Chromosome 6 (46 page)

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Authors: Robin Cook

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Mystery & Detective, #Suspense, #Thrillers, #Suspense Fiction, #Fiction - Espionage, #Thriller, #Detective and mystery stories, #Espionage, #Onbekend, #Medical, #Medical novels, #New York (N.Y.), #Forensic pathologists, #Equatorial Guinea, #Forensic pathologists - Fiction, #Robin - Prose & Criticism, #Equatorial Guinea - Fiction, #Cook, #New York (N.Y.) - Fiction

BOOK: Chromosome 6
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"We have a question," Jack said. "We're doctors, and we'd like to know if there are currently any
transplant patients in the hospital?"
"Yes, of course, there's one," the woman said with a confused look on her face. "Horace Winchester. He's in 302 and ready to be discharged." "How convenient," Jack said. "What organ was transplanted?" "His liver," the woman said. "Are you all from the Pittsburgh group?" "No, we're part of the New York group," Jack said. "I see," the woman said, although her expression suggested she didn't see at all. "Thank you," Jack said to the woman as he herded the group toward the elevators that could be seen to the right.
"Luck is finally going our way," Jack said excitedly. "This is going to make it easy. Maybe all we have to do is get a look at the chart."
"As if that's going to be easy," Laurie commented. "True," Jack said after a moment's thought. "So maybe we should just drop in on Horace and get the lowdown from the horse's mouth."
"Hey, man," Warren said, pulling Jack to a stop. "Maybe Natalie and I should wait down here. We're not used to being in a hospital, you know what I'm saying?" "I suppose," Jack said reluctantly. "But I kind of think its important for us to stick together in case we have to mosey down to the canoe sooner than we'd like. You know what I'm saying?" Warren nodded and Jack pressed the elevator call button. Cameron McIvers was accustomed to false alarms. After all, most of the time he or the Office of Security was called, it was a false alarm. Accordingly, as he entered the front door of the Inn, he was not concerned. But it was his job or one of his deputies' to check out all potential problems. As he crossed to the information desk, Cameron noted that the lounge was as subdued as usual. The calm scene bolstered his suspicions that this call would be like all the others. Cameron tapped on the glass, and it was slid open. "Miss Williams," Cameron said, while touching the brim of his hat in a form of salute. Cameron and the rest of the security force wore khaki uniforms with an Aussie hat when on duty. There was also a leather belt with shoulder strap. A holstered Beretta was attached to the belt on the right side and a hand-held two-way radio on the left side.
"They went that way," Corrina Williams said excitedly. She lifted herself out of her chair to point around the corner.
"Calm down," Cameron said gently. "Who exactly are you talking about?"
"They didn't give any names," Corrina said. "There were four of them. Only one spoke. He said he was a doctor."
"Hmmm," Cameron voiced. "And you've never seen them before?" "Never," Corrina said anxiously. "They took me by surprise. I thought maybe they were to stay at the Inn since we had new arrivals yesterday. But they said they had come to see the hospital. When I told them how to get there, they left straightaway." "Were they black or white?" Cameron asked. Maybe this wouldn't be a typical false alarm after all. "Half and half," Corrina said. "Two blacks, two whites. But I could tell from the way they were dressed they were all American."
"I see," Cameron said, while he stroked his beard and pondered the unlikely possibility of any of the Zone's American workers coming into the Inn to say they wanted to see the hospital. "The one who was talking also said something strange about his bodily functions working fine," Corrina said. "I didn't know how to respond."
"Hmmm," Cameron repeated. "Could I use your phone?" "Of course," Corrina said. She pulled the phone over from the side of her desk and faced it out toward Cameron.
Cameron punched the manager's direct line. Siegfried answered immediately. "I'm here at the Inn," Cameron explained. "I thought you should be apprised of a curious story. Four strange doctors presented themselves here to Miss Williams with the wish to see the hospital." Siegfried's response was an angry tirade that forced Cameron to hold the receiver away from his ear. Even Corrina cringed.
Cameron handed the phone back to the receptionist. He'd not heard every word of Siegfried's invective but the meaning was clear. Cameron was to get reinforcements over there immediately and detain the alien doctors.
Cameron unsnapped the straps over both his Beretta and the radio simultaneously. He pulled the radio free and made an emergency call to base while he started for the hospital. Room 302 turned out to be in the front of the building with a fine view out over the square looking east. Jack and the others had found the room without difficulty. No one had challenged them. In fact, they hadn't seen a person as they'd made their way from the elevator to the room's open door. Jack had knocked but it was obvious the room was momentarily empty although there'd been plenty of evidence the room was occupied. A television with a built-in VCR was on, and it was showing an old Paul Newman movie. The hospital bed was moderately disheveled. An open, half-packed suitcase was poised on a luggage stand.
The mystery was solved when Laurie noticed the sounds of a shower behind the closed bathroom door.
When the water stopped running, Jack had knocked, but it wasn't until almost ten minutes later that Horace Winchester appeared.
The patient was in his mid-fifties and corpulent. But he looked happy and healthy. He cinched up the tie on his bathrobe and padded over to the club chair by the bed. He sat down with a satisfied sigh. "What's the occasion?" he asked, smiling at his guests. "This is more company than I've had the whole time I've been here."
"How are you feeling?" Jack asked. He grabbed a straight-back chair and sat down directly in front of Horace. Warren and Natalie lurked just outside the door. They felt reluctant to enter the room. Laurie went to the window. After seeing the group of soldiers, she'd become progressively anxious. She was eager to make the visit short and get back to the boat. "I'm feeling just great," Horace said. "It's a miracle. I came here at death's door and as yellow as a canary. Look at me now! I'm ready for thirty-six holes of golf at one of my resorts. Hey, any of you people are invited to any of my places for as long as you want to stay, and it will all be on the house. Do you like to ski?"
"I do," Jack said. "But I'd rather talk about your case. I understand you had a liver transplant here. I'd like to ask where the liver came from?"
A half smile puckered Horace's face as he regarded Jack out of the corner of his eye. "Is this some kind of test?" he asked. "Because if it is, it's not necessary. I'm not going to be telling anyone. I couldn't be more grateful. In fact, as soon as I can, I'm going to have another double made." "Exactly what do you mean by a 'double'?" Jack asked. "Are you people part of the Pittsburgh team?" Horace asked. He looked over at Laurie. "No, we're part of the New York team," Jack said. "And we're fascinated by your case. We're glad you are doing so well, and we're here to learn." Jack smiled and spread his hands palm up. "We're all ears. Why don't you start from the beginning?" "You mean how I got sick?" Horace asked. He was plainly confused. "No, how you arranged to have your transplant here in Africa," Jack said. "And I'd like to know what you mean by a double. Did you by any chance get a liver taken from some kind of ape?" Horace gave a little nervous laugh and shook his head. "What's going on here?" he questioned. He glanced again at Laurie and then at Natalie and Warren who were still standing in the doorway. "Uh-oh!" Laurie suddenly voiced. She was staring out the window. "There's a bunch of soldiers running this way across the square."
Warren quickly crossed the room and looked out. "Shit, man. They mean business!" Jack stood up, reached out, and grasped Horace by the shoulders. He leaned his face close to the patient's. "You are really going to disappoint me if you don't answer my questions, and I do the strangest
things when I'm disappointed. What kind of animal was it, a chimpanzee?"
"They're coming to the hospital," Warren yelled. "And they all have AK-47's." "Come on!" Jack urged Horace while giving the man a little shake. "Talk to me. Was it a chimpanzee?" Jack tightened his hold on the man.
"It was a bonobo," Horace squeaked. He was terrified. "Is that a type of ape?" Jack demanded. "Yes," Horace managed.
"Come on, man!" Warren encouraged. He was back at the door. "We got to get our asses out of here." "And what did you mean by a double?" Jack asked. Laurie grabbed Jack's arm. "There's no time. Those soldiers will be up here in a minute." Reluctantly, Jack let go of Horace and allowed himself to be dragged to the door. "Damn, I was so close," he complained.
Warren was waving frantically for them to follow him and Natalie down the central corridor toward the back of the building, when the elevator door opened. Out stepped Cameron with his Beretta clutched in his hand.
"Everyone halt!" Cameron shouted the moment he saw the strangers. He grabbed his gun in both hands and trained it on Warren and Natalie. Then he swept it around to aim at Jack and Laurie. For Cameron, the problem was that his adversaries were on either side of him. When he was looking at one group, he couldn't see the other.
"Hands on top of your heads," Cameron commanded. He motioned with the barrel of his gun. Everyone complied, although every time Cameron swung the gun toward Jack and Laurie, Warren approached another step toward him.
"No one is going to get hurt," Cameron said as he brought the gun back toward Warren. Warren had gotten within range of a kick, and with lightning speed his foot lashed out and connected with Cameron's hands. The gun bounced off the ceiling. Before Cameron could react to his gun's sudden disappearance, Warren closed in on him and hit him twice, once in the lower abdomen and then on the tip of the nose. Cameron collapsed backwards in a heap on the floor.
"I'm glad you're on my team for this run," Jack said. "We got to get ourselves back to that boat!" Warren blurted without humor. "I'm open to suggestions," Jack said.
Cameron moaned and pushed himself over onto his stomach.
Warren looked both ways down the hall. A few minutes earlier, he'd thought of running down the main corridor toward the rear, but that was no longer a reasonable alternative. Halfway down the corridor he could see some nurses gathering and pointing in his direction. Across from the elevators at eye-level was a sign in the form of an arrow that pointed down the hall beyond Horace's room. It said: OR.
Knowing they had little time to debate, Warren motioned in the direction of the arrow. "That way!" he barked.
"The operating room?" Jack questioned. "Why?" "Because they won't expect it," Warren said. He grabbed a stunned Natalie by the hand and propelled her into a jog.
Jack and Laurie followed. They passed Horace's room but the chubby man had locked himself in his bathroom.
The operating suite was set off from the rest of the hospital by the usual swinging doors. Warren hit them and went through with a straight arm like a football running back. Jack and Laurie were right behind. There were no cases under way nor were there any patients in the recovery room. There weren't even any lights on except for those in a supply room halfway down the hall. The supply room's door was ajar, emitting a faint glow.
Hearing the repetitive thumps on the operating room doors, a woman appeared from the supply room. She was dressed in a scrub suit with a disposable cap. She caught her breath as she saw the four figures hurtling in her direction.
"Hey, you can't come in here in street clothes," she yelled as soon as she'd recovered from her initial shock. But Warren and the others had already passed. Perplexed, she watched the intruders run all the way down the rest of the corridor to disappear through the doors leading to the lab. Turning back into the supply room, she went for the wall phone. Warren skidded to a stop where the corridor formed a "T." He looked in either direction. To the left at the far end was a red wall light indicating a fire alarm. Above it was an exit sign. "Hold up!" Jack said, as Warren was preparing to dash down to what he imagined would be a stairwell. "What's the matter, man?" Warren questioned anxiously. "This looks like a laboratory," Jack said. He stepped over to a glazed door and looked inside. He was immediately impressed. Although they were in the middle of Africa, it was the most modern lab he'd ever seen. Every piece of equipment looked brand new. "Come on!" Laurie snapped. "There's no time for curiosity. We've got to get out of here." "It's true, man," Warren said. "Especially after hitting that security type back there, we've got to make
"You guys go," Jack said distractedly. "I'll meet you at the boat." Warren, Laurie, and Natalie exchanged anxious glances. Jack tried the door. It was unlocked. He opened it and walked inside. "Oh, for crissake," Laurie complained. Jack could be so frustrating. It was one thing for him to have little concern for his own safety, but it was quite another thing for him to compromise others. "This place is going to be crawling with security dudes and soldiers in nothing flat," Warren said. "I know," Laurie said. "You guys go. I'll get him to come as soon as I can." "I can't leave you," Warren said.
"Think of Natalie," Laurie said.
"Nonsense," Natalie said. "I'm no frail female. We're in this together." "You ladies go in there and talk some sense into that man," Warren said. "I'm going to run down the hall and pull the fire alarm."
"What on earth for?" Laurie asked.
"It's an old trick I learned as a teenager," Warren said. "Whenever there's trouble cause as much chaos as you can. It gives you a chance to slip away." "I'll take your word for it," Laurie said. She motioned for Natalie to follow and entered the lab. They found Jack already engaged in pleasant conversation with a laboratory technician wearing a long white coat. She was a freckle-faced redhead with an amiable smile. Jack already had her laughing. "Excuse me!" Laurie said, struggling to keep her voice down. "Jack, we have to go." "Laurie, meet Rolanda Phieffer," Jack said. "She's originally from Heidelberg, Germany." "Jack!" Laurie intoned through clenched teeth. "Rolanda's been telling me something very interesting," Jack said. "She and her colleagues here are working on the genes for minor histocompatibility antigens. They're moving them from a specific chromosome in one cell and sticking them into the same location on the same chromosome in another cell."
Natalie, who'd walked over to a large picture window overlooking the square, hastily turned back into the room. "It's getting worse. An entire car load of those Arabs in black suits are arriving." At that moment, the fire alarm in the building went off. It featured alternating sequences of three ear-splitting shrieks of a horn followed by a disembodied voice: "Fire in the laboratory! Please proceed immediately to stairwells for evacuation! Do not use the elevators!"

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