City of Blaze (The Fireblade Array) (37 page)

BOOK: City of Blaze (The Fireblade Array)
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She shook her head. Had she upset him somehow? She didn’t understand this man at all! “I’m sorry for whatever I have done to you. If you want me to leave, then simply order it.”

His desperation turned to frustration: "I am... unable to tell you to go. I cannot bear for you to leave and yet I cannot bear your sadness if you stay. Please, tell me what
want and I will do it.”

He really had gone mad from wielding, and was making absolutely no sense. She tried to re-state what was important, “I am just a tool for your army. That is my job and my purpose. You have no cause for concern over my happiness.”

Morghiad seemed to be even more frustrated by her response. “Your happiness has
been a concern of mine. My tie to you was set the moment I met you. I will never be able to have you, Artemi. No man could ever hope to own you. But that does not alter the fact that you own my heart, my soul and my sword. You have broken me completely, Artemi, in spite of my best efforts to prevent it.” His eyes filled with emotion.

He couldn’t love her. It was impossible. He was capable of love, surely, but what could he desire in her? Even if he did care for her, what could ever happen between them? One night in her bed and his mind would be lost forever or he would die in her arms. Artemi looked up at him carefully. His black hair shone almost blue in the light. Morghiad was very handsome indeed when he used his features to display emotion, and though she felt guilty admitting it, he did cast Silar into the shade with his smiles. She reached up to his face with her hand and felt the familiar flow of Blaze echo from him. Artemi opened her mind to let him take her power, which he did. The kahr drew as much as he dared into them both, and then he pulled her close, and they kissed.

It probably lasted longer than it should have, and she probably allowed him to undress her a little further than safe, and he certainly had allowed her to remove far too many items of his clothing... but it had felt fiercely good. Hot fire still burned through her from the numerous points at which their bodies made contact. She was curled up in his arms, head resting on his bare chest. Morghiad stroked her hair gently - he seemed to have an odd appreciation for it.

“Lord-captain?” Birdsong rang through the woods as she spoke.

“Hmm?” The humour in his voice was clear.

“I want to stay with you.” Artemi lifted her head to face him. “But I am afraid that, if I do, you will be at risk.”

He thought for a moment. “I have faced more frightening things than you.” He grinned at her. “We will be alright if we trust each other. I trust you with my life, Artemi. I need you to trust me.”

“Of course I do. And the issues we had with dancing... had nothing to do with trust.” Artemi traced the line of a scar across his chest. “It was more that I became... well, I’m sure you understand.” She hoped he was right; she shivered to think of killing him.

“You and I should head back before we are caught out here.”

“Lead the way,” she said, not moving.

He lifted Artemi to her feet and walked her back to the horses, picking up clothing as he went. They helped each other dress, where Morghiad showed a remarkable knowledge of exactly how her benay-gosa scarves were organised.

When they were ready to leave, he kissed her on the lips and helped her onto Glacier before he mounted Tyshar. Glacier seemed an inappropriate name now - perhaps she should change it to something altogether warmer. Artemi and Morghiad trotted out of the woods together, grinning at each other like utter fools. They made little haste back to the city gates, and Artemi noted that Morghiad’s smile did not drop as they entered. It would not be long before the whole army knew of the change that had occurred between them. Few had believed she was not sleeping with him, anyway, though somehow she imagined wager money would change hands as a result of this. The gate guards did offer some curious glances when the two of them rode past, but no elbows were nudged or winks made. Their ride back to the castle passed quickly, and before she knew it she was being kissed in the secrecy of the stable box. Artemi could not help but giggle at the ridiculousness of the situation, but was cut short when she noticed someone standing at the door. Morghiad spun round as soon as she did, shielding her from the onlooker.

“I know she’s behind there, Morghiad.” It was Silar’s voice.

The kahr moved slightly to allow her to see the other man.

“So when did this happen?” the blond man asked, “Actually, I don’t want to know.” He tapped his foot against the wood of the stable block and looked thoughtful. “Well, it’s about time you two were honest with each other. I thought this was going to happen bloody ages ago and I don’t know why you were so bloody slow about it. Anyway, you have to tell the other men.”

The captain nodded. “I know, and I will.”

“And another thing.” A threatening tone touched the lieutenant’s voice. “Keep her happy.” With that he stalked off.

Artemi felt terrible guilt for Silar’s position. He should never have pursued her, but she had encouraged him with her conversation at that feast day. She just... hadn’t realised it. At least he was the sort of man who could find another woman easily. He would be alright soon enough. At that moment, she realised that she did not feel nearly so strongly for him as she did for Morghiad. Artemi ran her fingers through his hair with affection, and he turned back to smile at her.




Pale moonlight drifted through the window veils and landed in glowing pools on the red-gold filaments of her hair. Morghiad had spent many nights staring at her beauty, trying to work out which of her features made her perfection. But it was even more intoxicating up close, when he was able to share a pillow with her. He had thought his desire for her would calm once he had admitted his true feelings, but instead it had only grown more turbulent. He rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling. The vaulted grey stone arched above him impassively, and he wondered if he would ever control his emotions again.

Artemi had a safe route out of here if anything were to happen. He trusted her not to sleep with him but, increasingly, he was losing trust in his own ability to stop himself. His greatest fear was that he might bed her, die, and then leave her wandering the world with only two weeks to live. Artemi was still too young to properly survive
, and the thought of her dying in agony was enough to quell his passions; he hoped that it would remain so. Of course, he had toyed with the idea of sending her away altogether. Perhaps it was selfish, but he could not bring himself to do it.

He rolled back onto his side to study her again. Her dark eyes were open and looking at him. She smiled her luminous smile and moved to embrace him. Her idea of placing a thin sheet between them had been ingenious, and allowed him to feel her warmth without driving him wild with desire. He wrapped his arms around her and closed his eyes. Tomorrow was the first practice session of the week and he would have to speak of his relationship with her. They did not need to know about the awkward details; no one else needed to know about that. He would have to face Toryn’s disapproval once more, then he really
be in trouble. Artemi stirred against him and nuzzled at his chest. She always seemed to know when he was worrying over something. He worked his fingers into her fiery hair, and fell into a guardian sleep.

When he awoke she was standing at the window, completely naked. That was very mischievous of her, but also quite typical, since the woman seemed to thoroughly enjoy teasing him. He did not stop to admire her smooth, ivory physique, and instead sprang from the bed to embrace her before she could escape. Artemi play-fought him momentarily, but gave in very quickly to the kisses he had for her. “We had better get you dressed and down to practice, soldier,” he said, squeezing her tightly.

She saluted with a hand across her chest. “As you command.”

Morghiad went to find her green scarves, strewn around the room in various odd places. As he wrapped them around her, he noted the scar on her right thigh. It had healed quite well, but it was his fault it was there at all. He bit his lip and finished the scarf arrangement with a knot at the back of her small waist. When he had dressed, they walked together to the hall, her hand where it belonged on his arm.

While she changed in the secrecy of the practice hall bathing rooms, Morghiad dropped to the floor and started a series of press-ups. They were good for focusing his thoughts... and distracting him from her naked body. How was he going to broach the subject of his love for her in front of nine-thousand men? Did he just slip it in between instructions or would it be better if he devoted an entire speech to it? He had no concept of how to deal with a situation like this, though men like Rahake had to do it often enough. It certainly was not something any of his instructors had taught him. Gossip could usually be trusted to spread the word... but he needed them to hear it from his mouth. He finished his set and paused for breath. Artemi was watching him. “Everything alright?” he enquired.

“I see that
are teasing
now.” She walked into the hall, hips swaying seductively in her uniform.

Morghiad rose to join her. “Would you do me the honour of fighting a duel, my lady?”

Artemi gave a gracious bow and drew her sword. She had advanced considerably since his last fight with her. Every strike and reaction was very quick indeed, she moved with surprising agility and he found it a challenge to predict where she would dart to next. Morghiad managed to touch her with his blade a few times, but it would be nothing of note in a real fight. She cut him several times, apologising in her usual way. He ended the fight with a quick cross-swipe and grab, pulling her close to him. He kissed her on the cheek while she struggled, provoking an angry stamp on his foot. Morghiad released her and grinned. “You are much improved. It won’t be long before you best Silar and I.”

The first men filtered in as the words left his mouth. When full, he ordered them to perform the forms and then fight in fours. The entire room whirled with glinting blades and vibrated with the clatter of metal. He still could not think of how to announce that he had shared a bed with a four-thousand year old legend. His eyes scanned the faces of the men in front of him. Silar was watching him expectantly, arms folded. Morghiad clenched his teeth together, and called attention to the hall. He cleared his throat and drew breath. Then hesitated. He couldn’t think of how to start. Some words fell into his head. “I thought you should know that... It is important that all of you are aware... “ His thoughts became tangled once more.

“You should know that the captain and I are lovers,” said Artemi, hand on sword.

. Why hadn’t he thought of putting it like that? “Does anyone have any questions?” He compressed his lips in anticipation of the ridiculous things he was about to hear.

“So that’s why you’re smiling like an idiot,” Beetan yelled out. Some sporadic laughter followed.

Did that count as insubordination? He gave the man a glare for good measure.

“Does that mean you won’t be letting her onto the battle field, lord-captain?” a sergeant asked.

“Artemi will fight were she’s needed. But you are right in thinking I may alter my tactics to see that she is protected and likewise, Artemi may behave differently where I am concerned.” He felt like an idiot, stating the obvious.

Silar jumped in. “I think what is important to recognise here is that Artemi is now the closest thing we have to a future queen and, just as we promised to protect you and your father, she should be part of the army’s charge too.” The other men nodded in agreement.

Silar was getting a bit ahead of himself there, and Artemi was blushing quite severely. But Morghiad finished what Silar had started, “All those in favour of naming her as the army’s ward, to the right. You know the rest.”

The entire Calidellian army poured across to one side of the hall. All bar one, fiery-haired soldier.

“Are you not going to offer protection for yourself, my lady?” he asked as he walked to meet her. She looked a little dumbfounded by the display, so he smiled at her in reassurance. “Then it is decided. Artemi, you are now Ward of the Army of Calidell. Every man here has given his word that he will protect you from all who would bring harm to you, in or out of battle. Does this arrangement please you?”

She looked at him wide-eyed, and then back at the men. “I am honoured and yet I profess I do not know how I have come by such an honour. I have never known such selfless men as those in this room. I can only offer my sword and my power in return for your kindness. I do not know how else to express how humbled I am.” Spoken like a true queen. One of the histories had described her as one of the Five Great Beauties who reigned during the Era of Half-Light. He could well believe it.

Morghiad dismissed the army and later waited while she showered. It was good that he could rely on them to protect her wherever either of them went. Even an off-duty soldier was now honour-bound to save her if she required it. A wet hand touched him on the shoulder.

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