Read Chef's Like it Hot! Online

Authors: Alexandria Infante

Chef's Like it Hot! (10 page)

BOOK: Chef's Like it Hot!
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For nearly two hours straight we worked.

I would look up and see him staring at me, yell what, and he would laugh and go back to whatever it was he was making.

“Here, taste this? I’m thinking I need more milk.” I said as I dipped my finger in the caramel sauce, then put it to his lips.

He licked my finger, then drew it into his mouth to suck on it, and I swear my
vajay screamed attack!

I gasped, bit my lip, and as his lips slowly released my finger, I realized that I had never wanted a man this bad in my entire life!

He suddenly bent, licked my bottom lip, then drew it into his mouth, as his fingers caressed the side of my face. I sighed, and he curled his other hand into my tee and pulled me into him, deepening the kiss.

I heard my phone ringing somewhere, and it broke the spell he’d woven. I drew back, and we both blinked.

“Caramel on your lips.” he grinned, and I nodded as I watched that grin spread over his features.

“Phone.” I whispered, and he nodded as I hurried out of the kitchen.

Colin saw that his phone was ringing as well, walked to the counter and picked it up.

“What up?”

“No, almost. We halved it, but we have a bet going, just like last time.”

“Yea, I get whatever I want?” He laughed, and Kevin did to.

“Yea, basically, you guys choose which is the best?”

Baked fritters
Jerk Chicken
Papaya & Pineapple
. No, the rest she did.”

“Okay.” Colin laughed into the phone, then grinned widely.






“No, I get the

“Whatever he wants.”

“Yea, I’m a lil nervous about that.” I said laughing.

“Okay, the
Spicy Curried Meat Beef Patties, Red Beans & Rice
with coconut milk,
Beef and Okra,
and the
We both did the
Fish Pie.”

“Okay, see you at 7:45. Yes, it’s killing me being here with him by myself.” I sighed, then hung up the phone to Kendra promising she would be here early.






“Yea it’s me.”

“So what’s going on?” Missanna asked laughing.

“They have a bet going on like last time. He did half, and she did half. If she wins, basically if we like her food better she gets his
tickets.” Kendra laughed.

“Omg, he still has those?” Missanna laughed.

“Yea, I was surprised too. Anyway, if he wins, he gets whatever he wants. And we all know what it will be. It’s time; he’s waited ten fucken years! So hit the rest up, tell them the deal. This game they’re playing is getting on my last nerve, I want some sparks!” Kendra cried, and Missanna laughed.

“Me too! Aight, I’m on the wire.” Missanna said, then hung up.







As I made the last of the sweet potato tarts, I felt him staring at me again. I looked up, and the stare was not only bold, but held a promise. I took a deep breath, turned, then busied myself with the pastry shells.

“Need some help?” He asked and was suddenly behind me, his hands covering mine on the filo.

“Umm, I think I’m good.” I said clearing my throat, as his hands began to massage mine and the dough.

“It’s fine, I’m done.” he countered, removed his hands, and I felt his warm breath on the back of my neck as he bent into me. Before I could reply, his lips began to caress the nape of my neck, and I couldn’t help the moan. He jerked me around, sat me on the opposite counter, and savagely took my lips with his.

As his hands came up to caress my face as he deepened the kiss, I realized he tasted of
, and I was loving every bit of it. He drew himself closer to me, resting between my thighs, and as he drew his hands up my thighs, I would swear they scorched a path of their own, and my breath caught in my throat.

The alarm went off on his phone, and he drew away from me breathing deeply.

I hopped off the counter, went back to the tarts, and noticed he’d left the kitchen.


I seriously needed to get control of myself, or we would be having sex right here in this fucken kitchen!






Colin ran his fingers through his hair, walked a complete circle, then took several deep cleansing breaths. He hadn’t meant to kiss her again, but he couldn’t help it. Something in her drew him, and he chucked all caution to the wind.

He wanted to take it slow, but rush things at the same time.

She was everything to him.

The years of imagining her kiss, paled in comparison to the real thing!

He needed to check his fricken hormones, or he would fuck this up and scare her off.

He sighed, ran his fingers through his hair again, then walked back into the kitchen.

She looked up with a slight smile, then nodded to the rest of the tarts. He smiled his thank you for the distraction from her lips.





We finished up at 6pm, and I sighed as we both stood back and surveyed the food.

“You think it’s enough?” I asked, and he frowned slightly.

“Seems, if not, oh well.” he laughed, and I nodded smiling.

“I guess I better get. I need to wash up and change.” he commented, and I nodded again.

“Okay, then I guess I’ll see ya when you get back.” I smiled, he nodded, pulled me to him, and gently kissed my lips.

“Remember, you said anything I wanted.” he reminded me softly against my lips, and I nodded slightly. His grin widened, and he went out the door.

My entire body tingled, just at the thought.

I wasn’t that naïve.

I had a pretty good idea what he would ask for.

I sighed as I went to my bedroom.

I went straight to the
Vickie’s Secret
drawer, rummaged through it, until I found the peach and black matching set.

I grinned, then headed to the bathroom. As I wrapped my hair in the plastic wrap, then the shower cap, I contemplated the bet.

Would it be as incredible as my brain conjured?

I had waited ten years to be here!

I immediately thought about the fact that we had to work together.

But did I really care?

I had been in love with this man for ten years! This was what I had dreamed about all through my 20s, and now here he was eight years later; and I swore there was something else behind those looks.

20minutes later, I drew my hand across the steamed mirror to look at my face.

I wanted this so bad.

He was my every dream.

I sighed, plugged in the flat iron, then took off the shower cap. I was happy to see the shower hadn’t done too much damage. I took special time with my make-up. I wanted to look extremely well, especially if we were going to be doing what I thought we were.

I spent the next 20 minutes retouching my hair.






When I came from the bathroom 45minutes later, I looked at the clock.

It was 7:20.

I dressed, then walked into the kitchen to check the warmers.

I was happy Colin had thought to bring them.

I set the table, brought out some more chairs; then realized it would have to be buffet style, because I didn’t have enough room at the table for everyone.

I looked up as the doorbell rang.

When I got to the door, I saw that it was Colin.

“Hey, so good thing you remembered the warmers.” I said as he handed me the bottle of

“Yes, and it was so a last minute thing too. I actually had to run back in and get them.”

“So, are you ready for tomorrow?” I asked as I placed the wine in the fridge.

“As much as I can be. You know how it is. I mean just because Bare and Sandy are friends, doesn’t mean we don’t put it down.” he said leaning on the counter and I nodded.

“Of course, plus, I want their day to be perfect.” I smiled, and he nodded.

“So, how come you never got married?” he suddenly asked, and I looked at him shocked, then sighed.

“The guy I was in love with never asked, then disappeared.” I mumbled, and he nodded.

“Same here. But do you see yourself being married?”

“Oh totally, if I find the right guy. Weddings always make me so giddy.” I laughed, and he did too nodding.

“So, I brought these.” he said grinning as he held up the index cards.

“And those are?”

He turned them over, placed them on the table, and I saw that they had each of the dishes on them, with a like, dislike, or fare box next to it.

“Seriously!” I cried laughing, and he grinned wiggling his eyebrows.

“Yea, this is a bet gurl, I’m down to win!” He cried back, and I laughed as the doorbell rang.

“Fine ass!” I called over my shoulder, to his laughter.

“Hay.” I said as I opened the door to Kendra and Mannford.

“I brought chilled wine.” Kendra said, and I nodded.

“My God, it smells so good in here! I’m starving.” Mannford moaned as he headed towards the kitchen.

Colin handed him a beer, and they chatted.

I smiled to myself,
because he seemed so at home in my kitchen
; I thought as he leaned against the counter sipping his beer in convo with Mannford. He looked up, winked, then went back to his conversation with Mannford.

“So, how was it?” Kendra asked as we walked into the living room.

“Fun, we basically just cooked together, and it freaked me a lil bit.”


“Because it was so comfortable Kenny. I mean, it was like it was exactly where we were both supposed to be. Just like when we used to be best friends all those years ago. There was no tension, no malice, like he wasn’t trying to
cook me. We just had fun with it. I would have never been able to do that with Kellen in a million years.”

“But that’s a good thing right Sar?”

“Yes and no.” I sighed, and she frowned at me.

“Why?” She demanded, and I sighed again.

“Kenny, you know I’m in love with him.” I hissed, and she frowned.

“So.” She hissed back, and we both looked towards the kitchen.

“I’m afraid.” I whispered, and she embraced me.

“Just like I’m sure he is. Just because he’s a guy, doesn’t mean he can’t feel fear as well. Manny said I petrified him. What he felt for me after the first month scared the shit out of him, and he almost broke it off. Now amplify that by ten years! But he’s still here Sariekiko, and probably would have been for the last six years if he ever thought he had a chance with you.”

“Thanks.” I said as I lifted my head from her shoulder and sighed.

“For what?” She grinned, and I grinned back.

“For being the voice of reason these last ten years.” I said, and she laughed as the doorbell rang.

Hay hay hay
!” Ms. Kerry called as he walked in.

I just loved it when she dressed up!

She was a Diva, and nothing less.

I went to close the door, and Barry caught it laughing.

The house began to fill,
and I realized how happy I was, and hadn’t felt this way in eight years;
I thought as I looked at Colin and he winked.

“So, buffet style tonight. By each dish, you’ll see a stack of cards, please take one from each dish. However, read them before you drop them in the bag.” Colin said, they nodded, and I laughed at Ms. Kerry’s look.

“You’ll place them in this velvet bag when you’re done.” Kendra said as she held up the bag, and I laughed.

BOOK: Chef's Like it Hot!
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