Chronicles of Eden - Act V (23 page)

Read Chronicles of Eden - Act V Online

Authors: Alexander Gordon

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Action & Adventure, #Fantasy, #Genre Fiction, #Horror, #Dark Fantasy

BOOK: Chronicles of Eden - Act V
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“Need milk. Please. Milk for Pip, please,” she begged.

“We don’t have any, I’m sorry,” Daniel said shaking his head with remorse. “Is there anything else I can get for you?”

“Milk,” Pip whimpered looking to Luna then to her breasts. The group watched as Pip just stared at the butterfly girl’s bosom with a hungry eye while licking her lips before Luna showed an uneasy frown and glanced down to her chest.

“Um, I’m not sure I like that she’s staring at me like that now.”

In a flash Pip shot forward at Luna in a blue blur, the trial of light streaking around the girl before darting down between her breasts. Luna cried out and stumbled around in a circle before leaning back against the table with a sharp gasp, her face turning red as her mouth quivered and her body trembled.

“No! Pip, don’t-
! Stop it!” she screamed before yanking down her petal bra. Falla stared with shock while Daniel jumped and watched with equal surprise at seeing Pip holding onto Luna’s breast and sucking hard on her nipple. The fairy was hugging the girl’s breast while her wings were buzzing behind her, her eager whines being heard as she furiously tried to get milk out of the butterfly.

“What the hell are you doing? Get off her!” Falla shouted out.

“No, Pip!” Luna cried out as she staggered back against the table, using both her arms to hold herself up as she watched the fairy sucking on her nipple relentlessly. “No milk!
I don’t have any milk to give, please stop!”

Pip leaned back with a gasp and looked up to her with heartbroken eyes before back to the large nipple before her, her hands squeezing the breast again and again while she whined with a sorrowful frown.

“No milk? No, Pip needs milk! Please give! Please!”

“I’m sorry, I don’t have any. Please stop doing that,” Luna whined as she cringed and shook her head.

“No, please give me milk. Pip needs it,” Pip pleaded up at her with watery eyes. She sniffled then looked to Falla, the butterfly girl jumping then backing up while holding her arms across her chest.

“No way! I don’t have any milk either, don’t you dare come near me!”

“No!” Pip whined before she clung to Luna’s breast and sobbed against it, with the group watching her with bewilderment as she tenderly caressed the girl. “Why don’t you have any milk for Pip? I’m so hungry!”

“I’m… sorry?” Luna unsurely replied.

“So hungry!” Pip cried before fluttering up and landing down on Luna’s bosom, her tiny hands holding onto the girl’s chest as she groaned weakly. “So hungry… so hungry… need the sweet nectar of life… help me, boobies.”

“What the hell is wrong with her?” Falla growled with frustration.

Pip wearily looked up to Luna with a quiet whine.

“Please… I need sweet nectar or else I will die,” she begged while rubbing the girl’s breasts.

“No, don’t die, please,” Luna implored before holding her arms around herself and keeping Pip close.

“Is that why you like breasts so much?” Daniel asked, with the girls looking to him as he watched Pip curiously. “Because they can give milk?”

“That and they’re so
,” Pip purred before licking Luna’s skin, with the butterfly showing an uneasy smile from that. “But yes, I need milk, the sweet nectar of life. Please, boobies, give me something good to drink.”

“Are all fairies this messed up?” Falla scoffed while waving to Pip.

“Pip, isn’t there anything else we can give you?” Daniel asked hopefully. “We don’t have milk, but I’m sure we can find something you’ll like.”

Pip looked up at Luna with pleading eyes, her tiny stomach growling again as she held her hands together to beg.

“I need your nectar, I do. Please make some for me, please, I can’t eat anything else.”

“What do you mean you can’t eat anything else?” Daniel asked with confusion.

“I can’t eat anything else. Nothing will satisfy my appetite except for sweet nectar from you,” Pip implored, with Luna watching her with worried eyes before glancing away and slowly shaking her head.

“I’m sorry, Pip. But I don’t have any milk to give. None of us do.”

“Then Pip will starve,” Pip groaned as she rested down on the girl’s bosom. “Farewell, cruel world. Pip shall die now.”

“Drama queen,” Falla flatly said.

“Fairies only drink breast milk?” Daniel wondered while scratching his head. “That can’t be right, can it?”

Luna watched Pip quietly groaning in hunger while lying atop her bosom then glanced away while a blush formed on her cheeks. After a moment she slowly looked back to Pip carefully while sitting herself down on the table.

“Nectar?” she asked, with Pip glancing up to her with worried eyes. “You need nectar from me?”

Pip slowly nodded while remaining silent. Luna hesitated for a moment then closed her eyes.

“Is that really all you can have?”

“That’s all I can have. Only nectar from you can give me life.”

Luna looked to Falla worriedly then down to Pip while gently lifting the fairy up in her hand.

“I don’t have any milk to give, but… I do have something else I can offer, if that will work.”

“Something else?” Pip asked as her eyes lit up.

“What are you talking about?” Daniel asked.

Luna slowly moved her other hand under her skirt, with Daniel and Falla watching with surprise as the girl fingered herself while holding back her murmurs. Pip looked down to the girl’s hand then to her with wonder as Luna watched her with a deep blush forming on her cheeks.

“Luna, what are you doing?” Daniel asked with disbelief.

Luna then brought up her hand, with two of her fingers having her slick juices on them. She held them in front of Pip who stared at them with awe and an open mouth.

“This is the only nectar I have,” Luna offered. “I don’t know if it’s the same to you, but if it will keep you from starving to death… you can have it.”

“Are you serious?” Falla shouted out. “Why, Luna? Why?”

“I don’t want her to starve!” Luna cried out at her. “This is all I have! This is all I can give her!”

“That’s not going to help her though,” Daniel said shaking his head. “She can’t just have that to quell her hunger.”

Pip started licking Luna’s fingers, first slowly and carefully before she quickly started lapping and sucking off all the fluid she could with excitement. The group watched as the fairy hastily cleaned off the girl’s fingers before licking her own to get all the juices she could.

“That’s so tasty!” Pip cheered before looking to Luna with amazement. “That tasted
better than any milk I ever had!”

“What?” Daniel questioned with bewilderment. “It did?”

“You liked it?” Luna asked curiously.

“Yeah I did, that was so good and yummy! Your nectar is the best!” Pip squealed with a hop. “I can feel my strength coming back to me already. Can I please have more of your nectar? Pretty please?”

“More?” Luna asked nervously. “You want… more?”

Pip cheered with delight before zipping out of Luna’s hand in a blue blur, streaking down and flying under Luna’s skirt moments before the butterfly cried out and dropped back onto the table with a deeper blush.

“Pip!” she cried out as she felt the fairy quickly licking all over her clit and pussy while Daniel and Falla just stared with wide eyes.

“You’re so
!” Pip exclaimed before she was heard licking and slurping below Luna’s skirt. “I never want to stop drinking this!”

“Pip! Stop!
You can’t… wait, not like… please…
” Luna cried out as her legs kicked about by the table.

“What the heck am I seeing?” Daniel asked while staring at the sight.

“Luna, why are you letting her do that to you?” Falla demanded.

“I wanted to help her,” Luna shakily reasoned while staring up at the ceiling, her breathing picking up as she gripped the table while her legs quivered over the edge. “I didn’t want her to… starve!”

“How is that helping her though?” Daniel asked while he contemplated whether or not he should look away from seeing Luna being eaten out by the perverted fairy. “That’s not really considered food, is it?”

“It’s so tasty!” Pip cheered between slurps. “Yummy, yummy,

Luna screamed and arched back a bit before her legs lifted up and raised above the table. Daniel and Falla saw the little fairy clearly as she was licking all over Luna’s private region while her wings were fluttering every now and then.

“Get off her right now!” Falla yelled as she reached out for the fairy.

“No, don’t!” Luna cried out as she kicked her sister away, with Falla stumbling back and staring at her with disbelief. “She needs it to live. I don’t mind, really, it’s okay.”

“Okay? How is this okay with you?” Falla demanded.

Luna shakily sat up while leaning back on her arms, watching as her skirt rustled and moved about with Pip still going at it underneath.

“It’s the only nectar we have to give her, she needs it. Besides… it really… isn’t that bad once you get used to it.”

“Used to it?” Falla repeated with disbelief. “Luna, she’s eating you out!”

“How is this helping her though?” Daniel asked covering his eyes as he felt he had seen enough at this point. “This can’t possibly be taking care of her hunger.”

After a few more slurps and giggles Pip fluttered out from under the girl’s skirt and into the air, sighing happily as she wiped her face which was covered in fluid and licked her hands. The group watched as she giggled and twirled around merrily before she gave off a golden glow briefly, a strange aura of power resonating by them briefly as the fairy finished licking her hands and face clean.

“That was so delicious,” she praised Luna who was breathing heavily with a blush on her face. “Thank you so much. My tummy is all happy now.”

“Good, I’m… glad,” Luna wearily replied with a weak smile.

“I don’t believe it,” Daniel said with wonder. “She really can feed off of that alone?”

Falla merely watched Pip carefully as the fairy sighed happily before fluttering over and landing on Luna’s chest, hugging the girl tenderly while Luna watched her curiously while slowly regaining herself.

“You tasted so delicious, can I have more later? Please?” Pip begged looking up to the girl with a hopeful smile.

“More?” Luna asked nervously. She glanced to Daniel timidly then to Pip with a small smile.

“Well, if you’re gentle… I suppose so.”

“Yay!” Pip cheered while nuzzling against the girl’s bosom. Luna smiled gently at her then glanced to Daniel as the boy stared at the fairy with wonder.

“They’re just like fluughers,” Falla warned. “Luna, don’t give her anymore of yourself. She could end up hurting you.”

“She’s not like them, I’m still alright. It’s okay, Falla,” Luna assured her.

“What do you mean she’s like the fluughers?” Daniel asked.

“They find us delicious,” Falla said eyeing the fairy closely.

Daniel looked at Pip curiously then to Luna as the girl kept watching him timidly, almost as if she were expecting him to say something else. She giggled softly and glanced down to her lap as she parted her legs on the table and revealed herself to him, with the boy jumping back with a gulp.

“We told you all before, we’re delicious, Daniel,” Luna reminded him.

“Wait, what? You mean when you kept saying that you were talking about… about…” Daniel said shakily pointing to her exposed flesh.

“What else did you think we meant?” Falla asked him with a smirk. “We giant butterflies are the most beautiful monsters in Eden, and we taste
the best
compared to any other woman out there.”

“That’s what you meant when you said that?” Daniel asked with surprise. “That you’re delicious… down

“Of course,” Luna giggled. “Our
is the sweetest and tastiest out there, you didn’t know that?”

“I thought Specca wrote everything about us in your book,” Falla questioned. “She didn’t include that detail?”

“No, she certainly did not,” Daniel stuttered while looking up to avoid seeing Luna even more. “I had no idea that you girls were like that, none of us did.”

“Did you want to try tasting me to see for yourself?” Luna offered. “You can, it’s alright with me.”

“Give me a taste as well if you don’t believe us,” Falla added with a sly grin. “We’ll prove we’re not making this up.”

“No, that’s alright!” Daniel quickly protested while keeping his eyes up. “I believe you, I do. Pip made it quite clear Luna tasted good to her. I trust you’re not lying to me.”

Luna and Falla giggled at seeing Daniel getting flustered before he glanced to Falla carefully.

“So when you said earlier that fluughers catch giant butterflies and eat them…”

The two sisters looked down as their smiles vanished and were replaced with obvious concern and fear about the subject.

“It’s not that they eat us like an arachne would,” Falla explained. “They’ll eat us out to get our nectar, but they won’t kill us in doing so. It’s just something they find delicious and seek to get from us, even by force. But if a fluugher catches one of us then it squeezing our nectar out over and over again isn’t the worst thing it’ll do.”

“I’m a little afraid to ask, but…” Daniel said glancing to one girl to the other. Luna looked away for a moment before to him with concern while holding Pip close to her.

“I don’t want to talk about it, please.”

“Let’s just say it’s horrible,” Falla shuddered while holding her arms around herself. “I know friends that met their end that way, it’s… not a good way to go.”

“I never knew fluughers were so dangerous like that,” Daniel said in wonder. “The one we came across before seemed so gentle and tame.”

“Well, you don’t taste as good as we do, Daniel,” Falla remarked glancing to him. “And the fluughers around here have a nasty habit of… using us for something else while sucking our nectar out.”

Daniel looked at the two girls with concern then to Pip as the fairy rested with a happy smile on her face while she lay on Luna’s chest. Suddenly he felt more worried about Triska and Tabitha being out in the forest with monsters who may not be as peaceful as he once thought.

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