Checkmate 2: Let the Games Begin (17 page)

Read Checkmate 2: Let the Games Begin Online

Authors: Tiece

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Urban, #Multicultural, #Genre Fiction, #streetlit3

BOOK: Checkmate 2: Let the Games Begin
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“Yeah, let’s go. We have a few things to talk about. I need to give you a massage so you can calm down. Don’t let Monica get to you like that.” Rico reached for her hand. “Come on.” He said giving Monty dap. “Call me if you need to talk about anything.”

“I will, man. I’m cool, though. It’ll work itself out, I’m sure.” Monty replied walking Rico and Mona downstairs.

“Sis, have you changed your mind about going to the mall to meet Candy and Dee?” Monty asked.

“Yeah, I’m not in the mood for that right now. I’m going to Rico’s house and lay down. I need to relax for awhile. I got a headache now.” Mona stated. She opened the lobby doors to leave.

“I’m right behind you babe.” Rico said dapping Monty again. “Damn man, I hate I’m tied up in this shit as much you are. Hell, I’m likely tied up in this shit much longer though.”

“Good luck, because you’re gonna need it if that baby is yours. Hell, I’m looking around for some luck, too because God knows I’ma need it by the time I tell Candy ‘bout this shit.” Monty said.

“Keep your head up, Bruh. I’ll catch ya later.” Rico stated.

“A’ight,” Monty said as he thought about going to pick up MJ who was the only one that would clear his mind of this chaos.



Candy and Dee were at the mall picking out panty and bra sets. Dee looked over at Candy. She was holding up a red thong and smiled.

“Hey Cuz, Maurice would love to see me in this lil thing.” She stated with a sneaky grin.

“Yes he will. Maurice was watching you so hard ‘til I bet all he cares about is just being able to see you period.” Candy and Dee laughed continuing to browse the store.

“Cuz, I really want to see what type of dude Maurice is. He seems to be cool and shit. I just want to leave behind the mess I was in back home.” Dee said holding up a lime green teddy. “I bet your man would love to see you in this.” Candy nodded her head in agreement.

“Let me get that,” she said laughing. “I might just wear it tonight.”

“It must be nice,” Dee commented as she looked down at her phone. She’d gotten a text message.

Can I c u later? Maurice

“You might not be the only one having fun tonight. Maurice just asked if he could see me later.” Dee smiled feeling anxious.

“Well, well, well… Are you gonna go?” Candy asked quickly.

“Yeah, I think I will. No time like the present to get to know new people.”

“I feel ya, Cuz. I say go for it, too.” Candy said watching Dee text him back.

Sure, where and when? Miss100

Dee giggled as if she was a teenager going out on a first date. Candy could tell that she was excited.

I will call u later & let u know. Maurice

Okay, cool. Miss100

Dee began to giggle since she’d picked up a black lace teddy. “Do you like this?” She asked.

“Hell yeah, I like that. Are you planning on getting laid?”

“Nah, I’m not planning on it, but I’m down if the timing feels right. Otherwise, I’ll just chill out and see what type of moves he’s working with.” Dee gave Candy high five then Candy looked down at her phone noticing a text from Mona.

Hey honey, I’m not really up 2 doing the shopping thing 2day. I will call you later. Sexy Red

R u Ok? Candy Girl

I’m good, just resting over at Rico’s. Sexy Red

Ok, I will check on u later. Its not the same without u. Candy Girl

I know. Lol But y’all have fun. Sexy Red

“Well, Mona is not coming to join us. She’s chilling with her man.” Candy stated and put her phone back in its case.

“Aww man, I wanted to see her.” Dee responded. They got in line to pay for their lingerie.

“Don’t worry you’ll have plenty of chances to see Mona. We are always hanging out together. She’s probably not gonna hang out as much now because she’s pregnant, but you’ll still see her a lot, though.”

“Okay,” Dee said, as she paid for her things. Candy and Dee were headed out of the store when Candy looked to the side of her and did a double take. She noticed someone she knew.

“Hold up, Cuz.” Candy told Dee. “I’ll be right back.” She quickly walked over to speak. “Monica, hey how are you?” Candy asked since she couldn’t help but see Monica’s huge stomach. She still didn’t like her for some reason and it had everything to do with Monty.

“Hey,” Monica said. She was trying to remember Candy’s familiar face.

“It’s me, Candy. Remember? You came to my house a few times back in the day.” She informed her.

“Oh yeah,” Monica said remembering her.
“Lil Candy.”
She smiled. Mona’s bestie, yes I remember you now. You lived across the street from Monty and them.”

“Yep, that’s me, but I’m not
lil Candy
anymore.” Candy nodded with a grin. “I haven’t seen you since forever.” She stated, wondering what could have brought her back to town since she didn’t see a diamond or band on her ring finger.

“Yeah, I moved away a few years back, but I’m back now. I might just stay this time.” Monica gloated as she rubbed her stomach.

“Well, that’s good.”
I guess,
she thought quickly. “I just wanted to speak since I saw it was you.” Candy said just as Monica noticed her big, shiny sapphire ring.

“Wow, that is a beautiful ring. Where did you get it from?” Monica asked reaching down for Candy’s hand to get a better view.

“Oh, thank you. It was a birthday gift.” Candy replied. She held it up so Monica could see it.

“I love it.” Monica stated as the name Candy began to run through her mind.
Candy, huh?
She asked herself.
Nah, it couldn’t be, because she wouldn’t be this nice to me.
Thoughts continued to run through Monica’s mind.

“Well, we are about to get outta here. We’ve done enough shopping for the day.” Candy stated.


“It was good seeing you. Maybe I’ll see you around.” Monica said with a smile on her face. “Oh yeah, when was the last time you saw Mona?” She asked quickly trying to see if she could peep out some information quickly on Mona’s pregnancy.

“We are still best friends and like you, she’s pregnant also. She’s happy and doing well. I’ll let her know you asked about her. She’ll be surprised to know that I saw you today.” Candy stated as Monica thought.

Not at all, I bet.

So, congrats on your baby, is this the first one?” Candy asked.

“Yeah, this is my first and it’s a boy.” Monica said smiling. She was hoping to get a little more information from Candy.

“Awww, that’s nice to hear. I have a three and a half month old son and he’s a hand full, just like his daddy. We call him MJ. He’s a junior, of course.” Candy grinned. She wanted Monica to know that Monty was MJ’s father and that he was off limits regardless of her being pregnant.  

“Oh, do you?” Monica said quickly. “Was he your first baby?” She asked assuming that this was the Candy who came between her and Monty.

“Yeah, but Monty and I plan on having one or two more in the future.” Candy verified it as she spoke his name loud and clear with no ands, ifs, or buts about it. Monty’s name rang out in Monica’s mind and she took in a deep breath.

“Did you say Monty; my ex-Monty?” She asked playing it off.

“Yeah, the one and only,” Candy rubbed it in.

lil Candy
and Monty. Who would’ve ever thought that?” Monica asked being funny.

“I’m sure you wouldn’t have, but I’m very happy to say that we are together.” She said knowing good and well that Monica didn’t like it one bit, even though it was clear that she’d moved on by the size of her stomach.

Monica cleared her throat. She wanted to tell Candy just what she thought about her, but knew in her condition she’d better just leave it alone for now. So, she played it off calmly saying.

“Well, tell everybody I said hello. I’m sure I’ll see you around.” She said rubbing her stomach.

“And what does that mean?” Candy asked raising her voice a little since she noticed Monica’s body language.

“Cuz, do we have a problem here?” Dee asked interrupting them. She’d walked over and stared Monica down.

“Nah, we don’t. I was just talking with one of Monty’s EX-girlfriends, but we can go now.” Candy said.

“Okay,” Dee paused, continuing to stare at Monica. “And if she knows like I know she better stay an ex, too.” She stated. She rolled her eyes at Monica. Even from afar, she could see that the conversation was getting heated between the two of them. That’s why she walked over.

“Have a lovely day, Monica.” Candy said before she walked off.

“Likewise,” Monica replied as she turned up her nose.
she thought.
You won round one, but let’s see who’ll have the last laugh.
Monica couldn’t figure out why Candy didn’t mention anything about her calling that day talking shit about Monty and about Rico being the father of her baby.
Something just ain’t right about that whole encounter, but I’ll get to the bottom of it real soon.
Monica thought. The conversation between the two of them had her heated and she was ready to go.


Chapter Sixteen

Rico and Mona lay on his bed watching
Love Jones
. It was one of her favorite movies, but Mona couldn’t even get into it, because she was too busy thinking about Monica. She picked up the DVD remote and pressed the pause button looking over at Rico.

“Baby, what are we going to do?” She asked knowing that Monica was definitely in for a fight if she thought that she was gonna swoop in and take her man.

“Baby, there is nothing that we can do right now. I mean, I know you’re concerned, but you don’t have to be. I’m not going anywhere and I don’t want you to think that I’m gonna hide things from you concerning Monica. That’s why I wanted you to stay while we talked earlier.” Rico grabbed Mona’s face and pulled her close to him. He kissed her softly on the lips and she melted in his arms. She felt so safe with him, but still couldn’t shake Monica out of her thoughts.

“Is it gonna be that way when her baby is born?” She asked as she twirled her fingers in the covers.

“Yes, nothing is gonna change. I keep telling you that. Please, believe me.” He said trying to reassure her again. He already knew that reassuring her was something that he’d be doing for a long time, but he was willing to do whatever it took to make sure that she understood that Monica was not going to come between them.

“Okay baby, I believe you.” She said, still feeling uneasy, but she laid back, relaxed and pressed play on the remote to start the movie again. Rico thought that it was time for some love making so he leaned over and began to kiss her passionately. Mona was ready for whatever Rico was about to give her, but they were interrupted when his phone rang. Rico answered while Mona listened closely.

“When did this happen?” He paused, then… “How long have you been there?” He’d pause again, then… “What did the Doctor say?” Mona was anxious for him to hang up and tell her what was going on. He continued. “Is everything going to be okay?” He asked then another pause… “Are you okay?”

Mona was thinking as he continued. What is up with all these questions? Is who gonna be okay? She asked herself. It better not be that bitch, I know that.

Before Rico hung up he then said,” I’ll be there shortly.” Mona sat there with a frown and before he could say anything to her she asked.

“Who was that?”

“That was,” he paused. “Well um, that was Monica.” He said already knowing that the shit was about to hit the fan.

“Well, what did she say and where are you going?” Mona asked hating that Rico had to deal with her.

“She’s in the hospital.” Rico said, putting his shoes on. “She says that she started feeling lower back pains and cramps in her stomach. When she got to the hospital she was told that she was having premature labor pains. She’s been in there about an hour and a half.”

Mona sat there staring at how quickly he was moving. He was actually trying to get to where that bitch was and he’d just said that she wouldn’t come between them.
she thought.

“Come on, baby. I want you to go with me.” Rico said reaching to help her off the bed.

Mona sat there with the thought about being pregnant herself and going to the hospital with her man who was there to see his other pregnant baby mama.
Hell no,
she thought.

“Baby, you know what,” she said. “It’s getting late and I trust you. Go ahead and see how Monica is doing. I’m gonna have to trust you with her at some point, so why not start now.” Mona hated to be saying that, but she was telling the truth. She had to prove to Rico that she’d be as understanding as possible and allow him some time with Monica in hopes that he wouldn’t betray her trusting him.

Rico looked at her strangely. “Are you sure?” he asked, raising his eyebrows.

“Yeah and I’ll be here when you return. I’m staying the night so hurry back. She looked at the clock. It was 8:32pm and she definitely was timing him.

“Okay baby, I’ll be back before you know it.” He kissed her on the lips. “Thanks for understanding,” he said and walked out to leave. Mona fell back on the bed with her head hitting the plush pillows as she sighed with disgust.



Monty walked in the bathroom and sat on the foot stool as Candy showered. His head was full of thoughts since he was trying to come out with the truth about Monica.

“Hey baby, I’m back.” He said.

“Oh, hey baby.” Candy said as she washed her body.

“I left MJ at Mama’s tonight. She felt lonely, because Mona was over Rico’s and is staying the night.”

“I’m surprised you left him over there, but it’s all good. I bet she loved that.” She began to rinse off the
Dancing Waters
bubble bath by Bath and Body Works as she continued. “Well, Dee and Maurice went out tonight. She just left.” Candy said.

“That’s good and I believe she’ll like him. Maurice is a cool dude.” Monty said. He changed the subject back to his mama. “Well, you know Mama talked me into letting MJ stay. I will be picking him up in the morning, though.” He scratched his head and watched his beautiful lady get out of the shower. She dried off and looked in his handsome face.

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