Chas's Fervor: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 3) (20 page)

BOOK: Chas's Fervor: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 3)
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Moving his arm away, he said, “I’ve been fine. Bring us a Coors on draft and your best brandy.” Chas circled his arm around Addie and tugged her close to him.

The waitress’s smile fell, and she threw Addie a look of contempt before she turned around and left.

“She didn’t seem too happy to see me,” Addie said as she relaxed in Chas’s arm. “Did you date her?”

“Date?” He snorted. “I wouldn’t call what we had ‘dating.’ ”

“What would you call it?”


Addie gasped then placed her hand over her mouth, her eyes bulging. “You’re so blunt. I can’t get used to that.”

“You asked, and I told you. It’s no big deal. Did you want me to lie to you?”


“Then what do you want me to say?”

“So, you and she never went out anywhere? I mean, you just made love, and that’s it?”

“I never took her out to dinner or on my bike, if that’s what you’re asking. And, precious, I didn’t ‘make love’ to her. I fucked her.”

The waitress came back with their drinks, placing Addie’s down hard before brushing Chas’s hand as she gave him his. “Did you want to order something to eat?” she asked, ignoring Addie.

“What do you want, precious?” Chas asked.

“I’ll try the barbecue brisket with corn and coleslaw.”

“Good choice,” Chas said in her ear, then bit it lightly. “I’ll have the hickory burger with fries.”

“You’re looking good, Chas,” the young woman told him after she wrote down their orders.

Nodding, Chas turned toward Addie and kissed her soft cheek. The waitress spun around and stomped off.

“Great, now she’ll probably spit in my food or something,” Addie groaned.

Chuckling, Chas said, “There’s something about you that drives me wild. You’re a very sexy woman, you know?”

She brushed her finger over his bottom lip. “Maybe it’s been one of your fantasies to fuck a librarian.”

Drawing her finger into his mouth, he sucked and bit it. “I bet under your prim-and-proper work clothes, your tits and pussy are covered in sheer lace. You act all business-like, but from the way you kiss, you’re secretly nasty, aren’t you, Ms. O’Leary?” He craned her head sideways and pressed his lips against her perfect ones. Pulling back, he licked his lips. “Delicious,” he said as he winked.

Pinkish-red patches spread over her cheeks, and from the look in her eyes, it came from desire.
Oh, yeah, I’m gonna have a good time fuckin’ her tonight.

Clearing her throat, she asked, “How many girlfriends have you had since your divorce?”


“You haven’t been with any women? I thought you said you were with the waitress?”

“I told you, we fucked, that was it. Fucking someone doesn’t make her a girlfriend, you know? I’ve fucked lots of whores since my divorce, but I haven’t had a girlfriend.”

She sat still, her mouth opened, her eyes wide. After a few seconds, she said in a low voice, “You
for sex?”

The not-so-smiley waitress slammed down Addie’s dinner plate in front of her then placed Chas’s dinner in front of him. She gave Chas the basket of cornbread and steaming rolls. Acting as if Addie didn’t exist, she asked him, “Do you want anything else?
?” She brushed her knee against his.

“Do you want anything else, precious?” he asked Addie.

She shook her head, her eyes holding an incredulous stare.

Turning to his ex-lay, he said, “My sweetie doesn’t want anything else, and I’m good.”

She rolled her eyes then went to another table.

As Chas ate a mouthful of fries, he buttered a piece of cornbread and handed it to Addie. After swallowing, he said, “The cornbread is the best. They put jalapeños in it.” Staring at her, he asked, “What’s the matter? Aren’t you hungry? You haven’t touched your food.”

“I’m lagging behind you by ten minutes. I’m still waiting for you to answer my question.”

“What’s that?”

“You paid to have sex?”

Jerking in his chair, he dropped his fork and said, “Whoa. What the fuck?”

“That’s what you said.”

“When did I say
? I’ve never had to pay for sex in my life.”

“You said you didn’t have girlfriends, but you had a lot of whores.”

Looking at her serious face, her wide eyes, and her furrowed brows, Chas’s body began to shake. From deep in his chest, the laughter formed, rising up until it expelled from him in a loud guffaw, turning his face red. Seeing Addie’s perturbed face made him laugh harder.

“I’m glad I’m a source of amusement for you,” Addie said, a hint of hurt lacing her tone.

Forcing himself to stop, Chas apologized. “Sorry, it’s just that you took me by surprise. I mean, I’m not used to a woman like you. I’m used to chicks from my world.”

“And what world is that?”

“The outlaw world. We—outlaw bikers—have our own lifestyle and our own set of rules to live by. We don’t live by the citizens’ rules. We’re individuals who bow to no one, test the boundaries of all, and give our devotion to few.”

“Are you happy living that way?”

“Fuck yeah. It’s the only way to live. And the whores I fucked are club whores, but not in the way you’re thinking. They wanna be there, to fuck bikers and shit like that. At the clubhouse, we have the mamas who are club property and wear the club’s patch. We have club whores who have the club’s protection, and then there’re the hoodrats who come for the parties to fuck and get drunk. All the ones I named are there to service the brothers and their friends, whenever and however we want.” Chas put his hands on each side of Addie’s face, forcing her to look at him. “Don’t give me that look. The women
to be there. They choose to come, to wear the patches. Insurgents never force women.”

She pushed his hands away. “Does anyone have a regular relationship with a woman, like a girlfriend or getting married?”

“Yeah, of course. Some of the brothers have old ladies. The old ladies wear their man’s patch, and they are respected by the home club, charter clubs, and any other bikers who see the patch. Your lawyer, Cara, she’s Hawk’s old lady.”

“Wow. I didn’t know that. Was Brianna an old lady?”

“When we first hooked up, I was prospecting for the club. After I patched in, yeah, she wore my patch. When we divorced, I took it back. She was more pissed ’bout losing the property patch than she was over our marriage breaking up.” He tossed back the rest of the beer in his bottle and sat back.

As she cut her brisket, Addie asked, “How long have you been a member of your club?”

“I started hanging around the club when I was sixteen years old. Caused a lot of problems at home with my mom and dad, but I was drawn to the life, you know? After a couple of years of being a hang-around, I started prospecting along with a couple of other brothers—Jax and Axe. We’re tight ’cause we were all going through the same shit, you know? Anyway, I was twenty-one when I became a full patched member. This year is my seventh year as a full patch.”

“And this is for life?”

Stopping in mid-air, Chas put his fork down and stared at her straight-on. “Fuck yeah. We’re a brotherhood. We’re a family. We have each other’s backs, no matter what shit happens.”

“It’s great to belong to something you feel strongly about.”

“Yeah. It’s about more than that, but you’re a citizen, so you wouldn’t really understand it.”

“Did Brianna?”

“Sorta. She just wanted to ride on my bike, fuck, and wear my patch. She wasn’t all that complicated.” He laughed as he motioned for another beer.

After she finished her dinner, she pushed her plate away. Gazing out into the darkness, she asked, “Why did Brianna make up all those lies about me to the police? How could she do something like that to an innocent person?”

Shrugging, he said, “She’s a jealous bitch.”

“Jealous? Of what?”


“Me? Are you serious? She’s beautiful. Why would she be jealous of me?”

“She’s got some fucking idea she and I are gonna get back together, which is never gonna happen. She sees you as a threat ’cause you’re not a club whore or a hoodrat.”

“Why would I be a threat to her? That’s crazy.”

Wrapping his arm around Addie, Chas squeezed her, and nuzzled his face against hers. In a husky voice, he said, “It’s because she sees that I got the hots for you in a real bad way. She’s known me for nine years, and she’s never seen me taken by a woman the way I am with you. Fuck, we’re on our second date, precious, and I
date. Brianna and I never dated. We just fucked. Me being with you is driving her nuts.”

Under his touch, he felt a slight shiver pebbling her arms. With urgency, he lowered his hand so it brushed the curve of her breasts. His fingers itched to wrap around her glorious tits. A small moan escaped from her as she crossed her legs, and he craved sliding his hand down her pants to stroke the crotch of her panties.

As she sat, squirming and breathing heavily, he glided his hand down to her thigh, clasping it before inching toward her pussy. Under half-lidded eyes, she gazed up at him; his hungry eyes blazed. Bending down, he captured her mouth and his tongue drove deep into her. Whimpering softly, one hand stroked his face while the other raked through his hair. Feeling himself harden, he shifted himself uncomfortably.
I wanna fuck her. She’s driving me crazy.

The thump of the check holder on the table pulled Chas away from Addie. Staring at it, the waitress snarled, “Why the fuck don’t you get a room, asshole?”

Glints of anger gleamed in Chas’s inky eyes. “Shut the fuck up.” Grabbing her arm, he jerked her down, and hissed in her ear, “We fucked twice. End of story. You don’t own me. Show respect to me and my date. You don’t want to piss me off any more than you already have. Do you understand?” He let go of her.

Rubbing her arm, she straightened out, smiled, and said to Addie, “Sorry, I’m having a bad night.” She picked up the check with the money in it. “I’ll be back with your change.”

“No change needed.”

With a glimmer of regret in her eyes, she said, “Thank you. I appreciate it. Have a nice evening.” In a flash, she disappeared among the multitude of people, who were drunker and louder than when Chas and Addie had first come in.

“You ready to go?” Chas asked.

“Yes, but please take the citizens’ route back to Pinewood.”

He laughed then kissed her hard on her lips. With his hand on the small of her back, he guided her out of the roadhouse, and helped her on his Harley. He’d gladly take the faster road back to her apartment. Muscles twitching with excitement, he couldn’t wait to unwrap sexy Ms. O’Leary.

Chapter Seventeen

ave a seat.”
Addie gestured to the couch. “I’ll be right back.” She disappeared into her bedroom.

Chas sat on the comfortable couch, his eyes taking in the coziness of the room: lace doilies covering nesting tables, a wooden rocking chair settled in the corner, an opened book laid on the floral print cushion, and a small curio corner stuffed with china teacups and pots which filled the back wall. Understandably, bookcases lined the rest of the walls, and Chas wondered if she had read all the books in them.

Addie’s scent told him she’d come into the room. “You did a nice job with decorating. I can see a lot of you in the room.”

Cocking her head, she questioned, “What do you see that’s

“Everything. Like all the books and the dainty shit you have in the china cabinet. I can tell you are a giving person just from the stuff you have. My mom was into all the china and stuff, too.”

“I’d love to see your mother’s china collection some time.” Standing in front of him, she asked, “Would you like something to drink?”

Running his eyes over the length of her, he reached out then yanked her down on his lap, facing him. “I’d like to taste you,” he rasped, his eyes riveted on the glimpse of cleavage through the keyhole of her top.

Leaning in slightly, her hands splayed against his hard chest muscles, she nibbled his ear, her scent intoxicating.

“You smell so good,” Chas said.

“Do I?” she whispered in his ear, her breath burning his skin.

The tip of her pink tongue flicked his earlobe then inched its way down his neck to the top of his t-shirt. Pulling back, a wicked glint shone in her emerald-green eyes as she stuck her index finger in her mouth, sucked it, then drew a line with it over his chiseled chest. “Mmm… I like the way you feel. I love a man with strong, steel muscles.”

“Is that so?” he said in a low, husky voice as his hand behind her back moved her forward.

Aiming for her keyhole, his warm tongue dipped in, licking the top of her cleavage. The small gasp from her pretty, full lips went straight to his cock, and he pressed her closer to him, his mouth sucking and nipping through the keyhole, right above the swell of her tits.

Sitting on his thighs, Addie flexed her ass cheeks, making his stiff dick throb. “You’re fucking killing me, precious. Love how your ass feels against my cock.” Running his hands down her back, he placed them on her ass and squeezed her cheeks. “You feel how hard I am under you?” Feathery kisses trailed over her jawline.

“Yeah,” she whispered, her breathing more shallow.

“You make me hard. My cock is all yours, baby.”

“What does it want to do?”

Grabbing a fistful of hair, he jerked her head back and breathed in her ear, “It wants to do a whole lot of things to you.”

“Like what?” A pink flush licked the skin above her breasts.

Fuck, I’m getting harder the more she talks. What the fuck? I’m loving this.
For Chas, getting a woman to fuck consisted of just a look before they’d find somewhere to fuck. Simple and not much effort.

“Well?” Her hand curled around his neck.

“My cock wants to slide in and out of your pretty mouth until it hits the back of your throat, then it wants to fuck your big, creamy tits before it fucks your tight pussy hard until you come all over it, moaning and screaming.”

Leaning back, her gaze lingered on his mouth as she shifted, her ass rubbing his denim-covered bulge.

“So, now I know.”

BOOK: Chas's Fervor: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 3)
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