Chaste (McCullough Mountain) (36 page)

BOOK: Chaste (McCullough Mountain)
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voice was low. “Um, I said…
my needs are
and my
partner’s needs are
my responsibility

I like the way you put that. Number three…
Intercourse without tenderness is
and love without sex is
eye opening

smiled then frowned. “I put love without sex is ‘possible’, but I don’t agree
with your first statement. Kelly, sex without tenderness is rape.”

eyes bulged. “Ashlynn, no it’s not.”

it is, Kelly.”

sorry. I disagree.” It was a touchy subject, but he definitely disagreed.

eyes narrowed behind her glasses. “Explain.”

You’ve been working in the field all day. It’s hot and you’re tired. I’ve been
tied up all night with an emergency at the bar. I stumble in around noon and
you greet me at the door. The night before we had big plans, but that all went
to shit when a pipe burst at the pub. The kids have been keeping us up and
today they’re with my mother so you could catch up on work when I was

get out of my truck and you greet me like you always do. We see it in each
other’s eyes, how bone weary we are and starved for the other’s touch. I ask
where the kids are and you say they’re at my mum’s. I apologize for ruining our
plans and you shrug it off, but I know you were looking forward to time
together as much as I was.

walk to you slowly and as I kiss you, I linger a bit longer than usual. I can
sense your need. It’s there, thick in the air between us, and coming off of you
in waves and I’m instantly hard. All I want to do is to bury myself in my wife,
get lost in your softness. Our eyes meet and I have your full attention. The
energy between us is electric, too much to express in words and too potent to
slow with gentle touches.

pull you inside the house and slam the door. No need to worry about waking the
kids, they’re at my mum’s. I throw your back to the wall and cover you, dig my
hips into yours so we’re clear on how badly I need you. Your fingers rip at my
clothes and it’s okay, because I didn’t like that shirt anyway. My tongue licks
at your neck and I taste the sweat from all your hard work. It turns me on,
because I know how passionate you are about your gardens.

strip your pants, leaving them at your ankles and I need to taste you. My
fingers yank your panties to the side and I seal my mouth to your pussy. You scream
in pleasure. It feels so good your knees can barely hold you up, but I won’t
let you fall. I’ll never let you fall. I lick you until you come, all the while
that sexy voice of yours is chanting my name—
Kelly, Kelly, Kelly—
your hands are fisting my hair.

as you’re ready to collapse, I lift you and pull the rest of your clothing
away. I’m so hard it hurts, hard for you, my wife, whom I love and adore more
than anyone else in this world. Your hands are frantic as you tug at my clothes
and wrap your legs around me. Then I thrust and enter you in one sure motion
and your head falls back as you cry out.

tell me harder and that’s exactly what I give you. Anything you want, I aim to
please. I fuck you right there in the hall against the wall and your nails
scrape along my back as you come apart again. It’s fucking, but it’s
passionate, fueled by love and mutual need, mutual desire. It may look angry
and wild and anything but tender, but—believe me—we’re making love.”

eyes were wide, face flushed, and mouth tight. He didn’t know what she was

see, love, the tenderness is there, even when it’s not. It’s in the end, in a
look, a touch, a satisfied smile, or lingering kiss. The respect we share will
always be there. But sometimes there’s nothing better than raw, hardcore,
animalistic fucking.”

was breathing heavily. She still wasn’t blinking. Her breasts pressed into her
shirt and he could see she was aroused. She licked her lips and slowly nodded,
swallowing repetitively. In a hoarse voice, she said, “I’d like to change my


Chapter Twelve


wedding was scheduled for the last Sunday in September. Every passing moment
with Kelly was a test in restraint. Ashlynn couldn’t believe this man was
actually going to be her husband, her partner for the rest of her life.

first challenge as a betrothed couple came the evening they drove to the big
house to have dinner with his folks. Ashlynn fidgeted the entire way. As they
pulled up, she let out a relieved breath when there were only the two cars in
the drive.

bloody shocked,” Kelly muttered as he thrust the truck into park.


listened. My mum actually listened for once.” He smiled and gripped her hand.
“This may be the closest to normal the McCulloughs have ever come.”

relieved that it would just be the four of them, she followed Kelly into the
house. It was beautiful, the sort of cabin movies were made around.

pressed open the front door. “Mum?”

in here, love. Fightin’ with this
your father bought.”

froze. Kelly faced her and winked. “Ashlynn… meet my mother.”

never heard a mother speak in such a vulgar way. It was a complete
contradiction to the woman who greeted them. Maureen McCullough was a round female
with curves that filled out every bit of her apron. Her hair was faded copper
and her eyes were creased with laugh lines.

they approached, she wiped her hands on a rag and grinned. “Oh my Lord will you
just look at the two of you. You’re just the cutest thing ever, you are!
Kelly’s here with his bride! Get
arse down here!

She swallowed Ashlynn in a hug and pressed a smacking kiss on her cheek. “Of
all my boys, you’re getting the naughtiest. That tells me you must be one tough
cookie, Ashlynn dear. Either that or you’ve got yourself a goldmine in your
drawers. He is a McCullough after all.” She slapped her cheek affectionately.
“Built up some equity with all that temperance.”

was speechless.
was Mrs.
McCullough? She always seemed so quiet in church. Kelly’s mother grabbed hold
of his face and pinched hard, smacking a kiss right on his lips. “And you, you
little shit, trying to hide her away from the rest of us. I ought to beat you
with the back of my hand for bein’ so stingy. Where is your father?

right here, woman. Shut your hole.”

raised a fist. “I’ll jamb this fist right up a hole you pokey bastard and I’m
not talking about your mouth. Say hello to Ashlynn Fisher.”

father was a handsome man. He had the same blue eyes and black hair as Kelly,
but he was broader, distinguished in a way only time could manage. As he
approached, Ashlynn wasn’t sure what to expect.

smiled softly and said, “So you’re the lovely girl that’s stolen my son’s heart.
I can see why he’s so taken by you, lass.” He turned to his son. “She’s lovely,

nice to meet you, Mr. McCullough.”

You call me Frank or Dad.”

nodded, not ready to test the familiar title. Then he hugged her, long and
hard. “Welcome to the family, lassie. Don’t go runnin’ scared now, once you
meet the rest of them.”

by their welcome, she followed Kelly to the living room, but as Frank and Kelly
got into conversations about sports, she felt guilty leaving Maureen alone in
the kitchen. “I’m going to see if your mother needs help.”

slowly, as though Kelly’s mother was an unpredictable creature, she cleared her
throat. Maureen turned from where she was mashing potatoes by hand. She had a
large pot on the stove and it struck Ashlynn as odd that she was making an
entire turkey and so many sides for the four of them.

lovey. Are the boys talkin’ nonsense? You come in here with me and we’ll sit a
spell, have ourselves a nice lady chat.”

I offer you a hand?”

no. You’re our guest. Next time you can help. Tonight you just relax. Have a

followed Maureen to the table and accepted the glass of tea she offered. “Thank

smiled. “So, dear, tell me…why do you love my son.”

That was certainly cutting to the heart of the matter.
“Umm, honestly?”

course! Why lie? You won’t be hurtin’ my feelings.”

I’ve sort of always loved your son, Mrs. McCullough.”

of women have loved that one, dear. Even when he was a wee lad I would change
his diapers and say,
‘Oh, Frank, this one’s gonna be the death of us.’”

face burned.

dear, I’ve gone and made you blush. And with you being so innocent and all I’ve
probably frightened the shit out of you. Don’t you worry, love. Kelly’s had
lots of practice. I’m sure he knows how to—”

What the bloody hell are you telling her?”

jumped, relieved to see Kelly, but slightly distracted by the space between his
hips. How big

marched over to her and all sound was muffled as he covered her ears with both
hands. Muffled curse words had Maureen’s face flushing and her hands flailing.
This was simply ridiculous. She wrenched Kelly’s hands away just in time to
catch the end of his rant.

can’t go talking about my cock like you’re discussing recipes! Christ!”

what to do, she snapped, “Kelly McCullough! Don’t you dare speak to your mother
that way!”

girl! You tell him! Use
fuckin’ manners, Kelly!”

gaped at her future mother-in-law. There was a burst of thunder that had her
jumping in her seat. They were all silent, Maureen smiling like she’d made some
point, Kelly scowling at his mother. Frank walked into the kitchen.


jumped up. “Should be about five minutes.”

watched as Kelly shut his eyes and shook his head. She reached for his hand and
his lashes lifted. Just as she was about to whisper and ask if he was all
right, the door in the kitchen burst open and Sheilagh dripped in, hair
drenched and sticking to her face. “It’s pissing from the heavens out there!”

I know, dearie. They’ve been calling for some rain. Go clean yourself up. We
have company.”

turned and smiled. “Ashlynn. They actually got you here.”

scowled. “What are you doing here?”

sister scoffed and propped her hip against the counter. “Probably the same
thing everyone else will be doing here in a few minutes. Watching you squirm.”

did you invite the others?”

don’t know what you’re talkin’ about, love. I invited you and Ashlynn.” She
hoisted the large turkey out of the oven. “Frank, carve the bird.”

moved to the counter and dug out a large knife.


father was suddenly silent.

carry the potatoes to the table.”

front door opened and Kelly turned.

Mum?” Finnegan and Mallory walked into the kitchen.

the love of Pete,” Kelly muttered.

greeted Maureen and came over to say hello to Ashlynn. “I can’t believe you’re
here. I warned you.”

Ashlynn,” Finn said.

front door opened again and Luke jogged in from the rain.

they all coming?” Kelly whispered to Finnegan. Finn sighed and gave him a
pointed look.

darling, what a pleasant surprise! I hadn’t expected you,” Maureen said.

brother frowned. “You invited us, Mum.”

growled. “Son of a bitch.”

run now,” Mallory said. “Sammy and Colin are on their way and Kate and the kids
should be here any minute.”

hand was suddenly in Kelly’s as he backed them out of the kitchen. Luke bumped
into them. “Hey, Kel. Hi, Ashlynn. You ready for this?”

Kelly said, a look of terror on his face. “She did it again.”

chuckled. “Well, the woman has no shame. Where do you think you got it from?”

hand tightened around her fingers. Luke disappeared into the kitchen and Kelly
tugged her toward the front door. “What are you doing?”

getting the hell out of here.”

we can’t leave. She made dinner for us.”

noise coming from the kitchen grew louder. A car pulled up and the kitchen door
snapped open again. There were suddenly children screaming and racing through
the house. “How many more are there?”

BOOK: Chaste (McCullough Mountain)
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