Christina's Tapestry (12 page)

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Authors: N. J. Walters

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Christina's Tapestry
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Mara brushed Christina’s hair away from her face and felt for injuries. “She’s exhausted and upset. All the changes in her life and the violence of the challenge were too much for her.” She dabbed at the blood seeping from a bump on Christina’s head. “I fear that our ways are too foreign from hers. She is frightened and may well return home to all that is familiar.”

“Can I move her?” Jarek held her limp hand in his and traced the cuts that seeped blood.

When Mara nodded, he lifted her into his arms and stood. Marc was keeping one eye on the Bakra brothers who had crowded in to watch and the other one was fixed on Christina.

Jarek tensed as Zaren approached him. “Is there anything we can do?”

“I think we’ve all done enough for tonight.”

Zaren stiffened, but said nothing.

Jarek swallowed his anger, he was as much to blame as Zaren. Even though they were at odds over Christina, all of the men had been friends for years. Jarek liked and respected the Bakra brothers and did not want to lose such a long standing friendship with his neighbors. “I understand your need to issue challenge and probably would have done the same myself. But she is not of our world and does not understand our ways.”

Zaren fingered a long blonde strand of hair that hung over Jarek’s arm. He lifted it to his mouth and rubbed the soft lock of Christina’s hair over his lips. Tenderly, he released it and tucked it back behind her ear. “She is worth fighting for, Jarek.”

Jarek could hear the challenge and warning under Zaren’s words, but most of all he could hear the sadness. “I know, my friend, but the choice must be hers.”


N.J. Walters

Zaren nodded and then spun on his heel and walked away. His brothers all gave Christina one last look of longing before following their older brother. Their horses were waiting for them and they swung into the saddles. “Send word and we will either come and celebrate your marriage, or we will come and get drunk with you when she leaves.” Whirling his horse around, Zaren thundered out of the castle courtyard, his brothers right behind him.

“Let’s get her inside.” Marc was holding the door open to the castle and motioning him inside.

Jarek forgot the Bakra brothers and the challenge, focusing entirely on Christina. This might be their last night with her. According to legend, the tapestry would appear tomorrow night and then Christina could leave him. He had less than a day to convince her to stay.

He climbed the stairs two at a time and carried her into her room. Laying her on the bed, he unlaced her dress and began to tug it down over her shoulders. Marc was at her feet removing her leather boots. Jarek stripped her dress from her body and tossed it over a bench in the corner. Carefully, he removed the torque and laid it aside. Christina lay sprawled across the bed in her white chemise. Every breath she took caused her breasts to rise and fall. The outline of her nipples was plain against the thin fabric and he could see the shadow of her pubic hair. Her hips were wide and made for bearing children with ease and her stomach had a soft slope that fired his desire. He could easily imagine her stomach growing large with child and the image stoked the fires of lust that burned within him. His blood thickened and raced to his cock, making it swell.

Mara bustled over next to him with a basin of warm water. She laid it on the floor next to the bed, dipped a soft cloth into it and began to bathe the bump on Christina’s head. Jarek and Marc both watched in silence as she worked. Mara lifted Christina’s hair out of the way and draped it over the pillow.


Christina’s Tapestry

Jarek swallowed hard. He’d longed to see her hair just like that, but he’d imagined her awake and wanting him, not unconscious and injured. Marc sat at the foot of the bed and rubbed his hands up and down her legs. Jarek knew it was because he needed the contact with her because he felt the same way.

Mara washed the drops of dried blood from Christina’s hand and when she was finished, she dumped the cloth back into the basin. “That is all there is to be done right now. I don’t think she is injured so much as worn out. She should sleep for a while, but you should wake her every so often to make sure her head injury is not worse than it seems.”

Jarek knew that men sometimes died from head injuries, falling into a sleep from which they did not wake. He would not allow such a thing to happen to Christina. “We will take care of her.” Marc would stay with him until she was well. Christina had not made her choice yet and Jarek knew that Marc would press his suit hard to get her to choose him.

So be it. They would both stay. And when she awoke they would do their best to make her want to stay in their world with them. Even one night a week with Christina was better than none. He had been raised to expect this, knew it was a way of life, but a part of him railed against the thought of not having her to himself. It was hard enough to share her with Marc, but almost impossible to imagine her not being his wife. The next few hours would be the most important of his life. They would shape not only his future, but the future of the House of Garen. Mara picked up the basin and left the room, closing the door quietly behind her.

Marc looked at him, his eyes full of questions and longing. “We cannot let her leave us.”

“We may not have a choice.” As much as it pained him to say it, he did not want her to stay if it would make her unhappy. His resolve hardened as he watched her sleep. But that did not mean he would not do everything in his power to convince her to stay.


N.J. Walters

Jarek stripped the chemise from her, wanting her naked. He tossed the garment to the floor and eased the furs from under her, tucking her beneath their warmth. She sighed and snuggled deeper.

He tugged off his own boots and dropped them on the floor beside the bed. His pants followed. The armbands and wristbands were next. Jarek wanted nothing between his flesh and Christina’s warm skin. When he was naked, he climbed into bed and tugged her into his arms. She settled easily, her head tucked under his chin, her hand on his heart.

Marc stripped off his clothing and climbed into bed on the other side. Turning on his side, he clasped his hand over Christina’s hip and nestled closer to her back and behind.

Closing his eyes, Jarek tried to rest. But the image of Christina crumpling at the top of the stairs haunted him and sleep would not come.

Something tickled her nose and she batted her hand at it. She felt so warm and toasty, she didn’t want to wake up yet. Memories of concerned male voices waking her several times rose to the surface of her consciousness, making her frown.
Why was that
so important?

The longer she was awake the more she remembered. Slowly, she became aware of her surroundings and knew she was in her room. She could feel the soft furs on top of her and the two male bodies surrounding her.

The last thing she remembered was trying to make her way to the doorway of the castle. Then everything went black. She must have fainted. Just the thought shocked her. She’d never done anything like that in her life until she came here. She was healthy and strong and not prone to any kind of weakness at all. Now, she’d fainted twice in the last two days. Maybe it was the air. She certainly found this place unsettling to her peace of mind.


Christina’s Tapestry

Memories of the violence of the evening before filled her throbbing head. Raising a shaky hand, she felt a small bump there. She must have struck her head when she fell. A shiver racked her body when she remembered how cold Jarek had been towards her, and the warmth that had filled her fled from her limbs. His words had frozen her insides and she instinctively started to pull away from him. His arms tightened around her like velvet bands, not hurting her, but there was no way she could escape his embrace. She swallowed the lump in her throat when his hand tenderly cradled the back of her head as he pulled her closer to him. She was totally confused now, his gentle actions so at odds with his earlier words and deeds. She could feel Marc’s hand on her hip and feel his erection digging into the small of her back. It was strange just how comforting she found it to be tucked between these two hard male bodies. It was just as amazing at how normal and right it felt to be sleeping with the two of them.

It was still nighttime, as the room was cast in shadows, but she knew that this was her last day here. She chewed on her lip as her fingers tangled in Jarek’s chest hair. She still didn’t know what to do. Her head was telling her to grab the tapestry when it appeared and go home where she was safe. Her heart was urging her to grab onto this chance for a relationship and a family.

The feel of Jarek’s cock lengthening and thickening against the leg she had draped across his thighs made all her thoughts scatter.

“How do you feel?” His low intimate tones sent heat flooding through her body once again.

“I’m fine.” Other than a slight headache, she was fine. At least physically. Mentally and emotionally was a whole other thing.

Jarek’s hand wrapped around her upper thigh. “Are you sure?” His fingers began to move, tracing circles from her hip to her knee and back to her hip. 93

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She could barely think straight. Marc’s hand began to move in a slow path from her butt to the back of her knee. “Yes.” God, yes. Her leg was being caressed front and back. Two calloused hands sliding up and down.

Her headache was forgotten as desire thrummed through her. Jarek no longer seemed angry with her. The cold, distant man was gone, replaced by the tender lover who had become so familiar to her. Her sex dampened and she could feel a trickle flow from between her thighs and land on Jarek’s leg.

He groaned and his fingers dug into her thigh. “So be it.” Jarek rolled over in bed, flipping her onto her back.

Slightly dazed, Christina gazed up at the two men looming over her. Their eyes were filled with lust and she could feel their hard bodies on either side of her. They both wanted her. It might be the wrong thing to do for her heart, but she wanted this. If she did end up going home, she wanted one more memory of her time here. She raised her arms over her head, the motion pushing her breasts towards them. It was a sign of surrender. Both men smiled slowly. Damn, but they were sexy. Whatever they wanted, she wanted to give it to them. A gift from her heart to them. 94

Christina’s Tapestry

Chapter Twelve

Jarek wasn’t about to question his good fortune. Christina was awake, seemed no worse for wear for her ordeal and she still wanted them. Any good warrior knew to take advantage of an opportunity when it was presented to him and he was no fool. She looked exactly as he’d imagined she would with her blonde hair flowing over the pillows. Her breasts jiggled with every breath she took and each plump mound was tipped with a tight bud that was just begging to be tasted. With her arms over her head and her legs sprawled open, she was a feast for his senses. His hands looked huge and dark against her soft pale skin as he traced her delicate collarbone. She opened her eyes and looked straight at him, her eyes blue pools of desire. Her breath was coming quicker now as his fingers inched closer to her breast. Soft. She was so damned soft everywhere. The calloused pads of his fingertips shaped and stroked the sensitive flesh, while his thumb traced the outline of her distended nipple.

Marc mirrored his actions, watching him closely. Right now, there was more at stake than which brother she would choose. At this moment, they were banded together for their common goal of just keeping Christina with them. Neither of them wanted to lose her to her own world.

Jarek licked his lips in anticipation as he lowered his mouth. He lapped at her nipple, holding her breast in his hand while he sampled her. When that was no longer enough, he gently clasped it between his teeth and nipped the bud. Her ecstatic cries echoed throughout the room. Jarek wanted more from her. He wanted her begging for his attention. He wanted her screams of release. He wanted everything.


N.J. Walters

His cock swelled with every taste of her sweet flesh. There had never been a woman made who enticed him more than Christina. His entire body was taut with desire, but he wanted to take his time and draw out the seduction and the pleasure. They had all night and he planned to make the most of it.

Without warning, he drew her breast into his mouth and suckled her. Hard. Her fingers frantically clutched the back of head, tugging him closer. He laughed, more than pleased with her response.

His mouth continued to tease and play with her breast while his other hand slid down her ribs and over the slope of her belly. The supple mound yielded to his hand. Christina was made to cradle a warrior between her thighs, giving him relief and comfort through all the nights of his life.

Moving on, he caressed the top of her thigh, his fingers teasing the inner part. Her legs sprawled wider, silently begging him to touch her. He glanced over and saw Marc’s hand on her other thigh.

His fingers made small circles over the inside of her thigh, moving higher and higher until he was touching the crease at the top of her leg. Christina tried to open her legs wider but was blocked on either side. Jarek lifted her left leg and draped it over his thigh. Marc did the same with her right one. With a leg draped over both of them, her sex was wide open to their touch.

Both men’s fingers touched as they sifted through the blonde curls at the apex of her thighs. The soft curls wrapped around their fingers as her heat warmed them. Using his index finger, Jarek traced the folds of her labia.

“You’re so wet,” he murmured as he coated his finger in the evidence of her desire. He licked at the swollen bud of her nipple before sucking it back into his mouth. Marc groaned his approval as his fingers examined her damp sex. Jarek felt Marc’s fingers at Christina’s opening and as one they each drove a finger inside her hot pussy. Her muscles gripped his finger tight, pulling it deeper. 96

Christina’s Tapestry

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