Chief's Angel (Biker Rockstar Series Book Three) (16 page)

BOOK: Chief's Angel (Biker Rockstar Series Book Three)
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“More,” I whisper.

He strokes again, and I groan. Watching him slide his hand up and down his cock is so HOT! I feel the urge to climb on him, condom or not, and fuck him until we can’t breathe. His chest rises and falls rapidly as his hand strokes with increasing speed.

“Give me your hand, I want you to feel it,” he rasps, gripping my hand.

He puts my hand on the base of his shaft, and then covers it with his own. He begins moving again, and I can feel the soft skin sliding beneath my palm. Quicker and quicker our hands move, until finally he groans and I feel the hard length pulsing. Hot liquid spurts out and over my hand and I watch in awe at the distance it spurts; some of it landing on his stomach.

“Oh…” I whisper, my eyes wide.

“Well?” he groans, “was it everything you ever wanted?”

I chuckle, and lean over to grip a towel from the chair beside the bed. I swipe it over my hand and then clean him up.

“It was most certainly everything I ever wanted.”

“Just as soon as I can move, I’m going to the shop to get some more condoms.”

“I should go on the pill,” I say, dropping the towel in the washing basket.

He smirks at me from the bed. “Yeah, maybe you should just in case.”

“I’ll book in with the doctor next week.”

He slumps back, and his stomach muscles bulge. I swing my eyes away from his spectacular body, up to his face, his eyes are closed and he is breathing deeply.

“I love you Chief.”

His eyes spring open, and he looks down at me. A lazy smile creeps across those beautiful lips.

“Say that once more; I want to memorize it because I know you won’t say it again.”

I crawl up his body, and grin down at him.

“I love you Chief.”

He groans, and grips my face.

“You are changin’ me Angel.”

“Is it a bad thing?”

“No,” he murmurs, “it is the best fuckin’ thing.”



I stir, my body is stiff. After our gymnastics at my place, we headed over to Caden’s so he could let everyone know he was okay.
We fell asleep together, tangled in a mass of arms and legs. I am woken by his pained cries, and slowly I come back into reality.


I bolt upright, and I look down to see Caden thrashing around in the bed. His body is twitching and his jaw is tight. His eyes are clenched together and he looks like he is in deep pain; like something is torturing him so badly he just can’t take it a second longer. He growls and groans, thrashing his head from side to side.

“No, how could you make me do this?

“Caden…” I whisper.

“NO!” he roars.


I grip his shoulders and I shake him; a bad move on my part. I should know never to wake a person having a nightmare. His hand lashes out, and connects with my face in a hard, echoing crack. I scream as I am sent tumbling off the bed. I land on the floor with a harsh thump. I am momentarily dazed; he hit me that hard. I can taste blood in my mouth, and pain radiates through my skull.

“What’s happening?”

The door is open, and Jeff is standing there in his flannel pajamas, staring down at me. When he registers what has happened, his eyes widen. I get to my feet, my legs are wobbly. I grip my coat, thanking God that I was wearing clothes, and I rush out.

“Angel, wait…” Jeff says, gripping my arm.

“It’s okay Jeff, please don’t…he didn’t mean it.”

“He is having a bad dream; the boy has had nightmares for over a year now. It got better, but…I guess he is having a bad night. Let me get you to a hospital, that lip is split real bad.”

“I’m okay, honest. Stay with him; I have to go.”

“He is goin’ to wake and freak out.”

“I’m not leaving for me Jeff; I’m leaving for him. Tell him I am fine but I had to go.”


I rush past him, and hear him call my name once more. I stumble down the stairs and rush out the front door. My emotions are shot; I don’t know what I feel. Caden didn’t mean it, I know that but I also know what it will do to him when he finds out. I rush down the drive, when someone calls my name again.


Shit. I turn to see Max sitting out the front of his house. Does that man ever sleep?

“What are you doin’ out at this time?”

“Just going home Max.”

He casts a glance over his wristwatch, “
It’s two o’clock in the morning.”


“Holy shit! Are you bleedin’?”

“I’m fine Max; please just let me get home.”

“Ass. Here. Now.”

it’s fine I…”

“Get over here girl.”

With a sigh, I walk over. Max walks down the steps and grips my face.

“That little fucker hit you?! I will
fuckin’ gut him…

“No, Max, he didn’t mean to,
” I realize I sound exactly like a battered wife, “It was a nightmare, he just lashed out; he doesn’t even know I left.”

“You better not be lyin’ to me.”

“I’m not,” Looking back over towards Caden’s house I know I need to get out of there before he wakes, “I should go.”

“No, get in here and let me clean you up.”

“It’s not necessary, really…”

“Get inside.”

He grips my arm and pulls me inside the house. I don’t bother arguing, it isn’t worth it with Max. He always gets what he wants. He sits me at the kitchen table and goes to get a first aid kid. I look down and see my shirt covered in blood; I must be bleeding quite badly.

“You are fuckin’ pourin’ out there girl.” Max grumbles, hanging me a wet cloth.

“Sorry,” I whisper.

“Don’t be. It’s a face wound; they always look worse than they are. Come on, scoot closer.”

I do as he asks, and he grips my chin in his hand. Max is a handsome man, and I often wonder why he hasn’t gotten another woman. He has a son, and he lives a hard life, I am sure he would love the company. His grey eyes scan my face, and he slowly dabs the blood away.

“How tough are ya?” He asks.

“Um, not really…”

“Do you want me to take you to the hospital? Or do you want me to put a stitch in for you?”

“You can do that?” I ask in alarm, and his eyes meet mine.

“Angel, I have been stitchin’ me and my boy up for years. We don’t do doctors.”

I think of the hours’ drive to get to the hospital, then the two hour wait I will likely have. I sigh and close my eyes.

“One stitch?”

“Yeah, just one.”

“Okay, go for it.”

He nods and stands, walking into the kitchen to get me a bottle of whiskey. I can do one stitch; I got a tattoo for Christ sake. He gets back in, and I watch him sterilize a thin needle, he pulls on a pair of gloves and then digs through the first aid kit to find a thread. I watch as he ties the thread to the needle and secures it.

“Drink up,” he orders.

I swallow three gulps of the burning liquid. God, it hurts.


I swallow more; it burns the entire way down and my stomach bubbles in protest. I manage to force another two gulps down before I can’t bear another sip. I feel a shiver run all the way up my spine and I shake my head to keep from bringing it back up.


I nod, and already I can feel the alcohol rushing to my head. Within ten minutes I’m giggling like an idiot. I don’t drink, so eight gulps of whiskey is massive for me. Max snorts a laugh, and grips my head.

“Shoulda done this five minutes ago, but there was too much blood.”

He has spent the past ten minutes trying to slow the bleeding so he can stitch my lip. I guess the alcohol didn’t help. Finally, he grips my lip and looks at me.

“Sit still girl.”

I feel the sting of the needle and I grit my teeth, holy shit, it hurts. I focus on breathing, focus on anything but the burning, stinging pain in my lip. The alcohol helps; I know this because I would be wailing and crying if I was sober.

“All done,” he says, trying it off.

“Ow!” I cry, swatting him.

His eyes widen, and he looks over at me.

“Girl, did you just hit a biker?”

“Wasn’t…a…hit….was a biker…
slap.” I slur.

Max throws his head back and laughs. “Well fuck, you’re wasted. Chief is gonna kick my ass.”

“If he kicks your ass, I’ll kick his,” I hiccup, putting my fists up.

“You got a ton of guts girl. Now sit there a minute; you should sober up before you go anywhere.”

A pounding on the door has Max getting to his feet and walking away. I stand and stumble, crashing into the table.

“What the fuck Max?”

It’s Caden. His eyes fall on me, and shock registers on his face.

“Fuck, fuck…”

“Yeah, you hit her real good. Don’t worry she is cleaned up.”

I stumble over, gripping Caden’s shoulders.

“Don’t worry baby,” I slur, “wasn’t your fault. You was sleepin’.”

“She’s fuckin’ trashed.” Caden snaps.

Leaning over the sink to wash his hands, Max lets out a chuckle. “What would you have me do? Send her to the hospital at two in the morning? Not likely bud.”

“So you got her drunk and stitched her up.”

“Didn’t want her in pain.”

“Jesus, you coulda come got me.”

“She’s alright; look at her!”

“Angel, I’m fuckin’ sorry.” Caden says, touching my lip.

“Was a dream,” I hiccup.

“Come on, you need to sober up.”

“Nah, nah, I want to stay and talk with Max.”

“Max is goin’ to bed.”

“She’s fine, leave her here. She can go in one of the rooms upstairs.” Max says, shrugging.

Caden gives him a scolding look.

“Alright,” Max laughs, throwing up his hands, “She is all yours.”

“Aw, boo,” I pout.

“Come on.” Caden says, sliding his arm around me.

He leads me back to his house and I pass out, fully clothed, as soon as my head hits the pillow. I don’t wake until a few hours later. Although it’s still dark out I know the sun will rise soon. I see Caden’s silhouette by the window; he is staring out, completely still. I get out of bed and groan, my head thumps and my lip throbs. I walk over and put my hand on his shoulder, he flinches and I know he is hurting.

“It wasn’t your fault.”

“I fuckin’ hit you,” he rasps.

“Caden, it wasn’t your fault.”

He turns to look at me, and he winces. “I hurt you.”

“I am not angry, I know you didn’t mean it; it was just a dream.”

He turns from me to look out of the window again. “It might be safer if you don’t sleep next to me.”

I sit down beside him, “Are the dreams always that bad?”

“Sometimes they’re worse, other times I don’t even notice them.”

“Are you dreaming about…”

“Shooting that woman? Yes, I can see it over and over in my head.”

I feel bad for him; I couldn’t imagine having to live with that gut wrenching guilt.

“How did you deal with it?”

He sighs, “I didn’t the longest time; God, I went ape shit. Couldn’t get the kids faces out of my head,” I hear his voice hitch and I know he’s trying to hold himself together, “I fucked them up Angel; I ruined their lives.”

“You didn’t know they were home. It wasn’t supposed to be her; it wasn’t your fault.”

“It was my fuckin’ fault for agreein’ to it. I knew I wasn’t ready.”

“It is a dangerous world you live in; you were only trying to be a part of the club.” If someone would have told me a few months ago that I’d be standing here trying to justify murder I’d have laughed in their face; but I guess that’s what love does to you.

“I deserve this. I killed her,” he says and his body trembles.

“I know…”

“Her kids… I fuckin’ ruined them. They will see that for the rest of their lives; every time they close their eyes.”

“I’m sorry,” I whisper.

“I will never get over that; I can’t ever move on. You’re better off without me Angel; I am fucked up.”

I put my arms around him and snuggle close, “Well, you are my fucked up.”

He snorts a ragged laugh, “Why are you still here Angel?”

“You know why?”

“I know, but tell me again.”

“Because, I love you.”


God,” I groan, rolling over.

“Hurtin’ baby?”

I open my eyes and see Caden sitting by the bed fully dressed.

“Remind me never to let Max help me out again.”

BOOK: Chief's Angel (Biker Rockstar Series Book Three)
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