Christian Philosophy: Everyone Has a Philosophy. It's The Lens Through Which They View The World and Make Decisions. (22 page)

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Evolutionists would believe that this material came into existence at the rate of one inch every thousand to ten thousand years by the erosion of prior rock material. Therefore, to an evolutionist, this cliff would represent one million years worth of history. In reality, it represents three days.

Evolutionists would also want you to believe that all the layers of the Grand Canyon came about slowly and gradually over millions of years and that the Colorado River cut the canyon just as slowly and gradually. The first problem with that is a river that small could not cut such a big canyon. Second, we have another example from Mount St. Helens to prove how fast a canyon can be cut. This 125-foot-deep canyon was cut in one day by mudflow.

This just shows that massive amounts of water or mud moving very quickly all at once can do a tremendous amount of work. There’s no reason why an event such as Noah’s Flood could not have carved the Grand Canyon in less than a year.

We can also look at mud accumulation at the mouths of the world’s rivers to prove the earth has only been around for about 6000 years. One example is the Mississippi River.

The Gulf of Mexico is a big empty hole in the ground with a flat sand surface on the bottom, but there is only 4500 years worth of mud at the mouth of the Mississippi. If the Mississippi were millions of years old, the entire Gulf of Mexico would be filled in. This is one of the simplest and easiest ways to see that the earth is young. And every major river in the world is the same way. The Amazon, the Colorado River that goes all the way into the Baja, the Indus Ganges, and so forth - all of them only have 4,500 years worth of mud at their mouths, showing that the earth has only been eroding since the time of Noah’s Flood.


It’s obvious that Dr. McMurtry has compiled quite a bit of research that goes a long way toward validating biblical creationism while also demonstrating many of the problems with the pro-evolution argument. But whenever evolution versus creationism is discussed, people always want to know about the fossils, especially the dinosaurs. In addition visiting with Dr. McMurtry, I’ve also spent considerable time with Dr. Carl Baugh, who has personally excavated many, many fossils during his time in paleontology.

Like Dr. McMurtry, Dr. Baugh is an ex-atheist who used to teach evolution. He has doctorate degrees in education, theology, and biblical archaeology. His most recent work has been in the paleontology field where he has discovered and directed the excavation of sixteen different dinosaurs. The following information is what Dr. Baugh discussed with me as he presented his case for a young earth.


Dr. Ernst Mayr, who’s considered to be the world’s leading evolutionary biologist, said if there’s proof that man and dinosaur lived at the same time, evolution is destroyed. Well, I found that proof in 1982 when my excavation team unearthed a dinosaur footprint and a human footprint only seventeen inches apart. But, not surprisingly, none of the scientists or media would even look at the findings because they assumed it was a hoax.

We discovered a very large acrocanthosaurus along the banks of the Paluxy River in Texas, and the other dinosaurs we found in northwestern Colorado. But the one along the Paluxy completely shattered my entire paradigm, because coming into that excavation I was an old-age creationist. I had heard but didn’t believe that there were human footprints right along with dinosaur footprints near the Paluxy River. In 1982, I came out to direct the excavation. I assimilated a team, and we excavated one dinosaur footprint. Then, over the course of four days, we excavated another eighteen footprints.

I still didn’t believe we’d find human footprints because I adhered to the view of evolution in which the last dinosaur died out sixty-four million years ago, and the first human didn’t appear, even in primitive form, until two and a half million years ago. I was what you could call a progressive creationist. But then, one day as we were peeling back the layers of rock, I discovered a human footprint only seventeen and a half inches from a dinosaur footprint. It completely blew my mind. We continued excavating and discovered a total of four of these human prints.

In this trail of dinosaur and human footprints, the dinosaur stepped on two of the human footprints and pushed its print back into the heel of the human print, compressing it. You can see the heel, the toes, the compression. The dinosaur actually pushed the mud into the human print. And then it stepped on another one and cut it off.

[Author’s note: I personally saw these fossils at the Creation Evidence Museum in Glen Rose, Texas, when I was interviewing Dr. Baugh. They are very clearly human and dinosaur prints side by side and on top of each other. It’s somewhat hard to determine from these photos, but I can personally verify that they are clearly visible.]

On another occasion, we found a series of human footprints from the Lueders Formation in the Permian Basin in West Texas. According to evolution, the hard sandstone of the Permian Basin is about 230 million years old, so there shouldn’t be any human prints in it. We took those prints to two separate laboratories and ran spiral CAT scan analyses on them, which reads through the rock to determine if the print is genuine. Every one of these footprints had compression density under it and to its side, mimicking the way a real foot would move.

[Author’s note: I’m aware that many people, even some creation scientists, have discounted these footprints because there was a man in Glen Rose, Texas, who carved dinosaur and human footprints together to make money during the Great Depression. Therefore, all evidence from Glen Rose is considered to be false. But as Dr. Baugh explained to me, these spiral CAT scans can detect compression density; they can determine if the imprint was carved or made by the weight of an actual foot. All of Dr. Baugh’s samples have been proven to be actual prints made by humans and dinosaurs.]

Although the media who’ve come to view our discoveries always find a way to explain away what they’re seeing with their own eyes, we’ve had many evolutionists come who leave as creationists. Recently a leading evolutionary scholar became a creationist, and one of my friends said to him, “I thought you were an evolutionist and taught evolution.”

He said, “I was, and I did.”

“What changed you?” my friend asked.

“Well,” he said, “I kept watching and reading about the evidence that Carl Baugh in Glen Rose, Texas, presented, and I couldn’t ignore it.”

Even Dr. Antony Flew, one of the world’s leading atheists, a few years ago turned his back on evolution after visiting our friends at The Institute for Creation Research. Dr. Flew admitted in writing that he has taught atheism and was one of the world’s leading atheists, but The Institute for Creation Research exposed enough information that he can no longer deny that living systems are so complex, they require a designer. These examples prove that when people have an open mind, the evidence will speak for itself.

Aside from discovering dinosaur and human prints in the Permian Basin, we’ve found manmade artifacts saturated throughout this system of rock layers. According to evolutionists, these rock layers would have been here millions of years before man even existed. One artifact we found was a human sandal print with stitching around its sides. The stitching proves this was from a developed man. This sandal even has wear on the heel from the transference of weight when we walk.

What’s even more interesting about this sandal is that it has a three-lobed sea bug pressed into the heel and another pressed into the toe. These sea bugs are supposedly around 550 million years old, and evolutionists put them at the bottom of the geological column because they’re considered to be simple life forms. But some types of these bugs have compound eyes more sophisticated than any of today’s most advanced cameras. And these bugs were found at the exact same time and place as a human sandal print!

Once I saw actual evidence that man and dinosaur lived contemporaneously, I searched for additional evidence. Over a period of time I’ve discovered a long series of artifacts, supposedly from the bottom of the geologic column, that are scattered throughout the geologic column. The director of a leading museum in Austria once called me to say that it’s come to his attention that we have more out-of-place artifacts that destroy evolutionary theory than all other entities combined. And he’s right!

Another discovery worth noting is a cup that was found encased in coal. It was found by Frank Kinard in 1928 as he was working in the Sulphur City Water Works, shoveling coal to use as electricity for the town. He had a huge chunk of coal that he couldn’t fit into the furnace, so he took a sledgehammer to it, and it fell apart. A manmade cup fell out of it. Coal is said by evolutionists to take nearly 400 million years to form. Yet, we see evidence of coal and a manmade cup that are the same age. Similarly, a manmade hammer was found buried in early Cretaceous rock, once again showing that humans were alive at the same time as these rock layers.

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