Read Chosen to Be His Little Angeline Online

Authors: Zoe Blake

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Historical, #Victorian, #Romantic Erotica

Chosen to Be His Little Angeline (10 page)

BOOK: Chosen to Be His Little Angeline
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"It's not true." She sniffed, backing away. "It's not!" she yelled, stomping her foot.

Blackhurst slowly rose to tower over her small frame.

Angry that she should still be questioning his judgment, he abruptly seized her by the shoulders and bent her over the table. "I will show you the truth of my words, little one."

Flipping her short skirt up, he yanked her bloomers and cloth diaper down to her knees. Freeing his cock from his trousers, Blackhurst pushed the blunt head between her closed thighs, relishing in the tight feel.

"No! I don't want this!" screamed Angeline as she struggled to rise.

"Yes, you do," he rasped as he kept a restraining left hand on her lower back, using his right hand to position his cock at her entrance as the tip slid against her wetness.

He thrust his hips forward, driving his shaft inside of her to the hilt in one brutal thrust. Angeline gasped at the burning pain as her body struggled to accommodate his girth. She moaned as swells of intense sensation rippled up her spine.

"Stop," she breathed, overcome.

"No." He raised his right hand and gave her a stinging slap on her bottom just as he thrust forward. He continued the dual assault. Spanking her bottom to a throbbing bright red while tearing into her tight passage with each thrust of his cock.

The warm heat from his punishing spanks matched the growing heat building inside her. She held her breath, anticipating his next hit…his next thrust.

Against her will, she felt the light-headed rush of a release. Her head tilted back as her breath rushed back in short gasps. Her eyes fluttered closed as she felt the dizzying warmth overtake her. Moments later, she felt his hand in her hair, pulling her off the table and on to her knees.

"Open your mouth."

She whimpered, stubbornly keeping her mouth shut. He yanked on her hair harder. Angeline submitted, watching as he fisted his erect cock, pumping it close to her open mouth. Finally, he came with a roar. Spurts of warm cum dribbled onto her tongue.

Blackhurst fell back into his chair. "Keep your mouth open. Don't swallow."

She reluctantly raised her gaze and held his as the taste of his cum slowly dissolved on her tongue. Tasting the truth of his words.


* * * * *


Later when she was permitted to rise. Blackhurst explained her new situation in his household.

"I am taking over your care," he stated bluntly. "It is my prerogative to treat you like a child. Since your actions over the last few days have shown you to have the petulant foolishness of one, I would say my instincts are not far off. You have already met Mrs. Chapel. You must call her Nanny. She will be responsible for bathing, feeding and schooling you, under my direct supervision of course. You will receive daily special training from me as well as any discipline that may be required."

"What if I don't choose to be under your care?" she asked petulantly, still smarting from the lesson he just gave her.

Blackhurst rose and crossed to where she was seated. He put a hand under her chin and raised her head to meet his gaze. "Did I say anything that in any way implied you had a choice?" he asked in a low casual tone. "You made your choice the moment you allowed me to take your maidenhead. You are mine now, little one, to do with as I choose."

Angeline once again felt that unwanted sweet thrill of arousal his show of strength always brought forth in her.

"Your nanny is here to take you back to the nursery. I will see you at your afternoon bottle feeding."



Chapter Ten - You Are Mine


Despite their auspicious beginning and her stern demeanor, Angeline was surprised at how pleasant of an afternoon she passed with Mrs. Chapel…Nanny. They read books together. Played with the dollhouse. Nanny brushed her hair and showed her the new wardrobe that had been purchased just for her. Despite their childish style, as a seamstress, Angeline could not help but admire the superior quality of the rich fabrics and delicate lace. Everything she touched was soft and precisely stitched right down to the smallest detail.

The nursery itself was quite large, taking up most of the third floor of the manor house. There was the main room that contained the bed she awoke in and the adorable furniture with the dollhouse and tea set. Then a small school room filled with books, a large globe and several small desks. Nanny said she would teach her how to speak French and other fun things like how to find the British colonies on the map. Of course there was the bathing room, her least favorite room so far. The largest room was one she had not seen yet. It was through two large mahogany doors at the end of the main room. Nanny called it Papa's play room. She said Papa will take her there most days but she was not allowed to play in it alone.

All of this was terribly surreal to Angeline. While not the type of adventure she could ever have imagined, she was surrounded by very pretty things and she did so love pretty things. Nanny was strict but nice and even gave her a piece of chocolate when she put away all the toys they had been playing with properly!

It wasn't so very strange to think of Lord Blackhurst as Papa. She had never known her own father and had grown up in a household without a male influence. It was nice to have a powerful, handsome man offering her protection and safety. He was demanding and authoritative to be sure and it
very painful when he disciplined her. If she was honest with herself, as much as she hated the pain, it was obvious her body didn't. Still, she was not certain how far she wanted to take this particular grand passionate adventure.


* * * * *


Angeline knocked softly on the study door and waited to be bade to enter just like Nanny had told her. They had changed her dress. She now wore a fluffy pale pink confection of lace and ruffles.

"Enter," came a deep male voice through the door.

Angeline turned the heavy door knob and slowly walked into the dark room. Papa rose from behind an enormous desk at the end of the room as she entered.

"My, doesn't my little angel look adorable in her new dress."

Angeline beamed from his warm praise. He motioned with his finger for her to spin around which she gleefully obliged. The dress once again ended mid-thigh which took quite a bit of getting used to, but she loved the look of appreciation and masculine interest in his eye as he looked her over.

"Come sit on my lap."

Papa walked over to a large chair placed in front of a roaring fire. After settling himself, he pulled Angeline onto his lap. She liked the feel of his hard thighs as they pressed against her soft bottom. Leaning in close, she inhaled the spicy clove scent she now associated with him.

He twirled one of her golden curls around his finger. "You look beautiful, little one."

"Thank you…Papa," she said after some hesitation. It was the first time she had called him Papa without having to be prodded. His eyes glowed with warmth and affection.

"Good girl," he said as he pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Now time for your bottle." He reached over to a small side table and picked up a glass baby bottle.

"But, no…Papa, I don't want to take a bottle like a baby," she whined. Hoping her use of Papa might mollify him. "Can't you just treat me like a little girl and not a baby?"

"I will decide how I treat you, little one," he said in a tone that warned her he was getting angry. "Now unbutton the front of your dress. I want to see your pretty titties while I feed you your bottle."

Angeline could feel his cock harden against her bottom. She squirmed, suddenly not liking being on his lap as much as she did moments ago.

"I don't want to," she pouted.

"Would you rather a spanking first?"

Her face crumpled in a teary defeat. Slowly she raised trembling hands to the tiny pearl buttons down the front of her pink dress. One by one she undid them. Since she was no longer allowed to wear a corset or any undergarments but bloomers under her dress, the curves of her breasts immediately came into view as the dress slowly parted open. Angeline paused.

"Keep going. All the buttons," he gently coaxed.

With a small sniffle, she obeyed until all the buttons down to her navel were undone.

"Now open the front of the dress wide. Show Papa your pretty little titties."

Angeline's eyes filled with tears as she parted the folds of the dress, exposing her breasts with their pale rose nipples.

"Ask me to suck your titties."

"Please, don't make me," she whimpered.

"Ask me," he said in a warning tone.

"Please suck my titties," she whispered. At his raised eyebrow, she added, "Papa."

Blackhurst leaned over and pulled one small nipple into his mouth scraping the soft, sensitive flesh with his teeth. Angeline hissed as he laved the tip with his tongue, all the while lightly sucking. He moved to her other breast, giving it the same attention. He sucked the nipple deep into his mouth.

Lifting his head, grinning at Angeline, he said, "Now it is your turn." He held the nipple of the baby bottle up to her lips. "Suck on the nipple, baby girl."

Angeline barely opened her mouth. He forced the nipple past her reluctant lips.

"Suck it. I want to see those cute, pale cheeks hollow as you pull the creamy milk deep down your throat."

Angeline sucked on the nipple pulling a large mouthful of milk. She immediately moved away shaking her head. "It taste's odd," she complained.

"It is milk and honey with a little brandy to help you sleep when Nanny puts you down for your nap later," he replied.

"Nap?" she said, despondent.

"Yes, now open your mouth."

She reluctantly opened her mouth and pulled the baby bottle nipple back in.

Blackhurst rocked her on his lap, holding the bottle to her lips. He smiled as he stroked her naked breast, occasionally lightly pinching each nipple.

When she finished the whole bottle, she asked, "Can I go back to the nursery now, Papa?"

She was upset about being made to drink out of a bottle and wanted to be alone to pout.

"Yes, little one," he said. "As soon as you make water in your diaper like a good baby."

Angeline looked at him astonished. Just as she was about to start crying he warned, "If you cry, I will be certain to truly give you something to cry about."


* * * * *


By the time nanny had put Angeline down for a nap she had never been more relieved in her life. She needed the time alone with her thoughts to process the utter humiliation she had suffered this afternoon at the hands of Papa. Making good on his threat, she had not been allowed to leave the study till she had been made to feel like a baby in every respect. Ringing for Nanny to come and return Angeline to the nursery to change her, Papa had said he would not see her till bedtime as he had a dinner engagement. That was fine with her. Angeline would tell him this evening she no longer wanted to play at this adventure. She would no longer be his little girl!


* * * * *


Several hours later, Angeline found herself in the master suite. Dressed in a childish nightie she was told to sit by the fire and wait like a good girl till Papa had arrived. She did not have long to wait. Angeline was momentarily stunned when he walked through the bedroom door in his evening finery. He looked elegant in a very masculine way. Everything about the man from his height to his demeanor to how he walked into a room commanded respect and attention. He was powerful grace personified.

"Good evening, my little angel," he said warmly. "My apologies for leaving my little one this evening. The tedious responsibilities of being an adult called me away I am afraid."

Angeline rose on shaky knees. "Good evening, Lord Blackhurst," she said tentatively. Her hands twisting knots in front of her.

Blackhurst froze in the act of removing his dinner jacket. After sparing her a quick glance, he completed the motion and moved on to his cravat, having dismissed his valet for the night, knowing his little one would be waiting for him.

Angeline was unsure how to proceed, feeling certain her calling him Lord Blackhurst would have elicited some kind of response.

"I…that is I'm not sure I..." she stammered.

Blackhurst kicked off his shoes as he pulled the cream linen shirt over his head, exposing his chest.

Oh, god he was magnificent thought Angeline, fisting her hands to prevent herself from reaching out to touch him. Knowing his chest would feel warm, the hair rough but the skin underneath soft. The muscles would contract and move as she ran her hand over his heart down to the flat surface of his stomach. He may not even realize he does it, but he holds his breath whenever she places her hand on his stomach. She knows it's because he wants her to reach further down, to his cock.

I love him, thought Angeline in a moment of realization and shock. She must. Here she was standing ready to tell him she was returning to London and she could not even get past the look of his bare chest. The mere sight of him walking into a room sent her into a flutter. She was not so naïve as to think it was mere desire. Her attraction to this intense man was far stronger than just her body's response. The dominating way he took control of her every thought, her every want, cried out to a deep need to be mastered and protected.

Angeline had feared the moment she sacrificed her virginity to him he would consume her very being whole. She knew he was dangerous but in that moment she didn't care. She now knew what he meant when he said he would expect her to submit to his every command…that if she didn't give in…he would take. Against her will she had begun to crave his domination, if she did not escape now, she would be lost…or was it already too late?

Blackhurst stood there watching. As a predator watches its prey, watching for that moment of weakness, and waiting. He could see indecision war with desire in the lovely dark depths of her midnight blue eyes. He knew this afternoon was difficult for her but she was either going to accept being treated like his little one in full measure or not at all. There was no half measure with him.

Keeping a sharp eye on her reaction, he slowly moved his hands to the buttons on his trousers.

"No, don't," she said, looking squarely at his already erect cock framed against the fabric of his evening pants.

Ignoring her, he unbuttoned his trousers and let them drop to his feet. Angeline gasped. Now completely naked, his sizable cock stood out, erect and proud.

Blackhurst took a step towards her. Angeline impulsively stepped back. Having made many mistakes in the last few minutes, the first thinking she could leave him, Angeline instantly knew backing away from him was by far the worst.

His head dipped low as his silver eyes fixed on her. A low primal growl slipped past his clenched teeth right before he pounced on her. Seizing her by the upper arms, his mouth swept down to the delicate skin between her neck and shoulder, biting hard, he marked her as his own. Angeline cried out as her knees buckled.

He sucked and laved her neck with his tongue, making his way up to her ear. Whispering harshly, he said, "You are a little fool, if you think I will ever let you get away from me." Angeline moaned as he bit her earlobe to enforce his threat.

His large, powerful hand reached for the collar of her short nightie from behind and tore it downward, exposing her naked bottom. He then wrenched the torn shreds of the nightie away.

"Put your arms around my neck," he ordered.

Angeline obeyed without hesitation, needing something to anchor her weak knees. She could feel his cock press against the soft skin of her belly.

"Up on your toes, spread your legs," he breathed against her ear.

As soon as she followed his order, his cock slipped between her open thighs, rubbing against her sensitive cunny. Angeline moaned as her head fell back. Blackhurst latched a strong arm around her lower back to hold her in place.

"You earned yourself a spanking, little one."

Angeline's eyes flew open. They clashed with his angry, sexually charged ones. Before she could open her mouth in protest, his hand made contact with her defenseless bottom.

The moment his hand made a stinging connection with her backside her thighs clenched down around his cock. Her body was thrown against his own, brushing the erect tips of her pert nipples against his chest. Angeline's hands clenched around his neck, painfully grasping his hair. Blackhurst could feel the reaction to that single slap reverberate skin to skin throughout her entire body as hers shifted and moved over his.

He raised his arm and brought it down even harder across the bottom curve of both cheeks and her upper thighs.

BOOK: Chosen to Be His Little Angeline
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