kid, right? From Bradley?
You got that and she didn’t, if you have to absolutely feel as if you won in
this. I think that makes you a winner.”

After I hung up the
phone with Cathy, I looked at my phone for a while. I kept getting texts from
people I hadn’t talked to in years, suddenly acting as if we were best friends
who had just fallen out of touch. My voicemails kept adding up. I shut off my phone.
It was time to tell Greg and then time to tell Bradley that Winter could get
the money. It was time for us to start a new life together.

Like a child picking a
scab, I clicked on the TMZ link that led to Winter’s statement about the
pregnancy and skimmed it.

“…deeply upset…thought
we could work it out…no choice now but to move forward with the divorce…thought
Bradley was better than that…Serena is using him for his money…her family lost
everything…will take the high road and reach out to him through my lawyer

What a crock of shit, I
thought as I closed out of the story. Winter had never once taken the high
road. I thought of how she must feel knowing that Bradley didn’t want a child
with her, as evidenced by my own pregnancy. I didn’t want to imagine her rage
when she got the news. Her angle didn’t surprise me and I would have to do my
best to ignore it.

I thought of how I told
Greg last night that I was pregnant. I told him it was with Bradley. Greg,
still a child, asked if this meant he could stay in the “big house” forever and
play video games. He didn’t blink when I told him about the pregnancy. He just
asked for a brother.

I was lost in thought,
relieved at how Greg took it, when Bradley stepped into our bedroom. He looked
tired, his tie already undone and hanging around his neck.

“How was the office?” I
asked him, shutting off my phone’s screen.

He noticed and replied,
“I saw TMZ; it’s okay,” He sat down on the bed next to me, “I’m trying to hire
someone to replace your position.”

“How is that going?”

“Been better. Last time
I had Janine helping although she was spying on me for Winter so she wasn’t as
great as I thought. This time everyone is clearly trying to get a job because
they think we will sleep together. I got about five numbers today alone.”

I laughed in spite of
myself. I missed Bradley and wanted his touch. I laced my fingers through his
and looked at him, hoping he would see that I wanted him. He stroked my cheek.

“I know that look.” He
whispered, sliding closer.

Bradley kissed me. But I
didn’t want it slowly. I wanted him now, all over me, in me and inside me. I
wanted him and when I had him the stress I was feeling faded away. It was just
us. That was what I wanted.

I kissed him back hard,
grabbing at his clothes, mumbling his name like a chant. He seemed surprised at
how much I wanted it but he soon fell against me, yanking off my shirt. His
hands were on my breasts, kissing along them and his mouth brushed against my
nipples. I moaned softly, my fingers trailing through his hair as he took one
of my nipples in his mouth, rolling his tongue against it and sucking on it and
then switching to the other. He was tugging my pants off as I removed the rest
of his clothes hurriedly. I could feel him hard against my thigh as he pinched
my other nipple.

“You’re craving my
dick, aren’t you?” He said gruffly in my ear.

I nodded, moaning
softly as his hands slid to my ass, slapping it. I didn’t want any more
foreplay. I just wanted him to fuck me. I wanted to feel Bradley inside me so I
could feel him, focus on him and forget everything else.

“Fuck me.” I said to
him softly, pressing up against him.

“You want me to fuck

“Please.” I breathed.

“Bend over.” He
commanded me.

I got down on all fours
on the bed, my ass in the air as he pushed my legs apart. I felt him slide a
finger in me and I moaned.

“Fuck yourself against
my fingers.” Bradley ordered me, sliding a second finger in my wetness.

I started pumping
myself against his fingers, rocking my hips, trying to get his fingers in deep
as me as I could. I wanted more. My face was flushed and I could feel my
breathing coming hard as I moved back against his two fingers, wiggling my
hips. It wasn’t enough. I wanted him inside me. I whimpered, fucking myself
back against him harder. I realized I was coming close to finishing and started
moving back harder, trying to get myself to finish —

His fingers slid out of
me and suddenly Bradley was inside me. In one thrust he entered me, every inch
sliding in me, filling me suddenly with the warmth flowing through me. I threw
my head back and moaned and his fingers were in my hair, tugging my head back
as he pounded into me. It felt amazing — more than amazing, something I didn’t
even know how to describe. I tried to match his thrusts as he took me.

“Yes, Bradley,” I
moaned, “Yes, please.”

He grunted as he
pounded me, tugging on my hair again, “You like that?”

“Yes, yes.” It was all
I could say, all I could manage to cry out as he took me.

Bradley moaned, his
hands now out of my hair and gripping my hips, “Serena just wanted to be
fucked, didn’t she?”

I couldn’t even reply.
All I could do was feel my orgasm quickly approach, my eyes rolling into the
back of my head as I came, my entire body shaking with pleasure. My arms gave
out and I collapsed on the bed as Bradley finished inside me, grunting my name
as I felt him fill me. The pleasure radiated throughout my body as I lay on the
bed. Bradley crashed next to me, panting, his eyes shut. I rolled onto my side
and shut my eyes. Before I knew it, sleep overtook me.

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