Christmas at Pemberley (30 page)

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Authors: Regina Jeffers

BOOK: Christmas at Pemberley
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“It appears an imbalance in the seating has occurred,” Manneville said sardonically.
Kitty smiled purposely. “I'd not noticed, Mr. Manneville.”
“Had you not, Miss Catherine?” Irony played through his words.
Kitty didn't appreciate the man's attitude. She hissed, “If you
find the situation disagreeable, Sir, I'm certain that Miss Darcy shall gladly permit you to change with any of her other guests. You'll find either of my sisters or Mrs. Collins most cooperative.”
“Not your mother, Miss Catherine? Is she not cooperative also?” he insinuated.
Kitty kept her tone light so others wouldn't see her anger, but her words spoke her true feelings. “I don't know why, Sir, you believe yourself such a desirable supper partner that you'd imply some manipulation on my part to make your further acquaintance, but you are sadly mistaken. I'd happily relinquish my seat to another. Choose your partner, Mr. Manneville, and I'll execute the exchange.” She felt a flush of color flood her face.
Manneville leaned closer. “I'm pleased that you possess a backbone, Miss Catherine. I feared a girl of tender years mightn't express her mind. Tell Mrs. Bennet that I'll keep you in mind when I make my decision for a wife.”
“You should shorten your list, Mr. Manneville. I assure you that I have no desire to see America.” Kitty turned her head to smile at Mr. Bingley, who sat across from her. Out of the corner of her mouth she murmured, “I hope that makes my position clear.”
“And if I made you an offer? You would turn it down,” he taunted.
Kitty leaned closer to whisper. “We Bennet sisters don't jump at the first offer. Although my cousin will inherit our family home upon my father's passing, my sister Elizabeth turned down Mr. Collins. And believe it or not, my father supported Lizzy's decision. We accept only those offers which most please us.”
“Obviously, your older sister chose the superior offer.” Manneville nodded to the elaborate surroundings.
“Elizabeth did choose the superior man. Yet, her decision had nothing to do with Mr. Darcy's consequence.” She noted the man's disbelief. “In fact, despite the possibility of my mother and sisters losing Longbourn, Lizzy refused Mr. Darcy's first proposal. Only when the man pleased her did Elizabeth change her mind. I have
three married sisters, Mr. Manneville, and each has chosen the man she loves.” Kitty immediately thought of poor Lydia, who loved a man who didn't return Lydia's devotion, but Kitty hadn't lied to the American.
Manneville frowned. “We'll see if you're a lady who speaks the truth, Miss Catherine.” When the man smiled at her, Kitty experienced a flash of dread shooting up her spine.
“Pardon, Miss Darcy,” Mr. Nathan stepped closer to whisper in Georgiana's ear. “There's one of the tenants at the kitchen door. He heard that Mr. Winkler dined with us this evening.”
“Is there a problem?” Edward asked softly.
Mr. Nathan turned his back to the other guests. “Old Mrs. Foxmour, Colonel. The lady is reportedly in a bad way. The doctor gave her but a few days nearly a week ago. The woman has requested to speak to a clergyman, and her son, Artie, asks that Mr. Winkler come and see to his mother's spiritual needs.”
“How can we get Winkler to the Foxmour cottage safely?” Georgiana asked.
Mr. Nathan gave the girl a look of approval. “I was thinking of one of the sleighs, Miss Darcy.”
“Send Jarvis with Mr. Winkler to help with the horses, and add a basket of staples for the family,” Georgiana instructed. “Tell Mr. Arden to have a groom harness the sleigh.”
“I will see to it, Miss Darcy.” Mr. Nathan bowed out.
Edward briefly squeezed Georgiana's hand. “I'll speak privately to Winkler.”
“Thank you, Edward.”
The colonel nodded and crossed the room to where Winkler spoke to Kitty, Mary, and Mr. Bennet. “Excuse me, Winkler.” He asked privately, “Can I have a moment?”With confidence, the colonel stepped away from the others.
Kitty watched with concern as Colonel Fitzwilliam spoke personally to Mr. Winkler. She noted the empathy cross Mr. Winkler's face. “Something is wrong,” she said to herself.
Georgiana, on the room's other side, cleared her voice. “I hope you'll join me and the colonel in some of our favorite parlor games. We thought we might begin with charades, but with a twist.You'll need a partner for this version of the game.”
Everyone began to pair up, but Kitty's eyes remained on Winkler and the colonel. When the clergyman hurried toward the drawing room door, she moved also, trailing the man; but before she reached the door, Mr. Manneville blocked her way. “Miss Catherine.” He bowed to her. “Would you do me the honor of partnering me in the game?”
Trying to see past him to where Winkler had gone, Kitty mumbled, “I think not, Sir. Now, if you'll excuse me.” She started around the man only to be confronted by her mother.
“Of course, Kitty shall partner you, Sir. It's most gracious of you to ask.” Mrs. Bennet turned Kitty's shoulders to face the man. “Give Mr. Manneville your assent, Kitty,” her mother insisted.
Kitty let out exasperation's sigh. “Mr. Manneville has my answer, Mama.”
“WHAT ARE THE SLEEPING arrangements tonight?” Darcy asked softly. He and Elizabeth tarried in the common room. The Josephs tended their child in the room the couple shared with the Darcys.
Elizabeth glanced toward the stairs. “It seems that Mrs. Joseph should have the bed.”
Darcy frowned. “In principle, I agree, but my concern for your health outweighs my reason. You, too, should share the bed with Mrs. Joseph. The lady's husband and I can make do with the bedding.”
Elizabeth slid her hand into his. “I no longer believe that I can sleep without your arms about me, Fitzwilliam. It's one of the reasons I chose to travel to Northumberland. The prospect of more than a week alone at Pemberley would have never done.”
Darcy thought of how long it had taken to convince his wife to accompany him, but he said nothing to contradict her. “I'm bereft of your closeness when you're not within my sight.” He stroked her palm with his fingertips.
“Then allow me to lie beside the man I love,” Elizabeth whispered.
When she said such things, his wife enflamed his desire, but nothing would happen this evening. “As you wish,” he said quietly. “I spoke to Mr. Simpson earlier. He believes we can depart on the morrow.Will you be comfortable doing so?”
Elizabeth's dual contradiction crossed her countenance. “Mrs. Joseph must remain a few more days,” she thought aloud. “But I do so need to be home. To be with Georgiana.”
“Unless Mrs. Joseph has difficulty overnight, I imagine the lady's husband can see to her care.You've served her well, my dear.” Darcy brought the back of her hand to his lips. “These fingers—these capable hands have done God's work. Now, it's time to rest. Time to return to our home.”
Elizabeth chuckled. “
are not synonymous words.”
“True. It's a constant battle to keep such a large estate sound—but it's a glorious battle,” he said with pride.
“Some battles are worth fighting,” she said softly.
Realizing his wife felt the same as he, Darcy smiled. “On that fact, we can agree. It was a point upon which I suspected we would find congress.”
“Mr. Bennet,” his wife caught at his arm, “you must make Kitty see reason,” she beseeched. “Mr. Manneville has asked Kitty to be his partner, but your daughter insists on leaving the room.”
Mr. Bennet, who despised being dragged into these family dramas, sighed deeply. “Is this true, Kitty?”
“Papa, I've no time to explain. Mr. Winkler has rushed away.” Pulling free from her mother's grasp, Kitty started forward again.
Mr. Bennet's eyebrow rose sharply. “Mr. Winkler?”
“Yes, Papa. I fear the man needs my help,” she said pleadingly.
Mr. Bennet smiled secretly. “Then go on, Girl. Mr. Darcy would know offense if we allowed Winkler to struggle alone.”
Impulsively, Kitty kissed her father's cheek. “Thank you, Papa.”
Watching his daughter scurrying from the room, Mr. Bennet turned to the American. “I'm afraid, Manneville, that you must find another partner. I've two other daughters in the room who would make comparable copemates. The smartest of my daughters is Mrs.
Darcy, but the others are equally well read,” he said jovially. “Then, perhaps, Mrs. Bennet is more to your liking. Or you could prefer cards as your entertainment. I believe Lady Catherine and Mr. Collins plan to play.”
Manneville glanced toward the card tables. “I think not, Mr. Bennet. I'll seek another partner. Thank you, Sir.”
Kitty rushed through the servants' halls toward the kitchen. A maid reported seeing Winkler headed that way with Jarvis. Kitty burst into the room to find the clergyman conferring with one of the tenants near the back door and Mrs. Oliver filling a large basket with baked goods and cold meat.
“What is it?” she asked as she stepped beside Mr. Winkler.
Despite his countenance's gravity, his eyes welcomed her. “Miss Catherine,” he said softly and reached for her hand. “This is Mr. Foxmour. Foxmour, this is Mrs. Darcy's sister, Miss Catherine Bennet.”
“I be honored, Miss.” The man quickly removed his hat and offered a bow. “I remains most sorry for disturbin' your entertainment.”
“Mr. Foxmour's mother is very ill, Miss Catherine. She's in need of a clergyman,” he whispered close to her ear. “I will accompany Mr. Foxmour. I don't know how long I'll be away.”
“I'm going with you,” she asserted.
“Miss Catherine, this is a long, slow process,”Winkler reasoned.
Kitty held his gaze. “I wish to be of assistance, Mr. Winkler. My father's aware that I shall accompany you.” She hoped he understood. She had no idea what was expected of her as his choice, but she was prepared to learn.
Winkler's smile widened. “Send for your cloak and muff. Mr. Arden prepares a sleigh with blankets, but I would have you properly attired for the weather. I'm sure the Foxmours could use some assistance with the children.” The clergyman turned toward the waiting cottager. “How many is it you have, Foxmour?”
“Four wee ones, Sir.”
“May I bring some paper and crayons for the children?” she asked quickly.
“You might show them your sketches, Miss Catherine. Your work is remarkable.”
Kitty glowed with his compliment. “I'll be only a minute.” She gave a quick curtsy and disappeared into the servants' hall leading to her room. She had pleased him; she'd made Thorne Winkler happy with her actions.

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