ChoosingHisChristmasMiracle (8 page)

Read ChoosingHisChristmasMiracle Online

Authors: Charlie Richards

Tags: #Glbt, Gay, Paranormal, erotic Romance

BOOK: ChoosingHisChristmasMiracle
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Sean reached for her, but the sound of crunching gravel under tires made him pause. His brows creasing, he looked at the clock again. No, Sean hadn’t been mistaken. Lisa shouldn’t be there yet. Leaving Lily where she was, kicking happily on her stomach, he headed toward the window and peeked out.

His brows lifted when he spotted Jared’s Porsche carefully maneuvering around patches of snow. It was a good thing the pack plowed all of its members’ driveways regularly, otherwise the man’s pretty sports car would have trouble.

Come to think of it, this was only the second time Sean had seen it out in the winter. All the other times, Jared had been riding shotgun in Carson’s SUV. Concern filling him, Sean glanced once at Lily, double-checking that she hadn’t moved, then headed toward the front door.

He opened it and watched Jared park and get out of his car. That’s when Sean realized someone was in the passenger seat, though he couldn’t figure out who, what with the tinted windows and all.

Jared closed his door and looked at him. “Oh, good. Help me out with him,” he said, motioning. “He passed out as soon as I gave him his pain meds,” the man continued, grumbling.

Sean carefully shut the door and headed down the steps, trying not to shiver in the winter chill. “Who?”

The human stopped in his tracks, his hand pausing on the handle of the passenger door, and peered at him with brows drawn. Then his eyes widened and he started to laugh. “He didn’t tell you?” he got out between guffaws, which just confused Sean even more.

“Who tell me what?” he asked.

That’s when Jared, still laughing uproariously, opened the door and Sean realized who was in the passenger seat. His jaw dropped open. “They released him? When the hell…” Sean paused and took at Jared’s grin. The man still snickered. “They didn’t release him, did they? He broke out, didn’t he? And you helped!” he said, pointing between them accusingly.

Jared shrugged and rolled his eyes. “Ailean knows he left. Besides, it’s not a fucking prison,” he muttered, gripping Raul’s arm and urging the barely conscious man to his feet.

Sean might be irritated, but even
wouldn’t leave his mate out in the cold just to make a point—which he really didn’t care about anyway. Stepping around them, he carefully wrapped both arms around him and leaned his mate against his back.

Raul roused. His head lolled and he peered up at Sean and grinned. “Hey, baby. Don’t be mad,” he slurred. “Wanted to be here with you.”

Groaning, Sean breathed in his mate’s scent. Even if he had been mad, he couldn’t be now after that confession, even though, from the look of Raul’s pupils, he wasn’t totally coherent. “Not mad,” he promised, nuzzling his neck. “Let’s get you inside where it’s warm,” he urged.

“Yeah,” Raul agreed.

As carefully as he could, Sean lifted his mate into his arms. Sean had no clue how the two men managed to convince Ailean that Raul was well enough to leave, but now that he had the sweet-smelling human in his arms, Sean wasn’t about to let him go.

Jared opened the door and Sean followed inside. When Sean started heading toward the bedroom, Raul lifted a hand and pointed toward the front room. “Want to sit with you,” Raul muttered.

Sean paused, hesitant. “Are you sure that’s wise?”

“Watch you play with Lily,” Raul slurred, smiling at the little girl who was now propped up on her elbows and gracing the three men with a huge smile.

“Best just do what he says,” Jared advised. “Otherwise, the idiot will just try to walk out here on his own.”

Well, Sean sure as shit didn’t want that. His mate could barely stay standing leaning against the car. He’d probably end up falling and hurting himself. Doing as Raul bid, Sean laid him on the couch, tucking a pillow under his head, then covered him with the afghan from the back of the couch.

Kneeling, he kissed Raul gently. “Are you happy to be home?” he murmured.

Raul’s fingers threaded through Sean’s thick hair and pulled him into another kiss. This one had heat and tongue, and Sean’s cock started pressing insistently against his fly. He really, really needed more from his mate, but there were others in the room, not to mention Sean feared reinjuring his hurting human.

Sean gently ended the tongue-tangling and pressed a couple more butterfly kisses to Raul’s lips to stop him from trying to lift his head. Smiling, Sean whispered, “I’m glad you’re feeling better.”

“I’m glad I’m feeling better, too,” Raul responded, smiling back. “And I’m happy to be home because you’re here.”

Sean knew it was just the pain meds talking, but his heart still skipped a beat at Raul’s words. His chest warmed, and he knew it’d be so easy to fall in love with his mate. In fact, Sean figured he was halfway there already. Their talks in the hospital over the last few days went a long way in learning about each other. Raul was a good man, confident, always there for his friends. Sean just knew he’d make an excellent second father to Lily and prayed his human really wanted the job.

“I’m going to put these bottles on the kitchen counter,” Jared said, cutting into his thoughts. He held up a couple containers, shaking the one in his right hand. “These are antibiotics. He still needs to take them every six hours with food. There should be enough in here for a week.” He smirked. “I’d advise to get either Lark or Ailean to look at him at that point to evaluate his wounds. And don’t take no for an answer.” He shook the second bottle. “This is his pain killers. As you can see, he’s a lightweight,” Jared said, snorting. “He can take them as needed.”

“Thank you,” Sean said.

Jared waved his hand, cutting off anything else Sean could have said. The man shrugged. “I did it for him, not you. Hurry up and claim him, so his healing will speed up.”

With those parting words, Jared left the room. Sean turned to Raul, wondering what he thought of Jared’s comment, but his mate had passed out. Sean smiled, tracing the man’s nose and jaw. The lines of stress and pain had eased in sleep, and Sean hoped he’d be able to see this relaxed look on Raul all the time soon.

Lily’s happy squeal pulled Sean’s attention from his mate. He smiled at the little girl. Sitting next to her, Sean tickled her side, making her giggle. “Who’s a happy girl? Yes, you’re a happy girl, aren’t you?”

He got to his knees and swung her in his arms, carefully spinning her around while making airplane noises. Sean loved the way Lily shrieked and giggled. After a moment, Sean said, “Okay, little girl, let’s get you a bottle, then I gotta call Lisa. Yes, I do.” Cradling her in his arms, he tickled her belly as he left the room.

While Sean fed Lily, he told Lisa that Raul was home. She’d been pretty surprised, which was to be expected. After getting off the phone, Sean burped Lily, then put her down for her nap. She fussed a bit, but quieted once he turned the mobile on. Two minutes later, she was out like a light.

Sean watched her sleep for a few minutes, smiling. Heading to the front room, he sat on the floor next to the couch and let out a slow breath, just enjoying the moment.

When Raul put his hand on Sean’s shoulder and murmured
, he nearly jumped out of his skin. Chuckling at himself, Sean turned to face his mate and grinned at him. “Sorry. You startled me. Guess I was lost in thought.”

Raul smiled and touched his mouth. Sean flicked out a tongue and tasted the pad of the man’s finger. “What were you thinking about?”

“How you need a Christmas tree,” he replied truthfully, then drew the tip of Raul’s finger into his mouth and sucked lightly.

His mate’s nostrils flared and his eyes dilated for a completely different reason. The scent of arousal hit Sean’s senses like the finest aphrodisiac. Sean’s erection, which had never completely deflated, thickened with a vengeance, and he moaned and sucked harder, flicking the rough pad with his tongue. The image of him sucking something else of Raul’s shot through his brain and he couldn’t stop his gaze from dropping to his mate’s crotch.

“Where—where would you put the tree?” Raul managed to get out.

He smiled and allowed the finger to slip from between his lips. The move made Raul’s breathing hitch and Sean grinned. “In front of the window,” he murmured. “A seven-footer would be perfect right there, don’t you think? We’ll cut construction paper into thin slips and create a rainbow chain. Celebrate the changes in our life,” he said.

Taking courage at the scent of lust rolling off his mate, Sean flipped the blanket off Raul’s torso and cupped the thick, hard cock straining against the fabric of his sweats. “What do you think?” he whispered, giving Raul’s dick a squeeze.

Raul moaned and rocked into his touch. “That sounds like a great idea,” he gasped out. “But first, shouldn’t we actually do the deed?”

Sean grinned at his very soon-to-be lover. “I thought you’d never ask.”

Releasing his grip on his mate’s cock had Raul moaning, so Sean quickly maneuvered the sweats down Raul’s hips and under his balls, allowing his dick to spring free. He licked his lips and leaned forward, inhaling deeply.

“Fuck, you smell good,” Sean said with a groan, his tone deepening with desire.

“Sean,” Raul grunted. “Do something,” he pleaded, threading his fingers into Sean’s hair. His hold neither pushed nor pulled Sean away, letting him choose.

And Sean chose to taste his mate. Of course, making the decision to suck another man’s cock, even one that was his mate’s, was completely different than actually doing it. Carefully, he wrapped his hand around the base of Raul’s thick, maybe six-inch meat. He pumped the shaft once, twice, glancing up when Raul hissed, gratified to see the pleasure straining his features.

“Sean,” Raul said again, growling his name this time.

Sean grinned. Oh, he felt powerful, in control, making his mate burn with obvious need if the glistening drops of pre-cum oozing from the wide slit was any indication. Sean wanted more.

He leaned forward, stuck out his tongue, and slid the flat of it across the swollen, sensitive glans, taking care to scoop up those tantalizing beads. Sean hummed at the taste. Wanting to taste more, he opened his jaw wide and sucked the head of Raul’s cock into his mouth.

Raul moaned, indicating Sean must be doing something right. His mate bucked his hips convulsively, thrusting more of his dick into Sean’s mouth. Sean’s gag reflex kicked in, forcing him to back away.

“Sorry,” Raul apologized breathily. “Felt so good.”

Sean flicked his gaze up, surprisingly pleased at the gasping, slack-jawed look of pleasure on the other man’s face. Going down on him again, Sean made certain to keep his second hand firmly on Raul’s hip so he couldn’t choke him again. Sean bobbed his head, sucking and licking, doing all the things he knew he liked when getting a blow job. He tickled the sensitive skin under the cap, traced the pulsing vein up the underside of Raul’s stalk, and dipped his tongue into the slit.

“Wait, wait, oh fuck, wait!” Raul cried out.

Concerned that he’d somehow hurt his mate, Sean pulled off Raul’s dick. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” Raul gasped. “Just don’t want to come yet,” he admitted.

“What? Why?” Sean asked, confused. Wasn’t that the point of a blow job?

“Want to taste you, too,” Raul admitted. “Come up here.”

“Oh.” Sean felt his heartbeat speed up at what his mate proposed. After a second, he stood and stripped his jeans. Like most shifters, he didn’t bother with underwear. His dick sprang free, hard, already weeping, jutting from his groin and ready for action.

Raul reached out and tentatively traced a finger up the underside of his dick, along the blood-engorged vein. He tickled the membrane called the frenulum with his fingertip, making his dick bob and sending shivers through Sean’s body. Finally, Raul swiped the pad of his finger over Sean’s head, rubbing the clear fluid that oozed from his slit all around the glans.

Sean growled low in his throat, loving not only the sight of his mate touching him, but the shudders his touch sent through his body. When Raul lifted his finger to his tongue and tasted Sean, licking his finger clean, Sean moaned.

“Raul,” he murmured. “You’re killing me!”

Raul grinned. “We wouldn’t want that. Come up here,” he beckoned.

Letting out an unmanly whimper, Sean quickly obeyed, positioning himself above Raul in a classic sixty-nine position. He mentally reminded himself to be careful not to put any weight on his healing lover, then lowered his head and sucked in as much of Raul’s dick as he could.

He slowly started bobbing his head, lifting in slow, sucking drags, knowing how good it felt. Sean nearly lost it at the first touch of Raul’s tongue to his glans. He had to freeze and concentrate on beating his orgasm back as Raul’s tongue swiped around him, the warm, wet appendage sending fantastic sensations up his stalk to his balls.

When Raul actually wrapped his lips around his crown and sucked, Sean moaned. It was a good thing he’d remembered to grip Raul’s hip again, because the vibrations caused his mate to whimper and thrust.

It only took a few seconds for Raul to catch on, and they started a race to get each other off on their orgasms. Sean’s lover seemed to mirror his movements, sucking, licking, and working the base of his prick—which Raul couldn’t fit into his mouth—with his hand.

Sean felt his balls pull tight to his body. His cock swelled and he knew he was seconds away from coming. He desperately wanted Raul to get off, too. He reached down and rolled his lover’s testicles, feeling the hard orbs tighten in their sacks. Yeah, his lover was close, too. Sean hummed.

That seemed to do it. Raul groaned. His cock swelled and pulsed, filling Sean’s mouth with cum. At first, Sean almost gagged as the creamy liquid hit the back of his throat. He pulled off halfway and swallowed, drinking his mate’s fluid. Actually tasting it had him moaning in delight and his own orgasm hit him.

His body shuddering and twitching, Sean tried to remember to continue to swallow as his balls turned inside out and pleasure swamped his senses. It didn’t quite work, and some of Raul’s cum oozed past his lips.

When he finished coming, it took every ounce of self-control Sean possessed to keep from collapsing on his lover. Instead, he carefully pulled off Raul’s cock and licked his lips, catching most of the cream that had escaped, then wiped his tongue over Raul’s softening shaft, licking it clean.

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