CHILDHUNT: A Mystery & Suspense Thriller in the Bestselling Diana Rivers Series (The Diana Rivers Mysteries Book 5) (30 page)

BOOK: CHILDHUNT: A Mystery & Suspense Thriller in the Bestselling Diana Rivers Series (The Diana Rivers Mysteries Book 5)
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Meanwhile back in England, Toby Ellis had already picked out his sailing gear and was methodically sorting through what was appropriate for tropical climates and what was not. Definitely not, was his set of sea-stained, heavy-duty waterproofs, better known in sailing circles as oilies. The expensive leather sailing boots could stay home too. He would take his own lifejacket and harness as they fitted him well, and he felt comfortable in them. Deck shoes were needed only for when they cast off, then bare feet would be the order of the day. He chose lots of short-sleeved shirts and swimming shorts. Where was his passport? In his bathroom cupboard, he found suntan lotion of factor thirty and another lighter one for use once he was more acclimatised to the tropical sun. He would need plenty of credit cards of course and some dollars for cash. Those he could pick up at the airport. Easy!

knew they would agree in him accompanying them on their sailing adventure, especially Richard, once Toby cornered him and explained how much easier three crew would be instead of two. He planned on using the “Connie would be much happier knowing there were two strong men on board all that way” theme. Connie would be easy to persuade. She had a soft spot for him, and he found her pretty cute himself; but then he usually found most women pretty cute. They were one of his weaknesses. This thought led him to recall what had happened earlier that day at work and how he had found himself in this position, much to his satisfaction.




That grey, grim London morning, Toby was reeling under the acid lash from his senior partner’s tongue.

“For Christ’s sake, what the hell did you think you were doing?” he had stormed. “Michael’s got enough trouble being married to a younger woman and trying to keep her satisfied without you rubbing his nose in it.” He jabbed a finger angrily at Toby.  “What’s more, she means everything to him and absolutely nothing to you. You only pursued her because you could, and frankly, I find your behaviour disgusting!” he thundered.

Thomas leaned back heavily in his leather swivel chair and regarded Toby with open contempt. This time, Toby had gone too far. As senior partner in Holmes and Benton, Chartered Accountants, Thomas had to ensure that Toby grasped the significance of his misconduct. He couldn’t actually force him to stop his affair with the unlucky Michael’s young wife, but he could remove Toby from the day-to-day exposure to Michael.

“Michael’s only got six months before he retires, and I want him to enjoy his last few months with us. Furthermore, I want him to appreciate his well-earned retirement. It’s not been easy for him losing his first wife to a brain tumour, and I think he deserves better than this. You, as far as I know, have never suffered a serious heartache in your entire life. You go through women at a distasteful rate and never consider the consequences. Call me old-fashioned if you like, but I have built this company up from nothing, and my long-standing partner deserves more respect than this. I place Michael in high esteem.” He paused, breathing heavily.  Thomas was clearly irate.

Toby tried to remonstrate with Thomas, but the senior partner held up a heavy hand to stop his voice. “No, I don’t want to hear any of your protests. Michael is entirely blameless in this and has been caused enough pain already. This is what I am proposing, and you have one of two choices. You either accept, or you decline and leave this company’s payroll. Your work is good, but as associate partner, you are expendable. However, I hope you do accept, as normally, we have a good working relationship, and you have talent and work well under pressure. Also, unlike Michael, you have a good few years before you retire. So, my suggestion is that while Michael works out his six months you take extended leave during this time. A sabbatical if you like. Once everything has cooled down and Michael has retired, you can return and resume your career. Well? What do you say?” He put his elbows onto his mahogany desk and continued to glare at him.

Toby was at first momentarily shocked at this proposal and wanted to argue his case, but something in Thomas’s steely look stopped him. He
an old windbag, and Toby considered it was nothing but a lot of fuss over some little bint. He didn’t considered himself entirely to blame. She was no delicate young virgin and, although someone else’s wife, had given him plenty of encouragement. But he did like working for the firm and knew that Thomas had a full partnership in mind for him later on. So, he held his tongue in check, managed to look contrite, and nodded an acceptance.

Besides, Toby much preferred the chase, and she had given in far too quickly. It had been all a piece of cake, really. He thought fleetingly of how many other bored young wives there were – wealthy, spoilt, and sitting at home alone. All in all, he considered he had got off lightly. What’s more, he could enjoy six fantastic months all to himself. Excellent! What a bonus, and what fun there was to be had. On leaving his offices, Toby already had a plan formulating in his quick and devious mind.

His friend, Richard, was in Tenerife, busily preparing his yacht for his forthcoming transatlantic voyage. Toby had spent and enjoyed many a weekend sailing with Richard and his sexy, beautiful wife, Connie. What if he could inveigle Richard into letting him go along as the third crew member? Winter in the Caribbean would be tremendous!.........................................



The Seeds of Time- Book One of “The Crossing”
is now available as eBook boxed set, together with
Book Two -HARVEST .



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Faith Mortimer
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