Choices of Fate (Fate Series) (29 page)

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Authors: S. Simone Chavous

BOOK: Choices of Fate (Fate Series)
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“Well, my sweet girl,” Rebecca began, “I suppose we should go and get you freshened up and back to your husband, you do not have much time left before your journey.

As they headed for the door, William placed his hand on her shoulder. “He is a good man, Alexa, I have seen his heart. You are both fortunate to have found your mates at so young an age,” he looked to his wife adoringly, “I lived many empty centuries before I found your mother. Each year that passed I felt more and more restless, but I never knew the source. It was not until I laid eyes on her that I realized I had been missing a piece of my soul. Cherish and protect that bond.”

She threw her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek, “Thank you, daddy.”

Ethan had felt anxious since the moment Alexa left the room. While he didn’t want to smother her and he knew she needed time with her family, it was difficult for him to be separated from her. His body was practically vibrating with the need to complete the blood bond and he knew he would not feel peace until it was done.

He took comfort knowing that he only had to wait a few more hours and observing his sister across the room had provided a much needed distraction while he waited for Alexa’s return.

She had changed into her normal clothes after the ceremony, black form-fitting fatigues, weapons and all, yet her demeanor was still off. She was fidgety, constantly fingering her sidearm and eating as if she had never seen food before in her life. He focused in and listened to her heart beat which was erratic and far faster than normal. It wasn’t until Jared approached her and her heart beat nearly doubled that he realized what had her so distracted and he couldn’t help but laugh to himself.

Not wanting to be overly intrusive, Ethan did his best not to listen in as he continued to watch. Jared spoke, and Cami appeared irritated as she responded curtly and moved away to procure a drink, another dead giveaway since she never partook in alcohol, always wanting to keep her focus sharp. While it took a great deal more alcohol to affect a vampire, it had the same impact on them as it did humans.

Jared did not appear to be deterred in the slightest, finding a variety of excuses to continue to approach her, whether it be to ask her a question about the house or to offer her more food or drink. Ethan couldn’t help but he came to be so confident and resilient. Then he thought perhaps it was because Jared knew something everyone else could not, his father and sister were telepaths, it wouldn’t be unlikely for him to be one as well.

When Ethan thought the thought, Jared looked over at him and flashed him a crooked grin confirming his suspicion.

At that point, he couldn’t help the laugh that escaped his lips. Finally, his celibate sister may have met her match.

Jared raised his eyebrows at that tidbit of information and Ethan shook his head in response.

Well, good luck with that one.
He sent.

As Jared approached her yet again, much to Cami’s relief, Chloe ran over to her and jumped into her arms, offering her a much needed excuse to avoid the cocky young vampire.

Ethan heard Barb chuckle from a few yards away, drawing his attention. “It’s about time,” she said looking at him, then over at Cami and Jared.

That old woman was far too smart for her own good. She had been like a second mother for most of his life, he couldn’t imagine being without her, though he knew someday, when the war finally ended, she would go to the other side. She had mentioned on more than one occasion how ready she was to cross over and be with the rest of her family.

The sound of Alexa’s familiar heart drew his focus and caused his to speed up as he turned towards the door in anticipation of her entry.

When she appeared in the doorway, he couldn’t stop himself and flashed over to her, pulling her into his arms eliciting a surprised squeal and leaving her now bare feet dangling as he kissed her. “I missed you,” he whispered against her cheek before setting her back down, but keeping her wrapped in his arms.

“Mr. Kellar, I was only gone for a little while, and you are going to have me all to yourself for the next week,” she said feigning irritation.

“I plan to take full and complete advantage of that time, Mrs. Kellar,” he said with promise in his tone as he kissed the tip of her nose, causing her blood to rush.

Just then, Chloe rushed over, far faster than a human toddler could move and wrapped an arm around each of their legs. “Miss you,” she said looking up at each of them with a smile.

Elijah strolled over, with Josephine following closely behind. “Our little princess is right, it is nearly time for you two to leave for the airport.”

Alexa looked at Ethan with panic in her eyes and knelt down to pick up Chloe. “I haven’t even packed anything,” she said hugging Chloe tightly.

“That is all taken care of,” Josephine said brightly. I sent one of our staff to do some shopping for you and everything is all packed and loaded into the car.

“Staff?” Alexa said in question.

“Yes, we normally have a staff of five on the grounds,” Josephine replied, “but given the nature of everything happening the last few days, we thought it prudent to give them some time off. I just had someone run into the city and pick up a few items for you and drop them off at the gate. There is enough to give you a variety of options with regard to the occasion and the weather, all in your size of course.”

Ethan and Alexa changed into more casual clothing, and after several tearful and drawn out goodbyes, they were loaded into the car and on their way to board the private jet.


As they neared the end of their fairly short ride to the airport, Ethan could sense Alexa’s growing anxiety through her increasing heart rate and bouncing leg. “What is it, Amor?” he asked with concern.

She pulled her attention from staring out the window to face him, “I’ve never been on a plane before and, um, I guess I’m a little claustrophobic,” she admitted, feeling slightly embarrassed knowing that thousands of people flew every day.

Ethan smiled at her reassuringly, “Do not worry, the jet will be rather spacious so I do not think you will feel trapped inside. It will be nothing like flying on a commercial plane being packed in with other passengers. We will be free to move around, eat, drink, watch television, and there is even a bedroom,” he said only wanting to offer the option of sleep, but Alexa’s mind went in a much naughtier direction and her nerves receded significantly.

With his preternatural senses picking up on her response, he chuckled, knowing exactly what she was thinking. He had to admit he had similar thoughts when he first booked the charter and learned of the bedroom, wondering how on earth he was going to keep his hands off of her until they reached their destination.

There are worse problems to have.
He thought to himself before he picked up her hand and kissed her knuckles. “I like the direction of your thoughts, Amor.”

“What, are you a telepath now?” she teased.

“Hardly, but I am learning to read you, and,” he grinned wickedly, “your body betrays your mind. The scent of arousal is all over your skin.”

Alexa’s cheeks flushed immediately at his words. Something about knowing that she smelled so strongly to Ethan was embarrassing and made her slightly self-conscious.

Guess I better get over that quickly or I’m going to have to shower constantly.
She told herself.

Ethan brushed his knuckles over her cheek, “This, I love. Perhaps I should embarrass you more often to see this lovely color light your beautiful face.”

“I would think that over a little more, Mr. Kellar, unless you want to spend a lot of time in the dog house.” She huffed, glaring at him with false menace.

“Dog house, huh? I surely do not want that, perhaps I must find other ways to keep you flushed then, Mrs. Kellar,” he husked as he crawled the short distance across the seat to hover over her and look into her eyes before he began kissing the side of her neck.

She tilted her head to the side to give him better access and a soft moan escaped her lips as he ran his tongue in a slow line up to the sensitive skin behind her ear. “I love the little sounds you make when I touch you, Amor,” he whispered and then he dipped his soft tongue into her ear eliciting a noise somewhere between a giggle and a moan.

He hooked his arm around her waist between her body and the seat and pulled her so that she was almost laying down on the soft leather. She closed her eyes while he returned to his assault on her neck and then trailed kisses down along her collarbone, sliding the straps of her teal tank top and bra down her shoulder to reveal more of her perfect olive skin. When he tugged the front of the top down further, nearly revealing her left breast, her eyes snapped open and she grabbed his hair in her hand and tugged slightly so that he looked up at her.

She nodded her head toward the front of the car and the driver on the other side of the glass divider, “You are not getting me naked with an audience,” she said firmly.

“Amor, I would sooner kill him then let him look upon what is for me alone. Besides, it is one way glass, he cannot see or hear us,” he stated matter-of-factly before he turned his attention back to her body and kissed the top of the soft mound that he had all but completely exposed.

Instead of pulling her shirt down the rest of the way, he used his fingers to push only her bra down off of her hardened nipple, leaving the thin fabric of her tank top covering it. He grinned at her devilishly and gently gripped the sensitive flesh, shirt and all, with his teeth and tugged lightly, never taking his eyes off of her face.

His other hand was sliding ever so lightly up the inside of her thigh, then up over the denim of her shorts where he stopped short of where she needed him and squeezed her leg possessively. At this point, she had begun to pant and squirm, desperate to find release after so many days without Ethan’s touch.

Just when she thought she couldn’t take anymore and was ready to start begging, the car slowed and came to a stop.

Ethan skillfully slipped her bra and tank top back into place and kissed the tip of her nose before he sat back up on the seat.

Still in a partially horizontal position, Alexa looked over at him, “You are so mean,” she whined in frustration.

Ethan slid his hand down into his lap, drawing her attention there as he tried to adjust his erection to make it less noticeable. “As you can see, touching you affects me just as much as it does you,” he said settling on pulling his hardness up his stomach where it was held down by the waistband of his shorts. “I apologize, but I could not sit here alone with you and not put my hands on your beautiful body, especially with so much of your skin exposed,” he stated unabashedly. “Trust me, the anticipation will make the bonding experience so much more intense, but if you prefer, I will do my best to behave until we arrive.”

Just the mention of the bond caused Alexa’s stomach to flip as her neck began to tingle. Thinking of Ethan sinking his teeth into her while he was inside her made her impossibly wetter and did not help at all with the task of calming herself to exit the car.

Ethan inhaled deeply. “Amor, if you expect me to resist you, you must try not to think things like whatever just ran through that pretty head of yours. I have a strong will, but a man can only stand so much,” he said with a wink, only half kidding.

To Alexa’s surprise, they had actually pulled up right next to the large jet that was taking them to whatever mysterious destination Ethan had chosen. Despite numerous pleas from her, he refused to divulge the secret, he wouldn’t even give her any hints and she found it extremely frustrating. Being a telepath, she wasn’t really accustomed to surprises.

When they approached the stairs to board the plane, they were greeted by a cheerful flight attendant whose super short white-blonde hair made her look a lot like a pixie. She smiled at each of them brightly and held out her hand to Alexa, “Hello, Mrs. Kellar, my name is Allie and I will be taking care of you and your husband during your flight today.”

“It’s very nice to meet you, Allie,” Alexa replied. The young woman’s gaze hadn’t lingered on Ethan at all, there was no batting of her eyelashes, no flirting, just a short professional greeting, which had to be a first. Every other time Alexa had seen women around Ethan they were practically drooling and giving her the evil eye.

I like her.
Alexa thought immediately.

They entered the cabin and Alexa’s jaw dropped. Ethan was right, it was far from cramped. The spacious area looked more like a luxurious family room than an airplane with its plush leather chairs, marble tables, wet bar, and flat screen televisions on opposite walls.

“Please sit wherever you like. Would either of you like for me to make you a drink or perhaps something to eat?” Allie inquired pointing towards the bar.

“Nothing for now,” Ethan replied.

“Very well, please let me know at any time if you need anything,” Allie said with a smile looking to each of them. “I will remain in the front cabin for the duration of the flight to give you some privacy, but there are call buttons on the arms of each chair. I’m just going to go check in with the captain for a moment. We should be in the air in just a few minutes.”

“Thank you, Allie,” Alexa said. She took a seat in one of the chairs and sank into it with a sigh. “Now this is the life,” she said smiling up at Ethan who was watching her with amusement.

He took the seat opposite her and frowned at her. “What’s wrong?” Alexa asked with concern.

“I do not like this,” he said without elaborating.

“What do you mean, this is amazing, what’s not to like?” She questioned with astonishment.

A crooked grin tilted his lips, “You are much too far away from me sitting like this.”

She snatched up the small pillow that was next to her in the chair and chucked it at Ethan, aiming for his face. He reached out and caught it with one hand before it made contact. “I was actually worried that something was wrong!”

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