Authors: Charles Gasparino
      Rajaratnam and Gupta compared with, 250
      SAC Capital comments by, 95
      SEC and, 11, 12, 13, 111, 144, 184, 200, 201, 262â63
      and SEC definition of insider trading, 264
      Streeter prosecution of, 235
      as turning himself in, 11, 13, 143
mail and wire fraud, 41, 42
Makol, David
      commitment to enforcing laws about insider trading of, 318
      cooperators and, 102, 103, 133, 145, 147, 327
      coordination of investigations and, 219
      Drimal and, 165, 167â68, 170, 171, 173, 174, 216â17
      expert networks and, 222
      Franklin circle of friends and, 103
      Goffer and, 174
      Hollander and, 243â46
      Kinnucan case and, 222, 229â30, 284, 291, 293, 294
      Martha Stewart case and, 152
      Pajcin case and, 112â13
      personal and professional experience of, 152, 293, 327
      post-Rajaratnam investigation activities of, 258
      Rajaratnam case and, 167, 199
      reputation of, 112, 153, 327
      and rivalries within FBI, 160â61
      SAC case and, 312
      Slaine and, 1, 5â6, 150, 153â55, 156, 167â69, 170, 173, 177, 186, 216, 286
      style/methods of, 153
      Wadhwa and, 112, 128
      and Wadhwa presentation about Khan-Rajaratnam, 128
Mandvi, Aasif, 210
Manne, Henry, 31, 327
Market Street Advisors, 206
Markopolos, Harry, 144
Markowitz, David, 119, 121, 123, 125, 327
Martoma, Mathew, 9â10, 280, 304, 305â7, 308â11, 312, 314â15, 317, 319, 323, 327
Marvell Technology, 232, 278
Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court: Goodwin complaints and, 28
Maverick Capital, 233
McCain, John, 200
McCarthy, Jim, 253, 254
McDermott, James, 41, 57â59, 61, 103, 323, 327
McKinsey & Co., 8, 126â27, 180, 182, 193, 194, 196, 199, 287, 326, 327
Meeker, Mary, 149
Mehta, Suketu, 214
mergers and acquisitions, 51â52, 55, 56, 65, 95, 102.
See also specific merger or acquisition
Merrill Lynch
      Blodget at, 77â78
      financial crisis of 2008 and, 142
      forklift driver-
case and, 152â53
      Kanjilal case and, 76â78
      and Martha Stewart case, 59
      Martha Stewart case and, 59, 64
      O'Neal resignation from, 141â42
      Orange County bankruptcy and, 42
      Pajcin-Plotkin case and, 113
      and race on Wall Street, 113
      and racism on Wall Street, 113
      Rajaratnam case and, 131, 215
      SEC cases against, 34
      Slaine at, 147
      Zamansky case and, 78
MF Global, 263
Michaelson, Andrew, 118, 121, 123, 124, 249, 262, 327
Microsoft, 90, 91, 196
Milken, Michael, 40â42, 51, 55, 58, 225, 268, 316, 319, 327
Milos restaurant (New York City), 311
misappropriation theory, 40â41, 42, 44, 47, 58, 62, 63, 64
analogy, 302, 319
Moffat, Robert, 187â88, 189, 206, 215, 216, 327
money-market funds: wealth effect and, 15
Moody's Investors Service, 128, 162
Moore, Michael, 71
Morgan Stanley
      Collotta at, 102
      Facebook IPO and, 16
      Franklin circle of friends and, 102, 103, 104
      Heller-GE deal and, 90
      IPOs and, 16, 42â43
      Lyford Cay circle of friends and, 100
      Pitt-SEC case against, 34
      Slaine at, 2, 147, 149, 150â51, 154, 168, 326
See also
Mack, John
Morvillo, Bob, 63, 64
mosaic information
      “channel checks” and, 140
      characteristics of, 39
      Chiesi and, 193
      and definitions of insider trading, 284
      and difficulty of prosecuting insider trading cases, 96, 237
      expert networks and, 257
      as explanation for suspicious trades, 257
      of FBI, 181
      Fisher theory about, 123
      importance of, 83
      Khan case and, 140
      Rajaratnam/Galleon Group case and, 122, 123â24, 126, 181, 182, 190, 238, 250, 255
      SAC Capital and, 94
      SEC views about, 123â24
Mozilo, Angelo, 262, 263
Mubadala Development Co., 188â89
Mukasey, Marc, 310
Mulheren, John, 283
mutual funds
      debate about insider trading and, 14â15
      investor confidence and, 15
      as Kinnucan clients, 84, 221, 229, 231
      SEC regulation of, 82â83
Naftalis, Gary, 269
      bursting of Internet bubble and, 79
      collapse of, 34, 43, 60
      enforcement staff at, 48, 56
      Facebook IPO and, 263
      Grubman case and, 79, 80
      self-regulation staff at, 52, 53
      trading volume at, 50
      Zamansky lawsuit and, 78
National Association of Security Dealers (NASD), 52, 54, 74
National City Bank, 27
Needham & Co., 114, 115, 205
Netscape, 76
New Castle Partners, 185â86, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 322, 324, 327
New Deal, 28â29
New Jersey Supreme Court: Fairfax-SAC case and, 270
New York
magazine: Cohen story in, 107
New York Post
, 72, 223, 227, 280, 316â17
New York Stock Exchange
      Cohen sanction by, 108
      creation of, 21
      enforcement staff at, 48
      Khuzami investigation of trading at, 203
      SEC tips from, 262
      self-regulation and, 52
      surveillance unit at, 303
      trading volume at, 30, 50
      Wadhwa case involving hedge funds access to information from, 262
New York Times
, 86, 88, 89, 113, 230
NewCastle Partners, 187, 188
Newman, Todd, 288, 327
News Corporation, 95
magazine: Rajaratnam story in, 213, 214
Nussbaum, Peter, 277
Nvidia, 150â51, 232, 312
Obama, Barack, 17, 18, 142, 199â200, 205, 223, 224, 225, 298â99, 300
“October Surprise” (2012), 299
Goffer, Zvi
offshore bank accounts, 55
O'Hagan, James Herman, 43â45, 47, 51, 58, 62, 63, 327
Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act (1968), 238â39, 241, 242, 257
one-party consent law, 159
O'Neal, Stan, 113, 141â42
Oppenheimer, 77
Orange County, California: bankruptcy of, 42
organized crime/drug cases
      Giuliani prosecutions of, 181
      informants and, 133, 139
      insider trading compared with, 64â65, 109, 146, 219, 243, 257
      SAC compared with, 277
      wiretaps and, 131, 145, 163, 164, 236, 256
The Other Side of Wall Street
(Harrison), 149
Oyster Bar (New York City), 100
Pajcin, David, 112â13
Palmisano, Sam, 187
Pandick Press.
Chiarella, Vincent
Pasternak, Mariana, 59, 60, 63
Pathmark, 71â74, 85
Paulson, Hank, 113
Pecora (Ferdinand) Commission, 26â27, 28, 327
Pecos Trading, 195
Pequot Capital, 89â90
Perfect Hedge
      accomplishments of, 6â7, 8, 269
      cost of, 238
      importance of cooperators to, 7â8
      and insider trading as victimless crime, 235
      irony of, 318
      leaks about, 254
      naming of, 3â4, 174
      and rivalries within FBI, 161
      sentences in, 286
See also specific person or case
Persico, Carmine “the Snake,” 16, 256
Pillsbury, 44â45
Pitt, Harvey, 33â35, 36, 39, 41, 260
Plotkin, Eugene, 112, 113
      crackdown on insider trading and, 223â24
      elections of 2012 and, 298â99, 300â301
      FBI and, 205
      financial crisis of 2008 and, 205
      as influence on insider trading cases, 19
      and insider trading cases in 1980s, 41
      Kinnucan comment about, 230
      and “October Surprise,” 299
      SEC and, 88â90, 201, 205
Polycom, 122, 126, 137, 140, 176, 181, 214
Pomponio, Anthony, 58
Powell, Colin, 275
Pret a Manger (New York City), 170
Primary Global Research, 75, 207â8, 219, 220, 221, 232, 257, 269, 282, 307, 308, 324, 327
Prince, Chuck, 142
      wires (recording devices) and, 159
      wiretaps and, 65, 159, 163, 164, 165, 238â43
Proctor & Gamble, 196
Prohibition, 23
ProLogis, 102
prostitution, 23, 125
Pulliam, Susan, 285
“pump and dump,” 24, 222
Q Capital, 102
Qnexa: FDA decision about, 295â98
Quality Meats restaurant (New York City), 301
quantitative easing, 142
Queally, Kathleen, 134, 135
race/ethnicity: Wall Street and, 113â14
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), 51
railroad system: history of insider trading and, 22
Rajaratnam, Raj
      and accomplishments of law enforcement, 8, 16
      AMD trades and, 118, 122, 124, 125, 127, 188, 189â90, 221
      appeal of, 256
      arrest of, 210, 211, 213â16, 219, 220, 221, 251, 302
      ATI trades and, 182
      as celebrity, 17
      Chiesi and, 182, 185â87, 188, 189â91, 193, 194, 195, 205, 215â16, 238, 324, 327
      Choo-Beng Lee and, 205, 206, 207
      Cohen case compared with, 306
      Cohen views about, 267
      conviction/imprisonment of, 16, 255â57, 287, 318, 327
      cooperators and, 182, 236, 240, 248, 251â52
      cost of wiretaps on, 183
      debate about insider trading and, 16â17, 18
      depositions of, 121, 180, 287
      Drimal and, 218, 285
      early governmental concerns about, 116â19
      “edge” of, 180
      emails and, 117, 123, 125, 126, 130, 256, 301
      and ethnicity, 180â81
      expert networks and, 209
      Far and, 206, 207
      FBI/Chaves investigation of, 116, 118â19, 129, 130â31, 141, 144, 145, 146, 161, 175â76, 185, 199, 210, 213â15, 239, 254, 326
      financial crisis of 2008 and, 194
      as flight risk, 210â11
      founding of Galleon Group by, 114, 186, 325
      Goffer and, 172, 218
      Goldman Sachs-Buffet deal and, 198â99, 248, 283
      Google trades of, 235
      Gupta and, 8, 180, 182, 195, 196â97, 198â99, 210, 214â15, 248, 249, 269
      Hilton Hotel trades of, 127â28, 162, 235
      importance of case against, 131
      importance of turning, 214â15
      investor confidence and, 318
      investors' cost of activities of, 16â17
      Justice Department investigation and, 118â19, 127, 129, 132, 133, 210â11, 253, 304
      Kang investigation and arrest of, 14, 118, 129â30, 145, 167, 183, 199, 206, 209, 210, 211, 213â15, 239, 241, 242, 302, 326
      Khan flipping and, 137â41
      Khan relationship with, 127, 128â29, 130, 132, 138, 161, 162, 164, 175â76, 181, 186, 188, 251, 255
      Khan role in investigation of, 7, 14, 118, 123â26, 129â30, 132, 161, 163â64, 165, 168, 175â76, 177, 181, 182, 184, 251, 252, 292, 301, 326
      Kumar and, 126, 127, 180, 182, 188, 189, 193â95, 196, 252, 254â55, 326
      Longoria and, 219â21
      Makol and, 167, 199
      mosaic information and, 122, 123â24, 126, 182, 190, 238, 250, 255
      at Needham & Co., 205
      personal and professional background of, 114â15
      personality of, 116, 122, 123, 130, 180, 195, 255
      as primary target of law enforcement, 141
      psychic mole-on-the-face story and, 251
      public interest in activities of, 199, 200
      reputation of, 114
      Rosenbach and, 171â72, 218, 328
      as scape goat for Wall Street crimes, 256â57
      SEC deposition of, 121â26, 127, 130, 180
      SEC/Wadhwa investigation of, 110, 116â19, 121â26, 127, 129, 130, 131, 133, 144, 165, 180â82, 184, 199, 235, 239, 242, 249, 250, 254, 256, 262, 301â2, 328
      self-image of, 122
      Slaine and, 2, 148, 154, 167, 186, 285