Chas's Fervor: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 3) (33 page)

BOOK: Chas's Fervor: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 3)
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“Fucking show some respect, you goddamned prick,” Chas huffed.

“You wanna get into somethin’, just tell me, ’cause I’m more than ready, fucker.” Axe leaned toward Chas, almost in his face.

“You fuckin’ know you’re outta line on this one,” Chas said.

Axe stepped back, glancing at Addie. “She wearing your patch, man? You claim her?”

“Back off,” Chas gritted.

“Yeah, I didn’t think so.” He walked away and shouted over his shoulder, “Until she’s claimed, she’s just another whore to me.”

Before Chas could tackle him, Jax and Jerry held him back. “Leave it alone, brother. He’s drunk as shit,” Jax said.

“I don’t give a fuck. He disrespected my woman and he’s gonna apologize, or I’ll beat his goddamned ass.” Chas, inhaling and exhaling like a bull ready to fight, attempted to pull out of Jax and Jerry’s grip.

“Please, Chas. Just sit down and eat. Don’t let him spoil our night. Please?”

Addie’s glistening eyes made him even angrier at Axe.
How dare he make Addie cry. Fuck him!
Her pleading gaze and soft hand on his coaxed him to sit back down. Chas heard her breathe a sigh of relief.

“Here, have some of my food. I took too much, and I’m not that hungry.” She pushed her plate over to him.

“I can get another plate. You don’t need to give me yours.” His voice had an edge to it.

Chas caught a glint of hurt cross her eyes.
What the fuck am I doing? I’m pissed at her because I almost fought a brother over her. What is happening to me? If she were a club whore or some girl I’d picked up, I wouldn’t have given a shit about what Axe said.

“Are you mad at me over this? Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea that I came tonight.” Addie’s voice held hurt, wounded pride, and tenderness all rolled together, and a tinge of guilt spread over Chas.
What the fuck?

“Are you?” Her fingers touched his cheek.

Chas shook his head, leaned over and kissed her. “No, babe, I’m not mad at you. I’m pissed at Axe. You didn’t deserve to be treated like that.”

“He was drunk, and he seemed to have an anger problem. Let’s forget about it, okay?”

Nodding, he placed a morsel of barbecue beef in his mouth.
I’ll punch Axe’s face in tomorrow for disrespecting my woman. And she fuckin’
my woman. No way is any man getting near her or fuckin’ her. Ever.

After dinner, he led Addie back to the bar. “Remember what I told you. Stay close to me and don’t wander off. You’re not patched, so you’d be open game for any brother. Also, babe, ignore the whores around here. They’ll be givin’ you dirty looks, but it doesn’t mean shit. You’re with me.”

Addie clung to Chas’s arm as they shuffled to the bar.

“A glass of red wine and a shot, plus a bottle of Coors,” Chas told the prospect.

Several brothers from nearby chapters came over to greet Chas. It didn’t escape him that they talked to him but had their eyes on his precious woman. It pissed him off and made him proud at the same time.
Damn, I am fucked-up about her.
From a distance, he caught Brianna’s cold stare laced with hatred and jealousy.
What the fuck is she doing here? She better not start with me or Addie.
As they locked gazes, he felt something cushy rub against him. Thinking it was Addie, he turned sideways, a big smile on his face. “Hey, babe.”

Instead of his sweet Addie, a skimpy-dressed June beamed back. Glancing to his other side, Addie stared at June, wide-eyed.

“Want some real fun?” June purred as she stroked his thigh with her hand.

Swatting her hand away, he said, “Move on, June. I’m with my woman. Find another brother.”

“Whaddya want with a tubby?”

“Don’t you fuckin’ talk shit about my woman. You think you’re something? Fuck, you’re a used-up slut who’s nothing but a draining hole. Now, leave me the fuck alone.”

“You didn’t have a problem using my holes before. As I remember, you
them—a lot.”

Rage flashed in his gaze, and Chas grabbed her arm hard. “What the fuck don’t you understand, bitch?”

“Come on, June. I’m lookin’ for a good time,” said Throttle.

June jerked her arm out of Chas’s grasp. “Yeah, take me away from this shit.”

Throttle picked up June and flung her over his shoulder before they disappeared in the crowd.

Chas pulled Addie flush to him. He lowered his head and kissed her wet, hard, and deep. When he broke away, he said, “Sorry for that scene. The bitch is a slut. What can I say?”

“Do you still see her?”

“No. I already told you that. You’re the only woman I’ve been with since I met you. You’re the only one who interests me, babe.” Chas held her tighter.

“I like that,” she replied.

Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Brianna wrapped around Steel coming toward him.
Fuck, I don’t need this.
Before his ex-wife reached him, he had Addie out on the floor, dancing to the classic rock and heavy metal tunes spinning on the jukebox. Brianna glared at him, her arms crossed over her chest. He ignored her, but knew she’d find a way to crawl under his skin and make him pay for bringing Addie to the club. Her favorite weapon was Jack. The bitch used Chas’s soft spot for his son to manipulate and punish him. She never pushed too far because stepping over the line meant infuriating him, and Chas knew she was smart enough not to do that.

After many dances, Chas pulled Addie behind him, guiding her outside. The fire in the pit had grown taller and angrier, its yellow and blue flames licking and sputtering. People threw branches, paper, and whatever else they could find to fuel the bonfire. During the cool months, the bonfire was a staple at Insurgents’ parties.

“Let’s sit over here, babe.” Chas motioned to a small patch of dried grass mostly covered in fallen leaves. When they sat down, the leaves crunched under them. “Comfortable? I can get us a blanket.”

“I’m good. It’s nice and cool out here. The bonfire is mesmerizing,” Addie said as she settled down. She sat between his legs, her back against his chest.

Chas wrapped his arms around her. Shadowy figures became clearer as his eyes adjusted to the dark. All around them, people fucked and sucked. There were couples, threesomes, and everything else one could imagine. As he watched Jerry fucking two women, Chas’s cock twitched, making him shift to readjust himself. Addie’s surprised gasp turned him on. He figured her eyes had probably adjusted to the dark, and she was taking it all in.

With his thumb, he rubbed it over and over her nipple, and its hardening under her top drove him crazy. Pinching her taut beads, he cupped her tits. Addie sucked in her breath and shifted her position. Smiling, Chas continued to squeeze her tits before one hand lightly skimmed down her body until it massaged her hip, slowly dropping lower to her inner thigh.

“Oh,” Addie whimpered.

The small sound spilled fire on his cock. Chas ran his hand over her inner thighs, pinching them softly while he rubbed the side of his face against her silky hair, breathing in her scent. When his fingers moved her panties to the side and dug in her wet folds, Addie moaned and clenched her thighs. Squirming while she pushed her pussy into his hand, her pants sounded like primal music. Feral instincts took over, and Chas wanted nothing more than to pound into her like a wild animal. His index finger fluttered around her hot spot, barely touching it.

“Fuck, Chas. You’re teasing me,” she whispered hoarsely.

“Like it? You getting turned on watching everyone fuckin’ around you?”

A strangled moan escaped through her lips.

Those fuckin’ sounds she makes set my dick on fire.

Chas applied pressure on her hardening nub. “You’re wet and ready to have my fingers up your hot pussy.” He inserted two fingers in her and pistoned them in and out. Hard. Fast.

Heated silkiness clenched around his fingers as Addie convulsed, moaning like a cat in heat. Tangling his hand around her hair, he pulled her head back and kissed her hard and deep while he continued pumping in and out of her clenching cunt.

“How does it feel, baby?” he whispered against her ear.

“Fucking awesome,” she sputtered as she tried to catch her breath.

Withdrawing his fingers from her, he brought them to his mouth and licked her essence off. “You taste so good. I’ll never get tired of your sweetness.”

Addie tilted her head up and he caught her eyes, the burning fire from the pit reflecting in them. She smiled. “You’re crazy. You do know that, right?”

“Only for you, precious. Only for you.”

They kissed again then Addie stiffened and her eyes darted around. Several onlookers watched the couple.

“Shit, did I just get off in public?”

“Uh-huh.” Chas peppered the side of her face with kisses.

She groaned. “I’m now officially a slut. How can I face any of these people again?”

“Do you even see them? Anyway, baby, I love how you’re a class act most of the time and a nasty slut when we fuck.” He winked at her.

She swiveled her body so she faced him then buried her head in his chest.

Too fuckin’ cute that she’s embarrassed.

“Let’s go to one of the rooms and have some real fun. My cock is hard as hell, and it needs your lovin’.”

Addie looked up at him. “This is your turf, so lead the way,” she rasped while a devilish grin flashed across her lips.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

has kicked the
door closed behind him as he held Addie in his arms, pushing her backwards until they tumbled on the double bed. As he hovered over her, he took in her gaze, sparkling with desire and staring intently into his own, captivating him. Everything about her bewitched him, and Chas couldn’t get enough of Addie. Her scent, her softness, her laugh, her sexy body—all of it had slipped into his life like a smooth shot of whiskey, scorching him and warming him up at the same time. Addie had become his addiction, and even though he wanted to put the brakes on his feelings, he just fucking couldn’t. He needed his fix, and the sexual casualness he’d started with had turned into a constant urge to consume her—
of her.

Addie wound her arms around his neck, bringing him closer to her beautiful pink mouth, her lips full and so fucking inviting. Their mouths devoured each other’s, and their tongues twined together as Chas inched his hand under her skirt to grab and squeeze her ass. Her small whimper inside his mouth almost did him in. Body crushed against his muscled chest, Addie grasped his hips with her legs, trying to rub against his rock-hard length.

“Fuck, precious. I want all of you. You turn me on like no other woman. What kind of spell have you put on me? Shit, I’ve never felt this way with any other woman.”

Addie kissed his neck and, in a hoarse voice, said, “I feel the same way. I’ve never felt this alive or connected to any man as I do to you. You take my breath away, each and every time.”

Chas growled and moved his hand from her ass to her slick pussy. From the way Addie shuddered under him, and the way her engorged lips quivered under his fingertips, he knew she was on fire. When he inserted two fingers inside her, moving them slowly as he feathered kisses on the base of her neck, Addie tilted her head, closed her eyes, and rasped, “I love the way you fuck me. It’s so good, just so good. Oh…”

Without missing a beat, Chas’s fingers pistoned in and out of her until her silken walls squeezed them tightly and she convulsed under him, screaming out his name. He held her close as she climaxed hard, kissing her and relishing the
of her orgasm against his pulsing body.

After Addie calmed down, she smiled wickedly at Chas and said, “It’s not fair I’m having all the fun. Your turn is overdue.” She rolled out from under him, lightly shoving him on his back as she pushed up his t-shirt. “Take it off. I want to see your ink dance as you come.”

In one fluid movement, Chas lay on the bed, shirtless, his corded muscles twitching.

“Baby, I can’t wait to see your lips wrapped around my cock.”


Poised over him, her hair burned about her like molten copper, its strands on his chest like velvet fire. He reached up and tangled his fist in her hair, brushing it across his lips as he breathed in the sugared cookie scent. The fragrance made him want to nibble and eat her, one delicious lick at a time.

“You smell good, precious.”

The tip of her pink tongue traced the death skeleton tattoo on his ripped chest. “Mmm, and you taste good.” Addie blazed a trail around his ink jobs, scorching his skin. Then she slowly licked in a circle around his nipples, like she was eating an ice cream cone. The tip of her tongue went around and around, inching closer to his nipples but not touching them. Chas growled deep from his throat. As she tantalized him, his skin prickled, and her tongue zeroed in closer. When she finally flicked his nipple quickly followed by a gentle, firm bite between her full lips, he sucked in his breath and held it.

Each lick from his precious woman ignited him, and each nip shot electric currents to his throbbing cock.
He had to have her fast; otherwise, he wouldn’t be able to hold it much longer. Maybe if he thought about something other than Addie’s hot mouth on his skin, electrifying it. He exhaled.
Different presidents who’ve been on stamps
. Her slick tongue felt so damn good.
There are eight pints in a gallon.
Her teeth barely grazed his nipples while she raked her red manicured nails over his stomach, sending his cock into overload.
Fuck! Try to remember the words to the national anthem

Addie’s tongue trailed past his pecs, down around his belly button, until it landed on the V-shaped lines. Gasps of excitement tickled his ears and he looked down, meeting her lustful gaze. She arched the corners of her mouth as her tongue continued licking.
So fucking hot.

Stiffly pointed skyward, Addie grasped his dick tightly as he buried his fingers in her hair. Taking his rod in her hand, she rubbed the head—damp from beads of pre-come—over her stiff nipples. Her moans mixed with Chas’s grunts.

“Baby, you’re gonna make me lose it. I want to spill inside your pussy.”

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