Chasing Joshua (4 page)

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Authors: Cara North

Tags: #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Romance, #General

BOOK: Chasing Joshua
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Evelyn looked around the room. It was bare for a guest room. Stacked plastic boxes with kids’ toys were in one corner. Labeled, organized. A desk and chair, this was Grace's mother's room, she remembered that now. It looked different, but everything looked different downstairs. Joshua may not be gay, but he had a good sense of decorating. She laughed at that while sleep was pulling at her eyes. “Just a minute, I'll close them for just a minute,” Evelyn told herself.

* * * *

Joshua wanted to sleep, but he was up for the day. He got dressed and headed downstairs to make breakfast. He wasn't shaving. He walked the sidewalk in front of his house trying to figure out how she got here. Finally he gave up. It was about two hours later when he heard her scream. Like lightning he moved up the stairs. The door swung open and she was asleep. Like a baby. His breath was fast and heavy. He slowly moved toward her. As he moved closer, she began to mumble.

"Let go of her. I'll be good, I promise. Don't touch her. Please.” Evelyn was talking in her sleep. In her dreams she was talking to her father. “Don't, look, I'll do it. I'll do it, Blade. I swear if you let her go I'll do it."

"Do what?” Joshua couldn't tell if she was asleep or awake, but she was in terror either way. Sweat poured off her, and tears streamed down her cheeks. He said softly, “Evelyn."

"I'll call you daddy. Let her go. I'll do it.” Evelyn's voice was childlike and innocent.

Joshua fell into a million pieces right then. He couldn't hear another word. His stomach lurched, and he thought he would throw up. He wouldn't tell her about this; he didn't know how.

"Evelyn!” he shouted, “Wake up, you're dreaming!” He didn't touch her. He couldn't. He didn't want his hands associated with that dark memory on any level.

"Mommy!” Evelyn shouted as her eyes opened. She burst into tears afterward, heavy sobs that hurt her ribs, but she couldn't stop them. As she looked around getting her bearings, she realized Joshua was in her room. Fright turned to anger, as it easily did, squelching the tears almost immediately. She was dreaming. “What the fuck are you doing in here?"

"You were screaming. I thought you were hurt.” Joshua locked his knees and elbows. He wanted to grab her and hold her and tell her it was safe now, but he didn't know if that were true. That memory could have been from childhood, or it could have been from last night. If he found out that man was still alive, he would pay, either way.

"I was?” Evelyn wiped the tears and bit down. She was afraid to ask the next question but had to know. If the nightmares were back, she was in more trouble than she thought. “What did I say?"

"Well, this last scream you yelled mommy. Before that I don't know. I was downstairs and just heard the wail.” Joshua was matter-of-fact. If he showed too much concern, she would know he heard more, and he didn't want to scare her, too.

"Did you just call me a whale?” Evelyn wasn't sure what that meant. Her head was processing, and she thought he just called her a whale.
He thinks I'm fat, thinks I sound like a beached, moaning whale.

"No, not w-h-a-l-e, wail as in sound w-a-i-l.” He spelled it out to her. And here he thought he would miss class today. For a tough chick, she had some serious insecurity. That made him want to reach out and hold her even more. He stayed locked. “Anyways I yelled your name so you would wake up; you did. You seem fine now."

Joshua grabbed the fallen ice bags and headed for the door. “I'll get some more ice."

"Wait.” Evelyn's voice was calm and rational again. Why did she say that? When did she become so insecure? Like she gives a shit what he thinks of her. But deep down in a dark place a candle had been lit, and she did care. Now what? “I'm hungry."

"You wanna eat in bed or in the kitchen?” He breathed a heavy exhale. Joshua's shoulder had been healed for a long time, but when it rains, like it did this morning, it hurt. But he knew it was nowhere near the level of hurt Evelyn felt, inside or out apparently. So he would carry her around all weekend if necessary. Luckily she broke in on a Friday.

"Kitchen if possible, I can't stand being in bed for too long.” Evelyn had to keep going, keep moving, stay focused. If she stopped too long to focus on herself, she would have to face herself. There were no plans in her immediate future to do that.

But in the kitchen, she could focus on Joshua. His thick black hair and stunning green eyes, the way his chest felt in her hands, the soft black hair that lightly covered him, tickling her fingertips and curling her toes. Yes, this she could focus on.

Joshua sighed and turned. At the bedside he picked her up and carried her down the hall, and down the stairs. When they passed the kitchen, she thought he might set her out the door in his underwear, but then realized he was heading for the recliner.

"Hang on. Let me put these under there,” he said reaching for some throw pillows and put them on the footrest as Evelyn reclined back.

Joshua stood and looked down at her. The ice had reduced a lot of the swelling, but it was still pretty bad. Any damage at all was bad. “You need fresh ice for that eye. Your lip has gone down a lot."

"I know I look like hell, but I have looked worse.” Evelyn wanted him to think she was okay. She was okay, a little banged up but nothing broken, no worse for the wear. Her cheek had scrapped his as he maneuvered the stairs. The rough whiskers jolted her breasts to attention and at the same time turned up the heat inside her.

"When?” Joshua held her gaze with his own. Maybe she was a boxer? But she seemed too small for that, and boxing wasn't secret.

"You know, before.” Evelyn could feel the heat from those eyes burning into her, warming her to the core, but she knew with her eye black and her lip busted, he wasn't looking at her the same. Maybe when she healed he would. Hell, it had been a while since she watched a man squirm. Maybe she needed a little release. On her terms it always worked out fine.

"No, I don't know. We just met this morning, remember? You broke in. You wanted to shoot me.” Joshua could bring that up over and over, and it still sounded surreal to his own ears.

"I did not break in. The door was unlocked. And I didn't want to shoot you. I thought you had hurt Grace.” Evelyn suddenly felt the need to get things a little more clear.

"Why would I hurt Grace? Why would anyone?” Well besides Ethan's stalker but she was behind bars now and on to someone new. Thanks to him.

"No one would. I just saw a man here and that threw me okay.” Evelyn shrugged and wished she hadn't. It hurt, and that made her grimace. Of course then she scrunched her eyebrows and that hurt, too. “The way she described Mitchell, he sounded like a little weasel."

"He is. But he's long gone now. Huge scandal, the Patterson's moved to Florida after it all.” Joshua wanted to know how much she knew about Grace, how long, that could narrow her age down. He had already put in a few calls to find out who Evelyn Blade was. He should know by nightfall, but that wasn't soon enough. “How long have you known Gracie?"

"Gracie, you call her that, too? Huh, a lot sure has changed in the past few years.” Evelyn wanted to know about the scandal, wanted to know about Grace. Who this guy was she's married to, check him out, see if he makes the cut. Run some background checks to be certain he would never hurt her.

"She wanted to come down from New York today, but I told her to wait.” Joshua wanted a reaction to that, and he got one.

"Why the fuck would she listen to you? I'm one of her oldest dearest friends. Why can't she come see me?” Evelyn's eyes searched him from head to toe.

She wanted to be furious but kept getting distracted by his looks. He was smiling at her, shaking his head. He kept doing that, dismissing her like she wasn't a ruthless tyrant. When she knew damn good and well she could be.

"Because I don't think she wants to explain to a two-year-old what happened to your face.” Joshua headed for the kitchen on that note. Maybe if he fed her she would calm down. Be less evil. This woman hated men, and with good reason from what he heard, but he was not the average man, and even the average man didn't deserve her wrath. But there was a man out there who did. And he intended to find out who he was, and deal with it.

"The hell you say!” Evelyn was shocked. Grace was like her, damaged. Not as severe, but they both ... as soon as she started to think it she realized Grace never hated men. She did. And she helped her friend become less naïve. Then when her mother died, Grace went numb. Like Evelyn had been forever. God, it had been too long since she visited Grace.

"Yes, he has a birthday coming up soon.” Joshua didn't know why, but hell, why not. If she wanted to act like a child, he'd treat her like a child. “If you're a good girl, maybe I'll take you to his party."

Evelyn glared at him with a murderous look. If he hadn't hid her gun, it would have been summoned to her by sheer will. Who does he think he is? Obviously he doesn't know who he is talking to—a woman who could kill him in his sleep. Hell, a woman who could kill him right now.

Evelyn pushed the recliner handle and sat up. Slowly, quietly. With both feet on the floor she stood. As soon as she stepped on the left foot, it almost collapsed sending her into a half jumping start. Pushing past the pain, she headed to the kitchen. She would set Joshua—whatever the hell his last name was—straight, right now.

Joshua had pulled two skillets and set them on the stove. That's probably why he didn't hear her until she was in the kitchen. At least that's what he told himself. He turned to face her.

"Where is my piece?” Evelyn stood with her hands on her hips at the counter. She wanted to reach for it, to support her weight, but she'd be damned if he would see her weak right now.

"Safe.” Joshua turned back to the task at hand. “You want pancakes, eggs and bacon, what?"

"I don't think you understand me.” Evelyn's voice went low. She wanted it to sound serious, but he bent over in the refrigerator, and instead it sounded lustful.
Shit. Don't look at his ass.

"You can say that again.” Joshua felt the heat from that tone. He was sure he didn't understand her. He knew she was mad. He had riled her by the comment, but that voice was low and sensual, not angry. It sent a thought straight to his cock, and he needed to block that immediately.

"I don't think you understand me.” Evelyn said it with anger this time, her eyes closed to avoid bodily distractions.

He watched her close her eyes, and as soon as she did, he stepped close to her, silently in his bare feet.
She thinks she's stealthy. I was one of the best.

"Then tell me what you mean,” he whispered and his breath brushed past her ear.

"Shit.” Evelyn pushed back off his chest hard almost falling backwards thanks to her ankle, and his massive arms caught her.

"Son of a bitch!” When did she get sloppy?

"Whoa there. I got you.” He wrestled with her arms knowing she had to be in pain. Finally he gave up and just picked her up. Joshua carried her back to the recliner and loomed over her as he pushed it back. She was laid out beneath him except his legs were off to one side. “You're hurt. Stop it."

"Do not talk to me like I'm a child.” Evelyn was embarrassed. None of her training kicked in. For the first time since she was a child, she was overpowered by a man, her arms pushed and flailed like a normal woman. He took over so easily. Too damn easily.

"Stop acting like one.” Joshua was right in her face. Any closer he could kiss her. Not that he would since her lip was busted, but he could.

"I'm not.” Evelyn huffed and crossed her arms, just like a child would. Damn if he didn't irritate her. And now, those green eyes burned through her and made her feel childish; hell, she was being childish.

"What do you want to eat, Wonder Woman? And please, don't ask for your weapon again. You can have it when you leave, or when I trust you. Whichever comes first.” Joshua lifted up and crossed his own arms.

Looking down at Evelyn he knew that her life had been hard. That she somehow intimidated men who knew her. And probably shocked the hell out of men who didn't, but he was more intrigued. Curiosity came with being a cop. She had a lot of secrets. He wanted to know them all.

"I'll leave then.” It was more of a pout than a statement, shocking to her ears. Not getting her way was new. She didn't like it.

"Not in my underwear you're not.” Joshua went back to the kitchen and waited.

"I'll have whatever you're having.” Evelyn still sat cross armed in the recliner, steadily losing control. “I don't want to leave hungry."

Joshua knew damn good and well she wasn't going anywhere. Grace said this was her safe house. Evelyn never put a return address on the postcards, never put Grace's name as a recipient. She was careful that no one knew about this place. Good thing he liked some of them, always quirky, or a picture of a place he may want to visit. He saved a few. That would be useful now. He wished he had saved them all. Maybe he could track her by the location and postage dates. He scrambled eggs and fried bacon in silence. Evelyn stewed in her temper tantrum.

Think. Damn it.
Evelyn had no place else to go. Her pride was strong, and her ego was bigger than Joshua, but both had been shut down or at least set down in this recliner. Men who knew her knew she was lethal. Men who didn't know her learned that quickly. But Joshua seemed unfazed, and unafraid. This was new. After a life of hating men, she never had to live with one, not like this. The Marines were easy. Once she proved she could handle her own, she was one of the guys, and that was that. Her stomach growled.

"God, that smells good.” Evelyn wasn't aware of how hungry she was until the aroma filled the air. She hadn't eaten in two days, aside from energy bars. Tracking down her sister had taken years. They told her Noel was dead, but something inside her said otherwise. When she arrived at the dive they called a bar, no one was there to meet her. The rain was heavy, and instead of a contact she found Nikolai. How he knew she'd be there was a mystery. Why he turned on her, she didn't know that yet either.

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