City of Sin (11 page)

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Authors: Ivy Smoak

BOOK: City of Sin
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Chapter 31


I looked down at Mason's number in my phone. I didn't want to
play games with him. Waiting around to hear from him was awful. So why wasn't I
texting him?

"Are you going to call him or not?" Kendra said and
sat down on the edge of my desk.

"I think I am." I bit the inside of my lip. Why did
he have to be so hard to read? I thought I wanted to date a nice, normal guy
after Patrick. Mason wasn't either of those things. But I couldn't stop
thinking about him.

"So do it. It's been a day and a half. You've made him
wait the proper amount of time. Any longer and he'll think you're not

I turned my chair toward Kendra. "I'm just not sure if
he's what I'm looking for."

"It's not like you have to marry him. Geez, Bee, you
need to live a little."

"But what's the point of starting something if you don't
see a future?"

" have fun? What is wrong with you?"

"I don't want to get hurt again." That's what I was
worried about. Mason didn't do relationships. What if I fell for him? What if I
ended up wanting more than whatever it was he was offering?

"Can I see something real quick?" Kendra gestured
to my phone.

"Sure." I handed it to her and looked at the roses
on my desk. They really were beautiful. I should at least text him and thank
him for sending them. That was innocent enough.

"Okay, sent," she said and smiled at me.

"Wait, what? What did you just do?" I grabbed my
phone out of her hand and looked down at the message she had just sent Mason:
"What are your thoughts on having sex in the office?"

"Kendra!" I slapped her arm. "What is wrong
with you?!"

She laughed. "I'm trying to get you laid."

"I was going to text him and thank him for the

"Which would not have gotten you laid."

"But I..." I stopped talking when my phone buzzed.
I clicked on the message that Mason had just sent me.

"I was wondering when you'd text me, Bee. Sex in the office?
It depends on the partner. If you're suggesting the two of us, I think our
sexual chemistry might just be perfect for that. I'm about ready for my lunch
break, if that's an invitation."

I could feel my face flushing.

"What did he say?" Kendra asked.

"Nothing really."

She grabbed my phone again.

"Give it back, Kendra." She held it out of my reach
and began typing again.

Damn it.
Now that I knew what having a sibling would
be like, I was glad I never had one. If she wasn't so much taller than me I'd be
able to get it back. "Seriously, Kendra. He can't come here."

"Too late." She dropped my phone on my desk.

"What did you say to him?"

"Nothing really." She winked at me.

"I really hate you sometimes." I picked up my phone
and read the text that she had sent Mason: "I think I know the perfect
spot. See you soon."

"So where were you thinking?" Kendra asked.

"I wasn't thinking anywhere. You're the one that sent
him the message. I'm just going to tell him I..." I couldn't even think of
an excuse. I couldn't say I sent it to the wrong person. And I had no idea what
I could say I meant to say instead. I was screwed. I gulped, thinking of Mason
screwing me.

"How about the mailroom?"

"I'm not going to have sex with him in the office."

"But you are going to have sex with him outside the

"I don't even know yet. He said he wanted to take things

"Well apparently he doesn't really want that." She
nodded to my phone.

"Maybe he does. He didn't even respond to you. You
probably freaked him out."

"Or he's too busy running over here to respond. Or maybe
he's buying condoms. You should unbutton the top few buttons of your

"No." I put my hand over my chest. "And when
he gets here, I'm just going to tell him you sent those messages."

"What is so bad about having sex with a super hot guy in
the mailroom?"

"Everything. We could get caught. And I could get

" protests to the actual sex part? I knew it. You
totally want him."

"That doesn't mean I can't wait until we're alone. In a
bed. I'm not a sex addict." Mason had jokingly called me a sex addict.
Am I one?
Kendra was right. I did want him. And I was kind of excited that
he was coming here.

"I can't believe you want to have sex with him. I'm so
excited for you."

"You're being weird."

"I'm not. Please unbutton the top two..."


"Bee, you should flaunt what you have." She reached
toward my shirt again.

"Stop trying to touch my breasts."

Kendra laughed. "Then move your hand."

Chapter 32


She was just fucking with me. Besides, asking and begging
were two very different things. Jumping the gun too early was
counterproductive. Especially if I wanted to have her more than once. And after
putting in all the work, it was definitely looking like I'd want to reap the
reward for awhile. At least until I found something better.

"Number 69."

That's appropriate.
"Thanks," I said and
grabbed the bag off the counter. I tossed some money in the tip jar and walked
out into the cold. There was a gala at the end of the week that I was going to
invite Bee to. That would be the night that I'd finally have her. Until then,
it was teasing only. If she wasn't begging me by Saturday, I'd just have to
give in. Besides, one night with me and she'd be hooked. I would be able to
have her whenever I wanted. That was worth a week of hell.

I opened up the door to the building that Kruger Advertising
was located in. Compared to Blue Media, it was a small organization. I used to
scoff at them. But now that I wanted to start my own agency, I saw it in a
different light. It would be competition to me. And I'd need to crush them. I
got onto the elevator and pressed the button for the 14th floor. Bee would lose
her job once I ran them out of business. There were other ad agencies in the
city, though. She'd be able to find a new job. Besides, I'd be long done with
her by then. She wouldn't be my problem anymore.

Or I could just hire her to work beneath me.
I shook
away the thought. That was a lawsuit waiting to happen. I stepped off the
elevator and turned the corner.

Kendra, the woman I had talked to outside of Carter's
apartment had her hand on top of Bee's breasts.

Maybe Bee was even kinkier than I had realized. I wasn't
opposed to fucking both of them. Just the thought made me start to get hard.

"Stop it, Kendra," Bee hissed. "You're going
to give him the wrong idea."

Too late.

"You asked him here to have sex with you. Stop being so
prude," Kendra said.

"I did not. You did."

It was a good thing I had brought lunch without the thought
of actually fucking her. Otherwise this would have really hurt my plan. I
should have known Bee hadn't invited me here to fuck her in a storage closet.
That wasn't exactly her style. At least, it wasn't how she wanted people to
think of her. I'm sure I could have her coming in just a few minutes if we were
alone somewhere on this floor. And now that it wasn't on the table, it made me
want it even more. She was good. As much as I liked looking at Kendra fondling
Bee's tits, my lunch break was only so long. "Hello, ladies."

When they turned toward me, Kendra pulled on Bee's shirt,
undoing the top few buttons. I could see the top of Bee's perky breasts, just
begging to come out. I quickly looked back up at her face, which was bright
red. She put her hand on top of her chest.

"Oh, hi, Mason," she said.

I lifted up the bag in my hand. "As much as I loved your
proposal, I only have thirty minutes until I need to be back at Blue Media. And
thirty minutes isn't quite enough time." I winked at Kendra. Her face
flushed too.
This is too easy.

"Oh, shucks," Bee said. If possible, her face
turned even redder. She was ridiculously cute when she was embarrassed.

I needed to focus. "I hope you're hungry. I picked up
sandwiches from that little bistro down the street."

"Wait, Quest Bistro?"

"Mhm. Have you heard of it?" I already knew she
had. Apparently it was her favorite lunch spot.

"It's my favorite. I always order grilled cheese

"Tomato soup? You're kidding." I handed her the
bag. "That's exactly what I always order." Not really. But Vargas was
a genius. And I needed this angle.

"I'm pretty sure our taste buds are soul mates."
She smiled shyly up at me.

"Well, I'm going to leave you two lovebirds alone. But I
have heard that quite a few people have hooked up in the copy room,"
Kendra said before walking away.

"I'm so sorry about her," said Bee.

"I guess I'm supposed to assume you're not thinking
about having sex with me right now?" I took my sandwich out of the bag and
unwrapped the paper from it.

"Kendra actually sent that text."

"Oh, yeah I got that," I said and took a bite. I
pushed the takeout bag back toward her. "But that doesn't really answer my
question, Bee."

"What can I say? I'm a sex addict remember?"

I laughed. "I thought you were denying that?"

"I can't believe you like Quest Bistro too," she
said, ignoring my comment. I watched her open up the lid on the soup. There was
a faint tan line where her engagement ring once was. For a second I felt
slightly guilty. But just slightly, and only for a second. I had done her a
favor. And I was going to show her why settling for Patrick would have been a
mistake. She needed a man. What she needed was me.

"I go there for lunch all the time," I lied. But
the sandwich was fantastic. Maybe our taste buds were soul mates.
Soul mates.
There was no such thing as a soul mate.

"It's weird that we never ran into each other before our
blind date."

"Well, technically we did. You hailed me a taxi."

"So you admit it?"

"Of course I admit it. Although, you kind of gave it to

"You're the worst." She took a bite of the
sandwich. "Or the best. This is just what I wanted today. So much better
than peanut butter and jelly."

I laughed.

She just looked up at me.

"Oh, you're serious?" I asked. "What are you,

"It's actually pretty good. And cheap." She looked
embarrassed again.

I knew she was low on cash. I had looked up her address. It
was a rundown apartment in a not so great area. And she was working as a
secretary for a dick. She had to be desperate for a job. Asking her to the gala
would be perfect. It would be the best night of her life. She'd fall for the
wealth and charm, right on top of me. I wondered if she'd be offended if I paid
her afterward. She needed the money. And I wanted to help her out.
What am I

"Maybe you should pack yourself a peanut butter and
jealous sandwich sometime and reminisce about when you were young."

"I'm not sure that would help me reminisce," I
said. "I've never even had one."

"You've never had a peanut butter and jelly

"Can't say I have."

"What kind of kid goes through childhood without trying
peanut butter and jelly?"

"I don't know, it was never in my lunch. Maybe our chef
wasn't fond of it." Now I was just rubbing my money in her face. She
wasn't going to accept my invitation if I acted like a complete ass.

She bit her lip. "We have to fix that immediately."
She pulled a paper bag out of her purse. "Here."

"I'm not eating that."

"I'm a good cook."

"I'm not sure cooking has anything to do with making

"Which is probably for the best. Because I'm not really
a good cook."

I laughed. "If I try this contraption, do I get anything
in return?"

"The delicious taste?"

"How about you owe me a favor?" I took a big bite.

"Wait! I didn't agree to that."

"Too late," I said, with my mouth still full. Hell,
it was actually pretty good. Sweet and savory at the same time. Just like her.

"I don't owe you a favor."

"Actually you do, baby."

"God." She rolled her eyes at me. "You're
incredibly immature."

"Said the girl who just rolled her eyes at me."

She sighed. "Touché. Did you like it?"

"It's actually really good."

"See!" She smiled at me. "There's a break room
around the corner if you want to go sit down and eat."

I was perched on the side of her desk, staring down at her.
"This is good. I have to get a feel for your desk anyway."


"Well, I'm sure we'll eventually break in here at night
and make love on it. Since you're into office hookups and all."

"Make love?" She lowered her eyebrows slightly.
"Have you ever used those two words together?"

"What, you don't think I'm capable of making sweet,
sweet love?"

She laughed. "You said you were anything but

"When I'm fucking."

"So you don't want to fuck me anymore?" Her face
instantly turned red and she glanced behind her to see if anyone had overheard
her. They hadn't. Just me. And she looked disappointed. Like the only thing
keeping her in the city was the idea of me fucking her.

I couldn't help but smile. "So you do
want me to fuck you?"

"I didn't say that."

"You implied it."

"I told you that I was attracted to you."

I was getting excited by how much she wanted me. I really
could take her to the copy room right now. And I wouldn't mind having a
printout of that ass. "What happened to taking things slow? Are you making
it hard for me on purpose?"

She glanced down at my lap for just a second. She was trying
to see if I was hard. I liked how much she seemed to fight with herself. When
she finally unwound it was going to be intense. And I couldn't wait to be on
the other side of all that passion. But that had to wait until Saturday night.
Not right this second, despite how much the want was written on her face.

"So am I the worst or the best?" I asked.


"You called me both earlier. So which is it?"

"A combination?"

"Well, is the urge to kiss me or spank me greater?"

Her lips parted slightly.

"Or maybe you're the one that likes being spanked?"

"I don't..."

"Don't you though?" I leaned down so that my lips
were beside her ear. "Do you want me to spank you in the copy room? Or
maybe you want to skip the foreplay and go right to the main event?"

Her throat made a small squeaking sound.

"Rain check. I have to get back." I placed a kiss
on her flushed cheek. It was warm against my lips. And soft. I had to resist
the urge to do it again. I wasn't even supposed to be touching her, let alone
kissing her.

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