Chosen By The Alpha (Paranormal BBW Werewolf Erotic Romance)

BOOK: Chosen By The Alpha (Paranormal BBW Werewolf Erotic Romance)
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Chosen By The Alpha

By Emilia Blaise


Copyright © 2013 Emilia Blaise

All rights reserved


Part One: Before

“Come on, Tina, it will be fun!” My best friend Margo called as she stood pouting at me in the doorway of my house. She was dressed to the nines, in a get up that would make men swoon. With a short little pink dress and glittery silver makeup that made her whole face shine, she was certainly ready. Me, on the other hand? Not so much.

I was still wearing a tshirt and sweatpants from laying around the house all day, and I still didn’t think going out to Club Etherealia was a good idea. I’d heard too many stories about mysterious disappearances, attacks...I didn’t want to go anywhere near the place, but Margo insisted it would be good for me. I’d just gotten over a pretty bad breakup, and I had sworn off men for a good long while. Margo reminded me that I’d only sworn off
men though, and that my tune would change once I set my sights on the bar patrons. Club Etherealia was the city’s premier paranormal bar, which meant that creatures of all shapes and sorts would be gathered there, looking for a good time. Sure, they let curious humans in, too, but there were rules, and one had to have special permission to visit.

The paranormals had surfaced about five years ago or so, and while it was a shock to everyone at first, things seemed to be going surprisingly smoothly. However, they still liked keeping on the down low, and good thing, too. There were a few radical groups out there desperate to “purge the freaks from our land”, and so the paranormals had taken to venues of their own, safe spaces where they could be themselves and not have to worry.

Margo had gotten special permission for us to visit Club Etherealia because her boss happened to be a fairy, and she’d managed to talk him into it after no small amount of flirtation. So here we were, getting ready to go into the belly of the beast, as it were. I felt woefully inadequate next to beautiful Margo with her makeup and dress. I still had yet to put on anything for the affair, because I kept telling myself that if I didn’t get dressed, then I hadn’t really committed to going yet, and that I could still back out.

“Well, come on, don’t just stand there! You’re not even dressed yet! I swear, Tina, sometimes you’re just impossible, you know that?”

I chuckled at her enthusiasm as she pushed herself inside and went straight for my wardrobe, pulling out item after item of clothing. “I never agreed to this, you know. You should just go by yourself. You’ve got a hot fairy boss to seduce, remember?”

Margo laughed her soft, tinkling laugh. “Oh, believe me, I haven’t forgotten. But I still think it would be more fun with you there. I really think it would be good for you to get out and clear your head of that loser, you’ve been staying in moping far too much.”

“Have not!” I retorted instantly, but deep down, I knew it was true. Margo always knew how to see through to things I didn’t even realize myself. That’s what I liked about her. I really
been staying in moping a lot. Maybe she was right. Maybe I
go out and hook up with some hot paranormal. That would show him.

I shook my head to clear the thoughts.
Stop thinking about him,
I warned myself.
This isn’t about him anymore, this is about you. This is about doing something
After that, I steeled myself, and faced Margo. “Let’s do it.”

“Oh, I knew you’d come around!” She cried, throwing her arms around my neck and giving me a quick hug. “We’re gonna make you so sexy, the paranormals won’t know what hit them!” I rolled my eyes, and she dragged me off to the bathroom.

When I emerged, I looked (and even felt) like a different person. My black hair was done up in luscious curls that framed my face just so, and I was wearing emerald eyeshadow that brought out the color of my eyes and glinted in the light. I had on a lacy black dress that I thought I’d never see myself wearing, and if I looked at myself in the mirror I almost looked...attractive. I’d had some problems with my body in the past, always feeling overweight and underloved. It wasn’t until I met Margo that she taught me that anyone can be beautiful. “It’s all about how you own it,” she’d tell me, and I think the message was finally beginning to sink in.

Sure, I was overweight and a little short, but I had
that other women would kill to have, and I was feeling sexy tonight for the first time in years. This would be my night.

“Let’s go,” I told her, and we headed out the door into her car, heading off to our first time at Club Etherealia. My heart pounded in my chest with both nervousness and excitement, not knowing what was in store for me. But it felt good to finally let loose and do something a little crazy now and then. We were going to a paranormal bar tonight, and anything could happen.

Part Two: Club Etherealia

The club was tucked away in a lesser traveled part of town, but Margo had no problem navigating to it. They put it out of the way on purpose, so that unsuspecting citizens didn’t stumble upon it on accident. I’d heard rumors about how they kept people they didn’t want out, but I didn’t know how all of that worked. Some said the witches had raised a magical force field that only paranormals could get through. Some said the tree-men stood as bodyguards, ready to crush anyone that didn’t belong. There were all sorts of stories, but when we pulled up to the club, I didn’t notice anything unusual at all. It looked like a normal club for the most part. A bright neon sign flashed “Club Etherealia: Paranormals Welcome” and there were several normal-looking cars filling up the parking lot already when we arrived.

I took a deep breath as we stepped out of the car, reminding myself not to fall and make a fool of myself in the high heels I was wearing. “You sure Flint’s gonna come through with the invite?” I asked Margo as I straightened my dress and checked my makeup in the mirror. I was referring to the fairy she’d talked into letting us visit here.

“Yeah, he said everything would be fine, just don’t do anything stupid. You know, the usual. Don’t reveal paranormals in the ‘outside world’ if they haven’t outed themselves already, don’t attack anyone. We’re ‘respectful observers’ is the way he phrased it, but I think as soon as he sees me like this, he’ll change his tune. Hey, maybe I’ll even get a raise at work.” She winked and giggled, starting for the door.

I wished I could be so carefree as her. She seemed to take everything so lightly, but visiting a paranormal bar was no simple business. They worked very hard to maintain confidentiality of their customers, and even though everyone knew paranormals existed, it was sometimes hard to tell who was what in the real world. They had ways of concealing their true selves, developed over centuries of hatred and discrimination against their kind. Only recently had a few started to show themselves for what they truly were, and many were still distrustful of humankind.

I wondered how she’d managed to get us permission to visit. She probably had to sign all sorts of waivers and paperwork. People that broke the rules weren’t usually treated kindly, and I’d heard rumors about people disappearing after visiting the bar even once. I hoped Margo knew what she was getting us into.

As we approached the door, a tall, thin man with a long nose and shining blue eyes looked us up and down. He held a small book in his hand which he was reading, and then looked up as he noticed us.

“Humans, eh? What are you doing here?” His voice was strange, like the rustle of leaves in the wind. Was he one of the tree-man bodyguards? He certainly didn’t look it.

Margo stepped in, saving me from certain embarrassment. “We’re here to visit, Flint should have told you? He’s given us permission for the night.”

The man rubbed his chin, considering. “Flint...hmm….oh right, the fairy. Let me see.” He started paging through his book again. Apparently it had some sort of permission list in there. I craned my neck trying to see, but I was too short, and he was too tall. He flipped through the pages almost to the back, then looked up at us again. “Flint Delinor grants Margo Levy and Tina Blackenstone permission to visit Club Etherealia on October 10th….that you guys?”

Margo’s eyes brightened and she smiled, nodding her head. “Yes, sir, that’s us.”

The bodyguard considered us for a few moments longer, then shrugged his shoulders and said, “Okay, go on in. Just be careful...its a jungle in there. Don’t try anything stupid.”

With that, he opened the door, and we were in.

Part Three: Inside

If the outside of the club had been normal and inconspicuous, the inside was like nothing I’d ever seen before. Brilliant lights and colors from all angles assaulted my eyes as I walked inside, and loud electronic music blared through the speakers. The patrons were something else altogether. I saw dozens of pairs of eyes on me and Margo as we entered, everything seeming to slow or even stop for a fraction of a second as they realized we were humans. Then, as if nothing had ever happened, they went back to whatever they were doing.

There were so many different types of creatures I couldn’t keep count. I’d never seen this many paranormals in one place before, and definitely not so openly. There were quite a few types of patrons I didn’t even know existed. The mainstays were out in full force of course: vampires, werewolves, fairies, witches. They were the ones most people knew about, anyway. There were also less common species. I saw my first tree-man (they
real! I thought to myself in wonder) and several cat-human hybrids I wasn’t quite sure where to place. I also saw what looked to be a few ghostly creatures that shone with a translucency that was unnerving. I saw a man transform into a puppy, then back into a man again as my eyes bulged in awe.

They weren’t kidding. This place was insane.

I didn’t even know where to start, what to do. I felt so woefully out of place here, even though it was exciting. Leave it to Margo to always feel at home in any situation though, and her little eyes lit up with glee as she saw her fairy boss Flint sitting over at the bar, chatting with the bartender.

She grabbed my arm, dragging me over there through the crowd. “Come on, its him!” she squealed, even more excited than I was.

Flint the fairy looked very different up close, and when I got right up next to him, it was pretty obvious he was not human. Far away, however, he looked human as could be. His features looked too smooth, too perfect. I craned my neck looking to see if he had wings, but I couldn’t see any. His eyes were positively glowing a cool silver color, and he gave off an aura of wonder to all that surrounded him. His face brightened as he saw Margo approaching, and he waved a warm greeting at her. “Margo, hello! So glad you could make it!” He nodded to the bartender and put down the glass he was holding.

Margo, confident as ever, stepped forward to shake his hand, winking at me in the meantime. “Well you didn’t think I’d miss the chance to be a part of the paranormal club scene did you? See what you do in your spare time?” She flashed a blinding smile at him, and I could tell he was gazing in awe at her sexy getup for the night. They were perfect for each other, I mused. The silver sheen of his eyes matched so well with the glistening makeup she had applied. I wondered if that was on purpose.

“I’m glad you’re here,” he nodded, glancing toward the barkeeper. “Get her anything she wants, on me.”

I was awestruck by just how smooth she was around men. Around people in general, really. I’d never really had that talent. I’d always been the awkward, unattractive one, content to sit in the shadows while my best friend shone. Well, I told myself, trying to stand straighter, not tonight. You’re beautiful and you are going to go out there and meet people tonight. No more excuses.

I extended my hand to Flint when I saw him glancing at me. “Pleased to meet you, Mr. Delinor. Margo has told me much about you. I’m her friend, Tina Blackenstone.”

He politely shook my hand, and I noticed his skin had a very strange, cool feel to it, almost as if he were made of glass. “Well, any friend of Margo here is fine by me.”

I smiled at them, but I started feeling really awkward as they started drinking and talking together. I felt increasingly like a third wheel. When they got up and walked away to the back of the bar arm in arm, that was my cue to get off my butt and do something.

I had been nursing a small glass of rum and coke, staring idly out at the different crowds of people. The species seemed to keep to their own type, for the most part. A few minglings here and there, but by and large the bar was still segregated by species. I marveled at all the fantastic colors and outfits and creatures I saw walking around me, but still I sat, rooted to my bar stool, being only an observer instead of taking part in the action.
Why couldn’t I be confident and attractive like Margo?
I wondered wistfully, looking across the room once more. I nearly jumped out of my skin when the bartender, some strange sort of lizard man, tapped me on the shoulder.

“The Alpha has asked to see you.” he croaked, nodding over to a particularly dark corner of the bar where the werewolves usually hung out. My heart chilled as I looked over to their little area. The werewolves weren’t actually in wolf form, but you could see in the cool light of the bar their hard, toned muscles and fierce lines of their jaws. Some weren’t wearing shirts, some weren’t wearing much at all. They lounged around on cushions, talking amongst themselves. They reminded me of Native Americans in a way. Dark, tanned skin and smooth black hair, often in braids. Respecting the pack hierarchy even now, the lesser wolves sat in a circle around the apparent leader, seated high in a mahogany chair, strong hands gripping the arms tightly as he looked up at me.

The moment I felt the piercing gaze of those golden eyes, I knew I was hooked. So this was the Alpha… I was smart enough to know what that meant. He was the leader of the pack, the dominant, the alpha male. And he had asked to see me personally. A spike of fear lanced through my heart. What had I done wrong? Had I offended someone? The look in his eyes was cold, questioning heart raced to think of it...
I tried to straighten my hair and my dress, telling myself
okay, keep it together girl. Just go over there and talk to him. That’s all you have to do. You can handle this.

“You better do as he says, miss,” the bartender advised, glancing over at him. “He doesn’t like to be kept waiting.”

I felt like I was in a daze as I nodded to him thankfully, placed a few dollars on the counter for my drink, and walked slowly over to the wolf’s den, my heart hammering at every step.

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