Chasing Leah (Journey Series) (12 page)

BOOK: Chasing Leah (Journey Series)
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“Yup no problem,” I say as I
heft out a box filled with various bottles and follow Ally up the path that
leads to the front porch.

The inside of the house had been
transformed from a grubby frat house to a semi-decent looking haunted house.
Cobwebs covered most of the surfaces, fake blood was streaked across the
mirrors, orange lights were twinkling all throughout the room and fog machines
were starting to flow giving the house an eerie feeling. Two makeshift bars
were set up on either side of the large open living room that opened up to a
kitchen and dining room. The dining room consisted of a table set up for beer
bong and all other furniture had been cleared for a dance floor. A
was setting up his equipment in the corner.

“Hey guys! I love your costumes!
Thanks so much for bringing all of this, I hope it’s enough.” A girl that I
recognize as one of
friends from her sorority
says as we come in and sure enough I can already add my naughty nurse to the
list. I wonder how many of those will be repeated tonight.

“No problem Cassie. It looks
awesome in
you need help with anything else?”
Remy asks.

“I think we’re good for now. We
might need a little help on some of the bars later if you don’t mind.”

People slowly started to trickle
in as the night got later. The
cranked up the
music and Ally and I moved to the dance floor while
joined in on a game of beer pong. We danced along to the music for awhile until
the floor started getting a little crowded and hot. I leaned over and shouted
ear over the thumping music, “I’m
pee and grab a drink. You need anything?”

“Nope I’m
I think I’ll head over with Sky for a bit. Meet us over there when you’re

I make my way through the crowd
of people and wave when I spot Remy who just walked in with Mark. It looks like
Mark came straight from the bands performance, decked out in jeans and a simple
shirt but Remy looks cute in a short sequined white dress adorned by a set of
angel wings and halo. She looks purely angelic with her creamy white skin and
red hair that’s down and loosely curled. I motion that I’m going to the
bathroom and head towards the hall where there’s a small line formed.

I lean my hip against the wall
as the line inches forward and I’m next in line. Why did it seem like there’s
only one bathroom available at these things?

“Hey Leah,” I hear whispered in
my ear over my shoulder by a familiar voice. I turn around and look up into the
turquoise eyes of Gage. It’s the first time I’ve ran into him since he met
Caleb. I tried texting and calling him a few times but none of those were
returned. Obviously he was interested in being more than just friends with me
but Caleb had halted those ideas. I figured I would probably run into him here
since this was the frat house he lived in.

Gage grabs my hips lightly and
his eyes roam up and down my body. “Wow you look

hot.” He says as he leans in closer to me and I can smell the pungent smell of
alcohol already heavy on his breath. I take a step back willing the bathroom
door to open. Of course
happen anytime soon.

“Uh thanks Gage. How have you

“Horrible,” he gently pushes me
against the wall and places his arms on either side of my body, pinning me in.
“I can’t stop thinking about you and your not helping me at all with this
outfit on.”

“Well I did try and call you a
few times, I was going to explain about Caleb, not that I really need to but…”
He interrupts my rambling with a finger to my lips. “Less talking Leah,” he
mumbles out through half lidded eyes. He grabs my hand and places it on the
bulge near the front of his jeans. “
head up to
my room for a little more privacy?” I remove my hand quickly and push my hands
against his chest.

“Seriously Gage? I’m not
interested in that, especially with you.”

He leans down to kiss me, his
hot breath suffocating me as he comes closer and I turn my head right before he
touches my lips so he’s left with my cheek.

“C’mon Leah don’t be like that,
I know I was turning you on, I can tell you’re a little slut with that
of yours. Let me take you up to my room, I can show you
how much of a man I really am,” he says as he flattens me against the wall,
grinding against me and sliding my skirt up as he begins to work his fingers up
my thigh.

I slap at his roaming hands but
that just seems to get him more excited and even
more grabby
if that was possible.
Apparently the unwilling turn him on.
He may be freaking wasted but that doesn’t give him the right to basically try
and rape me in the hallway.

“Gage get the fuck off of me,” I
silently thank Ally for the pointy heeled boots she picked out for me and stomp
the heel into the top of his foot with all my might.

He shouts out as he
stumbles back against the opposite wall.  I bring my knee up to his groin
and thrust up between his legs. “Guess you won’t be using that tonight, what a

He doubles over at the waist,
trying to hold himself up against the wall.”You… little… bitch,” he croaks out
while he struggles to get up. “Oh and by the way asshole Caleb isn’t my kid,
he’s my brother. Not that it matters anyways. I’m pretty you’d have to have sex
in the first place to have a kid of your own.” I turn the other way down the
hall quickly forgetting my need for the
just need to get out of this place.

“Is there a problem here?” I
look over and notice Chase standing at the end of the hall, his green eyes
flashing with anger. There’s a drop dead gorgeous girl standing beside him with
her hands wrapped tightly around his waist. Slutty nurse number two of the

I straighten out my skirt with trembling
fingers and look over at Gage who’s still trying to hold himself up against the
wall and now staring back at me with his mouth hanging wide open. Probably
realizing what a jackass he is. “Nope he just can’t keep his hands to himself.
I can handle myself though, thanks.” I brush past Chase, whose scowling down at

“Leah wait up,” he grabs my
shoulder, twisting my body around to his. “Are you okay, did that fucker hurt
you?” He questions me between gritted teeth. “You’re shaking.”  I reach up
and push his hands off my shoulders. “I’m fine. I’m just ready to leave now. I
need to find Ally.”

“I can take you Leah. I need to
make sure you get home safely. Let me just grab my keys from Mark.”

“No Chase that’s okay,” I look
over his shoulder at the blonde who was wrapped around his waist. She certainly
does not look happy about Chase not paying her any attention. He can obviously
move on pretty quickly when he had seemed to pretty
in me. That’s why you can’t trust guys. “Go. Have fun. I’ll see you later.” I
find Ally who’s sitting on
lap and has
changed over to some kind of card game.

“Hey L!
Didn’t you get something to drink?” She motions to my empty hands.

“No I’m not thirsty anymore. Do
you mind if I borrow
keys? I’m ready to go

She raises her eyebrows at me
and moves to stand up.
Leah?” She asks, knowing me so well, going into
instant protect Leah mode.

“Nothing Ally we’ll talk about
it tomorrow but I’m just ready to get out of here.”

She whispers something into
ear and reaches into his pocket, grabbing his keys
out. “Here you go,” she says as she drops them into my hand. “We’ll catch a
ride with Cassie or someone.”

“’Kay call me if you can’t find
one. I can come back to get you no matter what time it is,” I lean over and
kiss her on the cheek.

Leah. Be careful.”

I drive back to the apartment
brushing the stray tears aside as they flow down my cheeks. I really wasn’t
expecting something like that from
he always
seemed to be the perfect gentleman whenever we were together. I know from way
too much experience how alcohol can change and effect people though. But it’s
never an excuse.

After paying Clarissa who was a
little surprised to see me home so early, I toss on a pair of pajama pants and
an old sweatshirt, throwing
‘sexy’ costume into
the hamper and pulling my hair into a ponytail.
A lot of good
that did me.
Caleb took a late nap this afternoon so of course he is wired
and bouncing off the wall, which is a good thing in case Ally does need a ride.
I flop down onto the couch and flip the TV on scrolling through the channels
and find a Disney movie for us to watch.

I stroke
hair as he curls up onto my lap covering us
with his favorite blanket he drags everywhere. I think back to the party and
Chase. He was so ready to come to my
he looked
ready to rip Gage apart. But who was that girl with him? The way she was
wrapped around his waist caused a burst of jealousy to come through wishing I
was in her spot. I shake my head at my thoughts. No I told Chase I didn’t want
he has the right to see whoever he wants.

I wake up to the sound of my
cell phone going off. I must have drifted off to sleep as I glance over at the
clock and see that it’s just after eleven. Caleb is still wide awake watching
the next movie that had come on. Of course he’s awake that child has the
weirdest sleeping habits. “Mommy, mommy,” he pushes on my head.

I mumble into the phone, reclosing my eyes.
“Oh Leah did I wake you up?” I hear Ally ask and I pop my eyes open. “No Al,
just resting a bit. Did you guys need a ride?”

“Yeah sorry L.
By the time we started asking around everyone was too far gone to be driving. I
figured I’d try and catch you early. Is Caleb still up, if he’s sleeping we can
find someone else or walk.”

“Of course
still up. I did kind of kidnap
car. I’ll be there in about 15 minutes.”

“Kay Leah. Thanks sweetie.” I
hear her giggling with
in the background as I
hang up and slip on a pair of flats and search for
keys. “Come on buddy, we need to go pick up Auntie Al real quick.
Ready for a short road trip?”
He nods his head at me and
trails his blanket along with us in his little footie pajamas. I think I’ll
make him wear those until he’s at least 15, there just too adorable. I’m
totally going to be one of those parents with embarrassing pictures showing
them off to all of his girlfriends.

I can hear people shuffling
around the hallway and whispering to each other as I open the door to walk out
to the car. I turn around and almost run into Chases back as I look up.

“Oh sorry,” I mumble. I realize
that Chase has his back turned to me and has the blonde from the party pushed
up against his apartment door.
I didn’t mean…” I trail off. Chase rubs his hand threw his hair and
shuts his eyes for a moment, shaking his head slightly. “Sorry Leah. What are
you doing out again, you need help with something?”

“Uh no just going to grab Ally.”
I try to push Caleb along but his feet seem to be glued to the spot while he
stares up at his idol.

“She should have caught me at
I could have brought her home.” The blond
who has now lost Chases attention, rolls her eyes at him and huffs out a
breath. “Chase,” she whines, “think we can move this inside?”

He looks back at her like he
suddenly realized she was there again. “Just give me a minute Ashley,” he pulls
out his keys and lets her in closing the door behind her. He leans down to
level. “Hey dude you being
a little bit of a night owl?” Caleb who clearly doesn’t understand what Chase
means giggles at him and makes weird little
noises which I’m assuming is his owl noise. Chase
straightens back up and looks down at me again, concerned etched across his
face. “You sure your okay Leah? What happened with that guy back there?”

That was Gage from the other night. He was trying to get a little feely with me
but I took care of him.”

He gives me a small smirk, “Yeah
I noticed that by the way he was clutching his balls. I even felt a little
sorry for him.” He pauses and looks back down at with me with a frown.
“Sometimes it’s okay for other people to take of you though Leah, I’d do that
if you let me.”

I glare back at him, feeling
anger rise up in my chest. “Well obviously I can do it myself, I don’t need
anyone else. Now why don’t you get back to your DATE?” I throw back at him. “I
need to go.
waiting for me.”

By the time I come back from
picking up a stumbling Ally and
, I note that
Chases jeep isn’t where its normally parked in its front row parking spot. I
glance over at his door when we head back in and don’t see a light peeking out
from under the door. I feel a pang of guilt for the way I talked to him
earlier. He was just trying to look out for me and I just pushed him away like
I do most people. The anger seemed to be more from the jealousy I was feeling
about him having a date.

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