Chimera (18 page)

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Authors: Vivek Ahuja

BOOK: Chimera
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Khurana finally found the large silhouette of Sukhoi against the green moonlit sky behind. He headed for this Su-27 from behind and below. It was a classic position for a shot. A few seconds later the missile left the pylons and headed quickly towards its target before hitting the port engine from below. The R-60 had a very small warhead that wasn’t well equipped for taking down heavy fighters. And sure enough, the Su-27’s port engine flamed out even as metallic debris fell out through the exhaust nozzle.

Khurana’s eyebrows went up in surprise to see the Su-27 still flying. But the latter was now crippled and attempting to exit the area on one engine. He switched his weapon system to “GUNS” and moved in for the kill. As his aircraft jittered with burst fire from the cannon, the sky in front of him lit up with tracers. These slammed into the underside of Su-27 with shuddering hits before the aircraft was enveloped in a small ball of fire and dived out of the sky...

Khurana had to pull his aircraft frantically to avoid flying though the flaming debris. He barely managed to skim though the smoke at the side of the fireball and streaked back into the night sky above...

Score two!


Khurana wasn’t the only pilot who had switched to guns. As aircraft after aircraft on both sides ran out of missile stores, they began switching to guns. The skies were now lined with tracers, white-hot flares dropping out of the skies and corkscrewed smoke trails from expended missiles. Then there were the small smoke columns of burning debris falling against the skies. More than two dozen remaining Indian and Chinese fighters neared exhaustion in numbers, fuel and weapons...

As dozens of yellow tracers and cannon rounds shuddered past the cockpit above his head, Khurana missed a heartbeat and pulled his control stick to the right and dived to the side. Behind him a Su-27 did the same. Crews from both sides had seen their comrades blown to smithereens in this battle.

It was all personal now.

As Khurana was pulling his aircraft down into an accelerating dive towards the hills below, he was scanning two other potential dangers in front of him in addition to the enraged Su-27 driver diving in behind him, guns blazing. His HUD was showing that the fuel level was getting dangerously low. It was not all the way into the red yet, but it was getting there. The Mig-29 was not a high endurance fighter designed for extended combat. And it showed. Khurana realized that the Chinese guys in the Su-27s had no such worries.

Secondly, his HUD was indicating no remaining air-to-air missiles save for a single R-77 hanging off his port wing. Only a hundred odd rounds of gun ammo remained in his Mig-29 now. In comparison, Khurana had seen the half a dozen or more weapons still hanging from some of the Su-27s in the skies around him. The Sukhoi bird was much larger than the Mig-29 and carried a lot more weapons. Additionally, there were fewer Indian Mig-29s than there were Su-27s in the skies over Ladakh. It was now getting to the point that the Indians were in serious risk of being outgunned, outnumbered, out of ammo and then out of fuel. The battle could not go on for too much longer.

We cannot disengage either...

Khurana thought of options as he flipped his aircraft yet again to evade another slashing pass from the Su-27 behind him with the latter’s tracers streaking by the cockpit. He punched off another round of flares and realized that sooner or later they would empty too. Khurana was having difficulty losing his attacker who was clearly an experienced pilot and not a rookie like his earlier two kills...

“Claw-One, this is Talon-Seven! I have the bugger on your tail in my sights. Break left on my mark. Let’s see if I can shove an R-60 up this guy’s jet pipe.”

              “Roger that! On your mark!” Khurana shouted back as he evaded another burst of cannon fire. A few long seconds later the radio squawked again:

“Break left, now!”

Khurana didn’t hesitate and flipped his aircraft to the left. The Su-27 pilot attempted the same before an R-60 missile slammed right into his port engine exhaust.

This time, however, the aircraft disappeared into a ball of fire as the primary on-board fuel storage exploded. Khurana felt the jolt from the shockwave not more than a few hundred meters behind him as a massive flash appeared from the rear and flared out his night-vision. He jerked his head to see the other Mig-29 appear from behind the earthbound fireball and streak upwards into the starlit sky.

“Claw-One to Talon-Seven: plenty thanks! One more down! Let’s see who else is out there!” Khurana shouted over the radio and started breathing again. He could hear his heart pounding inside his chest.

But the battle was not over.

“Talon-Seven here. I see three bandits and two friendlies at three o’clock high. Can’t find any other friendlies though...”


What the hell happened to the rest of Claw and Talon flights?

“Claw-One, this is Eagle-Eye-One. We show inbound J-10s on our scopes. Ten bandits from Kashgar heading south for the Karakoram peaks. Angels twenty, bearing three-four-zero. Over.”

“Eagle-Eye-One, this is Claw-One. We cannot, repeat: cannot, engage! We are getting chewed out over here! Requesting priority assistance! We need help over here right freaking now!”




DAY 1 + 1945 HRS

“Roger, Claw-One. Standby,” the flight controller looked back at Verma who in turn walked over to the other flight controllers. No. 28 Squadron had done the job of buying time for the Indian fighters to deploy. Verma checked the radar data and confirmed the controller’s speculations. He then nodded his approval to commit the incoming fighters and ordered the release of the Su-30s on station.

Thirty seconds later the flight-leader for the eight Su-30s of No. 17 Squadron spoke over the radio with the rest of his flight:

“Okay people, it’s time for the big dogs to enter the fight. Time to show everyone how this is done.”

A few seconds after that the eight Su-30s punched engine reheat in unison and streaked across the skies towards the north...




DAY 1 + 1950 HRS

“All Claw and Talon elements: disengage! I say again: disengage! Let’s get out of here!”

Khurana shouted out over his radio as the first fuel warning audio tone sounded out in his ears. The squadron had been committed for far too long in a battle far too drawn out for his liking. They had received heavy casualties and handed out even worse.

But now it was time to leave: nearly all fighters were out of weapons and now also nearly out of fuel.

Khurana flipped the aircraft to the side and pulled back on the stick to pull the aircraft out in the opposite direction followed quickly by Talon-Seven, his new wingman. Three other Mig-29s visible as mere black specks against the greenish view of the night-vision optics were making similar movements.

Both sides were now thrusting in fresh fighters to this melee. The Chinese were pulling back their surviving Su-27s and sending in a bunch of J-10s and the Indian commanders pulling out survivors of No. 28 Squadron and committing a bunch of Su-30s from No. 17 Squadron to replace the losses. Khurana and his men were now detecting friendly radar signatures of a single Su-30 coming north. Khurana smiled to himself when he saw that because he knew the J-10 pilots were seeing the same.

Only difference was, he knew what was wrong with that picture.

The second act of the air battle over Ladakh was a shadow of the one before it. The Su-27s had hoped to draw out the Indian Sukhoi fighters in a critical battle to wrest control of the skies. That effort had been frustrated by the Indian No. 28 Squadron. Now their J-10s were coming up against a barrage of Indian Su-30s.

One Sukhoi is capable of painting targets for others, and the J-10 crews never saw how many of their opponents were stacked up against them until they actually reached within range of their own radars. And this far to the south, the KJ-2000 was also operating at the extreme edge of its detection range. When the J-10 radars
go active, they lit up the eight spread out Indian Sukhois boring down on them. By that time several R-77 missiles were already in the air and heading towards the J-10s. And at this range, those crucial seconds were everything.

The leading J-10 was blown out of the sky right from the front of the formation of ten it was leading. It shattered under the impact of the missile in full view of the other pilots. The red-hot shrapnel cut into two other aircrafts even as the others dived left and right. Three more J-10s received direct hits in that opening salvo. In return, four J-10s managed to get multiple rounds into the air moments before a second salvo of R-77s slammed into their ranks like the scythe of death and wiped off two more J-10s. But the losses were not one way, and a single Su-30 fell from the sky in a ball of fire as the laws of probability caught up with its crew against the swarms of incoming Chinese missiles.

But the battle was already over. The two remaining J-10s decided to call it a bad day and began punching out clouds of chaff and flares before diving into the relative safety of their S-300 kill zones around the Aksai chin.

The No. 17 Squadron flight-leader decided to let it go at that. There was no need to lose more of their own in return for chasing a bunch of J-10s.

Besides, we will be here if they ever decide to come back...
he thought. A moment later he switched his comms over to the Phalcon:

“Eagle-Eye-One, the skies are clear of all things red. Now how about we kill those four F-16s and call it a day?”

“Negative, Griffon-One. Replace Claw and Talon and assume BARCAP positions. The war isn’t over yet. Eagle-Eye-One out.”




DAY 1 + 2020 HRS

Five survivors...

Nine shot down. Seven confirmed dead...

Including the Wing-Co...My god!

Khurana raised the night-vision goggles and rubbed his eyes with his gloved fingers before lowering them down again. The moonlight was reflecting off the fuselage and vertical stabilizer of the massive No. 78 Squadron Il-78 tanker cruising several hundred meters ahead. The three refueling hoses were extended into the winds. Khurana saw the refueling controller sitting in what was originally the gunner’s position in the transport version of the same aircraft. The controller’s voice was on the radio but Khurana was barely listening. His mind was going over the statistics of the battle.

The Phalcon had confirmed during their flight back south that only five Mig-29s out of the original fourteen were still in the air. The squadron commander was among the dead and that list included six other pilots. Two remaining pilots had ejected over the rocky peaks of eastern Ladakh near the border and over friendly airspace but were still missing among the windswept and snowcapped Ladakh Mountains. Morale wasn’t doing any better either…

“Claw-One, this is Eagle-Eye-One. We are unable to establish contact with Leh tower. The base took heavy enemy cruise-missile attack during the time Claw, Talon and Griffon flights were engaged in combat. Redirect to Avantipur. Leh airbase is currently inoperative. Out,” the radio squawked in Khurana’s ears as he cleanly latched on to the refueling port with two other Mig-29s. The remaining two Mig-29s were already moving towards the other Il-78 in this flight of two aircraft from Agra. As his tanks filled up, he chewed out the new information sent to him.

Leh is shut down...

Of course, those cruise-missile inbounds must have broken through while we were engaged with the Chinese Su-27s.

Damn! Damn! Damn!

And this was just the first day of the war!

What else can go wrong?






DAY 1 + 2200 HRS

What a disaster!

Feng leaned back in his chair and tossed the papers detailing the losses incurred from the battle on to the table.

The losses in airframes had been staggering.

Five Su-27s had made it back to friendly airspace along with two other J-10s. That amounted to a loss of thirty odd fighters in return for ten of the enemy. The entire Su-27 force under the 6
Fighter Division had been mauled along with a gaggle of J-10s from the 44
Fighter Division. The operation had gone wrong at all levels except one.

Well, maybe two...
Feng thought as he picked up the report from the table again and read one particular section of it.

The only aspect of the plan that
worked apart from mauling the Indian Mig-29 squadron at Leh had been the simultaneous cruise-missile attacks by the H-6 bombers of the 36
Bomber Division behind the southbound Su-27s. Leh had been utterly damaged and destroyed as far the latest satellite imagery assessment went.

But the loss of the Su-27s was an unmitigated disaster for this sector of the battlefield. With such large losses, the only component of the air-defense that would hold the Indians at bay were the ground-based S-300s.

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