Cindy Holby

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Praise for the novels of Cindy Holby

“A strong story with a lot of excitement and action added in.”

Once Upon A Romance

“A wondrous adventure, full of action and suspense, which will enchant readers.”

RT Book Reviews

“The history, the characters and the plot blended flawlessly for a well-rounded story and hard-won happily ever after.”

Night Owl Reviews

“I couldn’t put this book down once I started it. I highly recommend [it] be added to your must-read list.”

Fresh Fiction

“A fast-paced, romantic adventure filled with laughter and danger…The pages turn very quickly and their story of adversity keeps the reader absorbed.”

Romance Reviews Today

“A delightful western romance…The story line is at its best when it concentrates on the lead couple, especially during humorous interludes.”

Midwest Book Review

“[Cindy Holby] takes us on an incredible journey of love, betrayal and the will to survive…. Ms. Holby is definitely a star on the rise!”

The Best Reviews

“Like no other book you’ll read, and you owe it to yourself to experience it.”

“Ms. Holby has created a delightful and fast-paced medieval fantasy full of characters that felt real and poignant.”

Romance Reader at Heart


Cindy Holby


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A Berkley Sensation Book / published by arrangement with the author


Berkley Sensation mass-market edition / May 2012

Copyright © 2012 by Cindy Holby.

Excerpt from
Colorado Heart
by Cindy Holby copyright © 2012 by Cindy Holby.

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To Peggy, who said in seventh grade,

“Let’s write a story.” I miss you


There are so many people who helped me along this journey. My wonderful husband who was very patient during the struggle to sell again and the deadline days. I love you so much. My two sons who always inspire me. My parents who are always there when I need them. Dad, I miss you so much and I’m glad I made you proud.

A special thank-you to my wonderful agent, Roberta Brown, who always believed in me and to Kate Seaver, for asking for a project that was a perfect match for my writing style. We never gave up on each other and I’m thrilled to be writing for her now.

A special shout-out to my neighbors, who are absolutely the best. I really believe that our little community is paradise.

And of course, to all my werearmadillos. Alesia, Barb, Eileen, Marianne, Michelle and Serena. I love all of you more than dark chocolate and peanut butter together, and could not have written one word of this without your constant support. We rock!

Table of Contents
































Colorado Heart


ade Gentry was not one to ask for forgiveness. Life was what it was and it was best just to deal with it. He’d done a lot in the past ten years that he wasn’t proud of, acts he thought he’d have time to atone for. He just needed the opportunity to succeed, to set the record straight. He’d always thought there was still time.

That was before he’d been shot.

He supposed he was lucky because the bullet passed straight through his gut, tearing its way through his belly and bouncing off his ribs before it blew its way through his back. If this was luck, then it was the first time he’d ever been graced by its company. He could only hope that it would hang around until he froze to death. That had to be less painful than bleeding out.

Or so he hoped.

Cade took a moment to survey his surroundings. He stood deep in a copse of aspens that led down to a frozen
stream. He’d lost his horse hours ago, a full day after they’d both been shot. The animal finally gave out from the bullet in his lungs, but not until Cade had escaped his pursuers. He hated losing that horse. He’d been his only friend for as long as he could remember. At least he had the satisfaction of knowing he’d taken out several of the men who’d chased after him.

The air was so cold that it burned his throat as he sucked it in. Still he felt hot, sweaty and clammy since he’d awakened shivering from the hour of sleep he’d allowed himself at dawn. Cade pulled his hand away from his stomach and his shirt moved with it, clinging to his glove with tiny flakes of ice. The bleeding had slowed down to a trickle, but he had no way of telling if it was because of the cold, or because he didn’t have any left to give. The only thing he did know was that he couldn’t stop. If he did, he’d be dead for certain, because the bastards who shot him were bound to finish the job.

Desperation, always close at hand, grabbed him by the throat and held him until he couldn’t breathe. The moments of his life, especially the last few wasted years filled his mind. Was this it? Why bother living if there was nothing to this existence but loneliness and desperation to fill each passing moment. Why bother at all? He should just sit down in this beautiful, peaceful spot and die alone. His body would freeze solid and lie there until the animals got to him. There was nobody to know, nobody that would even care, except a brother he hadn’t seen in ten years.

“Please God,” Cade said to the silent trees. “I’m not ready to die.” Why did he bother to pray? God had never heard him before. And why should God care? It wasn’t as if he was worth saving. But suddenly the golden leaves that stubbornly clung to the branches of the aspens, despite the quick approach of winter, rattled with the quickening wind. It wasn’t much of an answer, but it did bring the scent of
burning wood. Maybe after all these years God finally heard him. There was a fire close by, and hopefully warmth, a horse, and a way out of his latest predicament.

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