chronicles of eden - act I (28 page)

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Authors: alexander gordon

BOOK: chronicles of eden - act I
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"He saved you, after you were right about to do the same to him, he refused to let you die alone in the woods," she argued. The ant girl started to cry out of fear as Triska watched her with a frustrated expression.

"Well I'm not going to let this girl die alone; I'll be true to Daniel's beliefs. She may be a monster… but she's not evil!" she yelled out. Alyssa looked at her with wonder then around. From the two other tunnels ant girls were watching with surprise, some standing on the ground while others were hanging from the walls and ceilings.

"Oh god, Triska! We need to get out of here!" Alyssa said looking around quickly. Triska dropped down onto her chest as she held onto the ant girl's hand, the monster’s legs sifting further into the ground below. She squeaked loudly as she held onto Triska's hand tightly.

"I'm not going to let you die, do you hear me?" Triska said loudly. The ant girls all looked to her with wonder as Alyssa glanced back to the human.

"We're not… your enemies. We're not… like these things that try to kill you. We can coexist, we can!" Triska said trying to pull the ant girl up.

‘Daniel wouldn't give up, I know he wouldn't. He believes these monsters can be good; he's willing to risk his life to prove that point. I need to as well.’

"C'mon, you're not dying today!" she shouted as she was being dragged towards the dirt pit.

"Triska, let her go!" Alyssa called out as she ran over and grabbed Triska's other hand, trying to pull the human back. The ant girls all around watched as they too were frozen in fear from the sight of an ant-lioness.

"No! I told you I deserve to be Daniel's mate more than you, Alyssa, and here's the proof. I won't let an innocent monster die!" Triska called out before she slid forward, the teen and ant girl being taken down the steep incline and into the dirt as Alyssa’s grip was broken.

"Triska!" Alyssa yelled out as she looked down into the sandpit. The dirt and sand shifted around wildly then slowly calmed down, the witch holding the torch up and searching around franticly to seeing no movement. She looked around her and saw all the ant girls staring at the pit with fear, none of them braving to come any closer. Alyssa looked back to the pit and shook her head in disbelief.

"Why… why would you do that, Triska?" she asked quietly. Clenching her staff tightly with her hand she looked down with frustration, silence filling the air as the torch crackled softly. Alyssa slowly glanced around to seeing the other ant girls staring at the sight with worry and fear.

Suddenly Triska shot up from the dirt, coughing as she seemed to climb up through the sandpit. She was holding the ant girl around the waist with one arm as her other hand held her dagger, which had blood dripping from it. Triska clawed over to the side of the incline as the ant girl squeaked and moved around weakly.

"Climb… get going!" Triska said as she pulled the ant girl over to the incline. The monster shakily started to climb up, her clothing dirty and torn slightly as she scrambled towards the top. Alyssa watched with awe as Triska lay back against the incline and coughed a bit, gasping for air as she wiped the sand away from her face. A moment later the ant-lioness shot up from the dirt in front of her, having several gashes and cuts on her face as she roared at Triska. Her mouth was opened and her pincers were spread out wide as she lunged forward with her arms clawing towards Triska. The human held the monster back by the shoulder with one hand and struck the dagger into the monster's neck with the other.

"Dammit, just die already!" she yelled out, pushing the monster back and jamming her dagger into the head again. Alyssa watched her strike the ant-lioness repeatedly while the rescued ant girl scrambled back to the top of the pit and crawled out, the monster squeaking weakly before looking back to her savior.

"Triska…" Alyssa said with wonder. The human was actually taking on an ant-lioness with nothing but a dagger while inside the predator's sandpit, and was winning.

"Just DIE!" Triska yelled as she struck her dagger down into the skull of the monster. The ant-lioness screeched and twitched a bit, then fell limp in the dirt. Triska yanked her dagger back out and scrambled back towards the edge of the incline, breathing heavily from her ordeal. Alyssa and the rescued ant girl watched her with wonder as the other ant girls in the tunnel were keeping their distance still. Triska coughed a few times then slowly climbed out of the sandpit, her leg wound bleeding while she had more cuts on her back. She got to the top then dropped down to her hands and knees.

"Triska… why… why did go in after her?" Alyssa asked softly. Triska breathed heavily for a moment then glanced to her.

"Because I'm the kind of girl Daniel deserves, the kind that would give monsters like you a chance," she reasoned. Alyssa looked at her with curiosity as Triska coughed a few times, the teen getting all the sand out of her mouth. After a few deep breaths she looked up to the rescued ant girl next to her.

"You… ok?" she asked. The ant girl stared at her with wonder while the others slowly walked over towards them. Alyssa looked around worriedly as Triska slowly stood up again, the teen wavering a bit before dropping back down to her knee, cringing in pain. The rescued ant girl helped keep her steady as she squeaked a few times. Triska took a few breaths then glanced to her.

"You… owe me," she said softly. The ant girl squeaked quietly as she held the human up. Alyssa looked at Triska with wonder then around at all the others. They were staring at the human with wonder while squeaking quietly, their antennas twitching a bit every now and then. Triska cringed then looked to the rescued ant girl worriedly.

"Please… where's my friend? Where did you take him?" she asked softly. The ant girl looked at her with wonder then slowly to the others, all of them watching the teen curiously. Triska cringed again and dropped her dagger, the weapon bouncing off to the side as she held her bloodied leg.

"Your wound… you made it worse," Alyssa said softly. Triska caught her breath then looked to her injury with frustration, then over to see her dagger being held out to her by the rescued ant girl. Triska looked at the monster curiously as the ant girl was eyeing the weapon that helped save her life. Slowly Triska took it and put it back into its sheath, keeping her eyes on the ant girl. A few others walked over and helped Triska stand on her good leg, with each girl holding the teen up around the arms. Triska slowly looked around at them cautiously then to the rescued ant girl, the monster watching her still.

"Please, don't take Daniel from me. Where is he?" Triska asked worriedly. The ant girl looked at her with a careful eye then to the other monsters. She squeaked a few times, which got a round of squeaks from the others. Triska and Alyssa looked around as all the ant girls were talking to each other in their own language. Triska breathed heavily and then started to feel lightheaded, her vision wavering as her head rocked back. All the ant girls looked to her as she struggled to stay standing.

"Triska?" Alyssa said worriedly.

"Please… don't… take him… from me," Triska said before she passed out, dropping limp in the ant girls' arms. They squeaked loudly and shook her a few times, getting no reaction other than her head rocking back and forth. The monsters looked to each other as they squeaked some more, then two more rushed over and helped lift the human up into the air. They quickly carried her down the tunnel as the others followed after.

"Hey! Where are you taking her?" Alyssa called out. She and the rescued ant girl looked to each other then followed after the group while Triska was unconscious and being carried down the tunnel.


Daniel was looking around worriedly as he sat back in his bed, watching the dozens of ant girls that surrounded the den as they were staring at the humans with lustful eyes. The other men were either talking to each other or keeping to themselves still, all while Daniel hoped Triska and Alyssa were alright. He then looked to seeing the friendly man next to him sitting upright on his bed with a cautious expression.

"Looks like it’s time," Richard said slowly. Daniel looked at him then over to see the ant girls blushing brightly. A few of them were swaying a bit as others were fidgeting more. They were becoming restless as their squeaking picked up, and as they did Daniel noticed that the other men in the den were taking notice.

"Time?" Daniel asked worriedly. Richard nodded and glanced to him.

"Don't hate yourself when it's all over, kid, it won't be your fault for how you act," he said gently. Daniel looked to him worriedly as the man shook his head with a sigh. He then saw a few ant girls breathing heavily as they wiggled their hips, their abdomens swaying behind them as a pinkish hue seemed to waver around in the air. Daniel looked around and saw other ant girls squeaking loudly as they walked closer to the men, with a pink mist seeming to form around them in wisps. He backed up against the wall on his bed as he watched the ant girls nervously.

‘Oh crap… this isn't happening, tell me this isn't happening.’

He looked over and saw a few ant girls walking over to the men, and then watched as two of them got down on all fours and turned around, wiggling their rears and spreading out more of their pheromones from their abdomens. They only had simple dark underwear on, which were already dripping wet from their increasing libido. Daniel watched as the mist started to build around the den by the monsters and slowly creep towards the men. Some of them backed up worriedly while others just watched it with dull expressions, all of them knowing it was inevitable how they were going to become.

"Can't… can't we do anything?" he asked nervously.

"There's no way out of here, kid, no way of escaping this. Just try to think happy thoughts, and don't hate yourself for what you might do. We don't hold it against each other here, we're all victims together," Richard said with defeat. Daniel watched as the mist started to grow more and spread around the den. It passed by several men, all of them coughing and shaking their heads to clear their vision. They then started looking at the ant girls as the monsters crawled towards them and pulled their tunics off to show their lovely physiques. Two men then lunged over and tackled an ant girl each to the ground, suddenly kissing them and groping them wildly. They quickly slid down their pants as they held the ant girls down with one hand, the monsters offering absolutely no resistance as they smiled coyly at the humans. The ant girls could easily overpower the men, but would let them do whatever they wanted if it meant they could get some pleasure from it without injuring them. The men pulled their pants off then started to thrust into the girls, both of them going into a mating frenzy as the girls hooked their legs around them. They held onto the humans' shoulders as they squeaked with pleasure, both of them being taken as the men were going blind with lust. More of the men started coughing and then wavering while more ant girls walked closer to them.

"Oh god… not like this," Daniel said as he watched three more men tackle ant girls down to the ground. One was quickly pushed down and her rear was pulled up, then was entered from behind as the man started going crazy with lust. Her insect abdomen rubbed against his chest, the man holding onto it as he violently started to ride the monster with vigor. She looked back to him with a loving expression, squeaking as she made no effort to stop him. Another girl was pulled on top of the man, the ant girl then riding with loud squeaks before another man grabbed her head and used her mouth to satisfy his growing lust, the human shoving his erection into her mouth while holding her head tightly. She held him in her mouth constantly as another man ripped off her shirt and started sucking on her nipples, all of the men using the monster however they could as they lost all rational thought. A third ant girl was literally dragged over by her foot to a bed and thrown onto it, then entered from behind and ridden with great force. Her abdomen rubbed against his chest as it stuck out behind her shapely rear, the appendage giving off a pinkish hue as the girl squeaked wildly while gripping the bed sheets with a blissful smile.

"Like I said, kid, it's not your fault. Don't blame yourself," Richard said before he started coughing. He then wavered as two ant girls walked up to him with lustful eyes. Daniel grabbed his pillow and held it against his nose and mouth, taking a deep breath as the mist started to creep around him. Richard paused for a moment then grabbed an ant girl and quickly pushed her over his bed, the girl's hips being grabbed as the second ant girl hastily took the human’s pants off. He started riding the monster who was bent over the bed as the second one started kissing him passionately to keep his libido going even more. The ant girl on the bed grabbed the sheets and squeaked wildly as she was violently rammed into from behind while the ant girl kissing the man guided one of his hands to her chest to allow him to grope her.

Daniel watched with fear as the men in the room went crazy with the pheromones in the air. Loud squeaks from the ant girls and shouting from the men echoed out in the room as the humans were driven into an orgy against their will.

Daniel watched the men around him going crazy with lust then looked to seeing two ant girls walking up to him. One crawled onto the bed towards him with a coy smile while the other walked up next to him and gently held his head against her breasts. He held the pillow over his nose and mouth tightly as he tried to hold his breath, his eyes looking between the two monsters worriedly as they stared at him with lustful eyes. If he breathed in the scent in the air he would become just like the other humans in the room, consumed by lust and the desire to violate as many ant girls as he could before he passed out. As he struggled to hold his breath while one of the ant girls started groping him with hopeful eyes he only thought of only one thing.

‘This is NOT how I wanted my first time to be!’


Chapter 8
We Can Help

In the world of Eden there are many types of monsters, all wishing to breed with human mates whom they roamed the lands searching for. However the monsters were by no means united by this common goal. Just as humans still waged war against each other, the same was with monsters. Be it simple brawls from chance encounters, or tribes of different monsters battling others for land and resources, the monsters of Eden could be just as hostile to each other as man could with their own kind. Although uncommon and rare to rely upon, there was one thing that could be taken from this fact and possibly be the difference between life and death.

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