Chasing Perfect (5 page)

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Authors: Susan Mallery

BOOK: Chasing Perfect
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He'd always been lucky. In life, in love—or at least in lust—and in racing. That day he'd been luckiest of all.

That's what the photographs showed. As fate, or luck, would have it, someone had been taking a series
of pictures of the race just as the crash had occurred. There, in single-frame clarity, was the sequence. The first bike to go down, the second.

Josh hadn't been in the lead. He'd been holding back deliberately, letting the others exhaust themselves.

Frank had been young, early twenties, his first year racing professionally. Josh had done his best to mentor the kid, to help him out. Their coach had told Frank to do whatever Josh did and he wouldn't get into trouble.

Their coach had been wrong.

The still photographs didn't capture the sound of the moments, he thought as he rode faster. The first guy to go down had been on Josh's right. Josh had felt more than heard what had happened. He'd sensed the uneasiness in the pack and had reacted instinctively, going left then right in an effort to break away. He'd only thought about himself. In that second, he'd forgotten about Frank. About the inexperienced kid who would do what he did. Or die trying.

They'd been going around forty-two miles an hour. At that speed, any mistake was a disaster. The pictures showed the bike next to Frank's slamming into him. Frank had lost control and gone flying into the air. He'd hit the pavement, going forty miles an hour. His spine severed, his heart still pumping blood through ripped arteries, and he'd died in seconds.

Josh didn't remember what had made him look
back, breaking one of the firmest rules of racing. Never look back. He'd seen Frank go flying with an unexpected grace, had—for a single second—seen the fear in his eyes. Then the body of his friend had hit the ground.

There had been silence then. Josh was sure the crowd had screamed, that the other riders had made noise, but all he'd heard was the sound of his own heartbeat in his ears. He'd turned back, breaking the second rule of racing. He'd jumped off his bike and run to that kid lying so very still. But it was already too late.

Josh hadn't raced since. He couldn't. He'd been unable to train with his team members. Not because of what they'd said, but because being in the peloton made him nearly explode with fear.

Every time he got on his bike, he saw Frank's body lying there. Every time he started to pedal, he knew he would be next, that the crash was coming any second. He'd been forced to take a leave of absence, then retire. He gave the excuse that he was making way for the younger team members, but he suspected everyone knew the truth. That he didn't have the balls for it anymore.

Even now, he only rode alone, in the dark. Where no one could see. Where no one would be hurt but him. He faced his demons privately, taking the coward's way out.

Now, as the lights of town grew closer and brighter,
he slowed. Bit by bit, the ghosts of the past faded until he was able to draw in breath again. The workout was complete.

Tomorrow night he would do it all again: ride in the gloom, wait for the final stretch, then relive what had happened. Tomorrow night he would once again hate himself, knowing that if he'd only been in front that day, Frank would still be alive.

He pulled off the main road to a shed behind the sporting goods store he owned. He went inside and drank deeply from the bottle of water he'd brought. Then he removed his helmet and pulled on jeans and a shirt, replacing his cycling shoes with boots.

He was sweaty and flushed as he made his way back to the hotel. If anyone saw him, he or she would assume he was returning from an evening rendezvous, which was fine with him.

As for being with a woman…he hadn't. Not in nearly a year. After his divorce, he'd slept around some, but there'd been no pleasure in it. Not for him. It was as if he wasn't allowed to experience anything good. Penance for what had happened to Frank.

He walked back to the hotel. He would order room service, take a shower and hope that tonight he could sleep.

Once in the lobby, he avoided making eye contact as he made his way to the stairs.

“Hey, Josh. Anyone I know?”

Josh glanced toward the speaker and waved, but
kept on walking. He didn't want to have a conversation with anyone right now.

He sensed someone coming down the stairs as he went up. He glanced to his left and saw Charity. For once she wasn't in one of her old lady dresses and boxy jackets. She'd topped jeans with a pink sweater. He had a brief impression of long legs, a narrow waist and impressive breasts before his gaze moved higher to meet her frosty stare.

He liked Charity—found her attractive, smart and funny. Under other circumstances, if he were someone else, he would want her.

No—that wasn't right. He
want her. If things were different, he would do something about it, but he couldn't. She deserved better.

He knew what she was thinking, what everyone thought. Better that than the truth, he told himself as he flashed her a smile and kept on moving.


stupid, especially when she had no one to blame but herself. She'd spent the weekend buried in work because it was the only way to stop thinking about Josh. Every time she wasn't distracted, she faced a brainful of questions, all designed to make her spiral into girl craziness.

She was fascinated by him in a way that was unexpected, unfamiliar and a teeny bit obsessive. That was fine. It happened. Eventually she would get over it. During their tour of the city the previous Friday, she'd
found herself actually enjoying spending time with him. She'd found him funny and charming, which was good. Having a person inside of her crush was helpful.

But something had happened on their drive. He'd changed and she was frustrated by the feeling that she'd done something wrong. She hadn't. She knew that in her head. But try telling her active hormones that. They'd spent the entire weekend sighing dramatically, longing for just a glimpse of the man in question. Worse, Friday night he'd strolled back into the hotel looking all hot, sweaty and sexy. Which meant he'd been with someone else. Even going online and seeing dozens of pictures of him with other women hadn't helped at all.

She could understand feeling boy crazy if she was in high school, but she was twenty-eight years old. An age when one could reasonably expect some slight maturity. After all, she had plenty of romantic disasters in her past from nice, normal men. Men she'd thought she could trust. If she'd been so desperately wrong with them, falling for Josh would be nothing short of idiotic.

Shortly before ten o'clock on Monday morning, Charity filled her coffee cup and made her way to the large conference room on the third floor for her first city council meeting.

There were already about a dozen people sitting around the large table, all of them women except for Robert. She greeted the mayor, smiled at Robert, then took a seat.

Marsha winked at her. “We're a little less formal than most council sessions you will have attended, Charity. Don't judge us too harshly.”

“I won't. I promise.”

“Good. Now who don't you know?” Marsha went around the table, introducing everyone.

Charity paid attention, doing her best to remember everyone's name. Pia rushed in a minute before ten.

“I know, I know,” she said with a groan. “I'm late. So find someone else to plan the parties around here.” She sank into the chair next to Charity. “Hi. How was your weekend?” she whispered.

“Good. Quiet. Yours?”

Pia started passing out slim folders with a picture of the American flag on the front. “I worked on the plans for Fourth of July. I was thinking we could mix it up this year. Have the parade and party on the eighth.”

Alice, the police chief, rolled her eyes, but the woman next to her, someone Charity thought might be named Gladys, gasped.

“Pia, you can't. It's a national holiday with a tradition going back more than two hundred years.”

“She's kidding, Gladys,” Marsha said, then sighed. “Pia, don't try to be funny.”

“I don't try. It just happens spontaneously. Like a sneeze.”

“Get a tissue and hold it in,” Marsha told her firmly.

“Yes, ma'am.” Pia leaned toward Charity. “She's so bossy these days. Even Robert's afraid.”

Charity's gaze moved to Robert who looked more amused than frightened. He glanced at her and smiled. She smiled back, hoping for a hint of a reaction. A flicker. A whisper. A slight pressure that could be interpreted as a tingle.

There was nothing.

“We have quite a bit of business to get through this morning,” Marsha said. “And a visitor.”

“Visitors,” another woman said. “That always makes me think of that old science fiction miniseries from years ago.
The Visitors.
Weren't they snakes or lizards underneath their human skin?”

“As far as I can tell, our visitor is human,” Marsha said.

The mayor was obviously a woman with infinite patience, Charity thought as the meeting continued to spiral from one subject to another.

“Now about the road repaving by the lake,” Marsha said. “I believe someone prepared a report.”

They worked their way through several items on the agenda. Charity gave a brief rundown on the meeting with the university and the fact that the letter of intent had been signed. Pia talked about the Fourth of July celebration that would indeed be held on the appropriate date, then a five-minute break was called.

Robert rose and left. The door had barely closed behind him when Gladys leaned across the table toward Charity.

“You were out with Josh the other day.”

Charity didn't know if the words were a statement or an accusation. “We, ah… He took me on a tour of the city. The mayor suggested it.”

Marsha smiled serenely. “Just trying to make you feel welcome.”

“You don't send Josh to see me,” Gladys complained.

“You're already comfortable in town.”

“How was it?” another woman asked. She was petite, in her mid-forties and pretty. Renee, maybe? Or Michelle. Something vaguely French, Charity thought, wishing she'd actually written down the names as people said them.

“I really enjoyed seeing the area,” Charity said. “The vineyards are so beautiful.”

“Not the tour,” Renee/Michelle said. “Josh. You're single, right? Wow, how I would love to spend some quality time with him.”

“Sometimes at night I see him walking around town all hot and sweaty,” Gladys said, a slight moan in her voice.

“I know,” someone else added.

Renee/Michelle glanced toward the door, as if checking to see if Robert was within earshot. “Once, he came to the spa.” She turned to Charity. “I run a day spa in town. You should come in for a massage sometime.”

“Um, sure.” She couldn't believe they were actually talking about Josh this way.

“He wanted me to wax him.” Renee/Michelle turned back to Charity. “They all get waxed. It cuts down on air friction.” She turned her attention back to the group. “He was on the table, wearing these tiny little briefs. Man, oh man, all I can say is that the rumors about his equipment are

Renee/Michelle sagged back in her chair and sucked in a breath. “That night my husband got the best sex of his life and he never knew why.” She fanned herself with her hand.

Robert walked back into the room, a can of soda in his hand. He looked around the table, then sighed. “You're talking about Josh, aren't you?”

Charity resisted the urge to squirm in her seat.

“Of course,” Pia said. “We can't help it.”

Charity wanted to snap that he was just one guy and not all that, but she was afraid she would sound like she had something to hide.

“He's the man,” Robert said with a shake of his head.

“Some big investor back east came here and wanted to open a bike school or training camp,” Gladys said. “Josh wouldn't do it. He said he wouldn't exploit his fame that way.”

Most of the women in the room sighed.

Charity privately thought he probably hadn't done it because being involved would cut into the hours he spent getting laid. If anyone here was special, it was Robert, not Josh. Robert was a regular guy,
doing an honest day's work with minimal appreciation. Sure Josh was famous and a great athlete, but he wasn't a god. No matter what her hormones might try to tell her.

Marsha slipped on her reading glasses. “If we could get back to the subject at hand,” she said, her quiet voice instantly silencing the other chatter. “Tiffany will be here any minute and I'd prefer we be discussing something of merit when she arrives.”

“Tiffany?” Police Chief Alice asked. “Seriously?”

“Tiffany Hatcher.” Marsha scanned the paper in front of her. “She's twenty-three and getting her Ph.D. in Human Geography. And before you ask, I went online and looked it up. It's the study of why people settle where they settle. In other words, she's studying why we don't have enough men in Fool's Gold.”

The women all looked at each other. Robert chuckled. “You have me.”

“And we're ever so grateful,” Gladys told him. “But you're only one man.”

“I do what I can.”

Charity tried not to laugh. He caught her eye and grinned.

Marsha sighed. “As much as I wanted to keep our problem quiet, apparently that's not going to happen. Tiffany is very excited about the opportunity to publish her thesis when it's finished. So the whole world is going to know.”

“Unless no one reads it,” Alice said.

“I don't think we'll be that lucky,” Pia said. “Men or a lack of them is sexy. The media loves sexy topics.”

“How can a lack of men be sexy?” Gladys asked.

Just then there was a timid knock on the open door. Charity turned and saw a tiny, dark-haired young woman standing in the entrance to the conference room. Marsha had said Tiffany was in her twenties, but she could easily have passed for thirteen. She had big eyes, long dark hair and an earnest expression that made Charity think she was going to be a giant pain in the butt with her questions.

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