Choosing Rena (6 page)

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Authors: Dakota Trace

Tags: #erotica, #bdsm, #dakota trace, #interracial, #spanking, #doms of chicago

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“That she could.” Making his decision,
he quickly typed the reply to Rena, agreeing to her terms along
with promising to send her scanned copies of the reports in the
morning. Even if he didn’t mention Rena to Jackson, his partner
would soon know anyway. The other message he noticed in his Inbox
had been addressed to both them. Their contact at Comm. Edison had
information for them about Rena’s location. Pushing his guilty
conscience to the side, he hit the Send button. Then, he scrambled
out of his chair, sinking back to his knees. “Please,

“Please what, Jude?”

He looked up into her gray eyes. “I
need you.”

She gave him an indulgent smile. “Then
you shall have me…eventually.”

Chapter Five

Studying over the sheaf of
papers in her hand, Rena sank onto her couch. She wanted to
strangle her replacement. The idea of Jude using Levi Rogers to
investigate the break-in at his home was baffling. He was a great
guard but he was more along the lines of a grunt than a section
leader. He had no real investigative skills, but he could follow
orders without a problem.
No wonder Jude’s
pulling out his hair with this mess.
thoughtfully tapped her chin before jotting down a list on her
ever-present tablet, a habit she’d had since her days in the
military. It was her way of organizing her thoughts.
First of all, I need to get inside Jude’s condo
to see the actual crime scene. Then I need to talk to the
investigating officer, and possibly get any additional info from
WhiteHawk. Maybe he’ll work with me…?

She’d just finished scribbling on her
tablet when her cell rang. Glancing at the caller ID, she
recognized it as one of the cell numbers for Larson Securities.
Pressing the call button, she answered it. “Yeah, I already got the
stuff you sent over, Jude. I’m going over it as we

“And what exactly did my
partner send to you,
” Jackson’s voice
purred in her ear.

She nearly dropped the
phone in reaction. It had been nearly a year since she’d heard the
whispered endearment.
His little
Steeling herself against a curious
melting in her heart and the sudden dampness between her thighs,
she forced a calmness she didn’t even remotely feel into her tone.
“Now why am I not surprised to hear from you, White Boy?” Inwardly
she fumed and wondered if Jude had gone running to Jackson the
moment he’d agreed to her trade, or if Jackson had merely lucked

A very amused male chuckle
filled her ear. “Now you knew I wouldn’t let your little stunt at
the mall go unanswered, right?”

Squeezing the bridge of
her nose, she prayed for patience. She wasn’t going to engage him –
she wasn’t. Perhaps if she refused to banter with him, he’d leave
her alone. “I wasn’t expecting anything from you, nor will I. Is
there a reason you called on my private number?”

She could almost hear the
smile in his voice. “Of course there is.” In the background she
could hear the sound of a bell as if he’d just stepped off an
elevator, which was confusing to her considering there were none at
Larson Securities.
He must be out and
about checking on accounts as usual.
find out what kind of paddle you prefer. One like the suede covered
paddle I used on you in Ireland or one with
latigo leather? I’ll admit I have a favored latigo one which
will sting your bottom in ways you’ve never

Straightening, she dropped
the papers onto her coffee table while fighting the urge to moan.
She loved latigo leather, but she forced herself to remember their
age difference- that she wasn’t looking for another Dom/sub
relationship. She had to be firm. “So we’re back to that again?
I’ll tell you the same thing I told you last time, Jackson. There
isn’t a prayer in hell I’ll submit to you…”

“But you
already have, and the taste of it was delicious…” he broke in, the
purr in his tone grating on her nerves.

She gritted her teeth.
“…never again, you Cajun Playboy. You caught me at a single moment
of weakness brought on by jetlag and stress. Besides you’d have to
find me first and we both know that’s not happening…”

The sound of footsteps
stopping outside her door made her pause. “You’re so certain of
that?” There was a rustle of paper before he rattled off her
address. She nearly dropped the phone when a brisk knock sounded.
Her mouth opened soundlessly. Her flight response warred with
righteous anger. Her eyes darted towards the window and fire
escape. Could she make it before he either picked the lock or broke
the door down? Striving for a confidence she suddenly didn’t feel,
she hid behind her brash New York sarcasm.

“Damn, I expected better
from you, White Boy. Blowing the element of surprise by calling
before pouncing smacks of inexperience.”

you talking about?”

expect me to believe it’s not you rapping on my door as we speak?
Like there’s a prayer in hell I’m gonna let you in. And how did you
get past the security downstairs anyway?”

Jackson chuckled. “I don’t
know if I should be insulted or flattered that you think I couldn’t
slip past the rinky-dink security Star Security has posted in your
building. One guard and a handful of monitors – it’d be like taking
candy from a child.” A trickle of another feminine voice teased her
ears. “Well, I’m here,
ma peekôn,
and business waits for no one. But I’ll be with
you soon. Perhaps you’ll have an answer for me by then.”

The click of the phone in
her ear told her he evidently hadn’t expected a response. Another
knock followed by a familiar voice had her head throbbing. Moving
to the door, she groaned inwardly. This day couldn’t get much
worse. She hadn’t had her first
of coffee yet and right now she had to deal with
a hormone-ridden sister. Opening the door, she planted one hand on
her hip before staring down her sister.

“You honestly have a death
wish. How the hell did you find me?”

Keisha smirked, unfazed by
Rena’s bristling. “Not enough coffee yet? Well too bad. Karma’s a
bitch, isn’t she?” She pushed past her, waddling into the

Closing the door behind
Keisha, Rena watched as she trailed her fingers over every surface
as she passed. Always a tactile person, her sister’s need to touch
everything had driven Rena nuts as a child.
And as an adult it hasn’t changed.

“So did
you just come over to touch all my shit, or prove your husband
could find me?” She knew more than likely Eddie had given into
Keisha’s pleas when Rena had refused to tell her where she lived
the last time they’d spoken on the phone.

Keisha smiled. “Both?” She wandered
into the kitchen. “You have coffee? Eddie took mine away and I need

Rena followed her. “You know he took
it away from you because you’ve become a stark raving bitch on
caffeine since you’ve got pregnant.”

Rummaging around in the cupboards,
Keisha found a coffee cup. “Well it’s a good thing you drink decaf,

Sighing, Rena leaned
against the door as her sister poured a cup of
coffee, added sugar and a splash
of half and half out of Rena’s fridge.

“See, you love me. You even have my
creamer.” Stirring her coffee, Keisha waddled to the

“Ever think, Sis, that I may use half
and half for cooking? I just made the most delicious broccoli
cheese soup.”

Keisha wrinkled her nose. “Ew…that’s
wrong on soo many levels, Rena. Green veggies and cheesy goop.
That’s not food, it’s torture.”

Shaking her head at her sister’s
antics, Rena retrieved her coffee mug from the living room. After
refilling it, she sat down at the table across from Keisha, who’d
raided her fridge again if the baklava in front of her was any

“Mmmmm.” Taking a big bite, Keisha
moaned before following it with a huge sip of coffee. “The best
ever, Sissy. I’ve been craving one of these since you moved out. I
don’t know how you do it. They always come out so light and airy.
When I try, mine could double as a hockey puck. Who’d have ever
thought a black woman could make a true Greek pastry?”

Sighing, Rena reached for one on the
plate in the center of the table. “You know you could save yourself
some trouble and just drive over to Greektown. In fact it’s closer
to you than coming over to Oak Park. You had to take, what, two
trains? There has to be another reason for your visit.”

Keisha cocked her head. “Now why would
I go to Greektown when I have a perfectly good sister who loves me
and bakes the most delicious baklavas? Besides, Eddie dropped me
off on his way to the office. He wouldn’t let me ride the “L” in my

Rena felt like thumping her sister for
her evasiveness. Although it didn’t surprise her Eddie had dropped
off Keisha, it was her sister’s reasoning that bothered her. Keisha
had been incredibly clingy since she’d found out she was pregnant.
Maybe something was going on at home. “That’s not the point, and
somehow I don’t think my baklavas are the reason why you came

Keisha paused, the baklava half way to
her mouth. Her dark eyes sparkled with unshed tears. “I…guess I’m
just going stir crazy, Rena. Eddie’s watching my every move. I
can’t even go to the bathroom without him there to hand me the
toilet paper.”

Munching on her own treat, Rena gazed
thoughtfully at her sister. “Well it could be because you’re only a
week away from your due date. I’m honestly surprised the doctor
hasn’t induced you yet.”

Keisha shrugged. “That could be it. He
just seems a bit more intense than usual. He keeps telling me it’s
this job he has going on along with my pregnancy hormones that has
him up and round the bend, but there are days when I wonder.” She
set down the pastry. “Do you think it might be because he doesn’t
find me beautiful anymore?”

Rena leaned back in her chair. There
was some truth to the matter, she supposed. Her sister was no
picnic to live with under normal circumstances, and even less so
since she’s carrying a child. Her expecting motherhood had
triggered even wilder mood swings on her sister’s part. Don’t get
her wrong, she loved her sister, but Rena had no illusions when it
came to Keisha. She was high maintenance even at the best of times.
“Sis, I don’t think it has anything to do with if he finds you

“How do you know?” Keisha grabbed her
arm. “Tell me…did he say something?”

Prying Keisha’s hand off, Rena wished
more than anything her mother was here. Ruth Ann MacAllister was
one of the few people who could talk sense into her stubborn
sister. “He loves you, Sis. Before I left, he congratulated me on
being smart enough to give up the lifestyle, that if I was lucky
I’d find a good man who’d give me children and consider me just as
precious as his little blackbird is to him.”

Keisha’s mouth trembled. “He

Rena nodded. “Yep.”

“Oh thank you!” Her sister stood
awkwardly to throw an arm around her. The next several moments were
a flurry of kisses and squeezes as Keisha showed her appreciation.
Rena bore it stoically until the storm passed. Keisha pulled back
to stare into her eyes. “Wait a second! What does he mean you’ve
given up the lifestyle? You need it just as much as I need

Rena slowly shook her head. “I haven’t
changed my mind. I told you the night of the collaring I’d given up
– ”

Shaking her head, Keisha protested.
“Jackson Levough, not submission. It’s part of your soul. How do
you honestly think you’ll be satisfied with a vanilla man? For
heaven’s sake, Rena Marie MacAllister, you’ve been in the scene for
nearly twenty years.”

Forcing a smile, Rena brushed her
fingers over her sister’s cheek. “Probably two years too many.”
Moving back from the table, she rose, taking her coffee mug to the
sink and dumping her untouched coffee.

She flinched when Keisha placed her
hands on her shoulders. “No. I’m going to tell you again, girl.
There was nothing wrong with your submission to that ass. The fault
was his and how he handled it was beyond heinous. It took
everything I had to convince Eddie not to visit Louis the night you
were fired. He was going to kill him for costing you a job you

Covering her sister’s hand, she gave
it a squeeze. “It’s nice of you to say it, but after twenty years
of trying to find the right Dom, I’ve come to the conclusion there
isn’t one who can give me what I need.” Releasing her sister, she
turned and gently hugged her. Despite everything, they were sisters
and they had each other’s backs. “But I’m happy you were able to
convince Eddie to behave. I wouldn’t want your baby’s daddy to be
in jail.”

Chapter Six

Jackson leaned back, a
contented sigh escaping him. It’d been too long since he’d been
Pínaka ti̱s Mi̱téras
– a cozy family Greek restaurant which was owned
by fellow Dom and friend Gabriel Poulanos. In fact, he hadn’t been
able to attend one of these munches since before he became so
That damn influenza and RSV royally
kicked my ass.
He’d missed not only the
warm atmosphere, but also the surge of acceptance he got from being
around others in the BDSM lifestyle.

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