Christmas at Purgatory (Thalia Extra #1)

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Authors: Jennifer Bene

Tags: #menage, #group sex, #submissive and dominant, #submission training, #submissive bdsm, #bdsm alpha male bondage domination submission spanking domsub, #mfm bdsm menage, #bdsm alpha male, #mfm erotica fantasy

BOOK: Christmas at Purgatory (Thalia Extra #1)
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Christmas at Purgatory


By Jennifer Bene

Text copyright © 2015 Jennifer

All Rights Reserved

No part of this book may be reproduced in any
form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information
storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from
the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote
short excerpts in a review.

This book is a work of fiction. Names,
characters, places, and incidents either are products of the
author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to
actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely

Cover design by Sarah Caterisano,

This is a short, fun, ménage erotica story set
at Purgatory, the submissive training school from The Thalia
Trilogy. I wrote it as a little Christmas present for Thalia’s fans
and wanted to make sure everyone that wanted to keep it and re-read
it would have the chance. I know that many of you love these
characters as much as I do, and so I hope you enjoy this fun little



Eight months after the
Thalia lifted the large pot off the stove and almost dropped it. It
was incredibly heavy, and half full of boiled potatoes that Maggie
was going to help her turn into
“Ye got it, just pour them into that colander!” Maggie turned back
to the oven and yanked the door open, “Oh, shite! Hurry up, I need
ye to clear some counter space.” Thalia nodded and carefully tilted
the pot over the colander in the sink. Steam rose up in a cloud,
Maggie was cursing to herself about the turkey, and music was
blaring from the speakers in the living room. It was chaos, utter
chaos, and Thalia loved it. She’d never had big holidays at home,
especially not after her mom died and her father spent most
holidays awkwardly trying to ask her questions during commercial
breaks of whatever was on TV. She had spent most of her Christmases
in an undecorated house unless she was able to escape to a
friend’s. But that was even weirder, because their family just
stared at her and felt sorry for her.
was the Christmas Thalia had always imagined.
Loud, crazy, and full of laughter and people who loved each other.
Maggie and Kalen had wound garland up the stairs, around the
fireplace, and they had a giant tree lit up with lights. There was
a wreath on the door, a pile of presents under the tree, and a
mountain of food that Maggie had insisted Thalia help with. She was
supposed to be learning how to cook from Maggie, but if she was
honest she was really just a glorified assistant.
“Where do you want to put the turkey, Maggie?” Thalia left the
potatoes in the colander and set the empty pot in the other half of
the sink.
“Over here, cover the carrots and move them somewhere!” Maggie was
flushed. The kitchen was really hot, but since it was freezing
outside it wasn’t too bad. Thalia rushed to move the carrots and
Maggie hauled the turkey out of the oven and replaced the space
with it. It was golden, and smelled amazing. Her stomach rumbled in
They were moving around each other with ease in the big kitchen,
Maggie was laughing and half telling her to do things, and half
doing them for her. If Maggie had let Thalia do everything, dinner
would never be ready by the time Kalen got back from his evening
visit to the few holiday residents of Purgatory. She and James were
personal guests this time so they were staying with them at their
home and not in the Dormitory.
“Ladies, it smells amazing in here. Are you sure I can’t help?”
James leaned in the doorway and Maggie shoo’ed him with her
“If I needed your help James Hawkins, I would ask for it. This is
my kitchen, now out. Out!” Maggie was insistent but laughing as she
said it, and James lingered long enough to smile at Thalia and
shrug before he turned away.
“I think the potatoes are done?” Thalia put down the masher and
shook out her arm. Maybe Kalen should incorporate cooking into the
sub training, because she was pretty sure she had just completed an
arm workout. Maggie swept over, tasted them and let out a
“Yes! Brilliant!” With a heavy breath Maggie turned to survey the
kitchen. It was a wreck, it would take hours to clean, but they’d
done it. They’d made Christmas dinner, serving dishes and
containers were stacked everywhere. A feeling of accomplishment
washed over Thalia, she’d never made a dinner like this and the
chaos of pots and pans were her trophies.”I’m glad you two were
able to come, Thalia.” Maggie smiled at her as they started
separating out the various dishes into two serving sets - one for
the Dormitory and one for Kalen and Maggie’s table.
“I am too. Honestly, I’m grateful we ended up coming to Purgatory.
The original plan was for me to meet James’ parents and...” Thalia
bit her cheek as she trailed off, focusing on sealing one of the
“Not ready for that yet?” Maggie asked, looking over her shoulder
at her.
“Ladies! I’m not interrupting, I come bearing liquor.” James had a
glass of whisky for Maggie and a glass of wine for her. A blush
rushed up Thalia’s cheeks as she hoped he hadn’t heard her comment
over the Christmas music in the living room. She knew he’d been
working while they were cooking, and she could only cross her
fingers that he’d been too engrossed in that to listen
“Thank you.” Thalia grabbed the wine and leaned up to kiss him.
Maggie grabbed the other glass and with his hands free James took
the opportunity to wrap his arms around Thalia’s waist. She tasted
the scotch on his lips, on his tongue, as he intensified the kiss.
She moaned into his mouth and then Maggie cleared her throat.
“We’re not done yet, James. Can ye keep it in yer trousers for a
bit?” Maggie rolled her eyes, shaking her head as she started
separating the dishes again.
“Of course, I can. At least until after we eat.” He grinned at her
before he returned his sea green eyes to Thalia. His hand slid down
and he squeezed her ass through the dress. “I love you,
Pure joy. That’s what she felt every time he said those words. The
stupid smile on her face probably expressed it well enough, but she
pressed another kiss to his lips before she responded. “I love you
too. Now I really should finish helping Maggie.” James nodded, his
eyes roaming over her one more time before he backed out with a
slightly dramatic sigh and returned to his laptop in the living
Maggie lowered her voice, turning to make sure James had left. “So,
not ready for the parents yet?”
Thalia shrugged and whispered back, “I don’t know, Maggie. I was
still trying to figure out if I was ready for that, and then his
parents ended up going to Morocco for the holidays and it kind of
sorted itself out.” She sighed, “At least he
me to
meet them? I mean, he wants me to meet everyone. His friends, his
co-workers, his sister, his parents.”
“That’s a good thing, right?” Maggie was leaning back against the
counter, all of the serving dishes covered for their dinner. Thalia
took a drink of her wine.
“It’s a very good thing. I mean, I love it. I love him! I love that
he wants me to be a part of his life, that I don’t embarrass him,
that I’m what he wants, and he’s what I want, and we have each
other.” She bit her lip, stacking the food for the Dormitory
together and avoiding eye contact. Somehow Maggie always knew what
she was thinking.
“Is there a ‘but’ in there somewhere?” Maggie prodded.
“But what if his family doesn’t approve of me?” Thalia tipped up
her wine and finished it, lowering her voice even further. “Family
is important. It’s
, how do I know they’ll like me? And
what happens if they don’t? I don’t want to be some issue between
“We like you.”
“You and Kalen are different, and you know everything, and his
know everything.” Thalia grabbed for her wine
glass again, but it was empty. She looked over at Maggie’s whisky
in confusion. “You haven’t touched your drink.”
“Oh! Yeah, I’m just hot. Ye can have it, it looks like ye need it.”
Maggie laughed and handed the glass over and Thalia took a burning
sip of it. “I know James’ parents, and his sister Katherine.
They’re nice people, Thalia, I’m sure they will love ye.”
“You’re right. Of course, you’re right. It’s stupid. I’m being
stupid.” Thalia finished the whisky with a cough, because she
needed to relax. Everything was perfect right now. She was
surrounded by a real Christmas, and friends, and the love of her
fucking life was sitting in the living room while she was whining
about the one day, the
some day
, when she’d have to meet his
parents. She was freaking out over a maybe, over a possibility,
when what she needed to do was pour herself another glass of wine
and continue gossiping with Maggie like they had been most of the
day. There had to be more tidbits about Julie’s elaborate wedding
planning that Maggie hadn’t shared.
“MAGGIE!” Kalen’s voice boomed from the front door and Maggie’s
eyes lit up, well, like it was Christmas. Thalia rolled her eyes at
herself as Maggie darted out of the kitchen like a sprite and she
followed her into the living room laughing. “Ah, blessing, that
took me longer than I thought. How’s dinner coming along?”
As Thalia walked in the room she saw Maggie wrapped in Kalen’s
arms, three Doms standing behind him in big coats, and James
lounging on the couch with his laptop balanced on his knee. Maggie
kissed Kalen fiercely before pulling back with a broad smile,
“Dinner is all packed for them to take to the Dormitory. If ye all
will come with me?”
“Thanks, Maggie.” Two of them spoke at once and she quickly kissed
Kalen again before bounding back into the kitchen to boss more
people around. Maggie was totally in charge of her house all day,
to the point where it was difficult to imagine her as a sub
sometimes. If she wasn’t married to Kalen, Thalia might even
question whether they played, but even when Maggie was in bossy
mode, she still reacted to Kalen’s Dom voice.
They’d had a lot of giggling discussions about it. When their men
got all Dominant, Thalia and Maggie melted. So did Julie and
Analiese at that. Really, it was probably a universal sub trait.
Instant warm puddle around a confident Dom. Brad was even
succeeding at that with Chloe and Lauren.
“Hi, baby.” James spoke, and Thalia looked back at him to find him
smiling at her.
confident, smart, sexy, loving,
perfect-for-her, Dom. “I’ve missed you today.” James reached out
his hand for her and she let him pull her onto his lap. He’d moved
the laptop to the table and focused all his attention on her. It
made her want to glow.
“I’ve missed you too. Did you and Kalen have fun earlier?” Thalia
squirmed on his lap as his hand slid up her thigh under the edge of
the dress. Even though the house was crowded with people he
continued, and James pinched her thigh to remind her to be still.
She had to bite down on the noise she almost made so she wouldn’t
attract further attention.
“Yes, shopping in Kalen’s playroom is always fun. It’s like a live
catalogue,” James’ lips pressed against her shoulder, his teeth
grazing her skin as he moved his mouth up her neck. “You will have
some late Christmas presents when we get home.”
“I already said you don’t need to get me anything, you and Kalen
and Maggie bought me a yoga studio! That’s
than enough,
for this Christmas and the next ten! AH!” Thalia stifled a moan as
James’ questing fingers finally found their way to her panties and
his deft touch brushed her clit expertly. She wanted to spread her
legs, to lift her hips to urge him to continue, but the house was
packed and she could clearly hear the Doms stacking food to carry
back. Not to mention Kalen had only wandered into his office for a
“Baby...” James’ lips were against her ear, his fingers rubbing
slow, tantalizing circles over her clit. “Don’t argue with me on
presents. It’s Christmas, and I sincerely think you’re going to
like what Kalen and I have for you later.” His nip on her skin
accompanied by that dark promise made her moan as she grew wet
under his fingers.
“James... what -”
“No. Don’t ask. It’s not a present if you know what it is.” His
voice was all clear control and it sent a shiver through her that
was not helping the soft waves of pleasure he was creating between
her thighs.
“Please?” She lifted her hips, unsure if she was asking to know
about the present or asking if he’d push her over the edge.
“James Hawkins!” Maggie was leading the Doms to the door and turned
to stare at them, as did everyone else. Thalia pinned her knees
together with a fierce blush, trapping James’ hand. “What happened
to keeping it in yer trousers until after dinner?”
“Mine is still in my trousers, Maggie. And Thalia isn’t wearing
any.” James chuckled and it broke the staring contest. The Doms
laughed, glancing at each other as they stepped out into the cold
and Maggie just rolled her eyes, shutting the door behind
“Quit being a bastard, James, and help me get all this food our
girls made onto the table.” Kalen was still laughing as he walked
back to the kitchen and James moved her off his lap with a quick
swat to her ass. She was still blushing, and flushed, but she
didn’t really care. They’d played at enough clubs, been around
enough people as they watched or were watched. It didn’t matter
because with James it all felt easy. Not just easy, it was
Dinner was delicious, and they’d have leftovers for days. They
opened crackers before they got to the presents. Small, brightly
colored tubes that came apart with a loud pop, the smell of powder,
a paper crown, and a little toy. Thalia’s had a whistle, and it may
have been dumb but she wanted to keep it. It was her first cracker,
her first British Christmas, and her first decent Christmas since
her mom had passed. Maggie was wearing her bright green paper crown
and somehow made it look regal. Her mop of curls holding it up like
she was meant to wear it.
Presents were opened. So many fun and beautiful things - the best
of which, for Thalia, was a mockup of a large ad that would run
when her yoga studio finally opened. James refused to tell her how
much the ad campaign would cost. Analiese had made the actual
advertisement, Julie had helped create the logo, and Maggie had
helped Thalia pick the name.
. More than anything
Thalia loved it because it was a labor of love, between her and her
friends and James. It was all of theirs, even if they kept
insisting it was
Another glass of wine later and she was nestled next to James on
the couch, Maggie was sitting on the floor surrounded by scattered
wrapping paper while she leaned against Kalen’s leg. He was on the
other end of the couch, taste testing a bottle of Scotch that James
had given him, and their laughter was winding down from another of
Kalen’s stories about James. This one had involved a lot of
sangria, a trip to Spain, and a session at a club called Culminante
that had been complicated by the arrival of the sub’s boyfriend. It
had made James curse when Kalen started to tell it, and it was
worth it to listen to the two bicker like the old friends they were
over the details of the story.

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