Circe's Recruits 3: Derrick (12 page)

Read Circe's Recruits 3: Derrick Online

Authors: Marie Harte

Tags: #Multiple Partners

BOOK: Circe's Recruits 3: Derrick
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“Are you out of your mind?” Derrick asked, his eyes wide. “You’ll get yourself fucking killed.”

“Or worse,” Roane murmured. He stared at her curiously, as if seeing her for the first time.

Amid the Circs’ arguments about the merits of her retrieving that data, Doc nudged her back onto the exam table and hooked her up to the rest of his wires monitoring everything but her bra size. This time he also shoved a damned IV into her arm, some saline solution to do what, she had no idea. Trying to pretend she didn’t feel like Frankenstein’s bride, she talked over Derrick’s objections. As if he should care whether she risked her life. It was her life.

“Look, none of you wanted me here in the first place. There’s no reason I shouldn’t go back in there. Maybe something in that folder Doc wants so badly can help cure me of --” She bit back a gasp and arched uncontrollably as her back seized. Her muscles began cramping unmercifully.

“Shit. What’s wrong with her?” Derrick yelled over the loud roaring inside her brain.

“Doc, what the hell did you give her?”

“Exactly what she needed,” she thought she heard Doc say before her world turned upside down.

She screamed as agony ripped through her body. Sabrina tried to push past it, to at least gain some control over herself, when she felt several pairs of hands holding her down.

Strapping her down, like the unfortunate female Circs in Pearl’s subbasement. Watching them reject the change, even as they embraced the urge to kill, to feed, and to fuck again and again.

Confused as past images mixed with her present ones, Sabrina cried out to the one person she instinctively knew would never hurt her. “Derrick!”

“I’m here, Sabrina. Come on, princess, hang on.” He gripped her hand, and a part of her eased. She wouldn’t come to harm with him here. The male would protect her. From the others, if need be. Then she caught the scent of the alpha, a distinct amalgamation of all the Circs in this place, layered over Roane. He was the leader here, but Sabrina’s beast recognized only Derrick, her mate. And it was high time she showed him just who was boss.

Chapter Eight

Derrick watched in awe as Sabrina began to change.

“Back away, now,” Doc commanded, and they moved quickly.

In less than a minute, Sabrina tore Doc’s wires and IV from her body. She ripped her clothes off, one glorious article at a time. Derrick was caught in an overwhelming lust and didn’t hesitate to change with her, shucking his clothing in seconds before assuming his beastly form.

Hale and Roane, he noted, did the same.

“Doc, you’d better let us handle this,” Hale rumbled, slightly smaller than Roane and Derrick, but no less powerful.

Doc left with a warning, “Remember, she’s going to be a lot stronger than what you’re used to. Be careful.”

As if Derrick needed that reminder. Staring at the female before him, his beast took notice with a vengeance. His cock throbbed, his balls ached, and his fangs pierced his gums with ripping pain. He wanted so badly to bite her as he took her, to mark her finally as his.

“Shit, D, I think you’re bigger than you were before.” Derrick was about to smack Hale when he realized Hale wasn’t making some smart sexual reference. He was staring at Derrick’s entire body, comparing him to Roane, who also took note.

“This isn’t a competition,” Roane growled. “The female’s yours. No contest. But D, we have to establish some rules up front. You remember how Caitlyn took us all to bond us together? Well, I have a feeling your mate isn’t going to go as easily. And without bonding to us, she won’t belong. Kelly didn’t need this, but Sabrina’s a wild card.” Not used to hearing anyone referred to as his mate, Derrick missed what Roane said.

“You get me, bro?” Roane asked again, clenching his fists.

“We’re going to fuck her into submission,” Hale said bluntly. “And from the look of her, that’s going to be easier said than done. You lucky bastard.” Derrick watched as Sabrina came into her own. She was much paler when human, but as she shifted, her skin grew to be a shade lighter than his own. “Beautiful,” he murmured as she continued to change.

Her breasts looked fuller, her nipples a cocoa brown and growing harder as he stared.

She snarled, drawing his attention to her face. Her proportions remained intact, though broadened. Her eyes were a deeper gray, the color of slate. Fangs peered over her full lower lip, and her pupils elongated.

Her torso expanded, bones popping and muscle stretching as she fully transformed. He could only imagine the agony, remembering how much it had hurt him the very first time.

Her hair lengthened, as did her fingernails into sharp, pointed weapons.

Sabrina’s toned body soon became larger, streamlined, and corded with strength.

Thankfully, her tongue didn’t look black, unlike the one mutant Circ they’d seen. Her skin tone stopped at light brown as well, not tar black like that monster’s.

“Mine,” she said as she stared at him, her voice octaves lower and sultry enough to make him wish he was inside her already.

“Easy, princess,” Derrick said and took a step closer.

She jumped on him before he could blink and knocked him back into the wall. His ears were ringing and he saw double, before he realized Hale and Roane were advancing.

“Back off,” he roared before Sabrina could do them any damage.

“The female needs to know her place,” Roane argued. “And that’s under me.”

“Fuck you.” Sabrina jumped away from Derrick and slashed out at Roane, nearly making contact. But Roane wasn’t leader for nothing.

He and Hale leaped out of the way, then attacked and knocked her to the ground.

Pinning her beneath them, they continued to fight her, suffering several wounds while Derrick watched, not knowing what to do.

His beast was conflicted. The desire to protect and claim his mate was strong, but so was his need to obey Roane.

“Get your ass down here,” Roane said, panting. “Hale and I will hold her arms and legs; you get the rest of her. Claim her quick. We have to get her under control this first change.” Derrick understood, his hunger spiraling out of control. He’d had sex with her as a man, and it had been out of this world. Mating while as a beast… He shuddered with need.

Sabrina growled and threatened every other word, hissing and spitting until she saw Derrick. Then she ceased fighting so suddenly, she startled them all.

“Mine,” she rasped, her eyes glued to Derrick’s frame. As her gaze moved over him and centered on his groin, she licked her lips. “All mine.”

“Let her go,” Derrick ordered, barely aware when they released her. He was so damned hard, he hurt.

Falling to his knees, he covered her in seconds and prodded her slick sex with his fingers. His cock was so ready, he feared he’d explode as soon as he entered her.

“Now,” she whispered and stared into his eyes as he slid inside her.

Aware of Roane and Hale watching his every move, Derrick’s arousal grew. Sabrina didn’t seem to mind it either. She moaned and grabbed Derrick tightly as he pushed all the way inside her.

“Fuck,” he growled as he roughly took her.

“Yes, yes. More.” She was as wild as he could have imagined, and her strength pleased him to no end. Even when he’d taken Caitlyn, during her first change, he’d tried to be careful. Derrick always had to watch himself with women. Before he’d joined Circe’s Recruits, he’d been big. But as a Circ, he had tremendous power. Yet here in this female, he met his equal.

Derrick snarled at her when she gouged his back, but he didn’t stop. If anything, he pounded her harder. He didn’t see Roane or Hale but heard them groaning behind him and could only imagine what they were doing.

God, Sabrina fit him as if she’d been made for him. As he fucked her, her breasts swayed, those full globes so pretty, so brown and perfect, she made him ache. Not able to finish without leaving some mark, Derrick leaned down and bit her nipple, causing her to shriek as she came around him.

He felt her grip him tight around his cock and his body as he sucked her nipple, drawing a hint of her blood. She tasted spicier than she had before. More addicting.

And when she locked her legs around his waist and clenched around him like a vise, he completely lost it.

He released her breast and thrust twice more before exploding. He rode out his orgasm, coming harder than he ever had before. And just as he ended his climax, he heard Hale groan and felt something spatter on his back.

Sabrina’s eyes widened as she sniffed, but before he could say anything, she tried to scramble out from under him, her rage directed over his shoulder.

Derrick barely managed to keep her under him, her movements stirring his lust to new heights. He chanced a look behind him to see Roane fucking Hale, who’d apparently already come over Derrick’s back. Caught in the middle, Hale could do nothing but wait until Roane finished.

Sabrina pulled away from him, and Derrick felt her loss like a physical blow. Irritated, he snarled and latched on to her legs while Roane finished with Hale. A few more pumps and he stilled, groaning his release. Sabrina continued to fight him, trying to swipe at Hale.

Derrick held on, finally shoving her back down to the cold cement floor beneath him.

“Stop,” he ordered.

“I don’t want him marking you,” she said as she squirmed free. With a burst of speed, she launched herself at Hale again but was intercepted by Roane, who tackled her to the ground. Hale and Derrick quickly joined him to subdue the troublesome Circ. Another fierce female. It seemed Circ women didn’t come any other way.

Holding her throat in one hand, Roane snapped at Sabrina, “Hale’s mine. Derrick’s mine. You want Derrick? You pledge yourself to me first.” Sabrina cursed and hissed, but she couldn’t free herself from Roane, Hale, and Derrick.

Finally tiring herself out, she shook her long, black hair away from her face and glared at Roane. “He’s mine.”

“He’s mine first,” Roane corrected. Then, to Derrick’s surprised pleasure, Roane stroked the side of Sabrina’s face. A subtle sign of acceptance her beast apparently recognized, because she settled down. “You want him, you tie yourself to me. To us,” he said, nodding at Hale.

With Roane and Hale holding her down by her arms and chest, and Derrick half sitting on her legs, she had nowhere to turn. But seeing her pinned down, submissive, stirred Derrick’s desire once more. He could go for hours without tiring. Looking at Sabrina, he knew he’d go longer. He needed to fill her with his seed more than he needed to breathe. But more, he had to make her see she belonged to him. To the squad, yes, but specifically, to him.

“Is Caitlyn going to be okay with this?” Derrick asked, knowing Roane intended to fuck Sabrina to ensure her loyalty. The way he’d gotten his Circs’ loyalty when they’d first undergone the change.

“We talked about it. She doesn’t like it, but she knows it has to be done.” Roane looked down at his massive cock, now erect once more. “This involves your mate,” he said to Derrick. “You okay with it?”

“Hell, yeah,” Hale answered without being asked. “This is fucking great.”

“He was talking to me, dipshit. I’m good, Roane.” Derrick was more than okay. He was aroused, being around so much sexual scent. To see his alpha take his mate… His beast wanted it now. He nodded. “Do it.”

Roane looked down at Sabrina. “This is the way it’s going to be. I don’t give a shit how strong they made you. I lead this group. You need to give your loyalty to me.” Confusion flashed in her eyes.

“He’s going to fuck you, princess. Him and Hale,” Derrick explained, more than ready to watch them take her. To accept her. But her submission would be his and his alone.

“They’re going to share their seed. But you’ll allow it only because I allow it. Understand?” He forced his power to shine in his eyes, to show his mate his strength would more than match her own. No matter what Pearl had done to her, Derrick’s mate would not overwhelm him, not sexually, unless he gave her permission.

Sabrina jerked at the men on top of her, but there was no power behind it, merely a defiant gesture that had Hale grinning.

“I really do like her more and more.”

She bared her teeth at him, and he retaliated by nipping her throat.

“Don’t bleed her,” Derrick growled, amending his command when both Roane and Hale, his alpha and beta, glared back at him. “Please don’t bleed her.”

“On your hands and knees,” Roane ordered her.

The men backed off Sabrina, waiting for the slightest sign of defiance.

She got to her feet and tossed her head. Her eyes sparkled, and her lips shone with the slick shine of her saliva. “Make me.”

Roane swore and tackled her again. But Sabrina put up little fight. In seconds, Roane had her on her hands and knees. Between her legs, he thrust home, moaning as he did so.

“Fuck, she’s hot.”

Hale knelt in front of her face. He tilted her chin up and prodded her lips with his dick.

“Open up, Sabrina. And no teeth,” he warned. “Drink it all down. The faster you take us, the faster we can get you back to your mate.” He groaned as she sucked voraciously. “Damn, D. I think she wants you bad.”

Derrick stood to the side, growing more aroused with every suck, every thrust, and every moan uttered by men he considered his brothers. Sabrina looked so incredible, her dark body sandwiched between the men he would give his life for. Watching them take her reminded him of his own initiation into the Circ mating heat.

And it was just as erotic, if not more so, to watch their pleasure, even as he readied to partake in it again.

Hale was no longer letting Sabrina suck him off, he was actively fucking her mouth.

Roane clenched her hips and plunged into her with rapid strokes, his ass clenching as he neared his end. Hale groaned and came, holding Sabrina’s hair as he filled her mouth.

Roane panted. “I’m close. Now you’ll take me, Sabrina.” Derrick could feel the shifting energy in the room center over Roane. “You’ll take all of me.” He pulled out of her. “Turn around and swallow it.”

When she turned on her hands and knees, Derrick pounced. Roane pushed between her lips and Derrick shoved himself into her wet, warm pussy and stayed there. She moaned and sucked harder, her cheeks hollowing as she took Roane to bliss.

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