Choices We Make: The Moretti Brothers Series (5 page)

BOOK: Choices We Make: The Moretti Brothers Series
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The next morning Victoria awoke feeling refreshed, having not slept that well in months.  She looked over at the
gorgeous man sleeping beside her and secretly wished she could wake up to a man like him every day, for the rest of her life.  She smiled as she lifted the covers to get another peek at his beautiful body as he slept. 

“You like what you see?”  Dominic asked in a groggy, but oh so sexy voice.

Victoria gave him a sheepish grin not acknowledging his comment.  “So do you want to have breakfast in the room or go down to the restaurant?”  She asked as she tried to stand. 

Dominic captured her by the arm, pulling her back onto the bed as she landed on her back.  “Did you know that morning sex is some of the best sex you can have?” She looked at him, “let me take a shower first and….” Dominic sat up allowing the covers to fall away from his body and he massaged her breast before taking it in his mouth.  A soft moan escaped her lips. As he continued to suck on her breast, he inserted two fingers in her heat as her folds began to instantly liquefy.  She moaned loudly as his fingers moved in and out with ease as her essence coated them. 

“Turn around and get on your knees,” he whispered in her ear and she complied.  He stood behind her and she could feel his hard shaft poking her entrance. 

“Are you okay with the position?” 

“Yes,” she said breathless with anticipation.  Dominic grabbed her hips and slowly rocked her back and forth, gliding in and out of her.  She was so tight and felt amazing.    Before this trip, he had never slept with a woman without a condom, not even his ex-fiancée, Anna.  His older brother drilled into his head to never ever go in without a cover.  Now, here he was with no cover and truly enjoying the feel of this woman.

“Victoria you feel so amazing.”

“Awwhh Nick… ohh it feels so good.”  Victoria screamed unable to contain her emotions. 

“Come for me Vic,
” he said as he felt her muscles clinching around him.  He knew she was close and wanted to make sure she came before he exploded inside her.  Dominic picked up the pace and began to slam into her, harder and faster, she screamed his name as she came.  She was totally spent and unable to hold her own weight.  Dominic held onto her waist, he felt her body go limp but he needed release.  He continued to pull her hips into his erection as he pumped a few more times before exploding inside her.  They both lay totally exhausted. As the heavy breathing dissipated, Dominic turned towards Victoria.  “So tell me Victoria, having sex with no barriers, is it everything you thought it would be?” 

She turned over to face him.  “Better, but I think it’s the person I‘m experiencing it with, not the actual act itself.” She kissed him softly on the lips before settling into his arms. 

“Hey you want to check out the shower?  It is definitely big enough for two.” Dominic said with a sheepish grin.

After showering they decided to stay in the villa, relaxing by the pool and beach before dinner.  Dominic had the concierge make reservations at one of the Caribbean restaurants that came highly recommended.     

“Where are we going Nick?” 

“We are going to a restaurant recommended by the staff, they said that the Sunset restaurant had the best Caribbean food on the island.” 

“Okay, give me thirty minutes and I will be ready.” 

It took all of fifteen minutes for Dominic to get ready.  He sat on the terrace under the gazebo with a beer listening to calypso music.  He laid his head back on the cushion of the wicker chair as his thoughts went to the afternoon spent with Victoria, how beautiful she looked, how giving she was and how her beautiful face glowed after an orgasm.  He was feeling things for her he didn’t understand. 
“Stay focused, two weeks of fun; no commitment, no strings attached, no feelings; and definitely no emotions.”

“Okay I think I’m ready,
” Victoria said as she walked onto the terrace.  He opened his eyes to see the most beautiful vision.  He stood taking in the exquisite sight in front of him.  Victoria’s skin was a little darker, having been kissed by the sun as it glowed against the champagne colored halter dress she wore.  The front was low enough to show off her ample breast, her legs were bare with an anklet and jeweled flat sandals.  Although she normally wore her hair in loose curls down her back, it was pulled back into a ponytail and accented by the flower she wore to the side, making her look like a native instead of a tourist.  As he closed the gap between them, the light floral scent she wore enticed his senses.  “You look amazing,” he said as he kissed her on her cheek.  He really wanted to rip that dress off of her and take her right there.  “Shall we go?” he asked.  She blushed as the kiss sent a tingling sensation down to her core.  

As they drove to the restaurant they talked about their businesses and the fact that they were both anxious to check in at their respective offices.  They made a pact to take one hour a day to check emails and then it was back to vacationing.  They pulled in front of the restaurant and the valet opened the door, welcoming them to the restaurant.  The restaurant had an island feel with a touch of elegance.  Sounds of island music played in the background as they were ushered to their table by the hostess.  They sat, ordered drinks and settled in for a wonderful evening.

“This is really nice, thank you for bringing me here,” Victoria said as she looked around admiring the décor of the restaurant.

“You are welcome, the staff said….” 
A drunken rude patron interrupted Dominic.

“I wished I had me some brown sugar, I’m willing to pay if you are willing to share,
” the intoxicated patron, who appeared to be a tourist, said as he and his friend walked by Dominic and Victoria’s table.  Both men looked at Dominic before they erupted into laughter. 

Victoria could see Dominic tense up as he began to stand.  She put her hand over his, “ignore them Nick, they are obviously drunk and it’s not worth getting into a fight.”  He could see the nervousness in her eyes and sat back down giving her a smile that didn’t reach his eyes.  

“You’re right it’s not worth it.  Let’s order drinks.”  The waitress must have overheard them because she was there immediately to take their orders.  Dominic’s eyes followed the two men, noticing that they went in the restroom.  “I will be right back nature calls.”  Dominic stood, kissed Victoria on the forehead and headed towards the bathroom.  As he entered the restroom in search of the rude patrons he could hear them talking loudly and laughing about what they would do with the piece of chocolate in the dress.  Dominic walked up the most vocal of the duel.

“What did you say to my lady friend?” 

The less vocal of the pair spoke up “He was just jok….” Unable to control his anger any longer, with one swift movement, Dominic punched him in his throat causing him to grab it as he choked on his words. 

He directed his attention to the man who was now in pain and he pointed at him as he spoke. “I was not talking to you.”  He turned to look at the one who insulted Victoria “I’m going to ask you again, what did you say to my lady friend?” 

“I didn’t mean any disrespect; I thought she was one of the island gir...”  Before he could finish his statement, Dominic swung his right fist connecting with the man’s stomach and his left fist connected with the man’s jaw.  The man doubled over in pain. Dominic reached down, grabbed him by his throat and slammed him against the wall.

“Now, what you and your friend are going to do is wait two minutes, then you will come to my table and apologize to the beautiful woman I’m dining with and if I think the apology isn’t sincere, I will wait for your asses outside of this restaurant and beat the shit out of both of you.  Am I making myself clear?”  They both nodded as they mumbled in agreement.  Dominic released the grip he had on the man and walked over to the sink and washed his hands as he glared at both of them through the mirror.  He reached for a paper towel, dried his hand and said “two minutes,” without looking back as he exited the restroom.  Dominic walked back to the table to a smiling Victoria. 

“These drinks are amazing, here’s yours,” she said excitedly, as she handed him the glass laden with fruit.   He took a sip of the fruity concoction wishing it were a shot of Jack Daniels. 

His anger melted as he looked into her alluring brown eyes that danced with excitement; he smiled as he took a sip. “
You’re right, it is good, but I’m a whiskey guy.  Do you know what you want to eat?” 

She picked up her menu and was about to speak when the rude patrons reappeared in front of the table. 

“Miss, I would like to apologize for my rude behavior earlier, my friend and I had a little too much to drink, but that’s no excuse for my inappropriate comments.”  Victoria looked at the two men standing in front of her, offering their apologies, but not giving her eye contact; she turned to look at Dominic who just shrugged his shoulders in response.  “Your apology is accepted,” she said curtly as she turned her attention back to Dominic.   The two men made a hasty retreat.  “What the hell was that about?” She asked totally confused by the reversal in the pair’s demeanor. “I don't know maybe their conscience got the best of them.” Victoria looked at Dominic with a raised brow but decided not to pursue it. They ordered their dinner and settled in for light conversation.

As they were leaving the restaurant Victoria turned to Dominic, “I feel like dancing tonight, what do you think, do you want to go dancing?”

“Your wish is my command,” Dominic said with a smile. 

They drove to the local hot spot called Jay Ray’s.  They entered the club and the loud beats of fast pace reggae music vibrated under their feet.  The place was packed but one of the waitresses noticed Dominic the moment he walked into the club and
offered to help them find a table.  She was a tall brown curvaceous woman who looked like she spent a lot of time in the gym.  The low cut top gave an ample view of her firm, perky breasts.  The lustful look she was giving Dominic was not lost on Victoria.  She found them a table, conveniently in her area.   As they sat, she hovered over Dominic, leaning into him so that he would have an intimate view of her chest while waiting to take their orders.  Dominic’s eyes were on Victoria the entire time and seemed to be oblivious to the blatant advances of the waitress.  Once they placed their order the waitress retreated to get their drinks.  “Wow, am I even sitting here?  You would think that you came here alone the way that waitress was flaunting herself at you,” Victoria said a little annoyed.   Dominic smiled, “really, I hadn’t noticed, I only have eyes for one woman in this club tonight,” he said as he gently squeezed her hand while looking directly into her eyes.  “You don’t have to say that, we both know that you are only here because you are being paid to be,” she said with a faint smile as she tried to retrieve her hand.  Dominic grabbed her hand gently before she could retract it and brought it to his mouth and gently kissed the back of her hand.  “Beautiful one, you may be paying me to service you but not for my thoughts or feelings, they are mine to express as I see fit.”  He kissed the back of her hand again before releasing it.  She looked down at the table then at the dance floor feeling embarrassed, not wanting to give him eye contact.  

Victoria’s foot started to involuntary pat to the rhythm of the music.   “Come on let’s dance,
” Dominic said as he stood and reached his hand out for hers.  She accepted the invitation and within a few seconds they were on the dance floor gyrating to the music.  Dominic swayed to the beat as he watched Victoria, sensually moving her hips in rhythm with the music.  She raised her arms exposing more of her breasts.  She closed her eyes as her body swirled in time with the music. 
“God she’s beautiful.”
  He thought as he felt his manhood stiffen.  He shifted his weigh as he continued to dance and admire the vision in front of him.   Dominic noticed that he wasn’t the only one admiring Victoria; there were several men on the dance floor eyeing her.  He instantly felt jealous and very protective. 

The deejay announced that he was slowing it down and the next song was for the lovers in the house.  Just as Dominic moved in close to Victoria another man, with a Caribbean accent cut between them and asked her to dance.  Before she could respond Dominic walked around the two pulling Victoria by her waist into his body.  She could feel the wall of muscles pressed against her back.  She instantly felt warm all over.  His cologne, intensified by his sweat, was wrecking havoc on her senses.  “Didn’t you hear the man?  This song is for lovers only.”  Dominic said as he glared at the man who was undressing Victoria with his eyes.  The man put his hands up in surrender “No problem mon,”  is all he said as he retreated.  Dominic spun Victoria around so that she was facing him and pulled her in close to his body.  “You are all mine for the next week and a half, “ he said as he smiled.  She returned the smile as a warm feeling washed over her.  She laid her head on his chest as their bodies moved is sync with the music playing. 

They were so lost in the moment they didn’t realize that the deejay played another ballet followed by an upbeat tune.  He looked at her, feeling his eyes on her she returned the gaze.   They stared silently into each other eyes

“Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?” 

“You may have mentioned it.” She blushed unable to contain a smile. 

“I want you so bad right now.” His gray eyes darkened as his stare heated her entire body. 

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