Chosen by the Alien Above Part 2: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance Serial (4 page)

BOOK: Chosen by the Alien Above Part 2: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance Serial
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“You know I wasn’t allowed to bring anything with me.”

“Director Chu can be such a stickler for the rules.”

“Yea, it’s her fault.”

He continued without missing a beat.

“You’ll find clothing in the closet and items for personal hygiene in the bathroom. No need for a stool sample.”

“I’m glad to hear that turned out to be a joke.”

“No joke. The station will collect matter from your flushing and analyze it for pathogens.”

Cosmo was going to study my shit? That was uncomfortably close to a probing.

“Is there anything else you need right now?”

“You’re too generous,” I said. “Your attention to detail is laudable.”

“You deserve all my attention, Ms. Gabarro. Every thought.”

I wanted to be mad at him. To be pissed about making me leave everything behind. Especially my phone. But it was hard when he said such sweet things.

“I’m sure you say that to all your ladies, and just to remind you, I’m not one of them.”

“You are my special guest,” he said. “I meant nothing more. Please allow me to be excited. I haven’t had a single human visitor in ten long years.”

Single human visitor?

What was that supposed to mean? Did he get visitors of other kinds?

“Get some rest and wash up,” he said. “I’ll have dinner ready in two hours. A bit early, but I’m sure you’re famished.”

Was that a

On my physique? On my generous portions?

He smiled.

“After all, you left your breakfast in the capsule.”

“Thanks for reminding me. Real gentleman, Mr. Sinclair.”

“Astro will retrieve you when it’s time,” he said.

“Is that thing going to attack me?”

will do no such thing,” he said, “as long as you don’t provoke her.”

“What? Like stealing the attention of the only man it, she’s, ever known?”

“You don’t have to steal my attention, Ms. Gabarro. I’ll freely give you as much as you can take.”

Did his hips just wink at me?

“I’m sure you’d like that.”

Did my hips just wink at him?

He looked me over. His eyes trailed fire on my skin as his gaze stroked me top to bottom.

“I know I would.”

“Goodbye, Mr. Sinclair,” I said and swiped the key on the interior pad. The green light shifted blue and the door slid closed with a swish.

The tether of tension tugging on my chest released. I could breathe again.

Lord Almighty in the great blue sky. Or maybe the great black, velvet blanket that was beyond the blue. Wherever that Lord was, thank him a hundred times.

I took a deep breath and steadied myself.

I had no idea Noah was going to be so hot. That this was going to be so hard. And we were barely passed

I lumbered over to the bed and collapsed on my back. I jerked as the mattress didn’t bounce like I expected. Instead, a gel-like material molded around me. It filled in the crevice of my lower back. It oozed around me. For a moment, I panicked thinking it would suck me under. It didn’t.

I floated in a warm sea. It was like being weightless again. You didn’t buy mattresses like this at Bed, Bath, and Beyond. This was beyond the Beyond.

It reminded me of swimming. An overwhelming urge to be naked in the water swept through me. To be a dolphin spearing through the waves.

I rolled up and the gel supported me, resisted under my hand as I pushed up.

I stripped out of the sweaty thermals and kicked them into a corner. They needed to be nuked from orbit.

I slid back into bed like a spaghetti noodle into a pot of warm sauce. It was delicious. Not the spaghetti, though it was my favorite. The bed.

I stretched out and floated on an ocean. I waved my arms and legs doing my best impersonation of a seven-year-old in Christmas snow. I wondered what else the bed might be good for.

He slept here. Every night. I could almost smell him. His huge form made a nightly imprint right where I floated.

What would it feel like to have his imprint on me? Inside me?

I had to get a hold of myself. It was like every waypoint in my new world had one constant point of reference.



I was in big trouble.


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About the Author

Nora Lane dreams of exploring beyond the wonderful home we call Earth. For now she lives on our planet, and shares a home with her wonderful husband, children, and two dogs that act more like alien overlords than obedient mutts.

She writes science fiction romance about what could, and likely will, happen as humanity continues to push beyond the confines of our ancestral home. If she's not writing, she can usually be found reading or dreaming of other worlds, usually ones with hot alien races that love human women!

Click here to check out Nora’s titles at Amazon.

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