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you sleep."

"I do not."

Her lip poked out in a pout that grabbed at him. He couldn't resist and pulled

her down for a kiss.

"All right, not so much a lion as its cub."

She swatted his arm, which caused him to wrestle her onto her back. Then things

changed from playful to serious. She hugged him and whispered, "Make love to me,

Phillip." He was lost. He buried himself in her and rocked them both to shattering

climaxes. God, what a perfect way to start the day and something he'd never

experienced before Felicity. He'd always left Evelina's home long before daybreak. He

couldn't remember ever falling asleep with her by his side. It just wasn't done.

"I wish we could stay like this forever," Felicity said, as she lay wrapped in

Phillip's arms.

"Do you really?"

"Yes. You are so warm and make me feel so alive."

He hugged her even tighter and kissed her forehead. He then attempted to get

up, but she pulled him back to her.

"I'd love to resume this tonight. Possibly we could have dinner in your


"No, I'm afraid that won't be possible. I won't be home for dinner this evening."

Wednesday was one of his usual nights at the club.

Chapter Fifteen

Felicity was devastated, frustrated, and confused. Granted, she hadn't told him

about her little surprise, but after he'd come to her chamber, she thought there was hope

for them. Now she had no idea what to do, if indeed there
anything to do.

"Will you be home very late?"

"I don't know, dear."

He sounded as though he was discussing the weather. There wasn't one

indication that he knew what he was saying had brought them to yet another impasse.

He walked through the adjoining door, his tall, well-formed body making her

salivate despite her knowledge of his impending visit to the club. He wasn't going to

play cards or drink with friends, as he might at Boodles. No, he was going for an

assignation with Haynes. She dissolved into a fit of tears, hiding her wailing in a pillow.

She had nowhere to turn. If he preferred cock to quim, there was nothing she could do.

* * * * *

Feeling every bit the lout he knew himself to be, Phillip spent the day attending

to business before heading to the Sapphire Club. He'd been very aware of Felicity's tears

and had no idea how to comfort her. His mind compelled him to attend the club and no

one or nothing would deter him. In his harsher moments during the day, when he

allowed his guilt to surface, he felt quite badly, but his indignation took center stage,

and with it, the attitude that Felicity would simply have to accept him as he was.

He was certain the competition in his head would drive him mad and drive his

wife from his life.
So be it.
There was nothing for it.

Lucien Damrill met him upon his arrival and delivered a blow he hadn't

expected. "Haynes will not be available henceforth."

"Why not?"

"I don't know, Your Grace. He informed me of his decision and I did not question

him further."

"I see." Phillip had no idea where to go from here.

"There are other members with the same tastes, I assume?" Since he had no

particular emotional attachment to Haynes, one man was as good as another.

"Of course. I've already thought of someone. He attends often, but hasn't found a

suitable partner. I believe you may find him to your liking."

"Is he about?"

"He is. I invited him tonight specifically to meet you, without telling him

anything. That way, if he doesn't suit, there will be no negative feelings."

"Are you available for the thrashing?"

"Yes, Your Grace. I had assumed you would wish such. Baron Upton could

observe, if you wish, or I could introduce you and arrangements could be made

between you."

"Meet me in the room first. I will attend to the arrangement myself." With that,

Phillip turned on his heel and made for his room on the second floor. He was tense, this

new situation not something he'd anticipated in the slightest.

Phillip was prepared when Lucien entered the room. He'd situated himself and

awaited the punishment he craved. As the flogger struck his buttocks, he groaned in

relief. His mind began to clear, making him sure of the path he'd chosen for himself and

by association, for his wife.

He'd always been an unhappy man, one who never felt worthy of that elusive

commodity women constantly spoke about as though one could purchase it on Bond

Street. Being unhappy was who he was and always would be. There was nothing for it,

it was just so.

Lucien lay on the lashes, making Phillip realize how he'd missed the man's hand.

There had never been anything sexual between them, but Lucien had often been reliable

with a flogger.

The pain leeched through Phillips extremities as the leather straps connected

time and again with his skin. Phillip used to insist upon an equal distribution of lashes

between back and buttocks, but of late, had restricted them strictly to his hindquarters.

It allowed him to concentrate on what he wanted them for to begin with. It related more

to sex than to punishment. It always made the sex more profound. There was nothing

like it, and he would never forfeit it for the sake of his marriage or for anything else.

It was over all too soon, leaving his ass burning pleasantly.

Lucien released the restraints and handed Phillip a dressing gown. "Shall I ask

the baron to join you now?"

Phillip struggled to catch his breath and regain the steadiness in his legs. "No, I

shall dress. Could you ask him to join me here, in say, half an hour?"

Lucien nodded. When the man finally left, the knots in Phillip's stomach became

massive. He forbid himself to think of what he was actually about to do. He wanted a

man and would arrange such. The fact he had a beautiful young wife at home played

no part in what he wanted at this moment.

He redressed in trousers and shirt. He washed his face and combed his hair,

reminding himself of a primping female. The excitement of meeting a new man was

somewhat overshadowed by the reality of the purpose. However, he put it from his

head as a knock shattered his quiet reverie.

"Come," he said in a somewhat subdued tone.

The door opened to reveal a tall, handsome, thirty-something man with a bright,

appealing smile. Phillip kept his outward appearance schooled, but inside, his stomach

lurched. His cock stirred, then came to full attention, making Phillip pleased he hadn't

tucked in his shirttails.

Walking confidently into the room, he went straight to Phillip, standing at the

fireplace. "Good evening, Your Grace, I am Alexander Chilton. Mr. Damrill told me you

requested a meeting with me."

Phillip's breath caught. The man was devastatingly handsome upon closer

scrutiny, muscular, with a commanding presence. He shook the younger man's hand,

trying not to show his instant attraction to him. "Nice to meet you, Chilton. Damrill said

you are a baron?"

"Yes, but it is actually a courtesy title, though it has proven advantageous upon

occasion." A wide smile revealed an openness and easy manner.

Phillip smiled, feeling more at ease. "Please, shall we sit and have some brandy

while we talk?" He asked the question as Chilton took the closest chair. Phillip poured

the brandy in the club's distinct snifters, with the stems that resembled a woman's torso.

After handing the other man his glass, Phillip assumed the chair opposite.

"Are you aware of why I requested this meeting?"

"I only know that Mr. Damrill thought we should meet. Similar interests, I

believe he said."

Phillip swallowed hard. This was more difficult than he thought it'd be. After

taking a fortifying sip of his brandy, he proceeded. "Let's be frank with each other.


Alexander nodded. "Absolutely."

"We both attend the club for the same purpose, I assume." Phillip raised an

eyebrow, but received no confirming gesture from his guest. "Please tell me about

yourself, as far as your sexual self goes."

Chilton sat looking relaxed, legs crossed. Phillip felt his body respond in a like

fashion, a foreign reaction to be sure.

"Well, Your Grace, I'm comfortable with men or with women, to be honest. Of

course, one day, and soon, if I were to listen to my father, I must marry. Presently,

however, I have a need for the company of a man. That's why I've come to the Sapphire

Club. I understand there are like-minded people here and the secrets of the members

are safe."

Phillip felt Chilton possessed a sincerity that was as attractive emotionally as the

man was physically. Alexander made him comfortable, a feeling not in any way

common in his life. With no compulsion to be cautious, Phillip spoke with a frankness

that was refreshing in the extreme. "Safety is the primary reason I hold a membership

here, aside from the obvious, of course. There are many people who would use our

preferences against us. However, I have a wife, and though she knows and accepts me

for who I am, I wouldn't wish her to suffer the scorn of others."

"Damrill assured me that safety is his prime concern for all his members. I have

never heard a word spoken that would contradict that. Therefore, I feel our

as you call them, are safe within these walls."

Phillip felt a surge of lust, pure, animalistic need. He'd come to the club with the

intention of fucking Haynes. He'd leave no less satisfied. His cock told the tale. And he

sat in such a way to make that obvious.

Phillip watched Alexander's eyes rake over his body. He hadn't acquired a

paunch like so many men his age and he prided himself on being well groomed and

expensively clad. He was older yes, but to his mind, not a bad bargain.

With his eyes on Phillip's crotch, Alexander said, "Your Grace, I find you

exceedingly attractive, if I might be so bold."

Phillip felt the dance begin.

"And I you."

"What shall we do about that?"

Phillip pushed himself to standing and approached. Alexander stood and the

two men faced each other. He could smell the bergamot the man wore to great

advantage, allowing it to fill his senses. His stomach lurched with a need to taste the

man. With eyes closed, almost experimenting, Phillip pressed his lips to Alexander's, no

other part of their bodies touching. The other man's arms wound around Phillip, and he

knew immediately he wanted more. The kiss quickly became more, as Phillip pulled

Alexander closer, and each man vied for supremacy.

Their tongues dueled, tasting the first blush of passion. Phillip pulled himself

away with great reluctance. "Remove our clothing, slowly. I want to see every inch of

your body."

Alexander smiled as he began to undo his intricately tied cravat. Phillip watched

the man's elegant, long fingers tug at and finally release the knot. He dropped the

starched cloth at their feet. Chilton moved on to unbuttoning his shirt. He raised the

garment over his head, revealing a well-muscled chest, with dark hair that Phillip had

the need to touch. So he did, his hands teasing the dusky nipples puckered either

against the cool air or for the man's arousal.

Phillip watched as Alexander slipped each ivory button of his placard through

its mooring and slowly slipped his trousers down his slim hips, stopping just short of

revealing his cock, which Phillip could see bulged and begging for his touch. His mouth

watered, calling his attention to the fact he'd never had that reaction before. Phillip was

being thoroughly seduced, and he wanted to be.

As his gaze skimmed over the exquisite body before him, he stalled on the as yet

unrevealed cock. "Don't make me wait; the punishment could be severe." Despite his

best attempt, his voice was shaky.

"Do you promise?"

"Oh, I see we have something else in common." Nothing more, innuendo


"It appears we do." With a smile, Alexander began to pull the trousers back up,

when Phillip's hand stopped him.

With a flick of his wrist, Phillip said, "I suggest you make short work of those. I

want you naked."

Without further ado, Alexander stripped out of the offending trousers, leaving

him beautifully bare, standing before Phillip, his erection bobbing and weeping against

his belly.

"You teased me, dear boy, and for that you will pay with your ass."

"So be it." Alexander raised an eyebrow and Phillip caught a smirk.

"Go to the bed, bend over, and grip the footboard."

After having assumed the position requested, Alexander asked, "Does this please


"Oh, I have no doubt it will. Bring your legs back and spread them wide."

"Yes, Your Grace."

The sight of Alexander bent over, his ass ready to accept the spanking Phillip so

desperately wished to give him, caused his cock to engorge beyond bearing. He'd never

felt like this before with a man. It had always been about the fucking, and now . . . Lord

. . . now, he wanted to devour Alexander, every inch of him, slowly.

"You have a fine ass, Alexander," Phillip said, as he rubbed and pinched.

"Please, call me Alex."

"Fine Alex, I am, Your Grace."

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