Chasing Pavement: A Biker Erotic Romance (5 page)

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Miriam undid the cord of her dressing gown and let it fall to the floor, padding naked in complete darkness back to the bed before slipping under the covers with Brad. She felt him shifting next to her and she rolled away from him, allowing him to wrap his arm across her naked body and spoon her, with his crotch gently nestled against her naked ass.


“Do you remember the day you left for college?” Miriam asked.


Brad’s movements ceased as the unwelcome memory came to him. He paused for several seconds before answering.


“Yes I do,” he replied, a note of sadness creeping into his voice.


“Do you regret leaving home?” Miriam followed up. “Leaving me?”


There was another pause, much longer than first.


“Leaving you behind was the saddest day of my life,” he admitted, his voice weighed down with emotion. “But in the end, it was all for the best.”


“Leaving me all alone so that I ended up joining a gang of ‘gun-running thugs on motorcycles,’ as I think you once called them. That was all for the best, was it?” Miriam shot back a little bitterly.


“I have a great career keeping people safe from gangs like the Speeding Seraphim,” Brad countered defensively, “and we ended up back together, with a beautiful little girl. I’d say it worked out pretty well.”


“My life was so empty without you,” Miriam said sadly, taking hold of Brad’s arm and cradling it like a blanket. “It would’ve been better if you’d stayed.”


“And do what?” Brad asked defensively. “Join you in some outlaw gang of bikers?”


“Why not?” Miriam replied, “I can picture you in a biker’s outfit. If you had a beard and some tattoos, you’d fit right in.”


“Very funny, Miriam.”


“I’m serious,” Miriam insisted, “I even have a name for you: Brad ‘The mad’ McMahon.”


They laughed together and snuggled closer.


“’Mad’ as in angry, or ‘mad’ as in crazy?” Brad asked.


“You’ve always been crazy,” Miriam responded, “and dangerous.”


A long pause followed as Miriam gradually drifted back toward sleep.


“You’re not having second thoughts about going into witness protection, are you?” Brad asked out of the blue.


“Of course not,” Miriam answered categorically. “For one thing, it’s a little late for a redo on that particular decision. And for another, I don’t want Emily growing up exposed to that kind of life. Constantly having to watch your back for the Feds or a rival gang out for blood because one of your own did something they didn’t like, or because they want a piece of your business or turf.”


“Good to know,” Brad said, reassured. “It just sounded like you were starting to regret it.”


“The Speeding Seraphim were my family for nearly 15 years, Brad,” Miriam answered. “It may be too late for regrets, but leaving them behind forever hurt as badly as when you left me behind. I betrayed them, just like I betrayed them when I had a love child with a Fed.”


“I seriously hope you don’t regret that decision,” Brad said.


“Not for a second,” Miriam answered.


Another spell of silence followed.


“I’m such a bad girl,” Miriam said self-reproachfully, breaking the silence again, “and I don’t mean that in a kinky way.”


“What other way could you mean it in?” Brad asked with a snort of laughter.


“You’re dangerous, Brad,” Miriam explained, “and danger makes me horny.”


“That definitely sounds kinky to me.” Brad replied with a skeptical smile.


“It’s not all that kinky when it puts others in danger,” Miriam clarified. “My mom told me I’d be grounded if I met with you again. That same night, we snuck into the barn and I lay down on my back for you.”


“Then I popped your cherry,” Brad reminisced with a hint of pride in his voice.


“It hurt like hell when you fucked me,” Miriam remembered, “but the fact that I was rolling in the hay with a boy I’d been expressly warned to avoid made me so horny that night.”


“I remember,” said Brad, a little smugly.


“Then you left,” Miriam continued sullenly, “and Bear came along to fill the gap, in both senses of that phrase.”


“The daring leader of a dangerous biker gang,” Brad said through gritted teeth. Masculine jealousy made his grip on Miriam tighten instinctively.


“And ten years later, you came back into my life,” Miriam said with a sigh, “and I spread my legs for you like some cheap, honey-trap whore.”


“I thought you were just doing it to get out of federal custody,” said Brad.


“I assumed that, too,” replied Miriam, her tone becoming more distressed, “but the truth is the danger and excitement of sleeping with the enemy was too much, especially since we used to be so close. I betrayed Bear and the rest of the gang, and put myself in danger by lying down for you. Except it was worse than that: I got myself pregnant by the enemy and passed off your baby girl as the child of the Speeding Seraphim’s fallen leader. Then I put her in danger, as well as myself, by bedding down with her Fed father again, even though you killed the man everyone thought was her daddy.”


“Where are you going with all this, Miriam?” Brad demanded, trying without success to suppress the tone of exasperation in his voice.


Miriam opened her mouth to reply, but the words froze in her throat. A moment passed before she could speak again.


“My life’s been kind of a roller-coaster ride all these years,” she tried to explain, “not to mention dangerous. Part of me has always craved that danger, especially in guys, but it’s wrong to feel it now that I’m a mom. What if one day I want to go back to that life?”


“I’ll be here to keep you on the straight and narrow,” Brad reassured Miriam, punctuating his words with a kiss on the neck. “I promise.”


“I’ll hold you to that,” Miriam replied, calmed, before adding, “you double-crossing Fed.” With that gentle barb, the couple drifted off to sleep.





Miriam stirred and floated back into the land of the waking, still nestled in Brad’s powerful embrace. The curtains were extra thick, so the early rays of morning were barely visible through the cloth. She snuggled her ass back at Brad as she tried to go back to sleep, and felt a bulge start to grow in his pants. His hands started to move across her body, gingerly seeking out her most intimate parts. He was already awake, and her mere presence next to him was making him horny.


Brad’s naked presence was also arousing Miriam’s passions, and she did nothing to resist when one of his hands found her pubic mound and he started to worm his fingers in between her thighs. Miriam opened her legs to allow her lover easier access, and melted into jelly when his fingers entered her pussy. Brad’s fingertips plowed gently back and forth in a come-hither motion between the rapidly moistening folds of her feminine gateway.


Miriam’s eyes rolled back as the pleasure came in light ripples, making her arch backward in response and allow Brad’s digital intrusion to penetrate her even more deeply. This time, his fingers slipped all the way inside of her, caressing the wet walls of her most sensitive orifice. She gripped the sheets reflexively and bit her lip in an attempt at self-restraint as the ripples of pleasure became billowing waves of ecstasy buffeting her crotch and belly.


But it still wasn’t enough. Brad was working his fingers inside her with great skill, but there was only so much he could do with them. His ministrations had awakened that familiar craving of lust, and only his cock inside her could put it to rest again.


Miriam reached behind and groped in the dark for Brad’s groin, running her hand across his muscular abdomen and down to his masculine equipment. She could barely hold it all in one hand, and the bulge in his pants continued to grow in response to her touch. She gently began to fondle Brad’s testicles, caressing his hardened manhood.


Brad’s excitement surged in response, and he stepped up his increasingly aggressive fondling of Miriam’s pussy. The couple writhed together under the covers, physically intertwined in mutual masturbation and mutual pleasure until they could hold themselves back no longer, and full consummation became the only option.


Brad abruptly ceased his pleasuring of Miriam’s pussy and flipped her over to the center of the bed. Miriam let out a muffled yelp as she was manhandled into position, followed by a giggle at Brad’s virile assertiveness. She eagerly spread her naked thighs as Brad tugged off his boxer shorts and kicked them away, preparing his man-tool for use.


Miriam could see only Brad’s silhouette in the dim light, but she could feel his virile presence bearing down on her, and she shivered with excitement as the sheer eroticism of the impending coupling saturated her thoughts. She felt the head of Brad’s cock brush against the wet lips of her snatch and imagined it, even though she couldn’t see it, as a hardened shaft of flesh crowned with a giant, mushroom head, glistening like an amethyst gem made of male meat.


That amethyst-crowned shaft plunged between Miriam’s nether-lips, eliciting a gasp of overwhelming ecstasy from between her other lips, stifled only by the desire not to wake her daughter, a child whose birth she owed to the male now positioned firmly between her thighs. Brad’s potent rod of masculinity was now buried right up to the hilt inside Miriam’s womanhood, stretching its walls to accommodate his sizeable presence. Having given birth once before, the fit wasn’t as tight as the night Emily had been conceived, but it was still a fairly snug fit.


Brad pinned Miriam’s wrists down to the bed and raised himself to a push-up position. Then he began to rock and roll his hips back and forth, thrusting his manhood home. Miriam bent her knees and eagerly spread her thighs wider to allow Brad better access, reveling in her sheer powerlessness to counter his virile lust except by appeasing and satisfying it. Each penetrating stroke made Miriam yelp in the dark, even as her Federal lover grunted in determination, each of his thrusts more powerful than the previous one.


The increasing force of Brad’s fucking motions made Miriam’s body rock back and forth as his hips slapped against hers with increasingly loud slaps of flesh on wet flesh. His digital stimulation of her pussy beforehand had made her slick with sexual juices, providing ample lubrication to ease his entirely welcome violation of her most sacred entrance. His sex-rod glided effortlessly in between her welcoming wet folds so that the head of his cock would kiss her cervix, the gateway to her inner sanctum of womanhood, before withdrawing to repeat the thrust yet again, but with even greater vigor and intensity than before.


As their early morning mating progressed, Brad began to angle his hips with practiced skill, making it so that his pubic bone rubbed ever so gently against Miriam’s clitoris. The dual pleasurable assault within her love-tunnel and outside it, against her love-button, made the rapidly approaching climax swirling in Miriam’s crotch and belly almost painful to fight against. She wanted to fight back against it, she wanted to resist its impending and inexorable erosion of her senses and faculties, even if only to accentuate the totality of Brad’s conquest of her mind, body, and soul. But her lover’s increasingly feral and unstoppable urges, combined with his relentless and masterful grinding against her clit, ultimately pushed her body to a tipping point, and she allowed herself to fall over the edge.


The orgasm flooded up through her body, surging through her nerves and deluging her senses like a veritable tsunami of ecstasy. She squealed through gritted teeth and struggled to free her wrists from Brad’s imprisoning grip, if only to seize his powerful torso in her arms and hug him as close to her own body as physically possible, imploring him to complete the act of sexual conquest and fill her with every drop of virile seed he could muster. With that mindlessly feral instinct driving her, Miriam wrapped her airborne legs around Brad’s lower back, locking her ankles together and binding him to her. Even if he had wanted to, he couldn’t escape from her love-grip now, and he had no choice but to finish what he’d started.


Brad was now a male possessed, possessed by the all-consuming, primal impulse to breed and to fully consummate his total reconquest of Miriam’s body. He finally released her wrists and allowed her the freedom to imprison him even further. She wrapped her arms around his torso and held herself as close to him as she could, gripping his back with dogged determination, digging her nails into his skin in her uniquely female drive to capture and hold onto this vigorous and utterly driven alpha male, extracting his superior genes for her sole use.


Every time she made love to Brad, even while drowning in an ocean of distilled ecstasy as she was now, Miriam couldn’t help thinking about her friends in the Speeding Seraphim whom she’d left behind. She had betrayed them and caused the permanent shutdown of their extremely lucrative gunrunning business through the simple act of spreading her legs for the federal agent who was now plowing her like a wild, rutting beast. Worse still, it was a betrayal made all the more potent by the child borne of that coupling behind her adoptive family’s backs. Every time she mated with Brad, she couldn’t help but imagine it as the fundamental sexual treachery it truly was.


Worst of all, or perhaps best of all, she liked it. More than liked–she loved it. She reveled in the sheer scale of the deceit that she had indulged in and the sexual gratification that was enabled by it. Brad was a superior male in every way imaginable, and his virility had been proven by her womb. As Brad drove on toward his own rapidly approaching sexual climax, Miriam realized that she took an utterly perverse delight in successfully reproducing with the best man she’d ever met, behind everyone else’s backs, and getting away with it. She knew it couldn’t possibly be healthy, let alone morally justified, to take any kind of satisfaction in being such a treacherous whore, and yet that was exactly what she was doing.


It wasn’t just the kinky and questionable circumstances of their mating, however. There was something about her chosen mate that kindled the fire in her body like no one else could. Brad had always excited in her in a way that even Bear had failed to do. Her feelings for him had never really died down; even after Brad had left their home town, even after he’d ostensibly betrayed her during the raid. In that moment, Miriam realized that she truly loved Brad. She wanted him to stick around and be a father to Emily and her recently conceived, younger sibling, and it filled her with joy that Brad was undoubtedly the biological father of both her children.


Brad’s sexual exertions were bringing him to his inevitable climax at full gallop. His hips were a blur, throttling back and forth between Miriam’s airborne thighs as his cock continued to pound away at the entrance to her womb like a man-powered battering ram. His relentless pleasuring of her most sensitive and vulnerable spots caused a second orgasm to build up in her groin and slowly spread her belly as their mating finally reached its inevitable conclusion. With one last, all-conquering thrust, Brad rammed his cock as far into Miriam’s pussy as physically possible, and signaled his masculine release with an unrestrained snarl of pleasure.


Miriam felt Brad’s cock twitch and tense within her body, writhing about like a mad serpent inside her before finally relinquishing its precious payload. The first dollop of his virile seed felt sticky and warm as it was ejected into her depths, pooling at the very back of her pussy. The second jet shot all the way to the back as well, dousing the entrance to her temple of fertility. It was followed by a third, and a fourth, and then a fifth dose of Brad’s potent, life-giving DNA as he ejaculated the entire contents of his nutsack into Miriam’s welcoming womanhood.


The delicious sensation of being filled with the liquid warmth of Brad’s seed fired the myriad nerve endings in the walls of Miriam’s pussy once again, setting off a second orgasm that made her squeal yet again, clawing in climactic eagerness at her conquering lover’s back as he inseminated her with everything he had. Brad continued to tower above her, glorying in his virile conquest of Miriam’s body, and panting heavily as his systems cooled down.


As his jets of seminal fluid went from full-power spouts to subdued dribbling, the fires of Brad’s lust-filled passions were calmed and quenched. Slowly, he lowered himself onto Miriam, and began to drift off to sleep again. Miriam embraced her Federal lover and caressed his body contentedly, feeling fulfilled by the satisfaction of his urges and literally filled full of his most precious gift. If she hadn’t already been pregnant with their second child, this would surely have done it.


As Miriam basked in her blissful, post-coital afterglow, she felt full of hope for the future. Being in witness protection, Brad technically wasn’t allowed to contact her, let alone come round to the “witness’” house and fuck her senseless. But the Brad she knew had never cared much for the rules, and in that regard at least, he didn’t seem to have changed much. Maybe he could keep bending the rules to keep seeing her. The Feds may be an uptight and professional bunch, but they couldn’t keep a father from seeing his children, could they?


Brad’s skin felt so soft against Miriam’s own, and the sensation created by the movement of his chest as he breathed made the moment all the more poignant. His cock had deflated to its normal size, but he was still inside her. Slowly, his cum began to ooze out of her pussy, seeping out of her sexual gap and dribbling down across the crack of her ass to drip onto the sheets below. He stirred a little in her arms, perhaps reliving their coupling in the blissful land of dreams.


The sun was undoubtedly up now, but it was a Sunday. Emily wouldn’t wake up until at least ten in the morning, and even then would be reluctant to get out of bed. Miriam briefly wondered what family life might have been like with Bear. Try as she might, the image simply wouldn’t materialize in her mind. As fun and vigorous as he’d been, the hardcore biker had categorically ruled out children, dismissing them as “loud, annoying, and fucking expensive.” With that sentiment in mind, he had always insisted on using condoms, not trusting Miriam to use the pill. It turned out to have been just as well; even though she still felt some residual anger at Brad for killing Bear, she felt more strongly for Brad than she ever had for Bear. Bear would have killed her with his bare hands if he’d found out she was pregnant, especially by a hated Fed, of all men. By killing her boyfriend in cold blood, Brad had effectively saved her life.


As the faint rays of early morning light grew steadily brighter and stronger, Miriam’s desire to rest gradually receded. It was time to get up. She slowly, carefully extricated herself from beneath the weight of the still sleeping Brad and slipped out of bed. Still naked, and with her lover’s seed still dripping from her body, Miriam picked up her dressing gown off the floor and went to the bathroom. She hung it up on the rack before running the water and stepping into the shower.


Miriam closed her eyes and relaxed as the warm water flowed across her skin, running down her back and over her belly, washing away all her troubles. The dark cloud of betrayal and guilt that hung over her past dissolved into the distance, along with her concerns about the future. She took a flannel from the rack and carefully scrubbed between her legs, cleaning up the residual sexual fluids deposited inside her less than hour ago.

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