Choosing Hearts - The Fighter's Passion (Gritty, Explicit Romance Novel) (A Lusty Stand Alone Story) (12 page)

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“That’s the eighth
medal he’s earned in less than three weeks on the Force.” The Commissioner of
Police Norman Holloway smiled wide. “You’ve got to be commended, Captain
Foster, for recruiting and training such an inspiring officer as Rogan here.”


“What can I say?”
Foster grinned. “Rogan’s been a powerhouse from day one, all thanks to his
mentor Officer Julianne Kincaid.”


“Yes, of course.”
Holloway smiled at the young policewoman as he pinned a medal on her breast
pocket. “Officer Kincaid deserves this as much as anyone else.”


“Why thank you,
Commissioner.” Julia blushed. “It’s been a real honor working with Rogan.”


“And thanks to you
and Rogan here, crime in your precinct is down by sixty five percent.” The
chief of police beamed. “Why, I’m tempted to reassign Rogan and you over at
central. I’m sure you two would make us proud there too.”


“That would be
great, Norm.” Foster cut in. “But it’s early days yet and I won’t have you
stealing my ace team away so soon.”


“Don’t sweat it,
old friend.” The Commissioner laughed as Foster led him away to the buffet
table. “I’ll let you keep your ace team for the rest of the quarter.”


“We’re the best,
Rogan.” Julia squeezed the large man’s thickly muscled upper arm excitedly.
“The best team this precinct has ever had. Can’t you feel all the green envy
aimed at us?”


“The only green I
see are all the herb dressings on those rib-eye steaks beckoning to me.” Rogan
rubbed his growling belly.


“Then let’s have
at them, Sir Rogan.” Julia laughed. “No mercy, no quarter.”


“No matter how
many times I see it, I’m never getting used to this man’s appetite.” Foster
walked back towards the pair as Rogan heaped his platter with half a dozen
slabs of succulent grilled beef steaks. “That tray would choke a Kodiak.”


“And don’t forget
the few gallons of beer.” Julia added with a snort. “He’ll eat as much as the
rest of the precinct, if he can.”


“Would you like to
wager on that, fair Julia?” Rogan grinned, sinking his teeth into the juicy
meaty treat.


“Not a chance.”
Foster laughed. “We’ve both seen you eat and apart from fighting, it’s the only
other thing no one’s going to bet against you on.”


Julia laughed
heartily along with the few men and women standing around them, and then
watched Rogan enjoy his meal. Her eyes shone with love and admiration for this
man she had known for the last four weeks. He had given a new meaning to her
life. It didn’t matter that he was different from any other man she had known
until then, his heart was pure and he really cared for her. She sighed deeply
barely nibbling at the piece of fruit she had on her plate while her lover
wolfed down his third beef steak.


“Enough of
stuffing your face, Ro… let’s go dancing.” She slapped his arm.


“Your wish is my
command.” He grinned and emptied another mug of beer. “I am every ready.”


Julia grabbed his
hand and led him to the dance floor. Everyone there knew by now that the pair
was more than just partners in uniform. They had done little, if anything, to
hide their affection for each other. The other dancers made way for the heroic
duo and cheered as they took to the floor.


For all his skills
as an agile, volatile fighter, Rogan was a surprisingly awful dancer. His tight
and explosive musculature was honed and perfected for combat and woeful
underdeveloped for graceful movement. But he didn’t care if he had two left
feet, and neither did his new love, Julia. The two of them shuffled around the
dance floor with the others encouraging the duo on as Rogan tripped the light not
so fantastic with Julia in his arms, lifting her high in celebration of their
success and love for each other.


“Oh, Rogan.” Julia
exulted, waving her hands high. “These are the best days of my life. I’m so


“As am I, my
love.” Rogan smiled back, letting her back down on her feet and leading her to
their seats by the window. “These last few days, I have lived life again as it
should be lived.”


“Come on, Rogan.”
She whispered sultrily. “Let’s go to my apartment and take our celebration to a
more meaningful level.”


“As ever, my
love.” The tall warrior grinned. “I am willing and able.”


Julia laughed and
let him lead her away from the bustling crowd of the annual policeman’s ball
and out into the cool air of the night. They could barely keep their hands off
each other in the cab ride back to her apartment. Rogan carried her inside,
cradling her in his massive arms as she hugged his neck and kissed him all over
the face. The bed creaked in protest as they fell on it, ripping the clothes
off their backs and laughing into each other’s faces.


The excitement of
the evening and the anticipation of night had heightened Julia’s senses like
never before. Over the past few weeks their lovemaking had grown in intensity,
becoming more animalistic and physical. Julia enjoyed the natural freedom of
letting her inhibitions go as Rogan brought out the woman in her to the full.
She reveled at his touch, gentle at first and then more aggressive as their
playfulness grew more serious. He made her base nature, her every natural
instinct as a sexual being, come to the forefront.  She had never craved so
much for man in her life.


Rogan was unlike
any other man she had ever known. He was like something out of a fantasy. Like
a character from a book written centuries ago. Pure, forthright and genuine,
without the guile and misgivings of the few men she had been intimate with
through her sporadic love life. She gave herself to him completely, letting him
do as he wished and as she experienced his love for her explode inside her
again, she had multiple releases, showering him with her satisfaction.


Rogan rolled off
her and lay on his back, his deep chest heaving and his breath coming in short
gasps. She let the last throes of her orgasm ebb away before propping herself
up on an elbow and gazing at him lovingly. He had his eyes closed and a slight
smile of satisfaction on his face. She noticed the little pendant on his
neck.It was glowing slightly. She had seen it before - a few times during their
love making and didn’t really care much about it, but of late it had been
bothering her. She couldn’t fathom why. He had never told her anything about it
or why he constantly wore the pendant and she hadn’t asked him about it, but it
did seem to nag her more and more with each passing day.


“Oh, Rogan… I had
the best time ever tonight.” She whispered, caressing his chest with her
fingertips. “You’re such a fantastic lover.”


“You make me so,
my love.” Rogan whispered back, his eyes still closed.


“Am I as good a
lover to you, baby?” She asked gingerly, twirling the thick blonde hair around
his neck with her fingers.


“Your love gives
me strength, Julia.” He smiled, looking deep into her eyes as she leaned over
his face.


“No, I mean… am I
as satisfying to you as your lover… are you having as good sex as I am?” She
watched him intently.


“With certainty,
my love.” Rogan nodded, tracing a fingertip over her lips. “Why do you ask so?”


“I’m not sure… I
must be paranoid or something.” She looked away. “I always seem to sense you’re
expecting something more when we make love…  I can’t explain it… some kind of
feeling of inadequacy comes over me sometimes.”


“I assure you,
Julia, I am satisfied beyond my need with you.” He leaned over and kissed her


She grabbed his
hand and pressed it close between her breasts. “I’m so afraid sometimes, Rogan -
afraid that I’ll lose you. I get the feeling that you’ll soon remember
everything and leave me… for the other woman that you love.”


Rogan remained
silent, his mind filling with images of Alicia and his heart getting heavier by
the moment. He wished Julia would not be speaking of such things, but he knew
being close to someone meant opening oneself up more than just physically, but
emotionally and psychologically as well.


“Does your silence
affirm what I fear, Rogan?” Julia whispered hoarsely. “Tell me, baby… don’t let
this insane fear of mine ruin it for us.”


“Julia, for you I
would bare my soul.” He said grimly. “But I fear the truth will pronounce me
mad in your judgment… and it is far better we leave the past as it is.”


“Ohmigod, Rogan.”
She gasped. “Have you regained your memory? And you have chosen to stay with me


“If it only were
that simple, fair Julia.” He shook his head and sighed.


“What? What ever
do you mean by that?” Her eyes widened and she stared at him open-mouthed.


“I thought never
to have to say this to anyone, but I have grown too close to you to cause you
any grief.” He said sadly. “I must tell you all, it would seem, to ease your
mind… from the torment you have expressed.”


“Yes, Rogan, tell
me everything.” She pleaded. “I won’t judge you. I won’t even care if you’ve
done the worst things ever.”


“It is not what I
did, but what was done to me,” he said, a slight glint of anger flashing across
his eyes. “I have been cast away, fair Julia, cast away far from where I belong
and forced to leave everything I had… even the love of my life.”


“You’re an exile
from your country?” She gasped. “From where… there still has to be some


“There are no
records - no scrolls that any scribe has written in this time.” He took a deep
breath, looking right into her watering eyes. “I have been cast away from Kirk
Falls, four hundred years before this time.”


“Wha… say that
again?” Julia jerked back, a look of confusion blooming on her face.


“As I feared, the
truth will make a fairy tale look more viable.” He smiled sardonically. “It is
the truth I speak, Julia… I am from the year 1585. A master of dark mystic arts
banished me from my home and sent me here four hundred years in the future.”


Julia sat in
silence for a while. She didn’t know for how long. Staring blankly into the
eyes of the man she loved.  He let her remain that way for a while and then
stood up, reaching for his clothes.


“You may think me
mad and I lay no blame on you to do so,” he said softly. “I would think the
same had anyone spoken of such insanity to me.”


She kept staring
at him blankly, her brow furrowed lightly and her lips twisted as if she were
holding back an outburst. Her hands trembled as she wrung her fingers, red
painted nails digging into her own smooth skin.


“If you so
require, I will take my leave. I pray that you forgive me, Julia.” He sighed,
turning away from her. “I will trouble you no longer.”


“Rogan, wait.”
Julia called out. Her voice was strong. “Please, don’t go.”


“You may tell me
that what I dread to hear.” He turned around. “And you may think me mad, or
even a jester, but I am not so.”


“I’ve thought over
what you said, Rogan.” Julia sounded surprisingly calm. “And it makes sense.
Sure it sounds crazy and out of this world, but it makes perfect sense. Either
that or I have completely lost my mind.”


“Your mind is as
it should be.” He sat down abruptly beside her. “Yet, you astound me. I had not
expected you to fathom this at all. I seldom do myself, hoping this is some bad
dream I must awaken from.”


“I’ve let the
rationality of it, however absurd it may be, sink in.” Julia held his large
hand in hers tightly. “Everything falls into place with your story - bizarre or


He looked at her
knowingly, his mind easing slightly at the prospect of her actually finding
some sense in the madness he spoke of. He watched her keenly, noting every
expression as she spoke.


“Yes, I see it
now.” She went on, her eyes widening with each word. “Your name, the way you
are and you speak… your amazing skills and most of all the lack of any records.
Now I don’t believe in the tooth fairy or egg laying bunnies, but I do accept
there are things in the cosmos beyond our limited understanding.”


“You have freed me
from this burden, sweet Julia.” Rogan kissed her hand softly. “I am driven to
madness each day… having to keep up this charade.”


“Tell me
everything, Rogan.” She urged him, pressing his hand even harder. “Tell me
about you, your life before all this and how it all happened. I want to know


Rogan swallowed
once and licked his lips. Now that he could express himself, let the truth
trapped in his mind get free, he didn’t know where to start. He looked into her
eyes and found genuine love and care there and it broke his heart. Letting her
know everything could forever change their relationship because she was being
insistent and he had to tell someone about the hell he was going through to
stop himself from going completely insane.


“Tell me, Rogan.”
She pressed his hand to her breast. “We have all night… your life in the past,
your troubles… I want to know all.”


Rogan took a deep
breath, looked right into her large hazel eyes and told her the tale she would
never find in any history book or children’s fable. He told her of the pleasant
and prosperous lands of the western dukedom of Kirk Falls and how he had come
across it as a wandering mercenary from the cold wastelands of Vindarland, his
birthplace. He narrated his life of a young warrior rising in the ranks to
become the captain of the army and champion of the land. He regaled her with
his exploits that would never be transcribed by any scholars. His voice grew
hard as he told her of the wizard, Nostrazcus, and how his vile magicks made
him kill his own men, and the spell the evil one had cast to send Rogan four hundred
years into the future.

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