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Authors: Chantel Seabrook

Chasing Payne (11 page)

BOOK: Chasing Payne
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Chapter 20

Lora's knuckles were white as she gripped the steering wheel and pulled into the abandoned gas station.

She could do this. She had to do it.

On shaky legs, she got out of her car and shoved her cell in her back pocket.

Austin's black Escalade pulled up next to her, and the passenger door flew open.

“Get in,” Austin ordered, his gaze focussed on the rear view mirror and the two sets of headlights that were quickly approaching. “Now!”

She jumped in the car and slammed the door shut. Her head thumped backwards as Austin accelerated and sped out of the parking lot.

“Give me your cell phone.”

She looked over her shoulder at the two cars that followed them. “Why?”

“They're tracking you.” The muscles in his jaw twitched. He held his hand out, waiting. “If you want my help, give me your phone.”

She hesitated. Something about his behavior set her on edge.

No, she was just being paranoid. This was her choice. She had called him to help her. If Chase's henchmen caught up to them, she had no doubt they'd pull her from Austin's car kicking and screaming.

The mating hormones weren't helping. Neither was the strange psychic connection that Chase was using to push into her mind and soul, warning her not to run. She shut it down quickly, or so she tried. But he always seemed to be there, inching his way further inside her head.

Get out of my freaking thoughts

Her decision was made. Whether Chase believed it or not, it was best for both of them.

She pulled her phone out and handed it to Austin. He took it and threw it out the window.

Her mouth dropped open, and then clamped shut.

“Put your seatbelt on.”

She reached over her shoulder and pulled the belt across her body, glancing at him from the corner of her eye. “Can you lose them?”

He gave her a curt nod, not taking his eyes off the road. “I need to make sure you're not wearing a wire.”

“A wire?” What the hell was he talking about? A cold shiver ran down her spine. “Why would I be wearing a wire?”

“Just lift up your shirt and let me see,” he demanded.

“I'm not stripping for you.” She was about ready to tell him to pull the car over and let her out, but the bright lights following them made her second-guess herself. She bit her lip and fidgeted in her seat. “What's going on with you?”

His eyes narrowed, and he growled. A deep pulsating sound meant to intimidate. “Do you want my help or not?”

Going against her better judgement, she lifted her shirt, exposing her stomach and bra. “See, no wires.”

He grunted, and turned his attention back to the road. “Hold on. This is going to get bumpy.”

She held her breath as the vehicle turned onto a dirt road and then curved sharply onto a narrow path through dense forest terrain. Her stomach lurched with each jerking movement.

Austin remained silent as he drove, maneuvering through the trees as if he had done it a thousand times before.

Fifteen minutes later, he pulled the vehicle to a stop. “Let's go.”

The sky was dark, and the overhanging trees blocked the moonlight. They were in the middle of the forest, and as far as she could tell, there was nothing and nobody around. What was going on? There was no way she was getting out when he was acting so weird.

Austin opened her door.

“Where are we?” Her voice cracked.

“There's a cabin up the cliff. It's only a short hike.”

She swallowed past the lump in her throat.
Shit, shit, shit
. What had she gotten herself into?

He held out his hand and waited.

“I don't know if this is a good idea.”

“You're a werelion, Lora. There's nothing in these forests that could harm you.” His tone was mocking, and she sensed there was something hidden beneath his words.

Damn, he was really starting to freak her out. Something just wasn't right. In fact, she was starting to believe something was very, very wrong.

“Get out of the car, Lora.”

She blinked twice before she realized that he had a gun pointed at her head.

His dark eyes glittered savagely in the darkness. “Nice and easy now and no one gets hurt.”

Slowly, she got out of the vehicle, her hands in the air. “What are you doing?”

He shoved the barrel of the gun against her back when she turned. “No more talking. Start walking.”

She slipped several times as thorns and branches scraped against her bare arms and face.

“There.” He shoved her towards the entrance of what looked at first to be a pile of rubble hidden beneath overhanging vines and overgrown weeds.

Austin stepped forward, his gun still trained on her, and opened an electronic keypad. He punched in a few numbers, and then scanned his thumbprint. The rotten wooden door slid open in a whoosh.

Lora's mouth dropped as they entered. Inside was a computer tech's dream. Multiple screens and computers littered the workspace. There had to be over twenty-five monitors on the back wall alone.

“What is this place?”

“Sit.” He pointed at the chair and holstered his weapon.

He leaned over a keyboard and punched in another code. The screens lit up. There was video surveillance of the outside of the cabin, multiple screens with a list of running numbers, pictures and biographies of multiple Therian agents, including herself.

Her attention was drawn to a small screen near the three-monitor computer Austin was typing at. A live video of the Therian Agency's control room flashed before her in high definition. “What have you done?”

“It's not what I've done, but what I'm about to do.”

She shook her head, not understanding. “You had no intention of helping me.”

“I have every intention of
you, but first you're going to do something for me.”

“You're fucking insane!”

He tisked and shook his head, clearly enjoying himself. “Now that's not a nice way to talk to your future mate.”

“I'd never—”

“Uh, uh, uh.” He shook his finger at her as if he was scolding a toddler. “Never say never. Trust me sweetheart, there's always a way.”

He stalked around the room, moving items, and fiddling with the screens. She blinked when he turned a spotlight on her.

Her eyes darted around the room, looking for anything that could be used as a weapon. A lamp lay off to the side, five, maybe six feet from her.

When he turned his back, leaning over the keyboard once more, she lunged for the lamp. Getting a firm grip, she struck him across the face in one swift movement.

A vile curse came from his lips as he fell to his knees. He stumbled forward and she reached for his gun.

He elbowed her in the face before she could wrap her fingers around it. “Stupid bitch.”

Her neck snapped back and she tasted blood as she hit the floor. The room spun as she tried to get up.

His fingers wrapped around her upper arm. He yanked her up, dragging her across the room. He shoved her back on the chair. “I was hoping we could do this the easy way,” he said, pulling out rope from under the desk.

Blood dripped down his face from the open wound on his forehead. He cursed, and wiped the blood away with his forearm.

She fought as he yanked her arms behind her back and tightened the roped around her wrists. He leaned in close, his hot breath on her cheek. “I bet you wish you could shift now, huh darling?”


“You'd be surprised what one can find out with a few little hidden cameras and full access to all of the Therian Agency's files.” He pulled out a roll of duct tape and used his teeth to tear a piece off. “As much as I'm a fan of those pretty little lips of yours, it's time you shut the fuck up for a bit.”

“You're not going to get away—” The tape he pressed against her mouth muffled her words and she growled. If ever she wished she could shift, it was now.

He chuckled and turned back to the computer. His fingers punched eagerly into the keyboard.

The monitors went black for a moment, then multiple images of her brother's face appeared on the screen.

“Agent Oliver, so nice of you to take my call.”

“I don't know what game you're playing McCaffrey, but if you lay a hand on my sister—”

“It's a little late for that I'm afraid.”

“Where is she?”

“She's fine. For now.”

He shifted the camera towards her, and Jacob's nostrils flared. “Are you all right?”

She nodded.

“Just tell me your demands and let Lora go.”

“I always knew you could be reasonable.” Austin stood and unholstered his gun. His lips twitched as he circled her, running the cold barrel of the gun across her skin. “But I'm afraid the girl is going to have to stay with me. However, if you're willing to heed my request, I promise I won't blow her brains out.”

“What do you want?” Jacob's voice remained calm, but she could see the panic behind her brother's eyes.

“Three hours of unlimited global airtime. We're going to give the world a glimpse of what the next step in human evolution looks like.”

“You want to expose us to the world?”

“No, I want you to.”

Jacob growled, and for a solitary moment, his face became almost cat-like in appearance.

“Temper, temper, Jacob. You've got one hour to set it up, or”—he pointed the gun at Lora's head—“bang.”

Jacob's face paled. “It'll be done.”

Austin pressed a button and the screens went black. He spun, with his cold gaze boring into her. “Now…where were we?”

Placing his hands on the arms of her chair, he leaned down, his nose nearly touching hers. He snarled, exposing elongated canines.

She inhaled through her nose, and the bitter scent of his mating hormone hit her like a slap to the face. Her eyes widened and she screamed against the duct tape.
No, no, no, no.
She tugged on the ropes that bound her wrists and tried to shift into animal form, anything to get away from him.

He chuckled. “I have a promise to keep, and I never break my promise…
.” His eyes glowed yellow, and he snarled as his canines sunk deep into her throat.

Chapter 21

Pain tore through him like an icy dagger slicing downward, through his head, carving out his heart, and gutting him. Chase stumbled forward, blinded by the pain. He steadied himself, palms down on the cold hood of the vehicle, as multiple voices rang around him.

“Agent Payne, are you all right?”

He blinked several times, slowly regaining his sight. Multiple agents hovered around him and the abandoned car that still carried Lora's scent.

“Agent Payne?”

Panic tightened his throat, stealing his ability to speak. He nodded and closed his eyes, trying to regain a sense of equilibrium. What the hell just happened? He'd been concentrating on his connection with Lora, sensing her fear, her general direction, then a hot iron was shoved inside him, breaking the link.

Something had severed the connection. He was certain of it. Even when she'd tried to block him, he could still feel her, sense her emotional responses. Now—there was nothing. Nothing but a dark, empty void. His lion roared in outrage.

He pushed off the hood of the car, legs shaky, and tried to catch his breath.

If the connection was severed, it could only mean one thing—
Lora was dead

A silent scream of rage tore through him.

His legs buckled beneath him, sitting heavily, with his back against the vehicle. A violent tremor coursed through him. He raked his fingers over his face, through his hair. No, there had to be another reason. He wouldn't, couldn't believe that she was gone. But what else could have caused it?

“Sir, Agent Oliver is requesting to speak with you.”

. A rush of adrenaline flowed through him. He jumped up and grabbed the phone from the agent's hand. “Hello?”

A deep, masculine sigh echoed on the other line, and Chase's heart sunk in his stomach. Of course, it was Jacob.

“McCaffrey contacted us a few minutes ago. We were able to track his location. He has Lora holed up in a cabin two miles south of your location—”

“She's dead.” Chase's voice was low and brutal.

There was a brief pause on the other end. “I just spoke with McCaffrey. She's—”

“She's gone. I can't feel her. Nothing.”

“Chase, listen to me. I don't know what's happened or why your connection is being muted, but McCaffrey's using her. He needs her to carry out his plan.” There was an edge of fear in Jacob's voice, despite his denial.

“I'm going to tear the bastard's throat out.” His tone was lethal now, the lion so close to the surface that his voice carried the rumblings of a roar. He clung onto the anger that was seeping through his veins, replacing the anguish, and giving him strength for what he had to do next.

The agent who stood in front of him took a tentative step backwards, his eyes widened in alarm.

“Chase, don't do anything stupid. You're to follow protocol. We can still get her out safe.”

He shook his head, willing himself to believe it, but he knew the truth. He hung up before Jacob could say anything else, and shoved the phone at the agent who stood watching him.

“What are your orders, sir?”

Chase growled, his muscles vibrated, the skin rippling as the animal fought to get free. Claws shifted beneath his nails, tearing through the skin, itching to tear into his enemy's jugular. He was so close to losing control of his animal that he could barely function, let alone give orders.

His goal was to save Lora, to protect his mate, to bring her home safe, and make sure she never ran from him again. But now he had only one mission—
kill Austin McCaffrey

* * *

Austin ripped the tape off Lora's mouth. He smiled, a cold, mocking sneer. Lora blinked several times as the room came back into focus and the searing pain subsided. She felt as if she were breaking in half. Her animal growled and clawed in protest, and then went deathly still.

“What did you do?” Even as she voiced the question, she knew. A bitter emptiness filled her, and for the first time since she could remember, her animal lay dormant. Somehow his bite had cut the bond between her and Chase.

“I gave you what you wanted.” His eyes glittered with triumph. He trailed his fingers over the fresh wound on her neck, and she flinched. He chuckled and cupped her breast, squeezing hard. “Trust me, darling, you have no idea how powerful an aphrodisiac a werejaguar bite can be. Once the mating process is complete, you'll beg for my touch, and those sweet little thighs of yours will open up and weep for me.”

She spit in his face. “Never.”

A snarl molded his lips and his canines glinted in the dim light. A deep-throated, predatory growl rumbled in his chest. He lifted his hand as if to strike her, then pulled back and smiled coldly. “Once Chase Payne is dead, you'll be mine. There's nothing you can do to stop it.”

Chase. Dead.
The words sliced through her calm. “What are you talking about?”

His lips quirked up. “How did you think this would end? Did you really think that you could walk away from him, a man who claimed you as his mate, and both of you would survive?”

Yes, of course, she did. She would never have put Chase in danger on purpose. “I won't let you hurt him.”

He laughed harshly. “Let me tell you how this works sweetheart.” He pulled a chair in front of her and straddled it. Arms crossed over the back of the chair, he kept a firm hold on the gun. “I bit you, which means my mating hormones are coursing through your body. The special thing about werejaguars is that we have the unique ability to override another animal's claim. Once I kill Payne, you'll be mine.”

She swallowed tightly. “Kill him?”

“Our mating can only be complete once the opposition is destroyed.”

Fear was an agonizing ball of flames growing inside her. Sweat broke out on her forehead and trickled down her cheek. This wasn't happening. She had sought out Austin to protect Chase. Now her decision could kill him.

“You didn't tell me—”

“You didn't ask. All you were concerned about was getting away from that arrogant bastard. Not that I can blame you. The man's been a pain in my ass the past few years.” He chuckled, apparently amused with himself. “Get it? Pain, Payne?”

She glared at him, biting the cheeks of her mouth. How had she ever found this man attractive?

Chase was coming for her. She felt it right before Austin bit her. He was close. Too close. She needed to keep Austin talking. Distract him.

“Why me? Why take what doesn't belong to you?”

“Because I can.” He smirked, his eyes glittering with something akin to insanity. “Power, control, dominance. That's what we were made for. Not for hiding, pretending we don't exist. Living by human rules that confine us, make us weak.”

“If you expose Metamorphs, it will cause worldwide panic. They'll hunt us down. They'll hunt
down. It'll be genocide.”

“You're not seeing the bigger picture.” He shook his head and laughed. “We're stronger, genetically superior. We'll be seen as gods, superhumans. We'll be able to take the power we deserve.”

“You're delusional.”

“It's the Therian Agency who is delusional if they think they can keep their secrets secure. The world is changing. People are changing—”

“You mean the spontaneous shifting? You know what's causing it?”

He clicked his tongue. “Does it matter what or who's causing it? It's a sign, a symbol that now is our time to rise up and take our place at the top of the food chain.”

An alarm went off and Austin jumped, sending the chair flying.

With his gaze averted, she tugged on the ropes that bound her wrists. They were tight, but if she could shift, she could break free. She closed her eyes and tried to connect with her animal.


She pushed harder. Begging the animal to once again claw and fight its way to freedom, but still it remained silent. It freaking figured. She cursed the lioness, whose only response was a gentle rumbling sigh.

The alarm continued to sound. He scanned the surveillance video, turning his back on her.

A blur of movement crossed one of the screens.

Austin placed the gun on the desk and leaned over the computer typing furiously. “You better hope that brother of yours isn't trying to fuck me over.”

Now was her chance. He was unarmed, if she could just—

The door crashed open, falling forward from the impact of the animal that came with it.

The lion's roar threatened like rolling thunder.


A silvery mane, streaked with ochre and browns framed his massive head. His lips pulled back in a furious snarl, showing large white fangs. Cold blue eyes flamed with fury. He lowered his head and prepared to attack.

He paused. His head jerked, nostrils flaring, and then his gaze locked on hers. She watched as his expression changed. His savage features softened, his eyes widened. It was only a slight hesitation, but it was enough time for Austin to strike.

The sound of the gun's blast drowned out her scream.


BOOK: Chasing Payne
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