Chosen by the Governor (13 page)

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Authors: Jaye Peaches

BOOK: Chosen by the Governor
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“Sixteen,” she declared.

“Correct. I am the sixteenth Marco of my lineage.” He, like many Vendu, chose to tattoo his name on his skin. Humans, he’d gathered during his time on earth, preferred to have family names. The Vendu honored their ancestors with tattoos, not names.

She stepped back to admire the marks and going by the smile on her face, she liked them. “They make you look so… handsome.” She returned to her assigned task and tugged on his pants. His cock sprang up as his trousers fell away. She knelt at his feet and removed his boots. Divested of clothing, he’d made them equal—both bared.

He needed to feel her, to explore every morsel of her shapely form. He’d taken her in haste last time. This time, he wanted to savor Freya. “Lie on the bed.”

She crawled across it, swinging her bottom as she went until she was centered. “Front or back?” she asked.

“Back.” He clambered after her and lay next to her on his side.

He grazed his knuckles along the contours of her body, from neck to navel. He enjoyed the rise as he passed over her breasts and the peaks of her nipples. Leaning over, he kissed a hard pebble, rolling his tongue around it. She responded by twisting to face him, then draped one of her legs over his hip.

Freya was different. What he experienced when he touched her was electrifying. Heat pulsed under his skin as his heart pumped hot blood through his veins. When she squeezed his arm and begged for his cock, he held back. Any other woman, he’d not wait, but with Freya the urgency was overshadowed by something he failed to identify—a strange need for calmness.

He trailed kisses over her breasts and neat belly, down her legs, and after he’d repositioned himself between her thighs, he lashed her clitoris with the length of his tongue. She rested the heels of her legs on his shoulder blades and moaned.

She tasted delicious and he teased her pussy with dips of his tongue. When he fluttered it around her clit, she giggled and flailed about, forcing him to wrap his arms around her thighs and hold her still.

Her begging excited his cock to the point he thought he might explode. Shifting up and over her, he hadn’t the willpower to resist her any longer. He sniffed her hair, sensing the essence of herbal shampoo, and the sweet aroma blended with the fragrant petals left in bowls by the bed. The glint of makeup on her eyelids shimmered as she blinked and when he cast a shadow over her, she closed them. He rose above her, spread her legs, and with one swing of his hips, entered her drenched pussy. He met no resistance when he dipped lower and he relished the sensation of her tight walls as he attempted to retreat and she clenched around his shaft.

He buried his face in her neck, planted his weight on his elbows either side of her, and rocked in and out of her pussy. When the head of his cock went deeper, she embraced him with her legs and crossed her ankles on the ridge of his spine. She clung onto him as he maintained the gentle motion of his hips.

The orgasm was unexpected. It usually came with an explosive force during a hard fuck; instead this sublime climax hit as she clenched her muscles and squeezed his shaft.

He grunted in combination with the juddering waves of his ejaculation. Slipping out, he flopped to one side of her. “That was… amazing. You teased me, your naughty Earthling.”

She smirked. “Just a little, perhaps.” She curled her forefinger around his shaft. “It’s still like a rock. I’ve hardly ruined your orgasm.”

“No,” he agreed. “I might have to return for seconds.” He reached out and grasped her nearest ass cheek, enjoying the way her flesh gave beneath his fingers. He started to maneuver her onto her belly and her buttocks clenched. “What’s the matter?”

“Do you have to do it in there?” She lifted her head and tossed her hair out of eyes. They possessed the same magical attraction he first seen on board the transporter. He caressed her bottom, feeling the residue of heat from the earlier spanking. “Didn’t you enjoy it?”

“Yes, I mean, it had its moments. First time isn’t going to be perfect,” she rambled and her face flushed pink with embarrassment.

Taking her tight virgin hole was memorable to the point he’d wished he’d recorded the moment for prosperity. “It was perfect for me.” He soothed her hot spots with circular motions. Perhaps he’d misjudged her enthusiasm. “Did I hurt you?”

“No. Not like that.” She propped her chin on her arms. “Is it common for you to… do that? Even on a first…” She pulled a face. “What do you call a fuck on a desk?”

He began to understand what was causing her to unravel. “Passionate. Needed. Incredible.” He patted her bottom with each word. “I don’t treat anal sex as anything unusual. For Vendu it is about submission. You willingly give me what I desire.”

She pursed her lips. “What do I get out of all this, Marco?”

“Me. My sexual skills. My unswerving dominance. My protection.” For most women with whom he’d formed a relationship, those characteristics were more than sufficient to keep them satisfied. With Freya, the notion of love emerged from the background and made its presence felt. Was that what he felt when he’d fucked her and came so readily? Had she infected him with the human affliction?

“I can see their importance. Feel them,” she added. “I appreciated them, seriously, I love it when you show me that bossy side. It’s the best part of you. But, anal. It’s not something I associate with lovemaking. Fucking, yes, but…” She shook her head. “I’m not explaining myself very well.”

He removed his hand. “I do understand. I think if I’d come into this room, bent you over the bed, and fucked you hard from the outset, that little bum hole of yours would be begging for me to take it. Instead, I treated you to kisses and a leisurely fuck. I guess you don’t feel the need for my rougher side. Yes?”

Her deep sigh was laced with relief and she nodded. “Yes. I think you know me better than I give you credit for.”

“What’s bothering you? You’ve bottled something up inside you. Don’t you like the Volta? Is it so scary? Please don’t tell me you want to go back.”

“The protocols. To me, they create distance between us. Some are sexy, erotic, kneeling I could get to like, calling you sir, I don’t mind those things. Others, I don’t know. Lalita,” she paused and breathed deeply. “Lalita showed me this room and said she’d punish me if I screwed up.” Tears wet her eyes. “I don’t want her—”

He shushed her with a kiss on her lips. “I told Lalita she isn’t allowed to punish you. That is my responsibility. Only I will spank that fine ass of yours.”

“I will get things wrong. I know I will.”

“And there will be consequences. Put yourself in danger, make mischief, or openly rebel, Freya, and I will punish you.” He tapped her bottom. “However, I will also try to meet your needs too. Let’s save the ass fucks for when they are needed by both of us. I’m going to lie on my back and you’ll sit astride me and come on my cock.”

She grinned. “I shall sit astride you and come on your cock. Sir.”

He helped her lower herself into position, impaling her pussy on his erection. She rode him with a superlative expression of delight and her fingers bolted to his tattooed chest. He cupped her ass cheeks and assisted her rhythmic rise and fall, encouraging her to move faster until her breasts swung.

Throughout her vigorous bouncing, he gazed on her rapt face as her jaw dropped and her head tilted backwards. She leaked over his cock as she came and he easily felt the ripples of her spasms massage his erection. It wouldn’t take much more of her jiggling to make him come again. This time, he was sure he’d be fully spent.

What the fuck had she done to him?

Chapter Nine



Freya completed a length of the swimming pool. The crystal clear water lapped around her breasts as she stood and shook out her wet hair. Soft music played in the background and there was a quiet hubbub of voices engaged in conversation. The water failed to disguise her nudity.

The first time she’d swum in the pool, the requirement to swim naked had proved a stumbling block. She’d hovered around the fringe, picking at the hem of the dainty dress she’d been instructed to wear. Only when she noted that the other jenjins appeared happy to undress had she found the courage to follow their lead.

It turned out nudity was so common within the Volta that none of the women drew attention to it, nor did they pass judgment on others. Whatever feminine features Freya possessed that weren’t in common with the other jenjin, they remained a taboo topic of discussion.

Her first three days in the Volta had passed with relative ease. Marco hadn’t returned, which had disappointed her. During her allocated time for meditation, she found herself reliving their lovemaking, especially the sensual pleasures he’d shown her in the bedroom. After the noise of the laundry, the tranquility of the Volta proved restful. One of the overseers—the Vendu mistresses tasked with maintaining order in the Volta—suggested Freya take up harp playing. The Vendu harp with its triangular design produced a delightful sound and Freya attended a lesson every day.

Her routine was determined by Lalita, who controlled the timetable of activities for all jenjins—when to rest, eat, and meet with the overseers for lessons or take their exercises in the pool or gym and when they were to pleasure their clients. Instead of the blaring siren, a gong signaled the change of activity.

Nobody ran from room to room. Running was strictly forbidden. The prohibitions listed many other unsightly behaviors, which included loud chewing, fidgeting, and slumped shoulders and, as Freya discovered, giggling was frowned upon during tutoring about sex positions. Freya hadn’t intended to giggle nor roll her eyes upwards to avoid eye contact. Unfortunately, the overly serious tone of the overseer, who’d lectured the small gathering in great detail using elaborate anatomical words, simply caused the embarrassed Freya to lose control. The overseer had glared in Freya’s direction numerous times and made constant notes on her tablet.

Mealtimes were Freya’s favorite moments in the day since it was an opportunity to socialize without restrictions. As she was the governor’s jenjin she slept alone and missed out on the dormitory gossip. By the third day, the other jenjins had ceased whispering behind her back and started to talk to her. One young woman, Lucilla, was especially friendly. Freya had failed to extract from the timid and beautiful Lucilla why she was in the penal colony. Freya loved that Lucilla had translated her native poems into Vendian and would often recite examples during mealtimes.

Freya had still to discover why there were no books on Tagra. She also learned that dancing was unheard of in the Volta.

“Might I dance a little to some music?” she’d asked Lalita, who’d visited her room to choose Freya’s clothing for the day.

“Music is for quiet contemplation; nobody should ruin it by dancing,” had replied Lalita curtly.

When not meditating, Freya had often been left in the hands of her maids, who’d constantly sought to touch her up, as if she was a masterpiece in need of extra brushstrokes. She’d sighed repeatedly when they’d insisted on buffing her nails or shaving her privates. When Gellis, during a routine massage, had muttered under her breath about the hard life in the factories, Freya shut up. She often thought about Abby and Jean, wondering how they were coping. A little guilt had seeped in and she’d thanked Gellis.

She turned to complete another length of the pool and as she closed in on the far end, she lifted her face out of the water and touched the side of the pool with her outstretched hand. The room had gone silent. Brushing the drops off her eyelashes, she came face to face with a pair of shiny black boots. Slowly, she tilted her head back. What a colossus Marco was when he stood above her. He’d planted his legs astride and rested his hands on his hips.

She licked her lips, which had suddenly gone dry. Did he expect her to kneel in the pool? Everyone else in the room had knelt with their heads bowed; nobody had left. She and Marco had an audience—what did he plan to do in the presence of witnesses? She started to move toward the steps.

“Stay there,” Marco ordered.

She snapped her back straight and looked up at him again. He was undressing. Tiny gasps relayed around the room as the other jenjins sneaked a view of the governor’s fine physique.

He removed his jacket and shirt and exposed the lines of his tattoos, then without any sign of embarrassment, he dropped his pants. The length of his upright cock drew another ripple of exclamations.

Was he really going to do this? She froze to the spot and remained there as Marco stepped down into the water and swam toward her. Why hadn’t he dismissed the others?

Approaching her from behind, Marco looped his arms under her breasts and slotted his hard cock against her lower spine. He kissed the top of her head and at the same time, slid his right hand down over her belly and between her legs. He dove his middle finger inside her tight pussy.

Freya shivered, but it wasn’t because she was cold. She felt incredibly warm, yet she was covered in goosebumps. “We’re not alone,” she whispered in English.

“I know,” he replied in the same language. “You’re mine. I want to show them that you’re mine.”


He rested his chin on her shoulder. “Because I can. I’m the governor and you’re my beautiful jenjin. They will see how I cherish you. Need you.”

Freya couldn’t find within her the willpower to be indignant, nor was she inhibited by his openly flirtatious behavior. To hide her growing arousal, she clamped her thighs together and squashed his exploring digits.

Marco chuckled softly. “Open up, little jenjin. Open up for me.”

She nearly hesitated, but something about his stern, yet encouraging tone of voice wiped out her resistance. She slid her legs apart.

“Hold onto the edge.” He’d switched back into Vendian and spoken louder.

“I’ll hold the edge, sir.” She remembered the etiquette and obeyed, clutching the tiled rim of the pool.

Nobody had left the room. Thankfully, none of the women present were kneeling on her side of the pool. She had a clear view of the closed double doors.

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