Christmas Delights 3 (62 page)

Read Christmas Delights 3 Online

Authors: Valynda King, Kay Berrisford RJ Scott

BOOK: Christmas Delights 3
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“Get. Me. Out. Of. Here,” Trace said.

“Leaving now, love,” Cam said and waved for help. He closed
his coat, helped Trace with his, and snagged the cane. He placed it in Trace’s

“You better have your boy looked at, Cam-honey. I don’t
think he’s all there. Screwed up from the war,” the third woman said with a

“Look who’s talking, you twit.” Cam wrapped an arm around
Trace’s waist and followed others through the crowd. He helped Trace into the
passenger seat.

Trace saw Cam round the front. He closed his eyes and leaned
his head back. Silence. His hands still shook. He hated floozies more than

“Sorry, hon, I’m sorry I didn’t see them,” Cam said as he
climbed inside, buckled them, and drove away. He reached out to find and hold
Trace’s hand.

Trace kept his eyes closed, concentrating on the pain
growing in his temple and the shakes in his hands.

“Please, tell me what I can do to help?”

“Get me home. Need quiet.”

“Okay. We’re almost there. I knew we shouldn’t have gone
without verifying what the hell Ray was up to. Shit…”

Trace cracked open his eyes in time to see Cam drag a hand
through his golden hair. He grumbled when Cam braked hard in front of the
mansion. He managed to open the seatbelt as Cam opened the door and got there
to help Trace. He saw three people appear at the door. Soft large flakes fell
in announcement of the incoming blizzard.

“Can you put the Jeep away? I need to get Trace inside,” Cam
said to the others as he helped Trace. “Come on, big guy, up the stairs and
we’re good. Stephen, get the elevator.”

Exhausted from the panic, pain, and long trip, Trace leaned
against Cam as they shuffled inside. Instead of going for the stairs, Cam led
him a different way where Stephen stood next to a large door that opened to
reveal an elevator.

“Why do you have a lift in your house?”

“One of the mayors had a wife with severe MS and was
wheelchair bound. This area was rebuilt to accommodate the elevator,” Cam said
as they went inside. Cam pulled the inner doors closed as Stephen took care of
the outer ones. He hit the button for his floor.

“Sorry. Too much happening at once,” Trace said, brushing
fingers across Cam’s face.

“It’s okay. I’m happy to be able to embrace and talk to you.
Please say you’ll sleep with me tonight.”

“I didn’t want you to…”

“Let me see everything. Trace, I love you.”

“I’m not…pretty.”

“You’re an honored Marine who served his country and almost
lost his life. No matter what you look like, I’m not going anywhere. I wish
like hell you called me when you came home to the hospital, but I understand
you couldn’t reveal being gay.”

“DADT wasn’t revoked. It held me in its grip.”

“Don’t worry, I’m not upset,” Cam said as the elevator
stopped and he pulled back the doors. “Wanna go to my room? I have a big soaker

“Room for two?”


“Go there. Need to get my things…”

“I’ll get them while you soak a bit and then join you.”

“There is a small bag in backpack. I need it to clean the
socket, pad, and my stump.”

“Okay. I’ll bring it in. Want a pair of boxers to sleep in?”


“That hasn’t changed.”

“Nope.” Trace sighed as they entered Cam’s large master
suite, which covered one end of a hall. They stood in a sitting area. It was
filled with several bookcases, a reading lamp, and several overstuffed chairs.
“You spend a lot of time in here.”

“Yeah, after I’m done in the office, I’m up here.” Cam
pointed to another wall.

Trace turned and saw a portrait of them in each other’s
arms, laughing, and smiling. “Where did you…?”

“From the picture taken of us by that sweet couple we met on
the trail. I know a guy who does portraits from photos and commissioned this
one and another of you in your dress uniform that is in the bedroom.” Cam
stepped behind him and kissed the exposed nape of his neck. “I needed you
close, in good times together, and where you were in life.”

Turning in Cam’s arms, Trace tilted enough to capture Cam’s
lips in a long, sweet kiss without the heat and passion. This was one to show
his endless devotion and love to the man in his arms. He slid his fingers into
the golden hair and cupped the back of Cam’s skull. His lips moved masterfully
over Cam’s, opening and sliding his tongue inside. When he pulled back, he
leaned his forehead against Camden.

“Come on, my devil dog, time to get you wet,” Cam said as he
led him to the bedroom area. He helped Trace out of the jacket, scarf, and both
shirts. When he moved to unbutton the jeans, Trace stopped him. “What? I don’t
mind the scars.” Cam brushed his fingers along the varied scars along Trace’s
left side. “You created some additional ink.”

“Mementos of what I’ve been through and anchors against the
horrors I wanted etched permanently in my skin. Do you mind?”

Cam shook his head. “Can’t wait to study all of them, trace
them, and lick them.” He brushed a finger against a scar that dipped below the

“I need to take these off in the bathroom,” Trace said.

“Okay.” Cam yanked off his cashmere sweater and remained in
a plain t-shirt. He helped Trace to the bathroom. He left Trace’s side to start
the water flowing in the large tub. “Want some bath oil or bubbles?”

“Oil would be nice. Something soothing.”

“Lavender and chamomile?”


Cam picked out two bottles from a cabinet and poured liquid
from both. “Those will help. Okay. Let’s get you seated so I can remove those
boots.” He helped Trace sit on the chair by the vanity before he crouched and
unlaced the right boot. He went to the other boot and slid it off. Moving his
hand over the fake foot, Cam looked up at Trace. “Do you feel some kind of

“Phantom pain?”

Cam nodded.

“Sometimes, but the sensation is difficult to describe.”

“Do you have one of those cool running blades?”

“Yeah, but I don’t use it much. I haven’t been in the mood
for a run and prefer to swim.”

Cam moved closer and unzipped the jeans. He pouted at the
sight of blue briefs blocking his view of the thickened cock. He brushed the
back of his finger against the cloth and located a small wet spot. “What’s

“I never could resist you.”

Cam gave a lopsided grin as he helped Trace lift his hips
and then moved the jeans. He stopped when Trace lowered his hands.

“Once you do this, reveal me, you can’t go back to thinking
I’m whole and perfect,” Trace said.

Cam lifted an eyebrow and pulled on the jeans. He lowered
his gaze as the socket appeared. He continued to tug until he slid the jeans
off. Yanking off one sock, he moved to the fake foot and Trace shook his head.
“How do we get you out of this?”

Trace licked his lower lip. He moved Cam’s hand under the
socket to find the release mechanism of the shuttle lock. “Hit the button to
release the pin. You’ll hear a click.”

Cam checked out what he was doing and hit the button. They
both heard the click.

“Now we can remove the socket and leg.” Trace pushed the
socket from the top as Cam held it above the knee. He kept the double socks and
liner in place. “Set it off to the side. I’m done with it for the night.”

“What are these?”

“These are socks. I layer them to help fit my limb in the
socket. They need to be washed, cleaned, and dried every night so I have
several pairs.”

“Can I toss them in the wash?”

“No, they need to be hand washed. I have a bottle of
detergent for babies in my things to clean them.”

Cam rolled off both socks and laid them over the sink. He
saw the next layer and tapped it with his fingers.

“A gel liner and it helps keep the socket in place. It also
needs to go in the sink to be washed and dried.”

“A lot of maintenance work,” Cam said as he removed the
liner and the malformed, scarred, thickened limb appeared between his hands. He
dropped the liner in the sink.

“Don’t have much choice if I want to keep walking.” Trace
scratched at the skin on his limb. He lifted and stretched the upper thigh,
working the muscles.

Cam moved his hands across the upper limb, drawing them to
touch the scarred base. “Does this hurt?”

“No…feels…weird having you touch it,” Trace said as he
licked his lip.

Cam placed several kisses on the mangled limb. He laid his
bristled cheek against the pale skin. Trace lowered a hand and brushed Cam’s
hair back. Somehow, being here with Cam, all his scars out in the open and
accepted, worked to calming his panic attack.

“Let’s get you in the tub.” Cam turned off the water and
returned to Trace’s side. He helped him stand, pushed off the briefs, and
traced a finger over the erect length. “Hmm. Good thing this wasn’t touched.”

Trace chuckled. “No. My cock and balls came through the
incident fine.” He hopped across to the tub, sat on the edge, and swung himself
into the warm, fragrant water.

“I’ll get those things you needed and be back to join you.”

“I want so much to be with you tonight, but…”

“I won’t hold it against you if I find you asleep.” Cam
kissed his forehead, gathered Trace’s remaining clothes and boots, and left him

Under the lull of the soothing water, the light jets
bubbling abound him, Trace closed his eyes and gave in to the need to sleep. It
was rare for him to sleep so he took naps whenever the urge hit.



Chapter 4


Waking up on Christmas Eve curled behind a warm lean Cam,
Trace buried his face against Cam’s nape, breathing in his scent. He felt Cam
shift his ass against him and wanted to remove the cloth separating them. He
missed this man so much. It was the thought of returning to Cam, seeing his
bright smile, kept him going in the desert.

Hearing the soft murmurs and signs Cam was waking, Trace
watched him wiggle and shift until he was on his back, sleepy face turned
toward him. Trace leaned in and kissed Cam’s lips, taking in the morning
softness and bristled skin.

“Ugh. Got morning breath,” Cam said.

“Don’t mind. You’re here. I’ll take anything.”

“Even a stinky fart?”

Trace laughed. He knew Cam would let one rip if he said
anything. It wouldn’t be the first time.

With an answering chuckle, Cam pushed until he got Trace on
his back and draped himself across his body. Folding his hands, he placed them
on Trace’s chest and put his chin on top. He moved one his legs between Trace’s
leg and stump.

Trace moved a hand to take hold of Cam’s ass, hiking him up
until their cocks nestled against each other. Both of them were thick and

“Hmm, you feel good,” Cam said, stretching up to kiss him.

“Damn boxers are in the way.”

“Ooh, want a little morning loving?”

“Got stuff?”

“Hell, yes,” Cam said and wiggled higher on Trace’s body
until his hand reached the nightstand. He fiddled with the drawer and contents
until he came back with a fresh bottle of lube. “Need condoms?”

“I’m clean and haven’t touched anyone.”

“Same here.” Cam set the bottle next to Trace’s head,
wiggled again until he removed his boxers, and tossed them to the floor. “Now
time to get rid of yours.” He moved his body and hands until he got Trace out
of his boxers. He dropped them to the floor.

Pushing the sheet back, Cam lifted until he kissed and
licked his way across Trace’s body. Happy to lay there and do nothing, Trace
folded his hands behind his head. He moaned under the attention.

“Hmm. You have some gorgeous ab muscles here. Oooh, such a
defined six-pack,” Cam said as he licked the lines between the abdominal
muscles. “And this abdominal V. Holy crap! I love these side muscles leading me
to your happy spot.” Cam followed those lines until he brushed his fingers
through the nest of tight curls. He brushed his thumb up the trail of hair to
Trace’s belly button. “Ahh. A happy little treasure trail.” He brushed his
cheek against the trail and nest.

Trace felt his skin quiver and move against those
inquisitive touches. He almost screamed when Cam closed his mouth over his cock
head and licked the slit. He dug his fingers in the sheets and bowed under the

Cam released him to lick him like an ice cream cone while
his fingers fondled the sac. After taking Trace’s cock in for another long suck
and swallow, Cam sat astride Trace’s hips. He grabbed the bottle, squeezed some
lube on Trace’s cock, and another glop on his fingers. He closed and tossed the
bottle aside. Leaning back, he shoved two fingers in his ass, making sure Trace
could watch.

“Damn, that’s hot. I love watching your ass swallow your
fingers,” Trace said, licking his lips. He grabbed his cock and slicked the
shaft with the lube.

“Hey… I wanted to do that,” Cam said with a playful pout.

“Uh uh. Get your ass ready for me.”

“So romantic…” Cam winked as he slid another finger in his
ass and scissored them to loosen his muscles. “Damn, this feels good. Been so

“Got a burn going?”

“Oh yeah, but perfect and I want it.”

“Come on, let me inside,” Trace pleaded as he held his cock
straight. He placed his other hand on Cam’s hip.

Pulling his hands free, Cam lined his ass up and lowered
himself. He added his hand to Trace’s hand and together there was pressure for
Trace’s cock to push into his opening. Groaning, Cam leaned his head back as
Trace breached him. Their hands moved so Cam could lower until he reached
Trace’s hips.

“Hold. Hold right there.” Trace clamped his hands on Cam’s

“I need to move, love, please.”

Gritting his teeth to not blow early, Trace helped Cam lift
and drop. Together they moved until sweat covered their bodies. His cock head
nudged Cam’s prostate, resulting in extreme pleasure flashing across Cam’s
face. He wrapped his fingers around Cam’s cock to stroke him in time.

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