Chosen by the Governor (21 page)

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Authors: Jaye Peaches

BOOK: Chosen by the Governor
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Marco swung the rope and it swayed back and forth. “I think I’ve got it at the right height for you.”

“Height?” She rose to her knees.

“You’re going to lean forward onto this.” He flicked the padding. “It should be just where your clitoris touches and the line of your hips.”

Her stomach churned with apprehension. “Bend over it? I’ll go head first and smack onto the floor.” She assumed he intended to take her from behind. She knotted her eyebrows, unsure whether she wanted to try it out.

Marco grasped one of the upper straps tied to a pole and showed her the loop. “You’ll have this to support you. They’ll go around each wrist and you hang onto them. The lower rope is slightly elasticated, but not so much that your arms will be forced back.”

Unconvinced, she eyed the setup with suspicion. “You’re going to tie me between two poles and fuck me,” she surmised.

“Fucking, yes, tying up, no. Not sensible as we’re alone. You will be able to slip your wrists out. The loops won’t tighten when you pull on them. Come over here.” He gestured to a spot between the two poles right behind the padded region of the rope.

Freya started to stand when he held up his hand.

“Freya, in here you crawl toward me, remember your jenjin training.”

She sank onto her hands and knees and crawled. Marco’s cock, which he’d not tucked back out of sight, rose up as he watched her sway her hips. His apparent enjoyment in seeing her debased wasn’t new, but the pleasure he took from it remained difficult for her to comprehend, especially after what he’d told her shortly after their arrival.

She should feel utterly humiliated—naked and crawling toward her lover, but she didn’t. Rather the debasement had caused a quickening in her belly, releasing a sensation of nervous butterflies. He’d declared his love, something that had come as a shock and at the same time, she’d been delighted by it. When she’d consented to being his jenjin, she’d dreamed of the day he might open up to her and admit the strength of his feelings toward her. Where that love would take them in the long term was unknown. However, for now, it would take her into the realms of exotic sex.

He helped her to her feet and positioned her up against the rope. He’d been right in his estimate. As she leaned forward, letting the horizontal roping support her pelvis, the texture of the padded cover caught her pubic region perfectly. Marco looped each of the support straps around her wrists, but as promised, he refrained from tightening them. She gripped the thongs in white-knuckled fists and with his hand gently nudging her between the shoulder blades, she tipped forward and bent.

She expected her arms to be dragged too far back, but just as she reached the brink of discomfort, the rope snapped rigid, then bounced her backwards slightly.

“See. The elastic properties will help you swing.”

She practiced the movement—bending, lowering her shoulders, then with a subtle snap, she swung in the opposite direction. Each time, her elbows locked at the peak of tension while her breasts swayed in time to the motion.

“Does it hurt?” he asked.

“No.” She ran the tip of her tongue around her dry lips. “Please, may I have a drink?”

“Of course.” He left her poised, semi-bent and fetched a glass of icy water. As he held it to her lips, she sipped a few mouthfuls, and then nodded.

“Thank you.”

“If it gets too much for you, remember how to stop me?”

“Yes. Fire rabbit.”

“I’m going to enjoy watching that little rabbit dance around your back as I fuck you hard.” He placed the glass on the table and circled around her. Standing behind her, he used one finger to trace her spine from her neck downward. A swarm of goosebumps followed the line he made. As he reached the furrow of her bottom cleft, he probed between her cheeks while at the same time, he nudged her feet further apart. It meant lowering her bottom further, straining her shoulders, and as a consequence, her clitoris pressed firmly against the soft fabric.

“Does that hurt?” he checked.

“No,” she confirmed.

He shifted his hands around the top of her thighs and took a firm grip of her hipbones. Slowly he swung her forward and she dropped her chin and leaned over the rounded support. Her elbows locked tight and her shoulders were drawn backwards. There was a twinge of sharpness in her shoulders for a second, then the discomfort eased. Between her sex folds, the smooth head of his cock explored, pushing her down further.

The rope stretched slightly and achieved its maximum length before the elastic properties propelled her back onto the head of his cock. It slid up her groove and the sensation of his shaft gliding between her cheeks was exquisite. She forgot the tension in her arms and focused on the way the padding chafed her sensitive nub. She shivered from her scalp down to her toes. The intense wave of trembling reminded her of the first time he took her in his office. That same amazing excitement and need for sex once again took flight once again.

“Please, sir, please take me.”

“I intend to, little Earthling.”

His fingers pinched her waist tight and he angled her bottom up. The rope slackened, but it wouldn’t be loose for long.

With one hard swing, he drove his cock deep into her pussy and the friction, the force behind it, stunned her. Was this too much to bear?


* * *


The fire rabbit shifted forward again and at the same time, Marco pinned Freya against the padded rope, using the support to keep her in place. He held her there for a few seconds, savoring her tight pussy, the clenching of her buttocks, and her low gasp of surprise. He had to trust her, if it was too much, she would say her release words and he would with fortitude disengage, but until she relinquished, she was his.

Her arms were twisted slightly back. He glanced from side to side, checking they were held in a symmetrical alignment and that the thongs weren’t cutting her wrists. All seemed well. Relaxing, and confident of the arrangement, he left one hand to guide the movement of her hips and curled the fingers of the other around her long hair. He tipped her chin up, and she arched her back. Snatching a sharp intake of breath, she screwed her face up as he tugged on her hair.

Again, he paused. He’d told her that he loved her and this love was what guided him. Another jenjin, one trained to tolerate pain, especially the Vendu women who dedicated their lives in the arts of pleasuring men, would not quibble over his demands. Freya wasn’t like them. Not only was she an alien, she possessed a fragility he’d come to see as desirable. While he wished to encourage Freya to explore her sexual abilities, he wouldn’t dream of harming her. She’d often spoke of making love, demonstrating it to him in a sensual way with slow caresses and passionate kisses, and he’d come to enjoy those sublime moments together. However, his needs were different, more demanding, and if she was to appreciate his love, she would understand their necessity.

He slid out of her drenched pussy, then rammed back into it before she’d a chance to sense his absence. The rope strung between the poles worked as it should. Her weight stretched it, then as it bounced back, but her bottom met his balls just as he achieved maximum penetration. Feeling her yield was so good and he grunted with each thrust.

The rhythm of their conjoined movements gradually synchronized. She’d fought him a little at first, trying to dictate how far to push her forward, probably because she feared to test her limits of endurance and place her trust in the ropes and poles. Neither deviated from their purpose.

Freya panted—the familiar little sounds she made when excited and aroused. When the fire rabbit moved, he let go of her hair, allowing her head to flop down, and cupped one of her breasts instead. He squeezed her nipple as he fucked her faster, using the subtle elasticity of the rope to propel her shapely ass on and off his cock.

“Yes,” he growled, feeling the surge that came before his ejaculation.

“Please, sir,” she rasped. “Please…” Her voice petered out.

Marco paused. Was she struggling? “Freya?”

“Please, may I come,” she stuttered.

He chuckled and resumed his fearsome thrusts. The swing rig had worked its magic. “Not yet.”

She squealed in frustration and bucked her bottom in what seemed like a frantic gesture to avoid the teasing texture of the padded rope.

“Naughty,” he said breathlessly between more ardent pummels. “Wait.”

“It feels so good,” she murmured. As she spoke, she clenched around him and the rings of tautness heightened the sense of resistance.

Marco groaned. Both his palms were molded around the warm puddles of her breasts. She’d mastered the art of balancing on her own and no longer needed the support around her waist. He slowed and used the full length of his shaft to tease her. The switch of pace lessened his need to come. He wanted to enjoy her for longer, not rush to completion. Her helplessness fed his natural desire to control the erotic scene. The deeper her trust in him, the greater the connection he felt between them. Energy buzzed in every nerve of his body as he rocked against her bottom.

Her wrists went limp. He spied the way they hung in the noose. Time to end. She was waning; her outstretched arms had weakened.

He grunted before commanding her, “Come for me. Come on my cock.” He shifted the pace up a notch, using his shaft as a piston rod until she cried out.

She squeezed just as he sensed his balls tighten. He filled her as she contracted, producing waves of tremors throughout her body.

Marco eased back and inhaled deeply, calming his breathlessness. The swell of his cock had diminished and yet again, the intensity of his orgasm had thwarted his ability to stay erect. He acted quickly, releasing her arms from the loops and scooped her into his arms.

He laid her amongst the cushions and tended to her with a cool cloth. Her heavy eyelids drooped, unable to stay open. She smiled a few times as he bathed her. Her vulnerability was acute, but she trusted him. That was love, he reminded himself, unswerving faith in another.

What next? He fed her a few pieces of fruit and morsels of fresh meat, not the coarse kind the prisoners ate. She chewed slowly, fighting to stay awake for him.

“Sleep a little,” he suggested. “Then, we can talk. I’ve something to tell you.”

Her eyes briefly flickered open and her irises shone bright.

“Sleep, Freya.”

She curled up and he spooned himself around her.


* * *


Lying in his arms on the cushions, she dozed. When she woke, he’d moved and changed into different clothes. No longer in his dark uniform, he wore a sleeveless vest that barely covered his tattoos and white baggy pants that hung off his hips. She licked her lips, admiring his biceps and bulging thighs.

“Thirsty?” he asked.

“A little,” she murmured.

He brought her over a glass containing a pinkish liquid. “Alcohol. Strictly forbidden on penal colonies for all—prisoners and guards, but I have special dispensation to drink it here.”

She sniffed the liquid and swallowed a tentative mouthful. It tasted like sherry, but fruitier. She smacked her lips. “Nice. Are we celebrating?” She still was in awe of his declaration of love for her, as if it was a dream he was about to recant.

He settled next to her on a heap of cushions. “I do have some other news to impart.”

Her heartbeats fluttered. What kind of news?

“I contacted my mother. You have to appreciate this is unusual as Vendu don’t retain family bonds after childhood. She was quite shocked and pleased to hear from me. I’ve asked her to look into Lucilla’s situation. I’m optimistic this will be resolved.”

“You are?” Freya clapped her hands together. “How wonderful. I would assume she’d be kept a hostage forever.”

“Lucilla comes from a planet that has special status.” Marco briefly turned away from Freya. “I’m not at liberty to tell you why.”

She was tempted to push him to explain, however he seemed uncomfortable with the information he’d imparted, as if he’d not intended to mention it. “So, she might be going home after all?”

“That would be a good outcome. Mother also has helped me—along with a friend back on Earth—to uncover the transcript of your interrogation.”

Freya sat up straight and her drinking glass shook as her hand trembled.

Marco took the glass away and placed it to one side. “Don’t go hoping for a miracle,” he warned. “I’ve read it and you’re absolutely right, you made no mention of military secrets or any intention to find them. You were caught filming the Ayers Rock terraforming unit and although that is a crime, it’s not as serious as spying.”

“I was supposed to be a spy,” she shrugged. “Not a very good one, it seems.”

He chuckled softly. “No. But not due to an error on your part.”

Again, he’d set off a wave of adrenaline that churned the contents of her stomach. “I was betrayed then?”

“By someone called Tony, at least that is the name given on your records.”

“Tony!” she gasped. Her fellow trainee had aspired to be a spy all his life, but when it came to the final selection, he’d been omitted. After that, he’d not spoken to her and shunned her calls. “He fucked me over because he was jealous I got the mission?”

“He planted evidence amongst your things implying you were a military spy. It was a setup. The news network you worked for has been trying to quash your conviction, but without the support of the Earth’s defense council, they have little influence. It’s the network’s communication channels that my friend hacked into.”

Freya leapt to her feet and hurtled out a string of curses in English. “Why, the bastard. The scheming, mother—”

“Freya,” Marco barked. “It’s done. He can’t be punished from here.”

“I don’t care,” she snapped back in Vendian. “I can’t believe it. I almost slept with him. Then, when I brushed him off, I got picked and… it’s so petty. What a flaming big ego he has.” She paced up and down, clenching her fists into tight balls of pent-up fury.

“Calm down.” Marco rose and intercepted her, snatching at her hand.

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