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Authors: Rebecca Zanetti

Claimed (24 page)

BOOK: Claimed
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He eased her down with soft licks and gentle kisses. She licked her lips, still needing something. More. Him. “Dage.”
Quick movements had his clothes removed and tossed across the room. Strong arms flipped her over and she landed on her knees, pitching forward until he stabilized her with one hand curved over her shoulder, her wrists still bound against the small of her back. “Well now. Isn't this a sight.” Dage leaned forward and ran his tongue along the marking on her shoulder.
Her entire body shuddered in reaction. “Undo my hands.”
“Nope.” His knee nudged hers farther apart and he paused before slowly entering her, one hand on her shoulder and the other clasping her hip. “We're not quite finished here.” He slammed the rest of the way home with a low growl, tugging her back to meet his powerful thrust.
“I know that, damn it.” He filled her, and she fought a keening that wanted loose. Oh God, start moving.
But he didn't. He waited, the hand at her hip sliding to her belly and up to her neck, his other hand dropping to the bed. Holding her in place, he placed a gentle kiss on her marking. The soft touch burned right through to where they remained joined.
Emma stiffened, her gaze on the headboard, her thoughts on the man behind her. Her mind rioted with need, and her bound hands clutched against his hard abs as he levered over her. She craved. Or was that him? The feelings rumbling from him were unfamiliar. Dark. Powerful. Dangerous. The need to take, to possess filled him, a raw instinctive demand he had no intention of quelling.
She whimpered and moved back against him.
The harsh timbre of his voice nearly had her orgasming. “What?” She shut her eyes against the painful need whipping through her body.
“You will observe every safety protocol we have from now on.” His breath brushed her earlobe. One fang clamped on, the pain a delicious hint of danger that almost had her orgasming. Almost.
She shivered. “Talk about safety later.” Each word was gasped out with tremendous effort. Her mind spun. Her heart thumped. Every cell in her body focused away from their normal functions and on the vampire holding her captive.
He gave a low chuckle. “Now. I compromised on the gun, love. This is a promise you make now.” Sweat dropped from him to sizzle against her shoulders.
She strained against him, her entire body vibrating with need. Helpless and restrained, she nevertheless felt her own power echoing throughout his strong body. “Later.”
He pulled out and thrust back inside her, yanking her back into his thrust. “Now.”
Nerves screamed in need and she groaned low. Oh God. He was killing her. Her mind fought reason. “Fine. But you don't do anything to hurt the geneticists who broke into the lab.”
His sigh held frustration and amusement. “I won't hurt them. But the ones involved have been fired.”
They'd probably been frightened within an inch of their lives as well. “That's fair. Now freakin' move.”
His broad hand settled between her shoulder blades to press her against the mattress, the side of her face cradled in the soft pillow, her body fully exposed to him. Both hands clenched into her hips and he began to move. Then he began to pound, faster and harder than humanly possible.
A spiraling echoed within her skin, shattering into a million nerve endings that had her shrieking his name when she exploded. She saw blackness for a moment even while he continued to pound, his teeth latching onto her neck. He came with a low growl of her name. Jerking inside her for several moments, his scent of sandalwood and power infused the room stronger than before.
He quickly released her wrists and flipped her around to cradle against him, his breath panting out of his chest. She struggled to gulp in air, her entire body melting into his heat. “Okay. I guess Chunky Monkey makes sense,” she murmured drowsily.
He chuckled against her hair and followed her into sleep.
Chapter 21
his is just silly,” Emma muttered, searching under the large oak desk for the correct file. She found it in the makeshift cardboard filing system and stood, the chill of the small lab making her shiver. “I would like to study the werewolf, Kane.” Sometimes risk was a necessary component of any scientific pursuit. Any promise made during sex shouldn't count. How unsafe could the werewolf be, anyway?
Kane grunted in response, peering into a microscope.
“Was that grunt in agreement?” Emma flipped open the correct file, squinting in irritation and wondering if they should buy a space heater. The scents of bleach and paper made her bite back a sneeze.
“No.” Kane lifted his head. “The king rarely gives orders, Em. I suggest you follow them this time.”
“I am so freakin' tired of taking orders from the Kayrs brothers.” Nearly a week had passed since Dage had wrung a promise to be safe out of her. She needed to study the werewolf. All she'd learned so far was the beast ate raw meat and wanted to kill anything near it. “It seems like there's a way to trace the poor creature to its master. Somehow.”
Kane scribbled some notes on a chart and nudged them toward Emma. “The b72 compound attacks the second dosage of the virus very nicely. But something's missing.”
She'd noticed that about him. He easily ignored subjects he wished not to discuss. Like the werewolf. And designer shoes. Emma sighed, sitting on a rolling desk chair. “Yes. The compound attacks the proteins in a petri dish but if we apply the cure to a bound chromosome, nothing happens. There's something binding this savvy bug to the DNA strand.” Regret for the fired doctoral students filled her for a moment. She needed everyone on this research, human or not.
A sharp bleep announced a caller on the large screen encompassing one wall. A woman took shape. Emma gave Kane a glare out the corner of her eye, wishing she'd put on some lipstick. A quick push rolled her close enough to kick him in the shin. Good thing she'd worn her cute pointy shoes today.
He cut her an irritated glance and stepped to the side, out of her range but still within camera view.
“Well now. Hello Kane.” Simone's dark eyes flashed and she pouted her ruby-red lips.
“Hi Simone.” Kane cleared his throat. “We might need some magical help and I thought to give you a ring.”
Emma fought the urge to throw something at his stupid head. “We found help,” she muttered quietly. A quick roll and her foot connected again.
Kane jumped and then nodded. “We contacted your cousin Moira, but I wanted to get a couple of opinions.” Moving swiftly, he pivoted behind Emma's chair, holding it in place with the camera before them. Ass.
Simone threw back her head and issued a sexy laugh that belonged in a smoke-filled bar. “Little Moira, huh? Well, rumor has it she did all right during her last training—for a fledgling witch, of course.”
Emma showed her teeth. “She's known as one of the best. Seventh sister of the seventh sister and such.” She wished she knew a spell to give Simone a big old pimple on her pale nose. If she believed in spells, that is.
Simone's eyes darkened further. “Yet she hasn't secured a place on the Coven Nine, now has she?”
“What's the Coven Nine?” Emma glanced over her shoulder at Kane.
He cleared his throat. “The Nine is the ruling body for all covens. Only the most powerful witches are nominated. Simone has been a member for a hundred years.” His raised eyebrow promised retribution for the kicks.
Would it be too childish if Emma rolled her eyes? Probably. “I'm sure Moira will take her place in due time.” For some reason Emma felt compelled to defend her new sister-in-law. Or mate-in-law. Or whatever the hell the correct terminology was. “Give me science any day of the week,” she whispered to Kane.
Simone sighed. “What do you need, Kane?”
“Have you heard of Virus 27?” He gave Emma's chair a push and moved them both closer to the screen.
“Of course. Though you should probably start organizing the information coming forth from the Realm.” Simone leaned over to type on a keyboard, revealing ample breasts. “Rumors and innuendo are fine during peace time, but now we're at war.”
“Good point.” Kane nodded. “We think there's a magical component to the virus.”
Simone frowned. “How so?”
“The virus is too strong to be without something extra,” he said. He kept his hands firmly on the back of the chair so Emma couldn't turn around ... and kick him again.
Hard black eyes focused on Emma. “Maybe you need better scientists.”
Kane sighed. “If I send you the information, would you please take a look?”
“Of course.” White teeth sparkled in a parody of a smile. “I'd do anything for a member of the Kayrs family. In fact, I believe I already have.” Her voice lowered to a purr at the end.
Kane groaned quietly. “Thanks Simone.”
Simone cleared her throat. “Um, I'm not sure how to say this, but there's a movement afoot to remove the Kayrs family from Realm leadership.”
Kane stilled. “Is there, now?” His voice lowered to a softness that had Emma smiling. Those Kayrs men. Badasses all around.
Simone held her hands out placatingly. “Yes. I'm just reporting in, Kane. I support your family.” She dropped her hands. “But the rumor is that you're working with humans—humans that have access to vampire DNA profiles.”
“Who's leading the charge here, Simone?”
Her eyes darkened. “I don't know. I've only heard rumors.”
Kane sighed. “The rumors are unfounded. Not one human has access to anything dealing with the Realm. You have my word on it.”
Simone nodded. “I understand.”
“Good. I'll speak with you soon. Bye.” He cut off the feed and silence echoed around the room. “Sorry. I figured the more help we found, the better.” He pushed Emma's chair forward and spun it until she faced him. “Kick me again and you'll regret it.”
Her shoe made a loud thunk against his shin. She raised an eyebrow. “So?”
His grin reached his eyes. “I didn't say when, little sister.”
Emma swallowed hard, then nodded. “Fine. Can Dage be removed as king?”
Kane sighed. “Yes. But it's a nearly impossible process, and no way it happens during a time of war.”
Dread slid down her spine. “What is the process?”
“It doesn't matter. For now, we concentrate on the virus.”
She'd have to corner Dage later to find out more. “Okay. Now let's call Moira.”
Across the globe, Moira paced before the camera, wondering what the heck was taking so long. She had a bad feeling about this virus, and she need to talk to Kane and Emma.
She glanced around the communications room located in the basement of the large castle. The equipment was far superior to that at her cottage, and her father seemed pleased when she requested its use. Her boots echoed off the cement floor and bounced back toward her from the thick block walls. She'd shooed everyone else out. Who could she trust?
The screen bleeped and she frowned at the caller's identity. With a heartfelt sigh, she punched in a couple keys and waited until a woman took shape. “Cousin Simone. How nice to see you.” The lie nearly caught in her throat.
Simone smiled. Always a dangerous sight. “Good day to you, cousin Moira.”
“Thank you. How did you find me?”
Simone laughed. “I asked your mother.”
Her mother served on the council with Simone. Moira fought a grimace. “What can I do for you?” Besides going back in time and not being born the seventh daughter of a seventh daughter. Simone may be on council of the Coven's Nine, but her powers wouldn't come close to Moira's once fully developed. A fact the older witch knew well.
Black eyes sparkled. “How kind of you to ask. The Kayrs family contacted me with a question regarding magic and some silly virus and Kane mentioned he'd spoken with you.”
“Yes.” Irritation battled reason. Of course a second opinion was often required when it came to science. Magic too, for that matter.
Simone arched a fine eyebrow. “What have you found? Is there any possibility magic is involved here?”
Moira nodded. “Anything is possible. But I don't know.” Not true. She did know. Something perverse in her wanted to be the one to help the Realm. Simone would take all the credit if given the opportunity. Let the snotty witch reach her own conclusions. “I'm sure Kane sent you the same information. I'd appreciate it if you contact me once you've reviewed the documents.” Simone would have to force herself away from shopping, parties, and pretending to rule on the council. “Of course, if magic is involved, the Coven Nine will need to be fully informed.” So they could go after the perpetrator.
And Harm None
meant something to the Coven.
Simone's eyes darkened again. “Well, if you need help, of course I'll volunteer. So you've quit running from the Kayrs family?” Her voice lowered to a purr. “How is your mate?”
The smile Moira forced onto her face actually stung. “Conn is fine and fully understands I've been working on my craft ... and not running.” She moved closer to the camera. “I understand if you'd rather I communicated with the Kayrs family. With you and the king not working out and all.” Petty. But satisfaction still raised its head.
Simon's smile belonged on a jaguar about to strike. “Yes, well. I've met the king's current interest. It'll never last.”
An unwelcomed sympathy slid through Moira. She sighed. “Dage mated her, Simone. I'm sorry.” For a moment she was.
Simone paled and pure fire lanced through those odd eyes before she gathered herself. “I see. A decision he will certainly regret, I'm afraid.” She leaned forward and tapped the keyboard. “A pleasure as always, cousin.” The screen went black.
Poor Simone. The woman was a complete bitch, but her feelings for the king had been real.
A loud bleep announced another call, and Moira punched in the appropriate code.
Emma took shape. “Hi Moira.”
“Emma.” Moira stepped closer to the camera. “I've spoken with Simone, and she'll look over the material you sent as well.”
Emma rolled her eyes. “I didn't contact her. Kane did. I'd rather have my kidneys removed with a butter knife than work with that woman.” Deep red rose to color the queen's flawless skin. “Oh. Er. Sorry. I know you're cousins.”
“We're not close.” Moira gave a grimace only another woman would understand. “Believe me.”
Emma nodded. “I do. So, what do you think about the virus?”
Moira took a deep breath. “I've studied your material, and I believe someone cast an energy-altering spell allowing the catalyst to speed up the progression of the virus.” Though why in the hell a witch would do something so destructive was beyond her.
Emma sat back in her chair. “You've been working on the catalyst?”
“Yes. I've identified a binding spell on the catalyst but haven't figured out the application of magic on the actual virus yet.” Moira leafed through some papers. “I can create a spell to counteract the catalyst's energy, but you still need a scientific cure for the actual matter of the liquid.”
“We think we're on to something.” Kane shrugged. “We hope. We're not sure yet.” He cut his eyes to Emma. “Don't even
of kicking me again.”
Moira smiled. “I can wait if the Kayrs needs a kicking.” They all did, as far as she was concerned. She eyed the queen with interest.
Emma shook her head. “I've done the best I can today. So what do we do about the virus now?”
Moira focused across the world at her new friend. “Give me some time to come up with a spell that won't backfire.” Bugger. How many coven laws would she break by sharing this level of magic? She should seek permission, but she had enough problems right now. “Are those infected doing all right?”
BOOK: Claimed
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