Cherished (Wanted) (22 page)

Read Cherished (Wanted) Online

Authors: Kelly Elliott

Tags: #contemporary romance

BOOK: Cherished (Wanted)
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“God, Jessie, I’ve missed you so damn much, baby.”

“I missed you, Scott, more than you’ll ever know.”

He slid his finger along my panty line, and the next thing I knew, he was taking them off and putting my leg over his shoulder. The moment his tongue brushed against my overly sensitive body, I let out a whimper.

“Jesus…” I whispered as I ran my hand through his hair.

“Jessie…” he whispered against me.

He placed his fingers inside me. The moment he began his assault on my clit, I was done. I began calling out his name as I threw my head back and got lost in the pleasure. I wasn’t even down from the high when I felt Scott pick me up and carry me over to the bed. It didn’t take me long to notice it was a new bed.

I sat up and looked around. “You got a new bed?”

Scott looked at me like I was crazy. “Fuck yeah, I did. My brother screwed my ex in my other bed. Gross!”

I let out a laugh and fell back onto the bed. My eyes caught his, and our gazes locked. I couldn’t tear away from the look in his eyes. They were filled with passion and so much love. He began kissing me softly on my hips first, and then he moved over to my stomach. He stopped and peeked up at me with that smile.

Then, he looked back to my stomach and whispered to it, “Hey, baby…I absolutely cannot wait to lay my eyes on your precious face.”

I felt the tears building in my eyes. I closed them and smiled. He moved up to my breasts where he gave each nipple equal attention.

“Oh god…they’re so sensitive.” I arched my back.

“You’re so beautiful, Jessie, so damn beautiful.” Scott began kissing my neck.

“Scott, I love you so much,” I whispered.

He was moving his lips all along my neck, and he kept repeating how much he loved me. He bit down on my earlobe, and I let out a whimper. His lovemaking was so slow and intense. It was almost like he couldn’t get close enough to me.

“I. Love. You. Baby.” He placed kisses down the side of my face. He pulled back and looked into my eyes before he leaned down and grazed his lips against mine.

As he slowly pushed himself into me, I felt tears burning my eyes, and I fought to hold them back.

“Oh…god…Jessie,” he whispered against my lips.

I grabbed his arms and deepened the kiss. I needed him. I needed to feel his love pouring into me. He pulled back and smiled at me as he made love to me while repeating over and over how much he loved me.

My heart was pounding in my chest as I felt my orgasm slowly building. The feeling was incredible, and I never wanted this to end. I wanted to stay right here with Scott, alone and together.

“Jessie…please, baby…I can’t hold off any longer.”

The moment he whispered that in my ear, my whole body exploded. I began calling out his name as the orgasm took over. Somewhere in my cries of pleasure, I heard Scott call out my name as he began to slow down, gently kissing my neck and telling me he loved me.

Scott rolled off of me and pulled me up next to him. “God, I’m so tired,” he said.

He kissed my back as I snuggled up and smiled. I closed my eyes.

Home…I’m finally home.



The last few days were finally catching up to me, and I was exhausted.

“Are you still going to move in with me?” Scott asked as his voice cracked.

My eyes snapped open, and I rolled over and looked into his eyes. “Of course I am. Why wouldn’t I?”

He smiled slightly and shook his head. “Just making sure you still want to.”

I placed my hand on the side of his face and leaned over. I kissed him gently on the lips. “We’re having a baby. I want to experience everything together. Scott, why would you think I wouldn’t still want to move in?”

I watched as the hurt moved into his eyes.

“I want you to be one hundred percent sure that this is what you want…that I’m what you want.”

My heart slammed in my chest, and I almost felt sick.
He doubts my love for him? Oh god.

My mind went back to Belize, and I thought of Trey. I thought of how he’d made me feel, but it was nothing like how Scott made me feel. I knew that one hundred percent.

I went to say something, but Scott started talking again. “I saw the way you looked at him, Jessie. Lark also told me that when he’d gone to see if you needed help packing, you had been with him. You kissed him good-bye.”

I sat up quickly, instantly feeling defensive. “What? Did you have Lark follow me or something?”

Scott’s face fell. “No, of course not. He told me he was going to help you while I checked you out of the room.”

I spun around and sat on the edge of the bed. I pulled the sheet up and around me. I wasn’t sure if I was pissed at the idea of Lark spying on me or the fact that Scott knew I had kissed Trey good-bye.

Did Lark tell him it was a friendly kiss? Or did Lark tell him I called out after Trey and kissed him? Oh god. My head is spinning.

Scott went to touch me, and I pulled away. I wasn’t really sure why I had, but I regretted it instantly. I was so angry at myself for kissing Trey good-bye the way I had. The guilt had been eating me alive for the last two days.

“Fine. Maybe we should talk about this later,” Scott said.

I felt him get out of bed. I turned and watched as he walked to the bathroom.

“Scott, wait, please. There is nothing to talk about. Of course, I want to move in here with you. I love you. I love

He turned and looked at me. “I need you to tell me right now, Jessie. Do you love him? In any way…do you have feelings for him?”

I jumped up and immediately said, “No! I mean…I care about him…but only as a friend.” I looked down and away from Scott.

I thought about Trey touching me…the way he’d made me feel. I could almost feel his lips on my skin.
Oh my god. What is wrong with me? I do not want Trey in any way!

“You can’t even look at me when you say that,” Scott said with hurt in his voice.

I quickly looked up and into his eyes. “What?” I whispered.

He shook his head as he turned and walked slowly into the bathroom. He shut the door, and I stood there, stunned.

What just happened?

We had made beautiful love to each other, and then a minute later, this…

I shook my head and sat back down on the bed.

I didn’t love Trey.
I don’t.
I knew that. But…I had strong feelings for him that were starting to confuse me. I closed my eyes and wished I could talk to the girls. I needed to talk to someone about this. I was so confused…but not confused at the same time.

The bathroom door opened, and Scott walked out…dressed. I jumped up and moved closer to him.

“Where are you going?” I asked, panic in my voice.

“I need to get some fresh air. I won’t be gone long,” he said with a weak smile.

I grabbed his arm. “Scott…” I stopped in my tracks when I saw the tear roll down his face.

“The first time I knew I loved you, I pushed you away. I hurt you because I was afraid of my own feelings. I vowed to myself I would never hurt you again. This whole time we’ve been together, I feel like I’ve been trying to prove to you how much I love you. When you walked in and saw Chelsea and Bryce, you automatically assumed it was me. I never wanted that to ever happen. I never wanted you to ever think that I would do that to you. I wanted you to trust me and know in your heart how much I love you. I would never in a million years want to hurt you ever again.”

I shook my head. “I didn’t know it wasn’t you,” I said as a sob escaped my lips.

“But if I had just been able to show you how much I love you and that you are my whole world, you would have never had that doubt in your mind. You wouldn’t have run away, and you would have never met…him.”

I frantically shook my head, panic building in my body. “Scott! Please…I made a mistake by letting him touch me, and I swear to you, I was just confused and heartbroken. I thought you had…I thought you had…put yourself in my shoes! What would you have done if you’d walked into my bedroom and seen two people having sex?” I wiped the tears away quickly. “I love you. I’ve always loved you.”

He smiled at me and wiped away the tears still rolling down my face. “I won’t be the one who makes you hurt again. I won’t. I need you to be sure you are with me for the right reasons and not because we’re expecting a child together.”

I started crying harder. “I’m not. I didn’t even know about the baby before I called you. I love you…I love

“I know you do, baby. But I think you need to make sure you don’t love him as well.” He turned and walked away from me.

I slowly felt myself falling to the floor. I buried my head in my hands and cried. In one moment, my whole world had changed. It wasn’t even the moment when I’d walked in on Chelsea in this very bedroom.

It was the one moment when I’d let another man into my heart.

“Make it stop!” Josh said as he reached for my phone and tossed it at me.

I let out a giggle and didn’t even pay attention to who was calling.

“Hello?” I said, trying not to sound like I’d just woken up.

Of all the mornings when the twins actually sleep in, someone calls and wakes us up.


I sat up quickly. “Jessie!” I practically screamed. “Is Scott with you? Where are you?”

I heard her sniffle.
Oh no. She’s crying.
I flew up out of bed and went straight for the closet. I started getting dressed.

“I’m, um…home…at Scott’s house. I need to talk to you, Heather.”

“Yes! Oh my god, of course. Want me to come there?”

There was silence for a few minutes.

“I don’t want Scott to think I’ve left. Can you come here?”

“I’m on my way. It might be closer to an hour though.”

“That’s fine. Heather?”

I stopped getting dressed. “Yeah?”

“Please be careful, and thank you.”

“Always, sweets. See you in a few.”

I hit End and pulled a sweatshirt over my head. I ran back out into the bedroom and sat down on the bed.

“What’s going on? Jessie is back? Scott is with her, right?”

I quickly looked at Josh. My heart skipped a beat at how handsome he was, sitting there with his messy hair. I wanted to run my hands through it and crawl on top of him. I shook my wayward thoughts away.

“I’m guessing so since she’s at Scott’s house, but she’s upset. Do you mind?”

“Of course not. I think Will, Libby, and I will head out and get some breakfast with Mom and Dad.”

I smiled and crawled across the bed. I moved my lips along his neck. “Hmm…what I wouldn’t do to have your parents take the kids for a few hours.”

He pulled back and smiled. His dimple caught my eye.

“I might be able to arrange that,” he said with a wink.

“Perfect. I’ve got to brush my teeth and then get on the road.”

I kissed Josh good-bye and ran downstairs. I peeked into the twins’ room, and they were both still sound asleep.

As I made my way out to my car, I hit Ari’s number.

“Bitch, you better have a good reason for calling me so goddamn early, especially on the one day the kids sleep in.”

I let out a giggle. “Ari, code blue. Jessie. Scott’s house.”

Ari let out a gasp. “Motherfucker. I’m getting up and dressed. I’ll call Ells. What’s going on? Oh my god, I’m gonna kick Jessie’s damn ass when I see her.”

“I’m not sure. She was crying. Mentioned something about she needed me to come there because she didn’t want Scott to think she’d left him.”



“Um…Scott’s here. I hear Jeff talking to him,” Ari whispered.


“Let me get dressed. I’ll find out what’s going on, and I’ll call you back. Be careful driving. See you in a little bit.” Ari hung up on me.

It had never taken me so damn long to get to Mason as it had this morning. I was about ten minutes from Scott’s house when my cell rang. I hit Answer on my screen.


“Heather,” Ari said, her voice coming through my car speakers.

“What did you find out?”

“Ells is with me right now. We’re at Scott’s gate, waiting on you, but this is what I got from Scott. So, Jessie was in Belize, but we all knew that. I guess while she was there, she met some guy named Trey.”

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