Cinnamon Crunch Murder (7 page)

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Authors: Susan Gillard

BOOK: Cinnamon Crunch Murder
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Ryan looped his arm around Heather’s shoulders, and they set an easy pace, strolling along the dirt road near the trailer park.

“This brings back memories,” Heather said.

“Of what?”

“Pops Polinksi and his tasteless yard sale.” Heather snorted. “That was the strangest day. I guess I could say that about most days, lately.”

“I guess you could. I could too,” Ryan said, then yawned. “Late shift last night, and boy did it suck.”

“More trouble from Davidson?”

“Yeah. Did you know he brought in that kid this morning? Foster? Poor guy cried all the way from the front, right into the interrogation room,” Ryan said, then gritted his teeth. “He doesn’t have the evidence for this. It’s not right.”

“There’s only one thing to do, and that’s investigate,” Heather said. “Davidson can’t get away with this behavior, not in a court of law. If they put Foster up there, the jury will see right through the case.”

Ryan nodded. “That much is obvious. Which means he’s after a bigger fish.”

Dave paused to sniff a tree and do more of his cheeky ablutions. At least they were in nature this time, and not against the tire of a grumpy man’s car.

“I take it the fish he’s looking to fry is Heather-flavored,” Heather said. “He ‘hinted’ at it the other day. Whenever he sees me, he hints at it.”

Ryan scuffed his boot in the dirt. “This is so frustrating. I wish there were something I could do to stop this. I’m stuck at my desk all day, filling out forms, pushing paper.”

Heather stroked the back of his neck and massaged in circles. “Hey, we came for this walk to get away from it all. Let’s not talk about that, now. Let’s just enjoy the afternoon. Okay?”

“You’re right,” Ryan said, and that charming grin, the smile she’d fallen for, in the beginning, cropped up on his handsome face. “This is great. It’s good to be out in the wild again.”

Dave barked his agreement. And then he barked again, and again.

“Quiet down, you,” Heather said, tugging the leash, gently.

But Dave wouldn’t quit. He rattled off a volley of ear-shattering barks, his tail wagging in circles at an incredible rate.

“Heather,” Ryan said, tone deepening.

She looked up and gasped. Lilly Jones streaked towards them, arms pumping back and forth, cheeks red from the exertion. She lived on the other side of Hillside, in the new development are.

“Lilly?” Heather stepped forward.

The little girl struck her in the middle and flung her arms around Heather’s waist. She sobbed and sniffled.

“Lilly, what’s wrong?” Heather asked.

Dave licked at the girl’s legs, still wagging his tail, but whining each time Lilly let out another sob. Her breathing slowed, and she detached from Heather’s middle after a few seconds.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I hope I didn’t scare you.”

“What happened?” Heather asked, dropping to her haunches in front of the child.

Ryan followed suit, fished a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it over.

Lilly accepted it and wiped her forehead and cheeks, scraping at the tears and spreading a mixture of dust across her skin.

“It’s my dad,” she said.

“What about him?” Heather asked, skin already crawling at the mention of Larry Jones. He’d been commanding with his daughter the last time. And Lilly had mentioned being kicked out for forgetting to clean her shoes.

Heather touched the girl on the shoulder, and she jumped at the kindness.

“I’m scared of him. He’s bad. I don’t want to be there anymore,” Lilly said, gulping for air. She looked from Heather to Ryan and back again. “Please, get me away from him. I don’t want to live in that house anymore. He’s so mean to me. Please.”

“I’m calling Pamela,” Ryan said, rising from the ground. “She’s a social worker. She’ll handle this.”

Heather drew Lilly aside, and brought Dave along too, while Ryan made the call.

“It’s going to be okay, Lilly. When the lady comes to talk to you, you need to tell her exactly what’s going on, in private. She’s going to help you out. All right?”

Lilly pressed her lips together and rubbed at her eyes with the backs of her hands. “All right.”

“We’ll be with you the entire time. We’re not going anywhere until she arrives. You’re safe with us. My husband over there, Ryan? He’s a detective at Hillside PD.”

Lilly relaxed visibly. She sat down with her back to a tree and put her legs out straight. “Okay,” she said. Dave crawled into her lap right away and settled in it. She stroked him and shut her eyes.

Heather stayed by her side, even though Lilly didn’t want to talk.

Ryan whistled and beckoned for Heather to join him a short way off, and she rushed over.

“What’s going on?”

“Pam’s on her way. But I’m going to check out this complaint myself. I want to see what Larry has to say about this,” Ryan said.

“Maybe that’s a good idea,” Heather replied. Guilt had already surfaced in her thoughts, the memory of Lilly running off to give her information about Foster stuck out. What if this was her fault somehow.

No, if Larry had scared Lilly this bad, it wasn’t because of anything Heather had done. It was because he wasn’t a good father. And that was why Pam was the best equipped to deal with the situation.

Heather looked at Lilly.

The girl had her arms wrapped around Dave’s furry body, while he licked her face.

Chapter 15

Heather readjusted the stool behind the counter at Donut Delights and leaned her head on her bestie’s shoulder. She’d had a late night, and waking up early hadn’t been a part of the plan until Jung had called her with a waffle emergency.

“You should go home and get some rest,” Amy said, tapping her on the forehead with the end of a wooden paddle for stirring coffee.

“I don’t think I’d be able to rest, even if I did go home. Dave’s feeling boisterous today. He’s demanding to be let out of the house. I get the feeling he wants to see Lilly,” Heather said, then stifled a yawn.

“I hope she’s okay,” Amy said, softly. “She loved hearing about Eva’s Mustang.”

“Hey, I forgot about that.”

“Yeah, Eva has had the car for years. Apparently, her husband was a car aficionado, and he saved up everything to get that ‘Stang. She doesn’t like it, but she kept it because it reminds her of him.”

Heather chuckled. “That’s so Eva.”


It was a pretty slow Friday morning. A couple of customers, one mom with a baby on her hip, and a couple of businessmen, occupied the tables around the front of the store, already snacking on their donut orders.

This was definitely the quietest the place had been in weeks. It made Heather’s stomach twirl around in her body. What if people had heard about Davidson’s accusations and they didn’t want to come to Donut Delights anymore, because of it?

“Have you made any headway with the case?” Amy asked.

“Not yet,” Heather replied. “After our walk yesterday and the whole incident with Lilly, I haven’t been able to wrap my mind around it.” She scraped her hand through her hair.

Clattering from the kitchen broke through her thoughts. Heather sat up straight and shared a quizzical look with Amy. The clangs continued, and a yell rang out.

The mom at the table nearby frowned and shushed her infant.

“Oh boy,” Heather said. “It’s like I attract trouble.”

“We’ve established that,” Amy replied. “But let’s find out what this particular brand of trouble has in store.”

They slipped off their stools and walked towards the kitchen doors.

They swung open, and Detective Davidson appeared from within the Donut Delights kitchen, followed closely by Maricela, who held a rolling pin aloft.

“He came through the back door,” Maricela said. “I don’t care who he is. Nobody comes through the back door of the store.”

“Keep talking like that, young lady, and I’ll arrest you for –”

“Arrest me?!” Maricela waggled the rolling pin. She didn’t like officers, apart from Ryan, who she only trusted because he was married to Heather. “You arrest me? Ha!” She rattled off a few Spanish incantations.

“What’s going on, Detective Davidson? Is there a reason you disturbed my staff?” Heather asked.

Maricela’s Spanish taunts intensified. She moved closer to the Detective, still wiggling the marble rolling pin around, and Davidson took a step back, blinking at her in shock.

Another moment of ‘does not compute’, but from an officer of the law, this time.

“Mrs. Shepherd, I want to talk to you in your office.”

“Is that so?” Amy asked. “Maybe try the front door next time.” The corners of her lips twitched, and she eyed Maricela, who was still in full swing – excuse the pun. “I think it would be best for everyone’s health in this case.”

“Mrs. Shepherd, kindly remove this woman from my presence, or I am going to arrest her,” Davidson said.

“You have no charges to arrest her on, and I don’t remove my staff in any capacity, thank you very much.” That wasn’t technically true. Maricela had threatened a police officer, but Davidson seemed too wild-eyed to do anything about it.

Maricela finished her diatribe, swished the rolling pin once, then turned and strode back into the kitchen. The doors swung shut behind her, and the table of businessmen in the corner cheered and clapped.

“Breakfast and a show,” said one of the suits.

Heather sighed and massaged her temples. She hummed another tune, Suzanne by Leonard Cohen, and soothed her mind with the placid tones.

“What song is that?” Amy asked.

Davidson stared at her as if she’d lost her mind.

“What? She does that a lot. I like music, what’s the big deal?” Amy shrugged and looped her arm through Heather’s.

“You wanted to talk to me, Davidson?” Heather was seconds from asking him to leave. He had no right to come through the back of her store. He didn’t have a search warrant, or a warrant for arrest, or he’d surely have cuffed her and gloated about it, by now.

Davidson leaned in and raised his finger. He poked it towards Heather without touching her.

“That’s a finger away from police brutality,” Amy said.

“I know you’re working with Foster. I know that you got him to do your dirty work for you and kill my daughter.” Davidson sneered, his upper lip curling back to expose his teeth.

“I have lost my patience with this line of interrogation. I understand you’ve been through a lot, detective, but you’re not staying within the law here,” Heather replied. “I’ve had enough. I’m not going to speak to you anymore without a lawyer present.”

Amy grinned at Davidson. “And you can bet she’s got a good one.”

Kent Bentley happened to be the best lawyer in Hillside, and he’d definitely do anything to help Heather out after she’d found his attacker a few months earlier.

“You will leave my store now,” Heather said and pointed to the door. “And don’t come back unless you have a court ordered search warrant.”

Davidson glared at her for a second, then glanced towards the kitchen doors. He pushed past the two women and strode out of the store, his nose in the air and his clothes hanging from his frame.

He was half the man he’d been a week ago.

Chapter 16

“These are the only links I can piece together,” Heather said, then raised her hand to tick them off as Amy usually did. “Tara made a lot of noise which irritated people, she hung out with the wrong crowd, according to multiple sources, and she made an enemy of Goldie by ‘stealing’ her boyfriend.”

Ryan sat beside her on the sofa, tossing a piece of popcorn into his mouth, then crunching them between his teeth.

He’d chosen the movie tonight. Jurassic World played in the background. Chris Pratt soared through the jungle on the back of a motorcycle, surrounded by his velociraptor buddies.

“Sounds to me like you’ve got a lot of circumstantial evidence, and that, unfortunately, isn’t going to help free that kid, Foster.” Ryan crunched on another handful of buttery goodness.

Dave snored in his special spot, his ears and paws twitching in the throes of a dream.

“So, what do I do? I’ve read all the investigation stuff, and I’m working through the course notes, but I can’t see a great way out of this one. I don’t have the other glove, and I certainly don’t have any evidence tying Goldie to the crime scene.”

“You’re sure it’s her?” Ryan asked, then made an ‘oh’ shape with his mouth at the appearance of a monstrous dinosaur on the screen.

“She seems the most likely candidate, right now. She’s vicious and a liar from what I gather. And spoiled.”

“It’s dangerous to make those kinds of assumptions early in a case. You don’t have enough to back that up, yet,” Ryan replied. He reached for the remote and fumbled at the pause button with buttery fingers.

He turned to Heather, offered her the popcorn, and then inhaled. “You need to find out who Tara was with on those nights she made a lot of noise. You need more leads, more options. There might be something there.”

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