Cherry Creek (6 page)

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Authors: Dani Matthews

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Coming of Age, #New Adult & College, #Paranormal & Urban, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Demons & Devils, #Teen & Young Adult

BOOK: Cherry Creek
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“Um, sure.” I pick up a fork and give her a genuine smile. “Thank you. I'm used to dry cereal in the mornings, so this is a nice surprise.”

Adelaide grimaces. “Honey, there's never been dry cereal in my kitchen. Your cereal days are over,” she assures as she walks away.

I dig into the eggs, and while I eat, Adelaide brings me syrup in a glass decanter and a tall glass of orange juice. “How long have you been Khristos's cook?” I ask with interest as I watch her begin to clean the counter tops with a thick, white cloth.

“Khristos hired me three years ago. He's a very generous employer,” she says as she looks up and gives me a questioning look. “What do you think so far?”

“Of the house?”

“Of everything. I'm sure it must be a bit overwhelming moving in with a stranger,” she says, and compassion flares in her eyes. “If you need anything, I'm usually here in the kitchen, so just ask.”

“Thanks. It feels weird to be here when yesterday I was in Missouri,” I confess.

She smiles warmly. “We'll all grow on you eventually.”

We'll see. “Khristos isn't married, right?” I ask casually. I'd like to know more about the man that has full control over my life. Adelaide just might be the perfect source of information.

“No, he's not.”

“So, it's just Khristos and Roman that live here?”

“As far as I'm aware of,” Adelaide says as she turns away and starts rummaging around some drawers.

“Is Khristos an only child, or does he have family in the area? Do I have grandparents or cousins that I have yet to meet besides Roman?”

“Khristos does not have any family here in Cherry Creek.” She gives me a chiding look. “If you're that curious about him, you should ask him these questions yourself.”

“Well, he's not exactly around, is he?” I point out as I finish off my fruit. I get the feeling that the man is rarely around.

“He's a very busy man,” she agrees. “If you request it, he'll make it a point to put aside time just for you. All you have to do is ask.”

No thanks. The man has bought me a car, electronic gadgets, a new wardrobe, and a bunch of sexy lingerie. I think I'll stay far, far away from that man.

Adelaide looks like she's about to say something when she looks over my shoulder and smiles with amusement. “Morning, Roman.”

I turn to meet my cousin, and my jaw just about hits the floor. The man that has just ambled into the kitchen looks to be nineteen rather than seventeen. He's also scratching his head, mussing his already tousled dark, brown hair while he yawns. Have I mentioned he's shirtless? Black lounge pants seem to be the only thing he's wearing, and they rest low, showing off the V of his hips. His body is muscular, and he has very defined ab muscles. I've never seen anyone up close with a six-pack before. Brad had been in good shape, but not anything like this guy.

“Hey Cuz.”

I rip my eyes from his chest and meet startling aquamarine eyes. How can the men here in Cherry Creek be so beautiful? Khristos is a stunner, though he doesn't really affect me like Trace had. Trace—definitely one hot male there. And Roman, what the hell? His facial features are quite striking, and I can’t help but notice the sensuous curve of his lips. There’s a strong attraction that’s throwing me a curve ball. Why do I find him so attractive if he's my cousin? I feel a slight pull towards him like I'd felt with Trace, but it's not quite so overwhelming.

“Hi,” I say cautiously.

“I'm Roman,” he introduces as he fights back another yawn. Adelaide approaches him with a glass of orange juice. He accepts it and gives her an affectionate smile. “Thanks, Addie.”

“Are you hungry?” she asks him as she moves back behind the island counter.

“Nah, this is fine.” He sits down on one of the stools at the end, leaving two empty stools between us. I'm grateful for that. Once again, his hand lifts and he brushes aside his dark hair that has a tendency to fall into his eyes. His gaze flickers to me. “You're just as I expected.”

“I am?”

He nods. “Gorgeous.”

Me? Gorgeous? That's a strange thing for a cousin to say, but I’m also a little bit flattered. I’ve always thought that I’m attractive looking. However, I haven’t ever considered myself to be beautiful or gorgeous. I do know that my dark, purplish-blue eyes stand out, and they draw attention to my long lashes that frame them. My features are fine, almost delicate, and my skin is smooth and blemish free. 

I study Roman closely as my thoughts shift back to him. He looks nothing like Khristos. Where Khristos's features are more classically handsome, Roman's are a bit more exotic. I don't think he's my cousin.

“What's on your mind? It's working pretty hard there,” Roman comments as he takes a drink of his juice, his gaze still focused on me.

“You look nothing like Khristos,” I say, deciding for the truth.

He doesn't look the slightest bit perturbed by my observation. “I take after my mother.”

“And where is she?”

“Dead,” he says bluntly.

Oh. Well, crap. Now I feel bad for even voicing my suspicion. “Sorry,” I mutter as I turn back to my now empty plate. I'm relieved I have an excuse to escape, and I rise to my feet, my plate and glass of orange juice in my hand.

Adelaide glances at me and frowns. “Leave it, Livia. I'll take care of it.”

“I can take care of it, it's fine,” I insist as I walk over and place them in the sink. I'm ready to bolt. I look up and find that Roman is watching me, and so is Adelaide. I feel like a bug under a microscope. “Thanks for breakfast, Adelaide. Um, it's nice to meet you Roman. I have some things I'd like to do today, so I'm heading out,” I say politely, pasting a slightly stiff smile on my face.

Roman's eyes narrow on me briefly before he shrugs. “Later.”

I make my escape and rush up to my room. That was awkward. I'm definitely feeling the urge to escape this place for a while. I just want to be alone, but not here. I grab the keys off the dresser. Then pause and reluctantly grab the debit card, as well. I have no cash on me, and if I'm hungry later, I'll need to buy food. I'm not thrilled to use money that isn't mine, but there's not much I can do about it at this point. I go back downstairs, and it dawns on me that I hadn't seen a garage.

With great reluctance, I make my way back to the kitchen to find that Roman's left and it's just Adelaide. She looks up and smiles. “Do you need something, Livia?”

“I prefer Livvy,” I offer with a friendly smile. I like her. I don't know why, but I do.

“Then please call me Addie.”

“Deal.” I hold up the car keys. “Where would the cars be?”

“The garage is out back. Just follow this hall, it leads to the back door, and then the path off the patio will lead you to the garage.”


I go back down the hallway, passing a formal dining room, a laundry room, and what looks like a library before I reach the end of the hall and step outside. The sun is out, and it's warm as it shines down on me. It's a beautiful day. My eyes bounce around briefly, taking in the decorative patio and the pool to the far left. When I tear my eyes away from it, I spy the rock path that leads down a slight hill to a large building that resembles the mansion—only it has four garage doors on the front of it. I see that one of the doors is opening. I'm guessing there must be a controller in the kitchen for the garage doors when a car doesn't pull out, and I see no one else around.

As I walk closer to the building, I see a small paved parking lot along the side, and there are three cars parked there. All SUV's. Just how many cars does Khristos own? I approach the garage cautiously and step into the darkened interior. Lights immediately flicker on, startling me. I look around, expecting to see someone, but the large room is empty but for the vehicles parked inside it. I'm guessing the lights are motion censored.

I turn my attention to the vehicles, and I bite my lip. I see a large, silver Cadillac Escalade—even I would recognize one, though I know nothing about luxury cars. The other three vehicles are sports cars. Ridiculously expensive sports cars from what I can see. I look down at the key fob in my hand and frown. None of these cars could possibly be the car that Khristos picked out for me. It has to be one of the SUV's outside.

I walk back to the small lot along the side of the garage and press the 'unlock' button on the key fob.

A chirp greets me, but it comes from within the garage instead of one of the SUV's. There's no way one of those cars inside is the one I'm supposed to drive. I press the 'lock' button, and the sound comes from within the depths of the garage again. Khristos wouldn’t have bought me a sports car. Would he?

Footsteps approaching has me turning around, my expression wary.

Roman's walking towards me, and I'm relieved to see that he's put some clothes on. He's wearing jeans and a tee, his hands tucked in his pockets as he makes his way over. His hair is still slightly messy, but on him it looks good. He smirks at me. “I saw you from the window and had a feeling you'd doubt which car is yours. Ready to see what you'll be cruisin' around in?”

I glance at the SUV's with puzzlement. “Whose are those?”

“Employee vehicles. C'mon little Vee,” he says as he slips an arm around my shoulders, leading me back into the garage.

I stiffen against his side, because I can feel my body perking up at his closeness. “Vee?” I ask as I try not to wriggle away from him. It wouldn't be good to offend my cousin my first day here.

“I hear you like to be called Livvy. I'll just call you Vee.”

“I don't like Vee.”

“But I do,” he says as he gives my shoulder an affectionate squeeze before he releases me and walks over to a dark green sports car. “This baby is yours,” he says, patting the hood.

My mouth slackens. I don't even bother to hide my shock. Somehow, I manage to shake my head in denial. “Can't be,” I manage to say.

Roman chuckles under his breath, then walks over, plucking the keys out of my hand. He presses a button on the key fob, and the car chirps. He holds the keys up. “These keys go with this car,” he says as if he's talking to a child. He's enjoying himself.

I shoot him a look as the shock wears off. “I don't need an expensive car to drive around. In fact, I don't want it. I want something else.”
Something cheap.

“Khristos will be insulted if you refuse it,” he warns me.

“But I can't drive that! It's too expensive. I don't know what it is or how much it costs, but I can guess it's a lot of money. Money I'd never make in my lifetime even if I worked two jobs.”

“It's an Aston Martin V12 Vantage, and he paid almost two-hundred thousand for it,” Roman fights back a smile as he leans against the car, crossing his arms lazily as he enjoys my reaction.

My eyes nearly bug out of my head. “I'm not driving that!”

“Good luck getting around then. If this is what Khristos wants you to drive, you're driving it. It's either this or nothing.”

“I'll call a cab.”

Roman shakes his head. “We have a security gate at the end of the drive. You really planning on walking all the way down there to meet the cab every time you want to leave?”

My heart sinks. Most girls would think I'm being foolish turning down such a beautiful car. Maybe if there weren't any hidden motives behind buying me the car, I'd try to enjoy it more. Maybe even accept it if it were under different circumstances. But the thing is, I don't want to use any of Khristos's gifts, because I'm not sure what I'll owe in return. And let's face it, he's going to expect something from me. I am not here, being smothered by luxury, out of the goodness of his heart.

“Hey,” Roman says, his tone serious now as he straightens up and walks over to me. His blue-green eyes meet mine. “The car is yours, no strings attached. You look worried and you shouldn't be. All Khristos wants is for you to be happy.” He shrugs a broad shoulder. “He has a tendency to go overboard sometimes, but that's just who he is. He's filthy rich. If he can afford it, he doesn't blink twice.”

“I'm just not comfortable driving something like that,” I say quietly as I motion to the car.

Roman looks pleased, and he smiles widely. “I'm glad you're trying to reject it. It just makes me want to shove you in it even more.”

“Thanks,” I say dryly.

“No, really. If you'd hopped right in and drove off, I would have thought you to be a superficial bitch. Now, I know you're not. You and I, we're going to get along perfectly,” he says before he grabs my hand and presses the keys in it. “Take the damn car.”

I look down at the keys in my hand.

“It's either the car or nothing,” Roman reminds me.

I sigh and cave. I
a vehicle, because I can't stay cooped up in the mansion. “Fine,” I grumble as I walk over to it and stare at the sleek lines of the car. “What if I ding it or something?”

Roman snorts. “Then Khristos will pay to have it fixed. He'd buy you five of these things if it'd make you happy.”

My eyes dart to him. “Why?” I ask immediately. “Why would he want to make me happy?”

“You're his niece. Let him spoil you.”

I get the feeling there's much more to it, but I'm going to have to figure it out on my own. Without a word to Roman, I carefully open the car door and ease into the driver's seat. I sit there for a long moment, scanning the interior.
If mom could see me now.

Roman taps the hood to get my attention. “Have fun,” he says before he turns and walks out of the garage.

I spend five minutes familiarizing myself with the car before I dare to turn it on. It purrs to life, and I can feel the power the engine holds. I can't believe I am going to drive this. I'm super careful when I work up the nerve to drive it out of the garage. It's a smooth ride, and I make my way up the paved path that goes along the side of the mansion and intersects with the main driveway.

I admit it. The car is fun to drive. When I reach the gate at the end of the drive, I'm feeling a bit more confident. I glance up at the visor, and I'm not surprised to find two little gray boxes clipped to it. One for the gate, and one for the garage. I press the first one and it opens the gate. A second later, I'm cruising past the gate and down the road.

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