Cipher (8 page)

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Authors: Aileen Erin

BOOK: Cipher
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“I see him.” Mona bumped her shoulder against mine. “He’s fighting that guy that you’re supposed to meet.”

I tugged at my lip ring with my teeth as Mona pushed her way to the front of the demo crowd. Oliver’s bald head was all I could see through the mass. Whoever he was fighting was a little shorter. Not by much though. Mona had to throw a few elbows to get us close to the action. When we’d pushed up to the front, she leaned into the fence that surrounded the circular raised stage, trying to get even closer to the fight.

I didn’t blame her. The guys moved fluidly, and even though this was a demo, they weren’t pulling their punches. Their feet were bare. Black sweat pants. No shirts. Better to show off their muscles and the helixes tattooed on their forearms.

The two moved so fast, I could barely keep track of what they were doing. The one guy flipped and kicked, while Oliver blocked and spun, throwing another punch. It was a beautiful dance, and it did its job. I glanced down at the little kid next to me. His eyes were wide as he pressed his face to the fence. Even I had to admit, it was an impressive show.

Mona let rip a two-fingered whistle that almost blew my eardrums and I tried to bite back a cringe.

Holy crap.
Could she draw any more attention?

She started to climb the fence. “Take him to the fucking mat!” She screamed over the top of it and everyone around us turned to stare.

I was wrong. She could definitely draw more attention.

How long they could keep this fight up? Not that I minded, but both guys were putting their all into each move, and yeah, they were sweating and out of breath, but I would’ve been unconscious after that much exercise.

The crowd around us shouted and Mona joined in.

There was something about the guy Oliver was fighting. He was handsome, no doubt, but he appealed to me like no one I’d ever met before. It wasn’t just the way he looked. I couldn’t keep my eyes off him as he moved. My heart sped as the fight continued, and I took an involuntary step forward, my toes hitting the fence. Transfixed. I found myself holding my breath, and I forced myself to look away. It was too much. Too overwhelming.

When I scanned the crowd, every face was riveted, too.
So it’s not just me.

He was magnetic. That made me feel a little better about staring. I shoved my hands in the pockets of my shorts, and let myself enjoy the display like everyone else.

His gaze met mine. It was as if everything paused for a moment before moving again.

He spun and met my gaze again. I glanced around, trying to figure out if it was really me he kept looking at or if there was some hot chick behind me that he was noticing. Or maybe just Mona?

When I looked back into the ring, he was laughing as he fought. He said something to Oliver, who turned to look at me and Mona. Although none of that was enough to slow their kicks and punches.

How could they be fighting and talking at the same time?

He moved to kick Oliver, but Oliver caught his foot, tossing it away. He flipped through the air three times, and landed in front of me. He slid his fingers through the links. “Hey, Cipher,” he said. “I’m Marquez.”

His eyes. It was his eyes that got to me. His skin was the most awesome light caramel color, his hair inky black, but his eyes were a light sea glass green that seemed to light from within. They made my breath shaky. My hands clammy.

They felt like home.

“Hi.” I managed to choke out. “Aren’t you a little busy to be flirting?”

“I’m never too busy for you.” He winked.

“Gross.” I turned to Mona, whose mouth hung open as she gawked. “Can you believe this guy?” I asked as I jerked my thumb at him.

“Hang around after,” Marquez said.

Three things about Marquez hit me like punches in the gut. He had a dual helix on his forearm, a raven in flight on his hand that looked identical to mine, and most shocking of all, I wanted to slather myself all over him.

I already knew the first two, but the third… I was out. I’d never felt that kind of attraction to anyone, and it was way too much for me to even begin to handle.

Marquez kipped up, and I stepped back from the mats.

“Thank you for coming to the demonstration,” Oliver said loudly. “If you have any questions about the Black Helixes, you can head over to the tent on the right. You’ll find loads of information on what it’s like to be a Black and what it takes to earn your helix. Also look for anyone wearing black and sporting a tattoo like this.” He waved his hand along his bicep, showing off his Black Helix, except I was close enough to see it also had a bit of green in the pattern. Another dual helix.

The crowd laughed as Oliver bowed.

I took another step away from the fence, but Marquez was watching me. If I ran, would he follow? If I stayed, would he ask questions or just hit on me?

Hitting on me I could deal with. I’d turned guys down before. Not guys I was attracted to, but the technique was the same. I just had to stay firm.

Mona grabbed my arm. “Where are you going? He said to wait.”

I blew out a breath. “Nowhere.” Apparently.

“This way.” She grabbed my hand and pulled me through the crowd around the back of the demo area.

“Wait there,” Oliver called out. “We need a sec.”

Mona gave him a thumbs up. I scanned the faces in front of me, but Marquez wasn’t anywhere. I hoped he’d get back soon, or else I was bailing.

Maybe I should just go. Like now.

“Hey,” said a deep voice behind me.

Chills broke out along my skin. I made myself turn and it hit me again. Stupid hormones. He’d been shirtless a second ago, but with his shirt on…he was still annoyingly good looking. That didn’t mean I could act on anything.

I sniffed. What was that? Oak? Man? Wow. Was that really how he smelled? Did his sweat smell good?

I was a sick, sick girl.

“You okay?”

My skin heated.

“Are those freckles?” He went to touch my nose and I jerked back.

“Yeah.” But I couldn’t let him touch me.

His grin did something melty to my insides. “I like them.”

“Ookaaay.” I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do with that bit of information. It wasn’t like I’d added them for his benefit. They were just there.

He was quiet for a little too long. The way he stared down at me with his hands on his hips, as if he was studying every piece of my face, trying to make sense of something, made me feel like I was coming unglued. “What?”

“Do I look familiar to you at all?”

I crossed my arms, trying to look more severe and most likely failing. “Nope. We just met. Remember? Me, Cipher. You, Marquez. Hello and welcome to five seconds ago.”

He laughed and I felt it tingle along my skin. “I hear you’re looking for something of mine?”

Of his? No. He couldn’t be. Crackhead would’ve told me if I were meeting the actual Knight. “I’m looking for a special kind of processor.”

“Mine are very special.”

He was bullshitting me. “A very specific, top-of-the-line processor.”

“Aww. You think my stuff’s top of the line. That’s—”

“Knight!” A voice rang out, and Marquez turned.

No way.

“What’s up?” he said to another guy dressed all in black.

No fucking way. He couldn’t be
Knight. It wasn’t possible. I knew him. We chatted online a lot. I’d know if he had a helix. Wouldn’t I?

“Boss man wants a word.”

The fun, flirting guy was gone in an instant. His expression turned flat and so cold it gave me chills. I didn’t know who the boss man was, but I was glad it wasn’t me.

“Be there in five,” Marquez said.

“Chatting with a lady fan? No worries. I got your back.”

“Thanks.” Knight focused back on me.


“That’s me,” he said with a nod.

I swallowed. The guy I’d been chatting with for years was a Black Helix. Had I really been friends with the enemy? “Bullshit. Knight’s not a helix.”

“A dual helix. And yes. Yes, he is.” He crossed his arms. “But are you the real Cipher?”

I rolled my eyes. “I am. Prove you’re Knight. We talked four months ago. March twenty-sixth. About what?”

He blew out a breath. “Four months ago? March twenty-sixth. Hmm. That was when I was…” He paused. “Right. We talked about a few things. Strategy in FV34. The latest episode of
Along the Shore
. And I think you brought up some lame classic movie.”

He was so wrong. We’d gone back and forth for hours about it. “It’s not a lame movie. It’s hilarious. I can’t help it if you have no sense of humor.”

He grinned. “I have a fantastic sense of humor. You just have bad taste. Why didn’t you tell me you’re a girl? Why the charade?”

I used a vocoder whenever I talked online. Protecting my identity was essential. “I like to keep people guessing.” I placed my hands on my hips, trying to seem a little bigger and more assertive for my next question. I had to get what I needed and go before he flirted with me anymore. He was way above my skill level. “So, can I have another processor?” Coming here couldn’t be a waste. I wouldn’t let it be.

“What have you been doing to my babies? I sent you seven a month ago. That should’ve lasted you years. For real. Years, Cipher.”

I couldn’t exactly own up to losing control of my powers and frying his gear with electricity. Might as well hike down my pants and flash him my Red Helix. “It doesn’t matter how. They got fried, and now I’m out. Do you have one or not?”

“Not. But I can make you another. Just give me a bit.”

It took way longer than a bit to make a processor from scratch. This wasn’t good news at all. “You don’t have one on you?”

He chuckled. “No. I don’t have one on me,” he said, mocking my voice. “I’m here on assignment. I don’t carry much in the way of hardware with me the road.”

That wasn’t what I wanted to hear. “Okay. A day?”

“Maybe sooner. If you’ll go out with me.”

I scoffed. “I’m not going out with you. You can’t bribe me for a date.” I looked at Mona but she was just grinning like a loon. No help at all.

“Says who?”

“Says me!” What was this guy’s deal? He was hot, but I wasn’t dating him. I didn’t date. “A date for computer parts? It’s wrong. Unethical.”

“I wasn’t aware that ethics were involved in securing a date.”

Even if he wasn’t actually laughing, his eyes were. It was there, bubbling under the surface. He was making me completely uncomfortable and totally enjoying it.

Mona put her arm around my shoulder. “You get what you need?”

“No.” I tried not to sound like a pouting three-year-old and failed.

Knight grinned down at Mona and I suddenly wanted to punch my best friend in the throat.

Jealousy was a bitch. And I had no reason to feel jealous. He wasn’t
anything. I couldn’t afford to have a guy in my life. Knight was dangerous on so many levels… A dual helix. A kick-ass fighter. My best online friend. And so mouthwatering he made me think violent thoughts about my best girl.

“Hey, I’m Mona. Cipher’s best friend slash sister slash confidant,” she said, sticking her hand out to him.

He took her hand in his, and I wished he were holding my hand instead.

That was so dumb.

“Just the person I need to talk to, then. I’m Knight, and I’m trying to get Cipher to go out with me tonight, but she’s not being too agreeable,” Knight said as he released her hand. Finally.

Wait a second… All thoughts of jealousy were washed away by insta-panic. Mona was going to jump all over this. She’d been trying to hook me up for weeks now.

Mona squealed and hopped in place. “Perfect. Meet us at Marx’s at nine. You can buy her a drink. She can kick your ass at games. You’ll fall in love. It’ll be a night to remember.” She rubbed her hands together.

If I didn’t love Mona so much, I’d kill her. What was she trying to pull? I didn’t meet up with guys ever. Never ever. And she
that. Where friends were a liability, getting tangled up with the opposite sex was close to suicide. “No way. I can’t go out with him.”

“Great. See you ladies tonight,” he said, completely ignoring me.

“Good. Bring Oliver.” Mona winked.

Panic started to get the better of me. “No. No, I’m not going. There’s no date. No date.” My voice was high and scratchy.

“There’s definitely a date,” Mona said.

It was a good thing we were in broad daylight. Otherwise, I’d be blowing lights by now. Electricity was licking the bottoms of my feet, and I let out a breath as I tried to make it disperse. Marquez stuck out his hand and his glowing Raven was plainly visible. I could feel the electricity itching to arc over to him. Like it was craving to zap him.

I wasn’t sure if that was my frustration or my attraction or something else, but no matter what, it was bad news. The energy I harnessed had never moved like that before. I wasn’t sure what it meant and couldn’t afford to find out.

I shoved my hands in my back pockets and took a step away from him. “I guess I’ll see you tonight.” I spun around. “Let’s go, Mona.” I wanted out of there so bad, I’d even skip the funnel cake.

I didn’t wait to see if she’d follow. She would. So, I kept my pace fast as I could as I moved through the swarms of people.

“What was that all about?” she said when we got to her beat-up silver coupe.


“That was
nothing. That was the definition of something. I’ve never seen you give a guy more than two seconds notice, but you flirted with him. And then you ran.”

“I did
” Okay, so maybe I ran. But I didn’t flirt.

Wait, did I?

“Yes, you totally ran. I’m sweating, thank you very much.” She wheezed. “Jeez. I need to work out.” She fanned herself. “You definitely flirted with him. Sort of. Don’t worry. We’ll work on it.”

I didn’t want to work on it. Thinking about Knight made my stomach feel like it was filled with butterflies and I didn’t like it. Not one bit. He had something that I needed, so I’d show up tonight, but getting tangled with a dual helixed Raven would be asking for disaster.

So, why was he so damned appealing?

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