Choice Matters (Southern Heat Book 1) (21 page)

BOOK: Choice Matters (Southern Heat Book 1)
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“So, did you and Max get everything taken care of?”

He glanced up. “Yes, and you? Is Renee going to get some
wedding planners lined up for you when we get back?”

“She is, and she’s excited, too.”

“Hmmm, well, she’s a woman. I would think she would be. You
women all love weddings.” I saw a glimpse of a smile cross his lips, as he didn’t
look up from his computer screen this time.

I wondered what it was that was so damn important. “Yes, we
do, as you’re about to find out.”

He quickly closed the lid on his laptop, which made me all
the more curious about what he was up to. “Well, I can’t wait.”

I sat down across from him. “I was thinking,
, would you mind terribly if we also did not mention
that we found a place to purchase tonight? Knowing my mother, it will be
another excuse for her to stay. She’d want to see it and put her seal of
approval on it before she left.”

“No, not at all. Just let me make a mental note to myself of
what not to mention in front of your mother this evening.” He chuckled. “No
mention of our new home or the wedding. Gotcha!”

“You know, Choice, you can be a real smart ass when you want
to be. But I love you in spite of that.”

“It’s one of my more endearing qualities, don’t you think?” he
smugly inquired.

“Oh yes, though some people who don’t know you might not
care for it.”

“But you know I don’t care what anyone thinks. You’re the
only exception to that rule, Caitlyn.”

“I know. I feel honored.” I snorted, trying my best to be
serious with him. He was in a quirky mood.

“Well, I must say, today has been a productive one, don’t
you think? We’ve purchased a home and decided on how to proceed with planning a
wedding. And the day isn’t even over!”

My cell phone vibrated on the table where I had laid it
earlier. I picked it up, knowing exactly who it was. “My mother would like to
know what time are we going to dinner and where. She needs to know how to
dress.” I shook my head, thinking of her.

rattled off the name of the
restaurant, along with the time and address. I repeated them to my mother. I
sat and listened to her go on about what she was going to wear and did I think
she would be too over-dressed. I rolled my eyes in

“Tell her my parents are joining us.”

I know I had to have had a shocked look on my face. He just
grinned. My mother, upon hearing that news, concluded she needed to go out and
purchase something entirely new for dinner and all but hung up on me.

“I would have told you sooner, but I just now got everything
worked out. I figured this would be the only chance we’d probably have before
the wedding to have them meet.”

I nodded. “Yes, you’re right. There may not be another
opportunity. I was just hoping that the first time I met your parents it would
be just you and me. You know how my mother is—she’ll take over the entire
conversation tonight, and your mother and I won’t get a chance to get to know
each other.”

He laughed, putting his hand over mine. “Would it help if I
told you I invited them for drinks before dinner? They’ll be here about an hour
before we have to leave.”

“Thank you,” I whispered. While I was nervous about meeting
his parents, the fear subsided, knowing I’d have time with them before the
spectacle that was my mother arrived.

“Okay then. Everything’s set.” He glanced at his watch. “I
think we should probably think about getting ready since I shortened our
pre-dinner time.” He chuckled. Right then, I decided he was going to make a
formidable son-in-law. He and my father already had a mutual understanding
about things in my family.

I was putting on my heels a short time later when I heard
the sound of voices coming from the main salon.
parents. Deep breath

I went over to the mirror one final time. I had chosen a
sapphire-colored dress to wear. Again, it was simple, elegant. The one thing I
had learned was that less was more. At least right now. Perhaps later, once I
got my wardrobe built up for all these functions I knew we would have to
attend, I might try something with a more bold look, but this was perfect.
Deciding there was nothing further I could improve on, I walked out to greet my
future in-laws.

was standing in the salon
talking with his parents. They turned in my direction as I entered. Immediately
I felt calm.

“Mother, Dad, I would like you to meet Caitlyn. Caitlyn,
this is my father, Robert, and my mother, Helen.”

Everything fell into place. We greeted each other before
asked what everyone would like to drink.

“I’ll have my usual martini,
and save the wine for the restaurant,” Helen replied. She was an elegant woman,
still thin, with stunning grey hair. I could see where
got his eyes. “You do remember how I like them, don’t you?”

“Yes, Mother.”

While he and his father were busy at the bar, Helen and I
sat down. Though I wasn’t sure where to begin, Helen picked up as though we’d
known each other for ages.

“I do apologize for being so scarce. I don’t want you to
think we’re rude. It’s just that this flight back from New Zealand really wore
us out. Usually, we make a point of breaking up long trips like this. But we
wanted to make sure we were here in time for the swearing in.”

“That’s quite all right,” I replied, smiling at her. “You
were here for the most important event. That’s all that matters. We’ll have
plenty of other times to get to know each other.”

I glanced in
wondering if he’d overheard our discussion or not. I knew his mother and I
would be fine. He and Robert brought our drinks and sat down with us.

“I hate to bring up a touchy subject, but have either of you
seen Anthony?”
asked. “I saw him briefly at my
swearing in, but I haven’t seen or heard a word out of him since.”

His parents glanced at each other briefly before Robert
spoke up. “We were going to ask the same thing. I know you put him up at the
Hyatt, but we haven’t seen or heard from him, either.”

“I suppose I could have Jacob go to the hotel and make sure
everything’s okay.”

“If you don’t mind,
,” his
mother replied. “I’m sure everything is fine. You know your brother can be odd
at times. One would think, with his brother now a senator, that he would want
to be included in everything.”

“Well, he was given an itinerary of all the planned
functions. Personal and political, so he has no excuse.”
sat back in his chair, a hint of displeasure in his tone.

“How do you think your brother’s doing,
Be honest, now. We rarely hear from him outside of family functions, and if I
question him about anything at all, he’s quite vague in his answers.”

“Honestly, Dad? I don’t have a clue, other than Tony’s only
interested in Tony or what you can do for him. Did you know he was quite upset
when he found out I’d revealed my injury? He didn’t like it at all. Like I
said, if you and Mother are that concerned, I can have Jacob check things out.”

“Well, why don’t you do that, if you don’t mind? I’m sure
Caitlyn doesn’t want to hear about your brother and his bad behavior,” Helen

“Consider it done, and don’t worry about Caitlyn here. She’s
seen Tony at his best more than once. And I told her about the night of my

I nodded my head in agreement with
statement, as his father supplied an interesting tidbit.
Ah, families.
“Your mother and I just get concerned with what sort
of people he deals with. Like this new restaurant of his. Do you have any idea
how he came up with that sort of money?”

“No, I assumed you did. At least, that’s what he’s led me to

The two men stared at each other. Everyone was quiet for a
minute until
spoke up again.

“I’ll have Jacob look into things. I’m sure he’s got friends
up here and has gone off to visit them. Caitlyn, sweet,” he said, “why don’t
you fill my parents in on our plans? I know it’s not much to go on yet, but
it’ll let them start thinking ahead. Then, I think we should probably leave for

Quietly, I began telling the older couple what our thoughts
, in the meantime, went to the bar and
refreshed his drink. I could tell he was not pleased with what he’d learned
about his brother. I knew I needed to ask his parents to remain mum on the
wedding planning and why. I glanced to
answer. I was lucky he noticed it right away.

“Mother, if you and Dad would mind not discussing what we’ve
talked about in front of Caitlyn’s mother? Caitlyn’s mom can be a bit pushy
about how she’ll expect things to be done, and we’re waiting until she returns
to Ireland in a few days before Caitlyn actually begins talking with people.”

“Of course, my dear. I can sort of relate,” Helen offered.
“You’re an only daughter, as I was. I remember well my mother fussing over
every little detail. She wanted everything to be perfect, as a mother would.”

“Thank you, Helen. My mother means well, but I have to watch
her like a hawk. Otherwise, she’d plan the entire thing, and I’d be left
wondering how she accomplished it.”

“Well, if you ladies are ready, I think we should be
prodded gently.

I pointed Helen in the direction of the second bath in the
suite then turned to grab my purse from the bedroom.
followed me a few seconds later.

Wrapping me in his arms, he whispered, “You did splendidly.
They like you, my mother in particular. I can fast see you becoming the
daughter she never had.”

“They’re both very nice,
Now, I suppose we’d best get going so we can introduce them to Hurricane

He chuckled at my pet name. “Yes, let’s get going. This
should be quite interesting. Fair warning though. My mother should be able to
handle your mother just fine.”


* * * *




So, Caitlyn wants a formal proposal? She is being quite
adamant about the entire matter. A formal proposal she wants, and so she shall
get. It will be something she won’t be expecting. At a time and place that will
catch her completely off guard.

With my appointment as senator, it will make it harder and
harder for me to do anything on a grand scale without the press picking up on
it. Though I do have one option that could work. Something I need to think
about. The ins and outs of how to pull it off. Caitlyn is quite observant to
her surroundings, making it hard to surprise her. But she insists she won’t
marry me without it. I’ll let her think I’ve forgotten all about it, and then
hit her when she least expects it.

If there were more time, I would do something over the top
extravagant. Money’s no object, naturally. Since I want to catch her off guard,
that rules out proposing somewhere romantic like Paris or a gondola in Venice.

I could take her to a baseball game and propose to her in
front of thousands of fans, but that would embarrass her, and besides, she
hates baseball. I’d even considered renting a billboard or sky plane and have
my proposal trailed behind. Still too public, and this one gesture needed to be
completely private, just the two of us. Even my houseboat wouldn’t do.

Other random ideas come to mind. Such as catering a lavish
dinner for two at my home, complete with entertainment. But we’re running short
on time, and once more, that would be too public. It needed to connect the two
of us together. Something, somewhere, we’d always remember. A place where we’d
shared some wonderful times and memories.

That left me with two choices.

My Ferrari held some lustful memories for me. I could take
her out for a drive, find somewhere private, romantic, and propose. Then, make
love to her in the car. Just like we almost did that first night.

The other was my old cabin in the woods. There were a lot of
firsts that took place there that weekend. That was it! The perfect spot.
Caitlyn would never in a thousand years suspect I was taking her back there to
propose. She doesn’t think I’m that romantic, but I’ve been watching when she
puts those chick flicks on. I’ve learned a thing or two about what ladies like.

I don’t have to worry about a ring. I’ve taken care of that
matter. Having never done this whole proposal thing, I was unsure if I should
chose the ring myself, or simply let her do it. Being somewhat old-fashioned,
she would want the ring to come from me. This was my first token of love to
her, and letting her loose in a jewelry store to choose it herself just flew in
my face. I also believe she will love what I’ve picked out for her.

Now, how to pull off my little scheme without rousing
Caitlyn’s suspicions? I’m going to have to enlist some outside help. I need
Jacob. I’ll work it out with him, so that I text or call him as Caitlyn and I
are leaving Atlanta. That will give him plenty of time to put everything in
place right before we arrive.

I’ve discreetly asked Renee here and there where to purchase
certain items. She always offers to do it for me. But I tell her this is
something I’d rather take care of myself. I don’t know if that satisfies her or
not. Knowing Renee, she has a good inkling what I’m up to.

Convincing Caitlyn to go away to the cabin before our return
to Washington turned out easier than I thought it would be. I was fully
prepared for her to tell me we didn’t have time to be goofing off fishing.
Actually, she meant fucking, but I’ll take fishing. As long as she’s in for
this adventure.

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