City Girl (22 page)

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Authors: Arlene James

BOOK: City Girl
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Before Crystal could ask what sort of trouble Rick had gotten himself into, the bleached blonde was ejected suddenly into the tense room, followed by a big ugly man whose face was twisted with rage and anger. He was easily twice Rick's size, with shoulders like sides of beef and a squarish head planted atop a thick bull neck. A general murmur of impending disaster went through the crowd as the bruiser advanced toward the trio in the center of the floor.

Warily Garrett stepped over the prone cowboy still spread on the floor and faced the big man. "Now, hold on a minute, Dermont." Garrett's deep voice rang out in the comparative silence. "We don't need any trouble here."

Crystal heard a ripple of agreement from the crowd. She fixed her eyes upon the hulking man whose ham-hock fists had sent Rick flying through the door. He turned angry red-rimmed eyes upon Garrett.

"Stay out of this, Dean," he warned, and shook a huge fist at Rick. "He's got it coming! Any man that would fool around with another man's wife…" He left the sentence uncompleted.

Crystal's head snapped around. Cleave confirmed the man's accusation with a sad shake of his head and a shrug.

"Oh, no!" Crystal moaned, and her hand went to her mouth.

"Just doesn't figure," Cleave whispered. "What with a pretty little thing like Gloria throwing herself at him." He inclined his red-orange head toward the floor.

Suddenly it dawned on Crystal. It was Rick! Gloria was in love with Rick, not Garrett! She would have laughed at her own stupidity if the air had not been so thick with tension and had there not been a real threat to Rick's safety—and Garrett's.

Her eyes flew to the tall, handsome cowboy who had intervened on Rick's behalf. His hands were stuffed casually into the pockets of his well-fitting trousers. He sauntered closer to his adversary, the picture of calm reason. "Come on now," Garrett said. "So they were outside together. I'm willing to bet nothing happened, and you've more than made your point."

The blonde wagged her head frantically in agreement, then shrank back as her husband gesticulated angrily in her direction. "That scum needs a good whipping!" the big man bawled, jerking a thumb at Rick, who was now struggling to his feet with Gloria's aid. "And I'm just the feller to do it."

"Even if you have to go through me first?" Garrett challenged. The big hands came purposefully out of his pockets.

Instinctively Crystal moved forward, but Cleave caught her and pulled her protectively to him. She cast a worried glance at the two men squared off in the center of the floor and buried her face in Cleave's shoulder.

"Look," Garrett began reasonably, "you had every right to hit the man. Nobody here is faulting you for it. But you've made your point now, so unless you're willing to tangle with me, let's call it a night."

The big man snarled, more for the benefit of the crowd than to frighten his opponent, but it seemed that he was not so eager to fight with Garrett as he had been to thrash Rick. He made a feigning lunge at Rick, and roared with laughter when the smaller man cringed in fright. Gloria threw her arms around him as if that could protect him from Dermont's huge fists or somehow lessen his humiliation. For once, Crystal perfectly understood the girl.

Slowly the tension began to drain out of the atmosphere, and Crystal detected a few chuckles here and there. Dermont turned, casting one last menacing look at Rick, and ambled toward the door, jerking the blonde along with him. When he had disappeared through it, Garrett turned to Rick, scowled, and nodded at Gloria, who smiled her thanks and urged Rick toward the tables ringing the floor.

Cleave loosened his hold on Crystal, and it was all she could do to keep from rushing toward Garrett with outstretched arms. It had all happened in the space of a couple of minutes, but Crystal felt drained and exhausted. By the time Garrett reached her, the lights were dimmed and the middle-aged announcer had the microphone back in hand, calming the crowd and preparing to resume the dancing.

"Gloria is going to take Rick home," Garrett informed the crowd of spectators. "I'm sorry for that ugly scene, but you folks go ahead and enjoy your evening."

Cleave produced Garrett's hat, and Garrett took it with a wan smile. "Thanks for looking after her," he said softly, and rested one big warm hand on Crystal's shoulder. "I'm going to take her home now."

She nodded silently and gazed up into those tired blue eyes. Dear heaven, how she loved him!

Lupe and Petie stated that they had had enough for one evening and would also be going home. "I expect that idiot is going to need some doctoring," Lupe clucked irritably, and Petie concurred.

Garrett's strong arm went around Crystal as he ushered her through the crowd and toward the door. The night was black and still, as if nothing that could ever happen inside those whitewashed walls would have the slightest effect on the world outside.

Garrett's sports car was parked very near the door, and he helped Crystal in before going around, handing her his hat, and folding himself into the seat behind the steering wheel.

He closed the door and sighed. His blond head fell back on the headrest, and he closed his eyes for a moment. Crystal sat very still, drinking in the handsome face upturned in the near-darkness.

He lifted his head and fixed his eyes on her. "I wasn't going to even come tonight," he said softly, "until I saw you standing in the courtyard in that dress." His hand reached out and caressed her face gently. "You're so beautiful!"

There was a sudden leap of joy in Crystal's chest, and she could not have moved away from him if her very life depended upon it. Nothing had been resolved, nothing important anyway—and yet, everything changed.

"Do you know," she began, surprised at the calmness of her voice, "that I thought Gloria was in love with you?"

His laughter rang out, enveloping her in a happy cocoon of tenderness. "Gloria thinks of me as a big brother," he stated lightly. "She always did, even before I married her sister."

Crystal's mouth fell open, so stunned was she by this news.

"You didn't know?" he asked. "Lupe didn't say anything?"

"Nothing. I mean, she said things, but nothing about…"

"About my wife being her daughter?" he finished for her.

Crystal was dumbfounded. Why hadn't someone told her? Why hadn't she figured it out? Then something fresh and new, like hope, washed over her. "She was Mexican," she murmured to herself.

"Of course she was," he laughed, fishing the keys from his coat pocket. "Why? What difference does it make?"

"And petite," Crystal went on absently, musing over it all hopefully. "With long dark hair and big wide eyes."

"Yeah," he confirmed, fitting the proper key into the ignition. "A lot like Gloria, really, now that she's grown up some."

Crystal's heart fairly leaped for joy, but that stubborn little voice of caution stuck with her even now. She didn't look like Gloria, not really. Still…

"Garrett," she implored quickly, "did Alicia Murrow ever meet your late wife?"

He turned to her, his face mirroring his puzzlement. "No, I don't think so," he answered thoughtfully. "No, I'm sure of it. It was just after Maria's death that I first met Gene Murrow, Alicia's father. We made a couple of business deals together. That's how that woman finagled her way into my life. What a pain that woman is! She set her cap for me right away. Would you believe she even called up a couple of the women I dated and threatened them if they didn't stay away from me?"

"Oh, I believe it," Crystal said meaningfully. "Oh, boy, do I believe it!"

Garrett's hand fell away from the key in the switch and ruffled his gold hair. "Crystal, what's all this about?"

"Never mind," she said softly, smiling happily. "It doesn't matter, not in the least!" He cast her a rueful look, shook his head wonderingly, and turned the key. The engine roared to life, and the flashy compact automobile backed out. They were on their way home —together.

It was a quiet but happy and comfortable journey back to the ranch. Crystal could not believe how the evening had ended. What a fool she had been! How could she have believed Alicia Murrow so unquestioningly? Anyone in her right mind would have just laughed off anything that woman had to say. She was obviously a very sick, pathetic individual who would have said anything to scare off competition.

And Gloria. No wonder the girl was so hostile and resentful of Crystal. Someone had probably mentioned how Rick had flirted with her at that very first meeting in Lupe's kitchen. That was very probably what had started the whole misunderstanding. And hadn't she furnished fuel for the fire by going out riding with Rick? Gloria had seen that innocent little kiss and in her jealousy had blown it all out of proportion. Then, to add fuel to the fire, Crystal had accepted his invitation to the dance! How miserable the girl must have been! She had wanted Crystal paired up with Garrett all along—that was why she had come to Crystal's room earlier. She had wanted Crystal to go to the dance with Garrett instead of Rick! How preposterous the whole misunderstanding had been! Crystal could even feel sorry for Gloria. The girl would need pity, considering the man she was in love with.

Most important was the revelation that Garrett had been married to Gloria's sister. Why she and Crystal could have had only the most superficial resemblance— if any. Maria Dean was no longer a specter from the past. She was just a woman out of Garrett's past. For the first time Crystal wondered how the woman had died. For the first time she experienced compassion and sympathy over the woman's death. And for the first time she had hope that she might yet win the man she loved.

Oh, nothing had been resolved between them. She was still terribly frightened of being hurt again. And Garrett had never mentioned the word "love" to her. The closest he had come was desire, and that simply was not good enough. But at least she knew now what she wanted and had the courage to go after it. Now she knew that if he should ever love her, it would be for herself and not for any uncanny resemblance to another woman he had loved.

They had reached the house. Garrett pulled the car into the garage and got out, coming around the front end to assist Crystal from the car. His strong arm went again around her shoulders, and they walked together through the outer courtyard by the swimming pool and into the hallway outside of her bedroom.

At her door they paused, both fumbling awkwardly for something intelligent to say, like kids on their first date.

"I'm glad you came tonight," Crystal rushed suddenly and honestly.

"So am I." His voice was soft and velvety, but there maintained an awkward distance between them, and Crystal was at a loss how to close it.

"Well," she fumbled at last, "I guess I should go in. It's been quite an evening."

He nodded silently, curiously holding back, and Crystal turned away disappointed and confused. Everything had changed. Before, he would have kissed her whether she wanted to be kissed or not, and now that she wanted to be kissed, he was holding back. Maybe he sensed this change in her attitude and it troubled him. Maybe Garrett Dean was the sort of man who wanted nothing more than a physical relationship, and she had made herself perfectly plain on that issue already.

Reluctantly Crystal opened the door to her room and started through it. Garrett's arm went up and he momentarily blocked her way. She turned expectantly, and again he backed off.

"Um, listen, why don't you and I go for a ride tomorrow," he suggested awkwardly. "I mean, there are some things we need to straighten out—in private— and, well, you like to ride, don't you?"

"That would be nice. Thank you."

"Okay." He stuck his hands awkwardly into his pockets.

"Uh, what time do you want to go?" she asked uncertainly.

"Oh, about lunch, I guess. Would that be all right?"


"Maybe Lupe will pack a lunch for us," he suggested quietly. "Would you like that? We could ride over to Enchanted Rock."

"I'd love it!" Crystal gushed, and colored slightly as it occurred to her that she might sound too enthusiastic.

"Okay," he said again, and blew out a stream of hot air. "I'll see you tomorrow."

Crystal watched as he strode slowly down the hall, paused momentarily at his own door, smiled and waved, then went inside.

Her heart was thrumping excitedly as she undressed, washed her face, and crawled into the big rosewood bed. That bed felt suddenly so empty and cold that she shivered. Lying there in the darkness, she wondered what tomorrow would hold.

Chapter Ten

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